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Made-up Ending [CLOSED]
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#1 Posted: 19:47:05 26/05/2008 | Topic Creator
my made up ending: in the end. Ignitus killed hisself saving Spyro. Spyro nearly died doing a MASSIVE fury to kill off all evil for good, but Cynder's love for him made him stay alive. The other 3 guardians make Spyro and Cynder the new good rulers of the temple. They all have a kinda funeral for Ignitus. Then, it zooms a few years later, Spyro and Cynder are older, and their egg is just hatching. They r twins in 1 egg. 1 is a girl that looks like Cynder and the other is a boy that looks like Spyro...then it kinda leaves it case they decide to make another game.
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#2 Posted: 19:55:52 26/05/2008
Well, ur ending is ok, but i just wanna know one thing, what color is the egg that they are born in, and if Cynder's love keeps Spyro alive what did Ignitus save Spyro from.

Thnx for reading my response!
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#3 Posted: 10:57:19 27/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Ignitus killed his self saving Spyro and Cynder: DM tryed to kill them with like a Dark-Elemental-Hyper-Beam and Ignitus jumped in the way so he died...cant explain much but....

the egg colour of their Twin's Egg is: A black colour but in light it shines a "Mystic Violet" colour.
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5887
#4 Posted: 16:48:59 27/05/2008
Can I continue the story?

OK, so here's how it goes:

When the one that looked like Spyro's egg hatched he got lost. Then some dragons came and took care of him. He suddenly heard that gnasty gnorc had turned all of the dragons into stone. When he had defeated gnasty gnorc he then noticed that the ancestors were looking over him.

That's were I think Std comes from smilie.

sorry that wasn't DotD.
no i will not write a signature for you
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#5 Posted: 18:15:08 27/05/2008 | Topic Creator
^ good ideasmilie
While Spyro's son is doing all the STD and the rest of the games, Spyro has called him Spyro (after him for when the 1st Spyro dies) and they call Spyro's daughter (that looks like Cynder), Ellar. (like Cynder-Ellarsmilie) and Ellar becomes the Guardian-ess of Fear
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#6 Posted: 22:48:14 27/05/2008
Dun Dun Dun
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#7 Posted: 15:34:41 28/05/2008 | Topic Creator
whats the "dun dun dun" for?smilie
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#8 Posted: 18:54:16 28/05/2008
Quote: Lover of Spyro
^ good ideasmilie
While Spyro's son is doing all the STD and the rest of the games, Spyro has called him Spyro (after him for when the 1st Spyro dies) and they call Spyro's daughter (that looks like Cynder), Ellar. (like Cynder-Ellarsmilie) and Ellar becomes the Guardian-ess of Fear

Actualy yours and Robo-Spyro's idea could be true becuase in YOTD there is and elder purple dragon, he looks like Spyro and at the end of the game Spyro goes running up to him and the elder is clapping his hands? Could be true.
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#9 Posted: 19:31:12 28/05/2008
the guardianess of fear, thats what it is for
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#10 Posted: 19:33:46 28/05/2008
I highly doubt that that purple-colored dragon has anything to do with the prophecy of the purple dragon, "bionicle2809". Remember that this game (made by Insomniac) didn't refer to any purple-like dragon legend. That only came when Sierra and Krome made the "Legend Of Spyro" series. So, yeah, this may look like he's a part of the prophecy, "bionicle2809", but take in mind about the length of time the two different game releases, and the two different Spyro companies who made Spyro video games.
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bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#11 Posted: 19:37:15 28/05/2008
Yeah, I know I was just saying its probably the most realistic idea Ive ever heard. I mean some people said that spyro got knocked out and forgot everything?
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#12 Posted: 19:48:47 29/05/2008
i actually have yet to find a REALLY reasonable idea
SequoiaDragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3930
#13 Posted: 20:19:09 29/05/2008
Quote: IamCynder
i actually have yet to find a REALLY reasonable idea

Look at the topic called "Look at these three awesome dragons" in Fandom, and you'll see a story further down. Do you think that's a good idea?

Oh, and good ending, Lover of Spyro! I kinda hope it doesn't happen though, cause it's sad...
My book Harahpin is now on sale! smilie
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#14 Posted: 21:01:02 29/05/2008
i already checked that one out, and it is okay, but i just dont think that it is the most reasonable idea, but it is possible...
i mean, come on Spyro, Ember, and Flame...
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#15 Posted: 00:11:20 30/05/2008
Ignitus must not die!
You kicked who in the what now?
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#16 Posted: 16:11:37 01/06/2008
but it would be the ending that the game creators would make to prevent further continuation of their trilogy...
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#17 Posted: 21:11:56 01/06/2008
This is what I think: Cynder and Spyro will merge thier powers somehow to make a super strong dragon, or "fight as one". Maybe Cynder will give her powers to Spyro, either to save him from death, or just before she dies, or just for the sake of killing the Dark Master.

A transformation into Light Spyro seems possibe, if predictable.

I hope this game ends on a really light, happy note, unlike the last two. In other words no one dies and all the evil in defeated completely.
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#18 Posted: 23:58:01 02/06/2008
if evil is defeated completely, the Dark Master would have to die, and I bet that they will kill Hunter.
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#19 Posted: 03:56:07 03/06/2008
...I'll kill Hunter with my bare hands!
You kicked who in the what now?
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