darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Idle Chatter > Last movie you watched.
Gold Sparx
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#1851 Posted: 13:45:10 14/01/2019
Believe the hype, my dude! Support creators doing innovative things in film animation
Prismatic Sparx
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#1852 Posted: 17:20:20 14/01/2019
I was skeptical about it since the hype is similar to The Lego Movie, which I'm sorry to say I didn't like very much. But perhaps this one will be different.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Platinum Sparx
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#1853 Posted: 23:47:00 20/01/2019
That was fun. |
Gold Sparx
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#1854 Posted: 00:23:30 27/01/2019
The LEGO Movie 2: Second Part
Caught an early screening today. You all know me... the first LEGO Movie is my favorite film of all time. This film had a lot of expectations to fill. Safe to say, though... I thought it was really fun. I felt this film felt really expansive and ambitious. The animation, once again, is stellar. The story is really cool and way better than the original, I feel. The only thing that really puts it below the original is the comedy. It's funny, sure, but unlike the OG, I feel like the comedy got in the way too much for me to really enjoy it. They were cramming in jokes a mile a minute and not all of them really worked. It's a shame too, because there's a lot of creative elements here, but some of the comedy will probably date the film and make it hard to really recommend it to someone who already didn't care for the original. All in all, a good film with some great animation and a touching story. 7/10 |
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#1855 Posted: 20:05:15 10/02/2019
lego movie 2. not bad at all!
Emerald Sparx
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#1856 Posted: 20:45:44 10/02/2019
Watch Lego Movie 2 and Alita Battle Angel. Love Unikitty and fall in love with Alita.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#1857 Posted: 02:07:02 11/02/2019
Lego Movie 2
disappointed they went the "anti-masculine" route. |
Gold Sparx
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#1858 Posted: 03:41:45 11/02/2019
Batman Ninja
It was just crazy enough for me to love it. I really liked most of the designs as well, especially Catwoman's.
(✿≧▽≦)>> ☆ |
Emerald Sparx
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#1859 Posted: 17:26:39 11/02/2019
Quote: Vespi
That's a funny coincidence! Me and a friend have been talking about seeing Batman Ninja. Interesting to see it pop up again outside of that context.
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Gold Sparx
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#1860 Posted: 21:15:42 11/02/2019
Quote: ThunderEgg
It was honestly excellent. It's a really awesome blend of superhero and anime/super sentai tropes that just... kinda works really well? It's not exactly an innovative film, but the voice acting is pretty good and its a fantastic movie to just turn off your brain and have a bunch of dumb fun watching.
(✿≧▽≦)>> ☆ |
Gold Sparx
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#1861 Posted: 00:16:57 13/02/2019
Quote: Sesshomaru75
On Parr??? ——— I saw two movies tonight. Anastasia and Isle of Dogs. Anastasia was stupid and weird. I have no idea who decided to make Rasputin an evil zombie wizard, but I want to congratulate you on ruining/saving this dull ass movie. 4/10 Isle of Dogs is a completely different beast. I loved it so much! So visually striking and compelling. Everything is so reserved and chill. It was honestly hypnotic. It kinda dragged near the latter half. I don’t know entirely what it was, but I was almost bored by it at a point. Almost. Still really good though! 8.5/10 |
Emerald Sparx
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#1862 Posted: 05:14:13 13/02/2019
The last movie that I watched was the infamous "Producer's Cut" of Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, which is the sixth installment in the movies' franchise. This particular version actually was the "original" cut of the film, until the studio decided to do reshoots after negative test audience feedback. This version, known as the "Theatrical Cut," was released instead, and is considered by many to be a terrible Halloween film.
In this film, Michael's motivation to kill is finally "explained." When Michael was a child, he had a "curse" put on him. This curse is known as "Thorn," and its origins dates back to the ancient Celtic Druid times. This "curse" works by making its victim gain superhuman strength, and invulnerability, and in order for the hex to be lifted, everyone involved in your bloodline must be eradicated. Afterwards, the "curse" would be passed onto another poor sap. There's a bit more to it than that, but for the sake of not making this too long, I'll end explanations at that. A lot of fans hate this idea, and find it a lot more scarier that Michael has no "reasoning" towards his malevolent ways; he is just "pure evil" personified. I actually think this was a pretty interesting idea. It probably could have been executed better, though? The atmosphere is great, and the acting is good. The mask used for the film has mixed reception, but I really love it. I find it looks really demented and evil. It's an improvement from the mask used in the fifth film, that's for sure. Michael's portrayals by George P. Wilbur and Allen Michael Lerner are really good, wicked, and brutal. The kills are okay, but I think the Theatrical Cut made them a bit better by adding some more gore to a few of them. A lot of people tend to find the Theatrical Cut a confusing mess of a movie. I happen to agree with them. I prefer the Producer's Cut. This is how the film should have been released back in 1995. |
Yellow Sparx
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#1863 Posted: 14:31:55 13/02/2019
How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
furry for 13 years and counting! <3 |
Prismatic Sparx
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#1864 Posted: 14:55:04 13/02/2019
Quote: robbiepayne97
Want to watch that and the second as I wait for the third and most likely last one.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#1865 Posted: 15:02:09 03/03/2019
Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle, the Andy Serkis one.
