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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated
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Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated [STICKY]
TheBakonBitz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1360
#901 Posted: 21:22:18 04/03/2013
Wow nice!
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#902 Posted: 21:31:10 04/03/2013
I want to post pics but I don't have a good camera.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Bovee Red Sparx Gems: 26
#903 Posted: 01:42:35 05/03/2013
Got the giants starter pack last Saturday. Loved it so much me and the kids went back that night and got 8 more skylanders. Now a 9 days later we have 18 total.

S1- Spyro, Green Gill Grunt, Trigger happy

S2- Starter pack, Crusher, fright Rider, Shroomboom, Pop Fizz, Chill, Ignitor, Zook, flameslinger, Terrafin, lightcore Prism Break, sprocket
Plus the Cannon
Also ordered Hex for my wife today.

My local store has a pretty good collection of figures and 3 packs for sale, still the one figure my daughter really wants is of course Ningeni.

Whole family is hooked and loving it.
Legendary Dad Green Sparx Gems: 171
#904 Posted: 01:54:56 05/03/2013
Welcome new portal master.....addiction now begins..
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#905 Posted: 04:01:20 05/03/2013
Prepare to spend lots of money.
happy81555 Green Sparx Gems: 175
#906 Posted: 20:37:30 05/03/2013
smilie's adventure: All expect smilie smilie smilie
giants: all expect smilie smilie smilie
getting; smilie smilie they should come in the post soon.
cant wait to play with trigger happy and chop chop
im randon, deal with it! smilie
smilievolts and lightning!smilie smilie
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 20:42:14 05/03/2013 by happy81555
Gold_guardian Gold Sparx Gems: 2370
#907 Posted: 03:28:21 09/03/2013
Original 32 + Sidekicks
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azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#908 Posted: 09:34:08 09/03/2013
Well I don't have a good camera to take pics so my sister is lending me hers or she is taking the pics for me but I will just post them for now without pics.



I am not going to post LC but I have all LC from wave 1 to wave 3.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:34:55 09/03/2013 by azz01
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#909 Posted: 15:50:19 09/03/2013
Sorry that is blurry, my ipad sucks
[User Posted Image]
Gay 4 GARcher
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#910 Posted: 16:47:03 09/03/2013
I will trim down my collection a lot after I get the last characters for Giants.

Current WISHLIST: Series 2 smilie (x2), Series 2 smilie(acquired), Series 2 smilie, smilie or smilie

Sadly I can't take any pics because I don't actually have the displays. But I plan to sell everything from Giants apart from my Tech collection, smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, smilie, Series 2 smilie, and use funds from those to buy five of these.
Those shelves will be used to display two sets of everything from Spyro's Adventure, all Skylanders down both paths. I don't actually play Giants much any more and my OCD will get the better of me.
I'll take pics when I'm done, but I've summarised what I have... Two of everything from SA, Gnarly, Chill, Thumpback, Pop Fizz, Fright Rider, Flashwing, Jet-Vac, reposed Cynder, and a few variants(GITDFR[+sealed], Amazonslinger, GITD Cynder, GITD Boom[sealed], Metallic[sealed], Chrome[sealed], Pearl[+sealed], Glitter Sprocket[+sealed]), as well as a couple of my favourite Skylanders sealed.
So basically, I just want the Tech characters from now on, not even the actual games or anything...
SuperDudeFTW Yellow Sparx Gems: 1500
#911 Posted: 18:29:08 09/03/2013
Wanted to recieve my Ninjini and Jade Flashwing before showing off my collection smilie
(Apologies in advance for this really long post)

[User Posted Image]
All my Skylanders
[User Posted Image]
Magic, Tech and Water.
[User Posted Image]
Life, Earth and Air
[User Posted Image]
Fire, Undead and Legendary
[User Posted Image]
In-Game Variants and Magic Items
Til All Are One!
smilieBrace for the Mace!smilie
cupraR300 Green Sparx Gems: 313
#912 Posted: 19:03:51 09/03/2013
Quote: SuperDudeFTW
Wanted to recieve my Ninjini and Jade Flashwing before showing off my collection smilie
(Apologies in advance for this really long post)

[User Posted Image]
All my Skylanders
[User Posted Image]
Magic, Tech and Water.
[User Posted Image]
Life, Earth and Air
[User Posted Image]
Fire, Undead and Legendary
[User Posted Image]
In-Game Variants and Magic Items

sweet collection dude
diempower Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#913 Posted: 22:11:07 11/03/2013
My sons collection
Legendary Dad Green Sparx Gems: 171
#914 Posted: 23:24:42 11/03/2013
Nice shelfing/Collection...Diempower...
diempower Yellow Sparx Gems: 1170
#915 Posted: 00:26:18 12/03/2013
Tupelo Blue Sparx Gems: 825
#916 Posted: 13:34:33 14/03/2013
Here are my giants that are unboxed so..L-bouncer, granite and ninjini arent shown

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RoccoSalvatore Red Sparx Gems: 25
#917 Posted: 02:25:45 16/03/2013
Here is some of my Skylanders Collection

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Ash64 Blue Sparx Gems: 979
#918 Posted: 18:27:48 20/03/2013
Here's my (kids) collection in the UK everything out so far here and some Variants from around the world.
Scarlet Ninjini/Spyro/Wreckingball - Germany

[User Posted Image]
DragonCamo Platinum Sparx Gems: 6692
#919 Posted: 21:00:54 20/03/2013
^is that a prototype Stealth elf? The arms dont look right
Gay 4 GARcher
Cynder Lover25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2332
#920 Posted: 23:18:05 20/03/2013
[User Posted Image]

Been here since 2012...still a gold sparx
Ash64 Blue Sparx Gems: 979
#921 Posted: 23:46:30 20/03/2013
^HOW you do that?

