darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > Do you guys realize that this is the last Spyro game?EVER?!
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Do you guys realize that this is the last Spyro game?EVER?! [CLOSED]
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#101 Posted: 18:10:28 17/05/2008 | Topic Creator
EmeraldDragon Blue Sparx Gems: 881
#102 Posted: 20:51:17 17/05/2008
Who the hell told you that?!
Sometimes you have to let go of someone...if they really love you, they'll come back
Dragon Rider 99 Ripto Gems: 145
#103 Posted: 21:26:04 17/05/2008
wo dude cencer the foule language

thers children on here
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#104 Posted: 21:39:37 17/05/2008
Ah I could tell by the missing imformation and by spyro being too old to be in the origenal spyro game. Plus every other character seems to be referenced in the game except for the elders, Malefor, and cynder. Thus making the game series having to continue on. Unless the people wants the game to be stopped at the beggining of the story. Because the modern world isn't going to blend in with the past. this story must continue on, I mean come on.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#105 Posted: 00:55:22 18/05/2008
Very few people on this site are making sense to me...
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
Dragon Seeker Yellow Sparx Gems: 1374
#106 Posted: 07:45:59 18/05/2008
... *Sigh*, Same here, I'm new, But i will get used to it Lol.... and I am sure you all now know this isn't the last Spyro Game and just the last in this Series.

.. Please live with my spelling and grammar -.- Only 13
If you are in the practice of Witchcraft and are not afraid to admit it copy and paste this in your signature.
Last edited at 07:46:37 18/05/2008 by Dragon Seeker
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#107 Posted: 02:20:42 19/05/2008
So many people have said that, yet so few seem to be getting the message.
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#108 Posted: 17:48:12 19/05/2008
Quote: Dragon Rider 99
wo dude cencer the foule language

thers children on here

By the way can I just say, in my country 'that word' isn't a sware word. So maby there from the same country as me. (I wrote 'that word' so you wouldn't be offended smilie)
DARK CINDER Ripto Gems: 1062
#109 Posted: 20:08:53 25/05/2008
i think its good just to end it caz spyroi cant become like sonic and keep going and going and goinmg getting worse and worse
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#110 Posted: 20:55:35 25/05/2008
OH! DID MY EYES DESIVE ME! DID YOU COMPARE SPYRO TO SONIC! smilie YOU SICKEN ME! Na Im joking ur alright, but seriously I do think that this is not the end of Spyro. Thats why Im making the 'Don't Stop Me Now' Spyro tribute smilie
Last edited at 20:57:22 25/05/2008 by bionicle2809
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#111 Posted: 22:16:26 25/05/2008
Well, perhaps it isnt...

if u think about it, the original by vivendi was thought to be the end until more came out, so i don't think that this is the true end.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#112 Posted: 20:33:32 26/05/2008
Quote: bionicle2809
OH! DID MY EYES DESIVE ME! DID YOU COMPARE SPYRO TO SONIC! smilie YOU SICKEN ME! Na Im joking ur alright, but seriously I do think that this is not the end of Spyro. Thats why Im making the 'Don't Stop Me Now' Spyro tribute smilie

I love that song! your my new best friend!
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#113 Posted: 22:22:06 26/05/2008
YES! A FREIND! By the way, you know your old avi of Cynder in chanes, whenever I saw it i thought 'that Tango' smilie
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#114 Posted: 23:07:43 26/05/2008
Hi bionicle2809, i will also be ur friend....
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#115 Posted: 00:09:39 27/05/2008
YEAH! 2 FREINDS. This is the happiest day of my life smilie
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#116 Posted: 00:12:04 27/05/2008
OMG I have like almost 20
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#117 Posted: 01:16:15 27/05/2008
Will You Be My Freind?
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#118 Posted: 01:21:37 27/05/2008
yes I will mez just added u to my friend list
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#119 Posted: 22:21:01 27/05/2008
hi peeps
Byrn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#120 Posted: 22:30:11 27/05/2008
Unless they don't have the funds or anyone to work on it there will be more Spyro games. He's a pretty big hit and is raking in the cash for the developers. And the companies making Spyro games change so much we probably don't have to worry about a company shutting down like Clover Studios did with Okami. This trilogy is how Spyro became a legend, after this we shall see what other adventures our legendary dragon comes across.
Sanity is a one trick pony, all you get is one trick, rational thinking. But when you're good and crazy, the skys the limit!
IamCynder Green Sparx Gems: 462
#121 Posted: 21:17:06 29/05/2008
i luv Spyro...
i will someday marry him by slaying Cynder even though i luv Cynder
i guess that i want what belongs to Cynder...
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#122 Posted: 00:05:32 30/05/2008
If you kill Cynder, I'll say 'owned!' and laugh...Heh, I'm gonna purposely kill myslef in dotD when I play as Cynder...it's funner that it sounds smilie.
Personally, I don't think they're in love. They're friends, granted, but I don't believe they'll be anything more than that for some time. Just my opinion.
You kicked who in the what now?
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#123 Posted: 19:38:32 30/05/2008
Well,*sniff*I Do Fell Sad Spyro's Leaving But......... GOODBYE SPYRO!
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#124 Posted: 19:40:06 30/05/2008
Uh, "SD-King", game companies have already said that they're making more video games, and that the "Legend Of Spyro" series was ending, not the entire Spyro series itself.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#125 Posted: 19:47:35 30/05/2008
Oh,*blushes*Well Then.....*Run's Away Shouting*Open Up Video Game Shop!Let Me In! I'm Staying Till Spyro Come's Out Again & Again & Again!
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
arathyne Blue Sparx Gems: 607
#126 Posted: 19:56:03 30/05/2008
^ smilie
Cynder FTW! smilie
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#127 Posted: 20:12:06 30/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: bionicle2809
Will You Be My Freind?