HOLY ****. This movie is brutal. A sight for sore eyes after the Disney one where everything was a bit too goofy; also chaotic neutral Kaa is way better.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Gold Sparx
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#1866 Posted: 02:58:55 07/03/2019
LEGO Movie 2. It was good, but not the best. I certainly enjoyed it, but I also felt like it just didn’t have the same heart or humor to it as the first two.
If I had to rank the movies so far in order, I’d have to say it’s: 1. LEGO Batman Movie 2. LEGO Movie 3. LEGO Movie 2 4. LEGO Ninjago
i made the "bus" look like my "dad" |
Platinum Sparx
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#1867 Posted: 04:40:35 09/03/2019
The first two Jurassic Park movies. Haven't watched the movies in awhile, so rewatching them.
Gold Sparx
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#1868 Posted: 20:30:56 18/03/2019
I don't think I've liked a superhero movie less, and as the self proclaimed queen of Marvel, I'm surprised. Batman v Superman had more depth and personality than this complete waste of two hours. There was one good action scene, and the symbiote itself was very well written, but everything else was a complete mess. The acting was all over the place, the writing was awful, the CGI felt cheap, the only positive things I can say I already covered. Also Kleatus Cassidy looked like Ronald McDonald, I hated it.
(✿≧▽≦)>> ☆ |
Carmelita Fox
Prismatic Sparx
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#1869 Posted: 03:09:16 10/04/2019
Shin Godzilla
What a wonderful movie! I was impressed by the movie's ability to take the most boring part of a typical Godzilla movie (the humans) and actually make it quite interesting. It reminded me a lot of Doctor Strangelove at points. I don't think people who just wanna see big monster fights will like this movie as much, but this movie's version of Goji is still a spectacle to behold and is actually quite disturbing. |
Emerald Sparx
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#1870 Posted: 07:46:04 13/04/2019
Takeshi Kitano's Hana-bi/Fireworks
Been itching to see this for a while, and it didn't disappoint. Only seen one Kitano movie before this (+ some of Takeshi's Castle), so I'm looking forward to checking out what else he's worked on. Seems like his films have got a knack for mixing brutality with more lighthearted elements in a way that still feels sincere. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:48:26 13/04/2019 by semp123
Diamond Sparx
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#1871 Posted: 02:50:16 26/04/2019
Avengers: Endgame.
Holy ****ing ****
Cool cool. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#1872 Posted: 03:56:53 26/04/2019
Quote: pankakesparx456
I'll be seeing that one soon. Thanks for not spoiling anything.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#1873 Posted: 06:59:25 26/04/2019
Also Avengers: Endgame.
No spoilers, but it is definitely the ultimate culmination of the entire MCU up to this point. Even more so than Infinity War. Absolutely phenomenal.
(✿≧▽≦)>> ☆ |
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911 |
#1874 Posted: 20:18:02 28/04/2019
The new Hellboy
It was waaaayyy more gory than the original |
Prismatic Sparx
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#1875 Posted: 00:11:21 29/04/2019
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Diamond Sparx
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#1876 Posted: 02:25:46 07/05/2019
watched 2 movies today. teen titans go to the movies and anna and the apocalypse.
teen titans go to the movies this movie was much more better than what it had the right to be. comedy was pretty funny and i laughed out loud at a lot of jokes and references. ending joke left it on a high note. honestly a pleasant surprise that actually had heart in it to. 7/10 anna and the apocalypse fun promising concept of a zombie christmas musical with a first half that was super enjoyable. music was catchy but this movie gets depressing in its second half where it forgets that its a musical and filled with death and surprising emotional scenes. a fun and then a depressing time but could have been better with a budget. 7/10 |
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 00:26:35 08/05/2019 by somePerson
Spyro Fanatic
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#1877 Posted: 15:04:36 09/05/2019
Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Not bad. Although the plot was convoluted and the "twist" was predictable. Overall, I really enjoyed it. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:19:09 09/05/2019 by Spyro Fanatic
Diamond Sparx
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#1878 Posted: 19:55:24 09/05/2019
Erin Brockovich
Prismatic Sparx
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#1879 Posted: 12:55:43 11/05/2019
Detective Pikachu.