Dragoncamo I wish, its just a normal stealth elf with a repaired arm lol.
Cynder Lover25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2332
#922 Posted: 23:52:49 20/03/2013
Quote: Ash64
^HOW you do that?

Dragoncamo I wish, its just a normal stealth elf with a repaired arm lol.

Just Found A Image and shaded in the ones i dont have
Been here since 2012...still a gold sparx
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#923 Posted: 02:02:15 21/03/2013
Pretty recently got smilie and smilie. Don't know how to post pics from an iPad though. I'm not a person to keep them in box, it just seems wrong to me smilie.
Tequila Green Sparx Gems: 241
#924 Posted: 22:34:13 21/03/2013
Well, I guess that´re all Variants u can get for a moderate price except for MHD and GTR

[User Posted Image]
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#925 Posted: 02:43:32 22/03/2013
Just got S2 smilie at target. didn't think they carried new ones smilie
flashwingftw Emerald Sparx Gems: 3332
#926 Posted: 11:51:26 23/03/2013
Picked up a molten hot dog at Walmart yesterday, along with a thump back and a dragons peak pack for my cousins
The PinkPrint is on iTunes now! #TeamMinaj
Been here for 3 years and still can't figure out why half of the people are so damn rude.
R.I.P to my wallet
Brinsin Green Sparx Gems: 103
#927 Posted: 21:46:41 27/03/2013
So i got skylanders on feb 5th or around that time after a friend delaying, i traded her 6 of my very old shooting games from xbox 360 for;

skylanders starter pack

I then found pop fizz was broken so sold it (buyer knew it was broken) and bought terrfin(series 2) for £8.99 today i then bough
Dino rang dark spyro zao grill grunt and trigger happy (all series 1) for £10 total preowned from game. Not ideal as i want mainly series 2 but at £2 each i couldn't miss it.

I then was bought tombraider which i finished along with 2 other games so i traded them in and bought hotdog and zap along with a new pop fizz and stealth elf (chose not to buy legendaries as i dont like their looks).

And today at my local game store i bought frightrider, zook, shroomboom and chopchop all series 2 preowned for £20

so in total i have actually spent £around £40, it's not a great collection i know but i am happy considering the money spent..

enjoy smilie

[User Posted Image]
ErigoEslos Yellow Sparx Gems: 1492
#928 Posted: 23:03:25 28/03/2013
Hey guys! Im usually a lurker and appreciate the help I find on here for figures! This is my current collection.

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Legendary Dad Green Sparx Gems: 171
#929 Posted: 00:01:12 29/03/2013
Just Added Polar Whirlwind And Scarlet Ninjini.......Aaaaaaoooooooowwwwww....
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
Almost Done.......Then Comes SWAP FORCE.....
bo1500000 Blue Sparx Gems: 554
#930 Posted: 22:40:06 05/04/2013
Hey 3 year old want to take another stab at organizing his skylanders. We came up with this configuration.
[User Posted Image]
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5385
#931 Posted: 22:42:59 05/04/2013
^ Wow! Nice! What's with the 2nd Ninjini, though?
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
bo1500000 Blue Sparx Gems: 554
#932 Posted: 23:02:44 05/04/2013
Quote: Matteomax
^ Wow! Nice! What's with the 2nd Ninjini, though?

We had some issues with the first one we bought having issues on the Portal (got it at Toys R Us waiting in line), so we got another one on Amazon...just to be safe. We have several duplicates.
Conquertron Red Sparx Gems: 99
#933 Posted: 00:36:03 06/04/2013
Quote: bo1500000
Hey 3 year old want to take another stab at organizing his skylanders. We came up with this configuration.

HOLEEEEY MOLEEEY That is sweet! One thing, is that a permanent display area, or was it just temporary for whatever purposes? Either way I freaking think its awesome. Nice job!
Initiating...getting angry....sequence
bo1500000 Blue Sparx Gems: 554
#934 Posted: 02:44:25 06/04/2013
HOLEEEEY MOLEEEY That is sweet! One thing, is that a permanent display area, or was it just temporary for whatever purposes? Either way I freaking think its awesome. Nice job!

