
Spyro: A Hero's Tail


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Where is this game in the franchise? [CLOSED]
Juniper Green Sparx Gems: 109
#1 Posted: 10:01:47 26/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Is it in the Classic-verse or is it in a new verse?
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#2 Posted: 13:47:13 26/12/2011
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#3 Posted: 21:05:57 26/12/2011
Technically, it falls under "classic" but not "Insomniac". AHT and SL are so different from the Insomniac games that they can be counted as their own category (TV Tropes lists this as being in the "undead zombie" phase of the franchise smilie).
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#4 Posted: 12:05:32 27/12/2011
Definitely Classic
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#5 Posted: 15:02:40 27/12/2011
Quote: Razz
Technically, it falls under "classic" but not "Insomniac". AHT and SL are so different from the Insomniac games that they can be counted as their own category (TV Tropes lists this as being in the "undead zombie" phase of the franchise smilie).

Honestly, I wouldn't say that Enter the Dragonfly was THAT different to the classics, the only real differences are the increased amount of activities in the hub and the addition of new breath types, other differences can be ascribed to corner-cutting. Still, no different to the classics as the classsics were to each other.

AHT, yeah, that one sticks out.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#6 Posted: 19:31:27 27/12/2011
I don't agree that AHT and SL are out of the category from Classic.
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#7 Posted: 19:39:52 27/12/2011
Wait, SL? Shadow Legacy? I could have sworn that it said Enter the Dragonfly before. I guess I need more sleep. :S
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#8 Posted: 21:31:48 27/12/2011
Like I said, AHT and SL fit in with "Classic" but they don't fit in with the Insomniac/EtD games (as bad as EtD is, it's still very plainly meant to be part of the same world established in the original three). By contrast, AHT and SL are radically different to those first four games.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#9 Posted: 21:36:04 27/12/2011
I think AHT and SL are apart of the same world as in the Insomniac era. I don't what is so different about those two really.
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#10 Posted: 23:55:27 27/12/2011
It saved Spyro from ETD, that's for sure.
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
lolwhut Emerald Sparx Gems: 4306
#11 Posted: 17:47:02 30/12/2011
Classic. This isn't Insomniac, no, it's better than the one from its predecessors (EQUINOXE/Check Six), and the series hasn't been reset yet, so they still use the classic characters.

I should know this, I got this game for Christmas this year. (Me=Outdated Videogames)
DeviantArt: ThatSketchyDragon
Juniper Green Sparx Gems: 109
#12 Posted: 12:25:55 17/01/2012 | Topic Creator
I've heard people say that this game may be it's own continuity, as their are retcons and noticeable differences from the classic trio. However that could simply be chalked into "These aren't the same developers".
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#13 Posted: 01:05:09 19/01/2012
In my opinion, Its not a classic.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#14 Posted: 10:37:40 24/01/2012
Quote: Purple n Spyro
In my opinion, Its not a classic.

What is it from then? LOL.
Dunkin Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#15 Posted: 03:48:36 20/04/2012
Definitely a Semi-classic. Its one of my favorites to be honest.
I <3 all Spyro games!smilie
The Aecho Green Sparx Gems: 337
#16 Posted: 04:00:53 20/04/2012
It's set after ETD which is set after YOTD, so classic.
Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, To keep evil forever at bay!
emberelora Emerald Sparx Gems: 3059
#17 Posted: 15:04:10 24/06/2012
I always classed it as a classic. I always look at the game play itself to make my mind up about it. The plot is still rather basic and focuses mainly on completing main things to advance but with little tasks on the side, like the original trilogy. It also keeps the characters relatively similar (I know not completely, but at least they kept them).
"This is the most musically inclined situation I've ever found myself in and I've played guitar hero!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:05:00 24/06/2012 by emberelora
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#18 Posted: 16:27:09 24/06/2012
Insomniac Spyro is Classic. I heard Hunter isn't the humurous, lovable idiot he is in GTG and YOTD
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#19 Posted: 14:22:23 25/06/2012
It may not be called a classic, but it IS stuck with the classics if you do it by order. Because after that game, it went to the legend series. AHT would fall nowhere if it wasn't actually in the classic order.
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
Winston1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#20 Posted: 14:44:14 25/06/2012
It's classic depending on your own personal opinion, just as if I was to consider LoS: The Eternal Night a classic, than it's a classic. A Hero's Tail DOES, however, fall in with the original series, just as do all Spyro games from Spyro 1- Shadow Legacy.
Project_Unnamed Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10855
#21 Posted: 15:08:26 29/06/2012
AHT is definately part of the classic Spyro series. There is actually evidence of that inthe actual game itself. And this game actually IMO carried the original story and added to it very well.