Now THAT's what video game movies should be. Inside the universe, not trying to talk down to fans, anime as **** optional. The amount of family unfriendly jokes was crazy too! I was expecting most of it from Reynolds, but "it's the stuff that went up my nose" and the Magikarp gag were surprising.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Diamond Sparx
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#1880 Posted: 15:01:26 13/05/2019
Detective Pikachu- really fun and cute! Hands down the best video game adaptation we've gotten yet and a really good movie in its own right.
Cool cool. |
Diamond Sparx
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#1881 Posted: 06:13:59 16/05/2019
pacific rim: i dont like it. i thought it was boring and character development was garbage. monsters had uninspired designs and the jaegers lacked personality. this film is basically a demo disc because it is nice to look at on your new 4k tv. 6/10
Gold Sparx
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#1882 Posted: 07:02:50 16/05/2019
Detective Pikachu
Overall, a pretty fun time! Definitely the best video game adaptation, but that's not really saying much. It suffered some story issues, and the plot was kind of thin at times, but the humor was really well done, and above all, they made a Pokemon world believable. Everyone and everything in that world felt like it was a natural fit. It was less of a "oh look, Pokemon" film and more of a "Pokemon exist here, here's the narrative that just so happens to feature them in a prominent role" thing. Definitely made for the people who grew up with it though, not for people who have no knowledge or interest in the series.
(✿≧▽≦)>> ☆ |
Emerald Sparx
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#1883 Posted: 16:21:45 29/05/2019
Detective Pikachu
Thought the animation was pretty good overall. Mewtwo's mouthflaps could have been a little better; not used to seeing it move it's lips. Pikachu looked so fluffy and cuddly, though. I loved seeing all of the fur patterns on its body. Made me like pikachu a bit more. Usually I kind of roll my eyes at the electric mouse because it's everywhere, but Ryan Reynolds made it really charming to me. I really liked the setup/worldbuilding for the story. Rhyme city seemed cool. I'd totally want to live there. However, I feel the plot ultimately played out like a generic anime movie at the end. Cool to see those troupes in English and live-action; but also disappointing, because the story could have been so much deeper. I don't really feel like the movie needed a big anime battle at the end. Then again, this is Pokemon. You know, the franchise where you make your anime monsters fight. I just feel that the plot could have gone in a more interesting direction had it not been tied down to keeping up brand image. Despite this, I feel that the movie balanced out keeping up an image and exploring new things pretty well. I mean, there's a scene where the pokemon are in illegal cage fights and basically using 'roids. Not what I'd generally expect from an official pokemon product. Pikachu even says "hell". Love it.
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60) |
Diamond Sparx
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#1884 Posted: 16:30:23 29/05/2019
Gold Sparx
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#1885 Posted: 01:25:37 02/06/2019
Godzilla: King Of The Monsters
I have no words...just watch it.
i made the "bus" look like my "dad" |
Prismatic Sparx
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#1886 Posted: 01:36:48 02/06/2019
Quote: Chompy-King257
I did the day before yesterday ![]()
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Gold Sparx
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#1887 Posted: 07:26:42 15/06/2019
Secret Life of Pets 2
I was kinda dragged along to this movie more than seeing it out of my own free will, but it was okay. There were a few funny moments I can remember, but I disliked almost all of the tiger subplot thing, and Max getting involved in it felt really forced. it was pretty good up until the last like, third of the film. Overall, it was pretty serviceable. - - - Godzilla: King of the Monsters I thought this was also a pretty decent movie. I'm not a huge Godzilla fan by any stretch, but my favorites have always been Mothra and Mechagodzilla, so it was really nice to see Mothra kick some Titan butt in the film. I liked all the references to Kong, even though I kind of disliked that film, just because it helped it feel like an actual universe setting up future films without forcing it in the ways that films like Iron Man 2 did. Also, this film pleasantly surprised me because for once I actually cared about the human characters caught up in the middle of it. I feel like I had the opposite opinion of many of the critics and fans alike, though. I didn't think it was "too dark to see what was going on", the lighting for the fights was pretty decent and believable when you have a giant three headed storm dragon making a Cat 6 hurricane over your fight. While a lot of people said "the monster fights were the best part", I kind of disagree. I don't really know what I felt like the best part is, but we saw Godzilla and Ghidorah fight 3 times over the course of the film, and over time, it felt like there was only so many ways you could watch the two charge, Godzilla catch two of the heads, get bit in the neck by the middle one, get shot by lightning and fall over, etc. Partially because of my Mothra bias, I much preferred watching Mothra and Rodan fight. Hell, I even preferred the Ghidorah vs Rodan fight, just because it was something fresh. Don't get me wrong, it was cool in Antarctica, the last half in Boston was rad, but any other time the two fought, it felt the same. Overall, I'd say the movie is the most solid one in the Monsterverse so far, even though I have some minor issues with it. Mothra should have been in it more though. > : (
(✿≧▽≦)>> ☆ |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:01:35 17/06/2019 by Vespi
Emerald Sparx
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#1888 Posted: 02:17:00 17/06/2019
Watched the original Suspiria a few nights ago.