Not permanent at all. It took about 5-10 minutes to setup the shelves like that (I have 36 of them). Of course it took much longer to gather up and organize the figures. I made sure to take a picture, so that next time I'll remember how I did it. My 7 year old keeps running through the house like a madman (and I have 4 kids), so I am sure someone or something will demolish this within the next couple days.
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#935 Posted: 13:18:43 06/04/2013
I can't post pictures, but I do have all the basic skylanders, as you can see on my signature. (I don't collect variants and lightcores.)
wrecknroll Yellow Sparx Gems: 1167
#936 Posted: 08:43:46 09/04/2013
Cant Post Photo But Ill Just List them Anyways

Thumpback and Chill
Trigger Happy an LC Drobot
S1 Bash and Flashwing
Pop Fizz, Double Troble and Wrecking Ball
S2 Ignitor
S2 GITD Cynder and Fright Rider
Tree Rex, S2 Zook and S2 Stealth Elf
Jet-Vac, S2 Whirlwind and S1 Warnado

Also Here Its Very Easy To Find S1 Skylanders
My collection!
SpyroDragonstar Green Sparx Gems: 196
#937 Posted: 02:57:29 12/04/2013
I'm not a big collector but here's my collection anyway(will be updating)!
Series 1:

smilie smilie smilie

smilie Red smilie smilie

smilie smilie smilie

smilie smilie smilie

smilie smilie smilie

smilie smilie

smilie smilie

smilie smilie smilie

Series 2/Giants:






smilie smilie

Lightcore smilie smilie smilie

WHY ARE YOU READING THIS??? Turn away. Go. smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:35:57 24/04/2013 by SpyroDragonstar
spoons10696 Gold Sparx Gems: 2525
#938 Posted: 15:12:11 12/04/2013
OK updated my picture!....added, Scarlet, Jade, Glitter Sprocket, Polar and a few others. 4 spaces left for Drobot, LC Chill, LC Hex and LC Pop Fizz

[User Posted Image]
Conquertron Red Sparx Gems: 99
#939 Posted: 16:04:24 12/04/2013
Here's mine so far

Loose ones
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boxed ssa singles
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boxed ssa triple packs
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boxed sg single packs
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boxed sg triple packs
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boxed & loose adventure packs
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boxed & loose battle packs
[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

boxed giants
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chase & variants
[User Posted Image]

more chase & variants
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again with the chase & variants
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giant chase/variants
[User Posted Image]

where they sleep at night, right next to my nightstand LOL
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yesterdays latest additions
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remaining six additions McDees = DONE
[User Posted Image]
Initiating...getting angry....sequence
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:39:16 14/04/2013 by Conquertron
CommanderGame Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#940 Posted: 16:43:23 12/04/2013
^Holy Crap!That's huge!

Here's mine:
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#941 Posted: 16:56:40 12/04/2013
Wow conquertron, that is a HUGE collection! wish i had money to afford that.... smilie
Conquertron Red Sparx Gems: 99
#942 Posted: 17:47:30 12/04/2013
Quote: yelvy
Wow conquertron, that is a HUGE collection! wish i had money to afford that.... smilie

I didn't think my collection was huge, I thought it was normal in comparison to others my age. Time and patience has been vital to my collection as well as a lot of luck. Most of it was on sale (B2G1F or %40-50% off, or someone getting rid of their Skylanders for dirt cheap on craigslist because they are bored of them, grew out of them, or trying to save up for Disney Infinity. I am thirty something, married with a newborn, I don't drink or smoke or go out clubbing. Just save for family outings, and gaming. I am just a big kid at heart, I think most of the older members are as well. Before purchasing anything I always do my research and see when and where the best deals will be. Then I wait, unless it's something that I know is going to be OOS for a while. Even if there is not a sale going on, I always ask if there is, or is their any kind of discount or web coupon I could use. The rare chase variants is where I spent most (eBay). The key is to not give up on hunting and check local stores & websites everyday for deals. (that's where the time & patience comes into play). good luck I know you can attain a collection as big or as small as you like if you put your mind to it.
Initiating...getting angry....sequence
Iblistech Platinum Sparx Gems: 5099
#943 Posted: 04:21:11 13/04/2013
Updated again:

[User Posted Image]
Hail to the King, baby!
Drache Kaiser Emerald Sparx Gems: 3136
#944 Posted: 00:43:47 15/04/2013

Updated with Giants and the rest of the Legendaries
NAYHA Green Sparx Gems: 475
#945 Posted: 23:54:29 15/04/2013
my Glow In The Dark Portal (UK/Ireland Gamestop exclusive PS3 Giants Starter Pack)

[User Posted Image]

Uploaded with
"All About Skylanders" Facebook Group-
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#946 Posted: 02:44:14 16/04/2013
I feel so poor... I only have 20-something characters!!!
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Skylandscaper Emerald Sparx Gems: 3966
#947 Posted: 03:35:15 16/04/2013
I tried to squeeze them all in one photo. Kind of a mess.
WANTED: regular Chompie Mage. Can be loose. We will open and play with it like all of our Skylanders.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#948 Posted: 04:36:40 16/04/2013
Quote: Doomslicer
I feel so poor... I only have 20-something characters!!!

I know what you mean. I have 19 (all listed in my sig.) Though I hope to get more and am checking my stores often for the ones on my list.
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#949 Posted: 05:41:38 16/04/2013
yeah. I'm just now realizing I should've kept some of my rarer figs inside their boxes...
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
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