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Who misses the old school Spyro games? [CLOSED]
Jacques Green Sparx Gems: 383
#151 Posted: 02:05:23 29/11/2013
Wait in the future when our kids/future generation will be saying "they should remake those old, CLASSIC Skylanders games."

*I'll be proud to say none the less* smilie
"What are you saving your money for, another sequel?"
Feral_Miskunn Blue Sparx Gems: 976
#152 Posted: 22:43:29 06/12/2013
Would love it if they did a re release...
Even better would be a new game where you get to see all the old worlds in their splendour (updated graphics, Spyro 1-8 maybe) then after that you go on to new worlds...
I've drafted several schematics, plots and mechanics for the game...
Too bad so few of us have influence over Spyros future smilie
Faith Hope Love and the greatest of these is Love
DragonDog Ripto Gems: 1798
#153 Posted: 13:51:00 15/02/2014
I have no reason to miss old school Spyro, I still have all three games! smilie *Cue rainbow*
There is a loooot of Skylanders hate going around in the Spyro fanbase, but in my honest opinion I think Skylanders will always be more 'Spyro' than the.. *Shudders* TLoS series.. D:

I know right! After my family got Spyro the Enternal Night (Worse part it was a gift....) we didn't get Spyro Dawn of the Dragon because it seemed.... Different. Like scary monster movie different....When we saw it in the store before me and my sister put it on our Christmas list it looked awesome.....
The cover art, the way smilie walked, and some of the cool clawing and biting attacks that wasn't in older games was my favorite parts.... My whole family got stuck in the first level/area... It was that hard! And don't get me started on how stupid smilie was.... Classic Spyro and Skylander Spyro is my favorites! GO RETRO SPYRO!!!!! Yay!~ smilie
robbiepayne97 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1891
#154 Posted: 13:56:13 15/02/2014
Kids nowadays with Skylanders don't know how we actually grew up with the OLD Spyro. I have all the originals and I still play them every single day like it's my childhood all over again. The old and retro Spyro was the best and only the best!
furry for 13 years and counting! <3
theuone Platinum Sparx Gems: 6184
#155 Posted: 17:52:53 15/02/2014
I love all of Spyro games, I've only just lost my acceptance for the skylanders, they have gotten out of control. activison, in order to allow us to like them again, needs to bring back Spyro and Cynder in any way possible that does not include the skylanders.
On board Spyro Reignited hype, Choo choo!
Thanks to BlackWing116 for the Chimera drawing
Metaphorical phantom here, Blame everything lol.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#156 Posted: 18:52:31 15/02/2014
Quote: theuone
I love all of Spyro games, I've only just lost my acceptance for the skylanders, they have gotten out of control. activison, in order to allow us to like them again, needs to bring back Spyro and Cynder in any way possible that does not include the skylanders.

Ironically, they said in an interview that they want to honour Spyro and Cynder's history. If that was the case, I think they should've included more references to the old games in Skylanders, especially Swap Force because it was released the same year as Spyro's 15th anniversary. I'm disappointed that they didn't do anything to celebrate Spyro's anniversary last year.
Feral_Miskunn Blue Sparx Gems: 976
#157 Posted: 23:34:24 19/02/2014
I love the old Ps1 adventures... They are by far the best and I've played them (and still play them) more than any others in the franchise. Especially No1.
I'd love graphically updated versions. Or even something like an optional expansion pack. Or even another game made in their image... But I hope for the day that a new console/pc true Spyro game is released. smilie
I miss the music, the quirky design and atmosphere, the magic and the brilliance that was the original Spyro. Most of all, I miss the joy of discovering each new level as it came and all the secrets hidden away even in the most simple of maps!
Faith Hope Love and the greatest of these is Love
Skylark56 Blue Sparx Gems: 610
#158 Posted: 12:35:43 20/02/2014
Lets start one of those petitions for remakes or reboot's in the old style of Spyro and send the petition to Activision. Its bound to do something. Cash Cows run out of cash eventually, look at COD: Ghosts, that got bad reviews (finally), so then they switched things up a bit.
Finding Something New About Spyro Everyday!
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#159 Posted: 15:16:59 20/02/2014
I miss these old adventures...
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
skylandersspyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3872
#160 Posted: 20:31:58 10/09/2014
Even if im a kid i Still love old smilie
Uh Uh Uh! You didn't say the magic word!
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7857
#161 Posted: 10:21:11 30/10/2014
Quote: robbiepayne97
Kids nowadays with Skylander!

you darn kids with your lands in the sky and whatnot
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Bryman04 Gold Sparx Gems: 2116
#162 Posted: 23:05:46 03/09/2015
indeed i sometimes wish they just went back to making games like the original series. but there's nothing I could do about it smilie
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