

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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This is the update topic [CLOSED]
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#1 Posted: 02:26:56 15/12/2011 | Topic Creator
OMG OMG OMG!!! the site it's supa updated!!!

-With a totally new hud
-new minigames
-New themes!(you must register skylanders to have thoses and this suck)
-The mainland is entirely covered of snow (Why we can't have nice thing here?!)

I discovered this after the site tempory shutdown when the shield icon on the skylanders have changed and their upgrape bars are all returned to zero(this make me mad)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:06:34 06/01/2012 by nitendofan92
BerryShaker Blue Sparx Gems: 540
#2 Posted: 03:10:20 15/12/2011
wooo shiny! Exciting smilie

*can't log in right now though : /
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:12:43 15/12/2011 by BerryShaker
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#3 Posted: 14:26:46 15/12/2011
Oh wow! I have the new Water theme on my Skyland! Snoooow!

And did you notice that you now have discounts of the prices everywhere for each registered Skylander? It's awesome!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:28:26 15/12/2011 by Reimu
SkylandersBoy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1129
#4 Posted: 14:39:05 15/12/2011

I have to check that!!!
Swap Force is just plain awesome!
I'm not related to the SkylanderKids.
SkylandersBoy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1129
#5 Posted: 14:56:59 15/12/2011
One more thing:


Special ( this one is super cool ), wave, sit and dance!!
Swap Force is just plain awesome!
I'm not related to the SkylanderKids.
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#6 Posted: 15:02:09 15/12/2011
Wow. The mainland looks so.... Beautiful and tranquil. I'm gonna miss it when it changes back smilie

Quote: SkylandersBoy
One more thing:


Special ( this one is super cool ), wave, sit and dance!!

Emotions are the same, that's been there for a while smilie

Edit: For those with themes, does changing them lose anything? Like Totems, etc.?

Edit2: Aw. They've lowered the amount of coins you win from most games, and some games are now slower. Disappointing, really :/
Visit me and stuff.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 15:13:04 15/12/2011 by RadSpyro
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#7 Posted: 16:07:24 15/12/2011
I did not lose my totems or anything else with the Water theme
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#8 Posted: 16:08:50 15/12/2011
Awesome, I'll make the switch, thanks!

So undecided... I prefer the Water theme, but I much prefer the darker background of Magic (reminds me of Crystal Islands from YotD).
Visit me and stuff.
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#9 Posted: 16:30:02 15/12/2011
Well, I bought them all lol, I don't like the Tech theme (really dark, Steam Punk look) but both the Magic and Water are awesome IMO. I bought the Water theme and changed my whole Skyland to match (bridges, fountain, well)


Oh, in the Water theme, there are frozen sheep everywhere in ice cubes!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:32:03 15/12/2011 by Reimu
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#10 Posted: 16:46:03 15/12/2011
I love the Mainland! And the ability to change you Skyland theme. smilie
Phoenixdragon Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#11 Posted: 17:32:24 15/12/2011
I've noticed smilie
Tha's the reason why Ideleted my post
smilie Sunburn - "Roast N' Toast!" smilie

My YouTube channel:
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#12 Posted: 17:33:45 15/12/2011
Quote: Phoenixdragon
I've noticed smilie
Tha's the reason why Ideleted my post

Oops, I caught it still smilie

But yeah, it's really pretty <3
Visit me and stuff.
Phoenixdragon Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#13 Posted: 17:47:35 15/12/2011
Yeah. Our Skylanders are walking in a winter wonderland now smilie
smilie Sunburn - "Roast N' Toast!" smilie

My YouTube channel:
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#14 Posted: 19:53:22 15/12/2011
Wow, this is pretty neat! I was hoping that they were going to do something like this.
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
dantilly Blue Sparx Gems: 778
#15 Posted: 23:06:27 15/12/2011
I think the server just went down again =\

On the new ground defense game I managed to get the worlds highest score on a few levels though smilie Made me feel really good because I usually suck pretty bad at these minigames!
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#16 Posted: 23:23:26 15/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Quote: dantilly
I think the server just went down again =\

On the new ground defense game I managed to get the worlds highest score on a few levels though smilie Made me feel really good because I usually suck pretty bad at these minigames!

me too I broke the record at wave 9
dantilly Blue Sparx Gems: 778
#17 Posted: 00:08:04 16/12/2011
Also, is there just this one new minigame?
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#18 Posted: 00:10:40 16/12/2011
How do you change themes, though?

