darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > Do you guys realize that this is the last Spyro game?EVER?!
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Do you guys realize that this is the last Spyro game?EVER?! [CLOSED]
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#51 Posted: 14:40:59 03/05/2008
Quote: alexis1213
I think they r making other games(but not the TLOS sires) but it would be nice if their was another TLOS sires if their was I would name it the Dark master returns

LOL I know I aready said this but if they did make another game I would name it THE DARK MASTER RETURNS

how is the new name if they did make another TLOS game LOL
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Last edited at 14:41:55 03/05/2008 by alexis1213
Dragon King Green Sparx Gems: 444
#52 Posted: 17:34:10 03/05/2008
ya true

its just like when Ripto when he got defeated everytime he never accepted the fact that he was weaker than Spyro so he kept on trying

smilie i just though of something!!!

since Avalar is gonna be back than then what if Ripto is back too (excepte newer)
unlike Dexter....I'm more of a believer in God than he is.......and more insane smilie
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#53 Posted: 20:14:26 03/05/2008
Quote: Dragon King
ya true

its just like when Ripto when he got defeated everytime he never accepted the fact that he was weaker than Spyro so he kept on trying

smilie i just though of something!!!

since Avalar is gonna be back than then what if Ripto is back too (excepte newer)

yer right! can you imagen ripto in these graphics?!? and we don't know for sure that this WILL be set in avalar(just because hunter is there dosen't make it in avalar)

Dragon King Green Sparx Gems: 444
#54 Posted: 21:26:57 03/05/2008
Quote: Tango
Quote: Dragon King
ya true

its just like when Ripto when he got defeated everytime he never accepted the fact that he was weaker than Spyro so he kept on trying

smilie i just though of something!!!

since Avalar is gonna be back than then what if Ripto is back too (excepte newer)

yer right! can you imagen ripto in these graphics?!? and we don't know for sure that this WILL be set in avalar(just because hunter is there dosen't make it in avalar)


well it did say Avalar in TEN remember?????????
unlike Dexter....I'm more of a believer in God than he is.......and more insane smilie
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#55 Posted: 21:39:53 03/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Avalar? We just know that hunter is from avalar. This dosent mean that the story is going to take place there.
Anonymous Fodder
#56 Posted: 03:36:36 04/05/2008
i will explode if it is the last one
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#57 Posted: 19:53:01 05/05/2008
Renan Spyro, send me the link too, plz!
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#58 Posted: 20:03:04 05/05/2008 | Topic Creator
What link???
dark_fury912 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3836
#59 Posted: 06:25:04 08/05/2008
That will be good
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#60 Posted: 20:39:15 08/05/2008
Quote: Anonymous
i will explode if it is the last one

don't that will make a mess and I will be crying and lock my self in my room 4ever if this is the last spyro game
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#61 Posted: 12:26:34 10/05/2008
Holy ****! I comepletely agree about Cynder and Ember! I think Cynder would win, coz shez got all those sweet abilities. Ember is just another baby dragon, looking for love where she wont get it. Besides, I think Ember moved on in Shadow Legacy; Remember that mole or racoon type guy? The one who dressed like a cowboy? Yeah, I think they like each other...

Anyway, back on topic about the last game. THIS IS NOOOTTT THE LAST GAME!!!!!!
1-Spyro is a HUGE money maker, they wont stop making games unless they want to lose LOADS of money.
2-I have heard on many sites including darkspyro.net that more games are expected.
3-I'm pretty sure the employees involved in the making are enjoying the game as mush as we are, and they may decide to quit if the entier series ends.
4-Sierra, Vivendi, and Etranges Libelules (sp?) will be flooded with angry letters and probly even protests if there are no more Spyro Games.

There. That should be enough proof/VERY educated guesses to calm you guys down.
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
Last edited at 12:27:28 10/05/2008 by Spyro LUVA
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#62 Posted: 21:36:07 10/05/2008
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#63 Posted: 21:38:10 10/05/2008
u r just like EVRY other Spyro fan in the world...this will make my depression MUCH worse....

BTW...there will barely be nothing to take about on this site once the TLOS seires have stopped..except stuff like "i wanted spyro to staysmiliesmiliesmilie"...
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#64 Posted: 21:41:25 10/05/2008
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#65 Posted: 21:49:52 10/05/2008 | Topic Creator
*Takes Deep Breath*

This is highly doubt that this will be the last Spyro game because like Gwenio said in the other topic like this that Spyro has made a very good profit from the Spyro games so there will probablly be more.
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#66 Posted: 21:52:54 10/05/2008
its like J.K Rowling...she made LOADS writing Harry Potter...then shes quited n i bet u tht in a year or so, she will wright another and get back on them to make more moneysmilie
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#67 Posted: 22:00:47 10/05/2008
*preys to god out load*Dear God,Plz Don't Make This The Last Spyro Game,Amen.
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#68 Posted: 22:04:45 10/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: DragonFriend244
*Takes Deep Breath*