The first argument that this game is actually original is the existence of Gnasty Gnorc. The diaogue between Spyro and him in this game refers to their first quarrel in Spyro the Dragon. And I think that Gnasty Gnorc is the most waterproof evidence that AHT is part of the original series. Gnasty Gnorc loses the battle to Spyro in Spyro the Dragon and gets locked up in prison until the day when Red returns from the exile and helps Gnasty to break out of the jail. And from that moment on Gnasty is dying to have his revenge on Spyro.

Other thing is that there are still characters from previous games. Characters such as Hunter, Zoe, Sgt. Byrd, Bentley, Professor and, last but not the least, Moneybags are still in similiar with their former versions - with new designs. These characters actually perform their traditional ways. Zoe marks the temporary save spot, Sgt. Byrd flies and does his military stuff, Hunter is still his egoistic self and Moneybags is still his lovely self, dying to get your gems.

And this game brings new aspects to this series. After the ferocious wars between gnorcs, riptocs and rhynocs the Dragon Realms are finally peaceful place where everyday life has the chance to take over. New society can be rebuild and one of its gameplay effects is the new money currency. Gems are still used but now in the time of welfare gems have become more usual and more accessible to the masses, so their value hast been re-valuated.
And the new characters like Blink, Flame, Ember and Red have expanded classic universe.

Gameplay is also very similar to the classics. Basically charge-flame-explore combination as in the earlier games. Basic platformer with lots of collectibles. Nothing more to say.

All in all I think that AHT had something beautiful going on and it was a shame that classics lost their market value and were not able to be so timeless (in profit aspect). The story was actually maturing. Game design and new features kept the original feel in the gameplay but still kept the game series fresh. So everything sums up to this: Spyro the Dragon: A Hero's Tail is a classic Spyro game... at least in my opinion.
I might give you more opinions... for a small fee of course.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:43:12 30/06/2012 by Project_Unnamed
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#22 Posted: 16:03:04 29/06/2012
I say the first three are Classics because they don't have complicated missions like Eternal Night and so forth do. I haven't played A Hero's Tail but I want to.

Imagination belongs in books and heads.
awesomespyros10 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1437
#23 Posted: 18:14:50 29/06/2012
This was from my 3DS. Now it isn't. I also like the number 10, which is why I put it in my username.

I <3 all Spyros!
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8444
#24 Posted: 18:20:18 29/06/2012
Everything before ANB is classic to me.
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#25 Posted: 18:50:01 29/06/2012
For me Enter the Dragonfly is closer to classics than A Hero's Tail. AHT loses things like finiteness of gems, world teleporting and strict world barriers. Even EtD loses portals, which I loved so much
Any Osu fan here?
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9659
#26 Posted: 07:54:08 30/06/2012
Quote: Wojowu
For me Enter the Dragonfly is closer to classics than A Hero's Tail. AHT loses things like finiteness of gems, world teleporting and strict world barriers. Even EtD loses portals, which I loved so much

To be honest, the world teleporting is similar to ETD, in both you don't have portals, yet have certain areas which lead you to the next level or area.

I can understand it with the gems, but to me, they're more like bolts now like in Ratchet & Clank. It changes the gameplay slightly, but I don't think it's that much of a big deal.

In my opinion, it feels just as original as the classics. But I think the developer looked at other franchises like Ratchet & Clank to get more ideas. There's definitely an influence in this game.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 07:55:34 30/06/2012 by SuperSpyroFan
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