I do love the winter changes, I'll admit.
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#19 Posted: 02:58:18 16/12/2011 | Topic Creator
go to the ''custom your skylands'' box
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#20 Posted: 11:55:11 16/12/2011
There's a bug in this new minigame. When you change to different Skylander, they just freeze and you have to wait until enemies rob all the treasure and restart the wave... :/
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#21 Posted: 16:52:36 16/12/2011 | Topic Creator
I know for this I change to another skylanders...
C1nder Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10564
#22 Posted: 18:48:46 16/12/2011
I bought all of the themes :3 I like the magic one the best, even though it isn't as...warm and welcoming as the normal one.
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#23 Posted: 18:52:56 16/12/2011
The water onhe is my favorite, just for the Ice Cube Sheep =P
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#24 Posted: 19:01:03 16/12/2011
Hum, I like the new snow and Christmas look this why my computer froze three times trying to play? haha
Still cool tho!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Taintie Green Sparx Gems: 132
#25 Posted: 21:43:57 16/12/2011
I'd love to see it... if it'd let me on. D:<
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#26 Posted: 21:52:55 16/12/2011
Quote: Taintie
I'd love to see it... if it'd let me on. D:<

you have problems to??... have been trying for two days to logon.... i think the server host have reached max players or something... and that is the cause of the problems... very irritating.
Taintie Green Sparx Gems: 132
#27 Posted: 06:33:51 17/12/2011
Yeah haven't been on since the 14th, myself. It doesn't even act like it's trying to connect most of the time, just suddenly says it can't.
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#28 Posted: 02:12:53 18/12/2011
I love the way they made the Skylanders look much better. Drobot especially. <3
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#29 Posted: 02:15:15 18/12/2011
Quote: Taintie
Yeah haven't been on since the 14th, myself. It doesn't even act like it's trying to connect most of the time, just suddenly says it can't.

today it have been worse than the days before... now it just says unable to connect, before there at leas was some hope... 3 days and no 'Skylanders: Spyro's Universe'.
RocketBeast Green Sparx Gems: 326
#30 Posted: 08:43:58 18/12/2011
I have the 2nd upgrade to expand your personal Skyland, and its awesomely beautiful. You get a fountain and a bigger lake and so much more room to move around!

What I would like to see is all your Skylanders roaming it though. Populate it a bit.
Beastly Tiki Behemoth
Own: (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)
Phoenixdragon Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#31 Posted: 11:18:51 18/12/2011
I just noticed another change through the update. The option "private skyland" which prevents other players to visit your skyland isn't available anymore...
And I found another bug: on Castle Assault. Everytime I click "next level" my game freezes.
smilie Sunburn - "Roast N' Toast!" smilie

My YouTube channel:
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 11:32:39 18/12/2011 by Phoenixdragon
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#32 Posted: 16:27:23 19/12/2011
Just wondering... Since the update, has anyone had any problems with Flash crashing?

It could just be my computer, but since this update, SSU keeps causing my Flash player to cease working smilie
Visit me and stuff.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#33 Posted: 16:37:03 19/12/2011
Mine crashes all the time even before the update! I would like to play it....but soooo frustrating!!!!
If I can play it for 30min. without it crashing or freezing that would be great!

They better get working on it....many people are getting this game for Christmas!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#34 Posted: 20:13:08 20/12/2011 | Topic Creator
did play the castle assault minigame... Wow new levels?

