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Favorite music [CLOSED]
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4254
#1 Posted: 09:45:46 28/04/2012 | Topic Creator
What's your favorite music? My favorites are:
-Wizard Peak, it's so catchy and awesome.
-Misty Bog, also awesome
-Toasty, fits the level, dark but amazing
-Metalhead, it's sort of dark but I love it
-Peace Keepers Alternate, so catchy and easy to listen to
-Blowhard, also a catchy piece
-Terrace Village, even if not many people like it, I think it's great
-Haunted Towers, amazing
-Lofty Castle, quite relaxing
The darkness only stays at nighttime, in the morning it'll fade away. Daylight's good at arriving at the right time, it's not always going to be this grey~
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#2 Posted: 21:54:24 01/05/2012
Definetely the theme song, and also Misty Bog and Wizard Peak music.
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#3 Posted: 05:22:39 04/05/2012
Toasty's theme is the best.

After that, I'd say any theme from the Gnexus levels, Peace Keepers, its alternate, Blowhard and Misty Bog.
Feral_Miskunn Blue Sparx Gems: 976
#4 Posted: 21:18:12 06/05/2012
Quite like Alpine Ridge and High Caves, they feel different somehow to most of the music. And o' course Gnasty's Loot!
Faith Hope Love and the greatest of these is Love
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#5 Posted: 21:25:17 06/05/2012
I love them all. (:
My favorites are Lofty Castle, Blowhard, Dr Shemp, and Wizard's Peak. And some others I don't quite remember.
but i love it all smooth
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#6 Posted: 20:02:07 07/05/2012
All of them are so beautiful, but I Love Lofty Castle, Dark Hollow and Gnasty's Loot
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#7 Posted: 20:40:16 07/05/2012
All music in a Spyro game is pure genius.
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#8 Posted: 15:37:26 08/05/2012
Theme music and Artisans are my favourite music in this game. They are most Spyro-ish music for me smilie
Any Osu fan here?
VespiDragon8 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6693
#9 Posted: 02:21:40 09/05/2012
To keep things simple. Indeed all the OST of the game is great!
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7357
#10 Posted: 03:54:13 28/05/2012
I LOVE the music in Lofty Castle. It is just so amazing and relaxing.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#11 Posted: 06:26:42 09/06/2012
Lofty Castle, Icy Flight, the opening song and Misty Bog. Lofty Castle is my favourite though.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
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