It's on this section of the site somewhere...Just wait a few minutes, and when I find it, I'll edit this post and give it to you guys.
Bad News: I couldn't find the downloadable link to the powerpoint on this site.
Good News: Found the site where you could download it. (
Bad News: Turns out they deleted the Spyro Powerpoint that you could download.
Good News: I found a site where the person who created it can E-Mail you the Powerpoint to view it. (
I'm sorry I couldn't give you guys a direct link to the place where you can download it online. I've tried multiple times before this to actually find this Powerpoint again and post it up for you guys. But, at least I found you guys a way to get the Powerpoint. Please tell me if this method to getting the Powerpoint works. If you have any problems, please tell me and I will try to help you to the best of my ability.