This is highly doubt that this will be the last Spyro game because like Gwenio said in the other topic like this that Spyro has made a very good profit from the Spyro games so there will probablly be more.
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#69 Posted: 22:19:54 10/05/2008
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
spyro942 Blue Sparx Gems: 779
#70 Posted: 15:59:22 12/05/2008
there's no way thay would stop the spyro series
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#71 Posted: 16:25:20 12/05/2008
I don't think it will be the last game, that would be the worst thing that sierra have ever done. I mean yeah it is the last game SIERRA are publishing but not nesseserialy the last game of Spyro EVER!
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#72 Posted: 23:18:11 12/05/2008
Quote: bionicle2809
I don't think it will be the last game, that would be the worst thing that sierra have ever done. I mean yeah it is the last game SIERRA are publishing but not nesseserialy the last game of Spyro EVER!

Also wrong, it is the last of the Legend of Spyro trilogy. Not the last Spyro game nor the last made by Sierra.
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#73 Posted: 23:22:13 12/05/2008 | Topic Creator
What makes you sooo sure not by sierra?
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#74 Posted: 23:32:37 12/05/2008
Quote: DragonFriend244
What makes you sooo sure not by sierra?

Why would they? It is a top money maker for them.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#75 Posted: 16:33:36 13/05/2008
Quote: Gwenio
Quote: DragonFriend244
What makes you sooo sure not by sierra?

Why would they? It is a top money maker for them.

Its the last game by sierra because I saw on a website that Sierra signed up to make 6 games (A Heros Tail, Fusion, Shadow Legacy, ANB, TEN and DOTD). But maby they've changed there mind.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#76 Posted: 17:09:51 13/05/2008
Who said anything about the game companies stopping making the games? They've already said that this is the stop for The Legend Of Spyro Series, not the end of Spyro games permanately! They've already proved this with a downloadable Powerpoint!
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
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Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#77 Posted: 17:55:48 13/05/2008
so they might stop TLoS seires...but make more Spyro games..called..something different and with different looking characters??
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#78 Posted: 17:56:43 13/05/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Who said anything about the game companies stopping making the games? They've already said that this is the stop for The Legend Of Spyro Series, not the end of Spyro games permanately! They've already proved this with a downloadable Powerpoint!

yes the is right I hope the games after thr TLOS seris r cool too!!! and even have breath on here like water and hyper beam stuff like that
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#79 Posted: 17:57:24 13/05/2008
HYPER BEAM!! that would be awesome!!
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#80 Posted: 18:26:10 13/05/2008
I know I would be AWESOME and maybe something like ohhh maybe u can make a vortex that sucks the bad guys and then brings them back and shots them in the wall and make a hole in the ground
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#81 Posted: 19:43:26 13/05/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Who said anything about the game companies stopping making the games? They've already said that this is the stop for The Legend Of Spyro Series, not the end of Spyro games permanately! They've already proved this with a downloadable Powerpoint!

Wait! Downloadable power point! Where did you find it?
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#82 Posted: 18:26:40 14/05/2008
It's on this section of the site somewhere...Just wait a few minutes, and when I find it, I'll edit this post and give it to you guys.

Bad News: I couldn't find the downloadable link to the powerpoint on this site.
Good News: Found the site where you could download it. (www.velvetoctopus.com/)
Bad News: Turns out they deleted the Spyro Powerpoint that you could download.
Good News: I found a site where the person who created it can E-Mail you the Powerpoint to view it. (http://spyro.mozepy.com/ENTERTAINMENT/News.html)

I'm sorry I couldn't give you guys a direct link to the place where you can download it online. I've tried multiple times before this to actually find this Powerpoint again and post it up for you guys. But, at least I found you guys a way to get the Powerpoint. Please tell me if this method to getting the Powerpoint works. If you have any problems, please tell me and I will try to help you to the best of my ability.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
Last edited at 18:49:24 14/05/2008 by SpyroGamer2008
Anonymous Fodder
#83 Posted: 20:40:37 14/05/2008
Quote: DragonFriend244
*Takes Deep Breath*

This is highly doubt that this will be the last Spyro game because like Gwenio said in the other topic like this that Spyro has made a very good profit from the Spyro games so there will probablly be more.

Hey, I said that too y'know! And I posted it on this board even! Why didn't you just quote me?!?!
Ahem, not that I mean to sound conceited...