willspyro Ripto Gems: 5862 |
#1889 Posted: 02:35:21 17/06/2019
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577 |
#1890 Posted: 06:59:33 17/06/2019
breaking dawn part 2
i lost braincells.
looks like ive got some things to do... |
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#1891 Posted: 22:48:52 19/06/2019
The Punisher (2004)
This has to be one of my favorite Marvel movies. Thomas Jane does a great job portraying Frank Castle. (Granted, I do love the Netflix series with Jon Bernthal because god dang it, it is very good.) This movie is really interesting to me because of the funny moments sprinkled in throughout. i mean seriously the blow torch on the chunk of meat scene is my favorite.
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed." |
Diamond Sparx
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#1892 Posted: 18:44:53 27/06/2019
Godzilla King of the Monsters- pretty cool. Had some really awesome monster fights and is a visual spectacle. Didn't love it as much as 2014 but still a really solid entry in the series. Godzilla vs. Kong can't come soon enough.
Aladdin 2019- Liked it fine enough. The directing on this film feels really flat, but the songs are decent renditions of the classic songs. Will Smith really gives a good take on the Genie and Naomi Scott is amazing as Princess Jasmine. Mena Massoud does pretty good as Aladdin too. Jafar isn't that great though and is probably one of the worst aspects of this movie imo. It's not incredible but I think it's a fine enough retelling of the animated classic.
Cool cool. |
Prismatic Sparx
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#1893 Posted: 19:21:23 27/06/2019
Quote: pankakesparx456
Been planning to see it. The original Aladdin came the year I was born, and I absolutely adore the animated series. One of the best Disney has ever done in my opinion. It has some really great episodes and very awesome villains, and of course the Genie's usual antics. Iago was hilarious as well ![]()
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
Emerald Sparx
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#1894 Posted: 19:17:44 03/07/2019
The Descent (2005)
A group of six girls go into the Appalachian mountains to do some cave exploring, and they get lost. They are not alone, however. The caves are inhabited by these humanoid creatures, and they are ready to spill some blood. A great horror film. One of my favorites. The chemistry between the girls are really great, and you can really feel for them at times. They’re not afraid of anything, they know how to kick some monster ass, and they’re always looking out for each other. You feel the bond that they all have. I found they were all likable characters. The build up, the tension, and the atmosphere are great. It can get real claustrophobic at times, too. The creatures are probably one of the scariest I’ve seen in a horror film. They are blind, and hunt their prey by using sound. If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to stand perfectly still and keep myself quiet with one of those things in my face. Them ladies had some balls. The film also has a depressing backstory, too. One of the girls loses her husband and her young daughter in a nasty car crash, and it really ****s her up. There’s more to it, but I won’t explain in order to not spoil anything. A really awesome horror flick. You should watch it whenever you can. |
Gold Sparx
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#1895 Posted: 19:31:29 03/07/2019
Spider-Man: Far From Home
I wouldn't really say it was better than Homecoming, as it had some really weird pacing issues in the first act, but once it got going, it didn't let up. Overall, a really good film, and a very good addition to the MCU! Also Mysterio's illusions were excellent. I didn't really like him as a "hero" but he was excellent as a villain. When he's taunting Spidey in Germany? With the zombie Iron Man and the glass shards, and the "you're just a scared kid in a sweatsuit"? Oof, my favorite sequence in the MCU to date.
(✿≧▽≦)>> ☆ |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:32:32 03/07/2019 by Vespi
Emerald Sparx
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#1896 Posted: 01:25:07 14/07/2019
Short Cuts
It was alright |
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#1897 Posted: 02:13:57 14/07/2019
Jamie and I watched shrek. she liked it lol
"The cowboy has always been a dying breed But he takes his dying slowly, perched upon his steed." |
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