When did this become a "Will you be my friend" topic???

Back on topic.
BLOWHARD Yellow Sparx Gems: 1395
#128 Posted: 20:43:12 30/05/2008
This is the last of 'The Legend Of Spyro' trilogy, but not the last of the Spyro games. smilie
Awww Spyro
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#129 Posted: 04:14:47 31/05/2008
*Run's Back From Store*REALLY!? *sings The Final Countown,Not The Final Game Version & Party's Until Age 26*
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Byrn Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#130 Posted: 17:15:37 31/05/2008
I think the big question is which theme will they focus on now. Will they make more like the LOF series or the originals.
Sanity is a one trick pony, all you get is one trick, rational thinking. But when you're good and crazy, the skys the limit!
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#131 Posted: 17:48:10 31/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Byrn
I think the big question is which theme will they focus on now. Will they make more like the LOF series or the originals.

Or they could choose neither and once again reboot the series.

I would like that although I wish they would keep the FMV (Full Motion Videos) and how great the voice cast and graffics were. Also how intrigining and exciting the storyline gets as you progress through it.
Last edited at 17:48:35 31/05/2008 by DragonFriend244
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#132 Posted: 02:30:47 01/06/2008
Yeah. I don't want it to end...but I want to see HOW it ends.
There's no reason why they wouldn't keep the FMV's. Heaps of games have them, and if thye continue to make next-gen Spyro games, they'll likely keep em'.
You kicked who in the what now?
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#133 Posted: 20:49:41 01/06/2008
Hey,Maybe..............Ther'l b a new seres!
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#134 Posted: 12:24:32 02/06/2008
Here is what one of the top people who make Spyro games at Sierra says about the matter:

There COULD absolutely be more after DotD. Our entire reasoning for re-imaging Spyro a few years ago was to create a fantasy world that had a sense of history to it - something more believable but in fantasy terms of course. We have a lot of ideas for what we would like to see next, but rarely get to plan that far in advance.

Personally, I like the direction we are on and would just like to build upon it by making even bigger worlds with more freedom to explore and customize your characters.

Original found at: http://forums.vgames.com/threa...=72633&tstart=0
Last edited at 12:34:02 02/06/2008 by Gwenio
EmeraldDragon Blue Sparx Gems: 881
#135 Posted: 19:02:26 02/06/2008
It's not the last one EVER. It's just the last one in The Legend of Spyro series.
Sometimes you have to let go of someone...if they really love you, they'll come back
spyroblack Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#136 Posted: 13:48:24 20/06/2008
the last of TLOS but not of all spyro
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#137 Posted: 20:24:47 20/06/2008
OK!We all get tha ider
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
darklegend Green Sparx Gems: 455
#138 Posted: 15:46:55 24/06/2008
i wonder what will be there next spyro game will if there will be is more games then tlos:dotd but i keep my hopes up cuss i cant life without spyro anymore

spyro your a very special creature with special abilities u can do whatever u like
cynder queen of darkness u take care of spyro
darklegend Green Sparx Gems: 455
#139 Posted: 18:31:21 24/06/2008
that link can also be made to fool us cuss its powerpiont en every1 has that on his pc

so its not very mutch proof if its true or false

then again i hope it is true
spyro your a very special creature with special abilities u can do whatever u like
cynder queen of darkness u take care of spyro
Last edited at 18:43:13 24/06/2008 by darklegend
redthedragon Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#140 Posted: 23:26:13 24/06/2008
smilie *slaps forehead* For about the 7th time, THIS IS NOT THE LAST GAME! Good GOD people! *faints*

It really isn't... Yes I'm correct... I think I'm going CRAZY...
Last edited at 23:28:35 24/06/2008 by redthedragon
darklegend Green Sparx Gems: 455
#141 Posted: 13:08:12 25/06/2008
here is a link for ppl i have read what there planning with spyro in 2009 and beyond

so here u go guys i hope this will make ppl happy


cuss i am smilie
spyro your a very special creature with special abilities u can do whatever u like
cynder queen of darkness u take care of spyro
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#142 Posted: 16:14:44 25/06/2008 | Topic Creator
Here's a link smilie smilieClick the Smileysmilie
legendcynder Green Sparx Gems: 162
#143 Posted: 18:20:00 25/06/2008
who told u guys that game companies will make more games they cant tell that now only wen next game is release and if it sells good then they wil make more spyro games

they wont make a game if its a flop

or proof me wrong cuss i love spyro and dont want to have falls hopes

i cant survive it ty
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#144 Posted: 04:50:31 03/07/2008
1.There's a 56%(maybe higher[hopefully]) there will be another game
2.other than that i have no idea what ur sayin
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#145 Posted: 12:59:36 03/07/2008
Quote: SD-King
1.There's a 56%(maybe higher[hopefully]) there will be another game
2.other than that i have no idea what ur sayin

No, there will be more. Sierra said so. They will just not give details.
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#146 Posted: 20:20:54 06/07/2008
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
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