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i'm becoming addicted to this game! [CLOSED]
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#1 Posted: 10:48:41 10/06/2012 | Topic Creator
its so strange, i used to hate it cos Hunter wasn't there, and i was like, "where the flip is hunter???" but now im older and have played it more, i like it!!!! YAY!
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#2 Posted: 15:11:01 10/06/2012
Quote: ilovespyro11
its so strange, i used to hate it cos Hunter wasn't there, and i was like, "where the flip is hunter???" but now im older and have played it more, i like it!!!! YAY!

You shouldn't just dislike a game just because a certain character that you like isn't there, you should focus on whether you like the gameplay or not, since that's what video games are all about, well, to me it is anyway.
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#3 Posted: 16:19:27 10/06/2012 | Topic Creator
i know, but i was about six or seven then, now i'm twelve and i honestly dont care that Hunter isn't there smilie
spyrodadragon Green Sparx Gems: 490
#4 Posted: 21:12:46 08/07/2012
i used to hate spyro cause i didn't like dragons but i loved him in skylanders and bought it on my psp and play all the time until i lost my psp charger and i'm still looking for it
everyone spam this now Posted Image: http://cdn.memegenerator.net/i...0x/30597908.jpg
or the enderman will kill you
avatar by kap
Aconx5 Blue Sparx Gems: 517
#5 Posted: 14:58:41 12/07/2012
Thats too bad. I would b crying if i did that.
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