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Completion times [CLOSED]
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4254
#1 Posted: 10:09:00 22/04/2012 | Topic Creator
How long, approximately, did you think it took you to complete the whole game?
I timed myself playing, and I took 3 hours 44 minutes to complete it. What about you?
The darkness only stays at nighttime, in the morning it'll fade away. Daylight's good at arriving at the right time, it's not always going to be this grey~
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#2 Posted: 10:42:13 22/04/2012
For first time - around 6 hours. Later it took less time, around 3-4 hours
Any Osu fan here?
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4254
#3 Posted: 15:43:39 22/04/2012 | Topic Creator
Yes. The first time I timed it it was almost 6 hours. Then it went to 4 and a half, and then this. The very first time I completed it I was about 5, so that probably took me about 3 days smilie
The darkness only stays at nighttime, in the morning it'll fade away. Daylight's good at arriving at the right time, it's not always going to be this grey~
AshETERNAL Green Sparx Gems: 387
#4 Posted: 23:31:59 22/04/2012
Over 6 years....
*Previously on this site as GlitchGirl. Heheh. I hate losing passwords and forgetting what of 5 emails you registered with smilie*
Dunkin Yellow Sparx Gems: 1066
#5 Posted: 00:49:33 23/04/2012
lol I've never completed it, just never got the chance too. I got the Gnasty Gnork but never beat him.
I <3 all Spyro games!smilie
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#6 Posted: 01:30:19 24/04/2012
I took like 7 hours to get the 120% in the first time, but now I take like 4-5 hours and I really enjoy it smilie
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4254
#7 Posted: 20:21:52 24/04/2012 | Topic Creator
It took me 9 years to complete YoTD at first (finished it in October) but now it takes me 4 days. smilie I think I know which games are hardest xD
The darkness only stays at nighttime, in the morning it'll fade away. Daylight's good at arriving at the right time, it's not always going to be this grey~
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#8 Posted: 08:24:02 25/04/2012
If we count that I had Spyro 1 demo when I was 4 then I finished it in 8 years for first time
Any Osu fan here?
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3361
#9 Posted: 16:01:58 25/04/2012
A couple of days
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
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