As far as i know, I wrote that before Gwenio did too!
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#84 Posted: 20:45:02 14/05/2008
and u r?
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#85 Posted: 21:00:38 14/05/2008
Sry, I wasn't logged in! The post above you, Lover of Spyro, was made by ME! Spyro LUVA!!!
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
Last edited at 21:01:02 14/05/2008 by Spyro LUVA
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#86 Posted: 21:10:26 14/05/2008
I've done that before
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
Otulissa Fodder
#87 Posted: 21:51:25 16/05/2008
They're making way too much moeny from the Spyro series to stop here.
Hopefully though if they do make some more games they will be based on TLOS series. And after this it's almost a given Spyro will be flying from now one unless they want to revert back to the originals, which I see as a bit unlikely.
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#88 Posted: 21:53:48 16/05/2008
Quote: Otulissa
They're making way too much moeny from the Spyro series to stop here.
Hopefully though if they do make some more games they will be based on TLOS series. And after this it's almost a given Spyro will be flying from now one unless they want to revert back to the originals, which I see as a bit unlikely.

well their making more games but not TLOS seris their making other seires I hope something like the new game it would be nice if their was a game were spyro is a FULL ADULTsmilie
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#89 Posted: 22:05:15 16/05/2008
Side Note: Someone should change the title of this Forum because it's already been stated numerous times on this topic, and on other topics, that this has already been conformed by the game companies that this is the last Legend Of Spyro game, but not the last Spyro game ever.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#90 Posted: 22:06:51 16/05/2008
Yes I just said that too I said this is the last TLOS seris but not the last spyro game!!
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#91 Posted: 22:11:07 16/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Yes they even said that on the official DOTD website that this is the LAST LoS game.

SIDE NOTE: Can someone tell me if the powerpoint said if Sierra was going to make the game on the powerpoint?
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#92 Posted: 22:22:06 16/05/2008
No, the Powerpoint doesn't really say much of anything about the official game company making the next "Legend Of Spyro" game.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#93 Posted: 22:28:17 16/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
No, the Powerpoint doesn't really say much of anything about the official game company making the next "Legend Of Spyro" game.

If I may correct you after DotD there will be NO MORE LoS games. There may be spinoffs of some sort or they may again reboot the series or they may stop making the series all together and hand it out to another gaming company that will agree to continue the games and try there best.

So your sentance should have looked like this:

Quote: SpyroGamer2008
No, the Powerpoint doesn't really say much of anything about the official game company making the next "Spyro" game.
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#94 Posted: 23:10:22 16/05/2008
FINALLY! People are coming around!
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#95 Posted: 23:32:36 16/05/2008
Quote: Spyro LUVA
FINALLY! People are coming around!

nope i'm not i'm brain dead BCUZ yawn i'm tired
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#96 Posted: 23:36:47 16/05/2008 | Topic Creator
Dragon King Green Sparx Gems: 444
#97 Posted: 00:24:06 17/05/2008
well now that this is settled that the Spyro games is gonna live long....

it still have to say that......Seirra is really making good money because they made these other games called F.E.A.R.

(First Encounter Assault Recon)

and they made Scarface: The world is yours

so im guessing these guys are gonna be the richest gaming company and buy other games.....but still keep Spyro because its a money maker from kids and kids play more video games than adults....so basically these guys might become the richest gaming company in the world! (or not...)
unlike Dexter....I'm more of a believer in God than he is.......and more insane smilie
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#98 Posted: 02:57:52 17/05/2008
Quote: Dragon King
well now that this is settled that the Spyro games is gonna live long....

it still have to say that......Seirra is really making good money because they made these other games called F.E.A.R.

(First Encounter Assault Recon)

and they made Scarface: The world is yours

so im guessing these guys are gonna be the richest gaming company and buy other games.....but still keep Spyro because its a money maker from kids and kids play more video games than adults....so basically these guys might become the richest gaming company in the world! (or not...)

Well, then there is the thought of this company completly giving this game away to another company. For this reason, they want money, they can make other kids games, and spyro is'n ment for this company. Except, I believe there are still many mysteries that this game cannot decode. So there probably is going to be a rather large and very complicated spyro story that once you go into the ste story deeply. The plotline is going to involve lots and lots of other stories at once. I believe the spyro story has only begun after the dark master has been defeated. I mean there is Malefor, Ripto, the Sorcerer, the Sorceress, and many other enemies that are powerful or staying in the series. I don't think this game is going anywhere.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#99 Posted: 17:41:39 17/05/2008
Wot do you mean the game is not going anywhere? You mean the story is stuck in a loop, or the game will never end? I think they should finish the Shadow Legacy story; It said that the Sorcerer is still alive, and is planing to trap everone in the Shadow Realm forever, but it just ends with everyone getting ready for a big battle...
Look @ my YouTube channel! PLZ subscribe if you like!
Forgotten World Platinum Sparx Gems: 5164
#100 Posted: 18:00:30 17/05/2008
Or that spyro had a three year dream that he saw the Sorcerer and the other characters.
Life's a struggle, but when you die, it's how you handle life.
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