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It's Consoletacular! [CLOSED]
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#51 Posted: 21:03:20 05/03/2007 | Topic Creator
This isn't a social topic, please use the General, Off Topic or Spam boards for such things. Also, check the Help Files for information about Gems. Also, please edit your posts to add new content instead of posting multiple times in a row after yourself. Thank you.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Last edited at 21:04:00 05/03/2007 by dark52
Red Spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 964
#52 Posted: 12:08:14 08/03/2007
Im sorry Dark Im a bit new to the site... But im relly enjoying the content on it. I visit every day. And im just Relly wondering about the Character Guide. Sorry again.
Skylanders: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#53 Posted: 13:34:22 14/03/2007
the new code is awesome , i turned spyro into a living rapid fire earth shot
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
Red Spyro Blue Sparx Gems: 964
#54 Posted: 13:59:34 15/03/2007
I did the same its great to kill your enemies like that, Thanks Dark
Skylanders: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#55 Posted: 13:57:23 21/03/2007
hey dark, why dont yu post an update about the upcoming game
spyro: the eternal night
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#56 Posted: 14:14:56 21/03/2007 | Topic Creator
Because it's an unsubstantiated rumour. If something more concrete were to appear then I'd consider it, but right now it's not worth it.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#57 Posted: 17:42:47 21/03/2007
Yes Dark, it is little more than a rumour. Until an official announcement is made, no updates to the site should be made concerning the game.
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#58 Posted: 12:06:09 23/03/2007
maybe you are right
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#59 Posted: 16:00:23 23/03/2007
I've heard nothing on this from any sources....
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
spyroandsparx Gold Sparx Gems: 2220
#60 Posted: 23:42:14 25/03/2007
I was HOPING that game would come out... smilie
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#61 Posted: 00:03:55 26/03/2007
It's all a rumor. It disappeared from Wikipedia!
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
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