Also the money glitch is removed
Phoenixdragon Blue Sparx Gems: 523
#35 Posted: 20:27:46 20/12/2011
I was really upset cuz of the less money the minigames give after the update, but suddenly I noticed: on the other hand everything got cheaper. So the less money actually is more than before.
smilie Sunburn - "Roast N' Toast!" smilie

My YouTube channel:
Taintie Green Sparx Gems: 132
#36 Posted: 07:02:32 21/12/2011
I would so love to be able to at least log on. D: Gaaah.
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#37 Posted: 16:10:42 06/01/2012 | Topic Creator
No official big update yet... Just a new page about ground defense on the community blog

[User Posted Image]
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#38 Posted: 16:21:54 06/01/2012
ground defend is the best mini game so far....
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#39 Posted: 16:37:39 06/01/2012
Ground Defense has been there for quite a while, or at least since they added the Winter theme in December. I wonder why they're just now making the blog post about it.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#40 Posted: 17:05:16 06/01/2012
Quote: spyroflame0487
Ground Defense has been there for quite a while, or at least since they added the Winter theme in December. I wonder why they're just now making the blog post about it.

you could send them an email and ask.....
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#41 Posted: 19:21:56 12/01/2012 | Topic Creator
System down for maintenance...
Yeah a next upgrape
BerryShaker Blue Sparx Gems: 540
#42 Posted: 19:23:35 12/01/2012
woooo maybe they're unlocking the new characters? smilie
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#43 Posted: 20:48:28 12/01/2012 | Topic Creator
surely and let's hope for other goodies
DantheDragonBoy Green Sparx Gems: 404
#44 Posted: 21:22:05 12/01/2012
If thats the case of the maintenance,
I guess I don't mind RENTING the next new characters for the time being, knowing I can't find them anywhere I check....
BerryShaker Blue Sparx Gems: 540
#45 Posted: 00:01:11 13/01/2012
Server is still down but there's a new Flash Animation for the splash screen!!!
nitendofan92 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4572
#46 Posted: 02:49:31 13/01/2012 | Topic Creator
awww this one must be huge smilie
RocketBeast Green Sparx Gems: 326
#47 Posted: 05:19:49 13/01/2012
It's back up, sort of. Can't access it still, but I do get to the start screen. Wait til tomorrow I suppose.

EDIT: The update is accessible! Huge change to the start screen and load screens, much more aesthetically pleasing. Cynder, Double Trouble, and Slam Bam are now on the character browse screen and can be unlocked. I'm not sure if these are new, but there are holiday themed trees, and lair(gingerbread house!). There is now a Fire theme for your Skyland. There's a weather machine totem available which allows you to turn off weather effects, like rain. I'm assuming we're getting rain now?
The main Skyland still has snow on it, but the big tree is removed from the center.
That is all I have found so far.
Beastly Tiki Behemoth
Own: (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:38:27 13/01/2012 by RocketBeast
spyroflame0487 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3866
#48 Posted: 14:23:21 13/01/2012
Yup, those Candy Cane Trees are brand new! Along with the Fire Skyland is a new Tech themed one.

[User Posted Image]

There's some pics of Slam Bam. The appearance on the portal, his "idle" pose in the background, and the icon.

Here's the trees. The "big" tree is the one on the left and the "small" tree is the smaller one.

[User Posted Image]

Besides the aforementioned Weather Machine, it also looks like getting EXP has been fixed. Before it felt like it took a long time to try leveling your Skylanders, but I've popped a handful of boxes and I've already shot up in levels. Flynn's Santa hat has been removed on the travel screen. Slam Bam is HUGE compared to some of the other Skylanders, and it looks like his model is able to move his hands through trees and stuff lawl.
Why did Uncle Peter have an interdimentional portal in his attic?
Spyro's entire collection! [Updated June 28th 15]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:27:15 13/01/2012 by spyroflame0487
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#49 Posted: 16:27:26 13/01/2012
they have yet not fixed the healing elixir registration problem.... and i have not seen the option for upgrade to 7-8 of my skyland.

i have been on the game a couple of times, not seen slambam... there is nearly no players in the game....
DantheDragonBoy Green Sparx Gems: 404
#50 Posted: 18:02:13 13/01/2012
Yep, checking it out now.
Updates are cool. and I like the new looks
And I guess I will end up renting the three newcomers
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