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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated
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Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated [STICKY]
JunkyGoblin Red Sparx Gems: 58
#1501 Posted: 07:02:04 17/08/2017
If it was unopened maybe, but sadly the box got crushed long ago, so it's basically a novelty to me.

Thanks though! Happy to be here.
Slvr Red Sparx Gems: 87
#1502 Posted: 03:14:31 30/08/2017
Hello everyone! I am Slvr, and I originally got into Skylanders late 2012, around Christmastime. I was 12. My brother had gotten the glossy white Xbox 360 combo with Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, but he didn't seem all that interested in it, and so I decided to take a look into it. This was a (happy!) mistake. After playing nonstop with Spyro for four hours, I was hooked. I asked to go to the store the day GameStop opened back up to get some of my own, and I was able to get the starter pack for my Xbox 360 for Skylanders: Giants.

Since then, I have amassed a collection of 402 Skylander figurines, with my 403rd in transit. My collection includes some rarities such as the E3 Chrome Silver Spyro, Crystal Fire Bone Hot Dog with the emerald flames, Color Shift Wash Buckler, Metallic Green Gill Grunt and Shroomboom, Easter Packaging Punk Shock, almost all LightCore variants, almost all in-game variants (i.e., Molten Hot Dog, Jade Flashwing, Jade Fire Kraken, etc...). I have an Employee Edition Prism Break that is currently in transit. My figure total encompasses all figures, from characters, to traps, to crystals, to adventure pieces and magic items, and so forth. I keep track of all of my Skylanders using a google sheet, which includes their level and path information, as well as other information about each figure. I have it set to automatically count the number of figures and to automatically average the levels of my Skylanders. Of the 402 figures in my collection currently, and of the ones that are able to be leveled, my average level is a little over 12 - which is saying something with over 300 playable figurines.

Honestly, it's quite difficult to get a picture of the collection - but once I can, I shall edit this post to include it. smilie

I am so happy to have found this forum, and I will tell you all now - no figure is too rare or too expensive, at some point, I do want it and I will get it. I'm currently working right now on deciding what figures I intend to get after the EE Prism Break because I'm figuring out what the prices are on the characters/figures I still need. I'm thinking my next target will be the Darklight Crypt figures, as I have Ghost Roaster courtesy of a gift from a friend, but he did not give me the adventure piece, the Time Twister, or the Healing Elixir.

Some interesting things to note: I couldn't find Bash, his S1, S2, legendaries, or anything, for ages. I eventually found both S1s used at GameStop and then was able to find S2 Bash cheap online. My S1 Chill has lost her arm 6 times, and each time I've found it and been able to glue it back on. This is the longest she's been able to keep it, as it's been attached firmly for almost 2 years now. Jade Flashwing at one point lost her right wing, and I had to glue-gun that back on. My Swarm once also lost his head, quite literally, and was connected only by the antennae connected to his shoulders. I glued that back as well and his eyes still function and everything. My original S1 Stealth Elf was badly chewed beyond recognition by a dog, and so I ended up getting another S1 Stealth Elf, but I kept the original so I could have different paths (this is before I realized I'd end up with like, 8 Stealth Elves). I had a similar situation with Hot Head and S1 Sprocket (the latter however wasn't horribly damaged, but partof her wrench was broken and it looked bad). This all said, I am generally not hard on my characters, it's just that a lot has happened over the years (and some figures, in their poses, are just easy to break... in fact, I almost broke Legendary Bouncer off his pedestal just getting him out the box). So if I ever reference "gluegun surgeries," that's what I mean. xD Special characters, such as ones that came in special packaging or are fairly rare, I keep in boxes, such as my E3 Spyro, Pumpkin Eye-Brawl, Crystal Hot Dog, etc etc. I keep ALL cards and stickers I get, and they are currently in baggies in my room. I have yet to get card sleeves and binders to keep them in.
Current Figure Total: 403
Newest Figure: Employee Edition Prism Break
Level Average of All Figures: 12.6
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:43:17 30/08/2017 by Slvr
Slvr Red Sparx Gems: 87
#1503 Posted: 20:23:11 04/09/2017
Hey, don't feel bad, Drawdler. Mine are currently crammed into two roller bins and a giant pink treasure chest. lol
Current Figure Total: 403
Newest Figure: Employee Edition Prism Break
Level Average of All Figures: 12.6
SassouBisbasou Green Sparx Gems: 271
#1504 Posted: 18:25:43 30/01/2020
I have 216 skylanders! P.S Anyone know where to find smilie?
Rarest Skylander: E3 Hot Streak (found at a car boot sale)
Just found smilie , S1 smilie , Tiki Speaky and Arkeyan Crossbow at a car boot sale!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 09:04:46 14/02/2020 by SassouBisbasou
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#1505 Posted: 00:21:14 31/01/2020
someone bought me a set of skylander masks a couple of weeks ago

these kind

[User Posted Image]

i'm honestly not sure what to do with them
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
bobishere Green Sparx Gems: 203
#1506 Posted: 08:57:37 29/03/2023
Hi Portal Masters, it's been a long time since I was online. I was wondering if there is any good app or website to track Skylanders collections. There used to be some good ones that are now gone. Any recommendations? smilie
CountMoneyBone Platinum Sparx Gems: 5173
#1507 Posted: 18:56:14 03/04/2023
Quote: bobishere
Hi Portal Masters, it's been a long time since I was online. I was wondering if there is any good app or website to track Skylanders collections. There used to be some good ones that are now gone. Any recommendations? smilie

pen and paper is the best way to keep track, apps get old and will be removed.
Ha! HA, sage ich.
ColeDXZX Green Sparx Gems: 139
#1508 Posted: 13:34:26 09/05/2023
Coleka is the best one I've found
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