Spider-Man: Far From Home
I wouldn't really say it was better than Homecoming, as it had some really weird pacing issues in the first act, but once it got going, it didn't let up. Overall, a really good film, and a very good addition to the MCU!
Also Mysterio's illusions were excellent. I didn't really like him as a "hero" but he was excellent as a villain. When he's taunting Spidey in Germany? With the zombie Iron Man and the glass shards, and the "you're just a scared kid in a sweatsuit"? Oof, my favorite sequence in the MCU to date.
Is it me, or has Spider-Man be the superhero that has suffered the most? Assuming uncle Ben existed in the MCU, he lost him. He faces his first villain, who on top of that is the father of the girl he was going out with. And then afterwards he literally dies and returns to a world he doesn't know anymore. And then mere minutes later, he loses his second father figure. He dies right in front of him. And then comes his second mayor villain, who pretends to be a hero and manipulates his innocent mind. And when his colors are revealed, not only does Mysterio wants him dead, he wants to psychologically torment him. Killing him isn't enough. He wants to destroy his mind too. And was that enough? NO. Mysterio made sure to make Spider-Man look like a villain who killed him, and a top of that, exposes his identity to the ENTIRE world!
In other words;
This Spider-Man has gone through some deep crap. And we're talking about a teenager here