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Favorite Quotes [CLOSED]
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#1 Posted: 22:34:04 11/11/2011 | Topic Creator
What's your favorite quote? Mine's:
smilie Your toast gnorc! Hahaha!
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#2 Posted: 11:16:42 12/11/2011
Quote: Purple n Spyro
What's your favorite quote? Mine's:
smilie Your toast gnorc! Hahaha!

Lol, I think that's cute.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#3 Posted: 11:18:21 12/11/2011
Tomas: I've always believed in you Spyro.
smilie: You gotta belieeeve!
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#4 Posted: 11:29:42 12/11/2011
Quote: alicecarp
Tomas: I've always believed in you Spyro.
smilie: You gotta belieeeve!

That one is quite cute too, but a little on the cheesy side, which can be forgiven because Spyro is so cute.
Sheep Gold Sparx Gems: 2009
#5 Posted: 13:00:16 12/11/2011
I think "You gotta belieeeve!" is my favorite too.
My videos
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#6 Posted: 17:37:18 12/11/2011 | Topic Creator
Tomas was just all like: I didn't think i'd be freed! Expecially by such a small dragon! I-I mean I always believed in you Spyro.
smilie You gotta belieeeeeve!
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#7 Posted: 18:33:19 12/11/2011
Quote: Purple n Spyro
Tomas was just all like: I didn't think i'd be freed! Expecially by such a small dragon! I-I mean I always believed in you Spyro.
smilie You gotta belieeeeeve!

It's the way Spyro says it is cute, and Spyro's face makes me laugh when he says it, so all in all it is a great line.
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#8 Posted: 21:56:45 12/11/2011 | Topic Creator
Yeah smilie Gotta love the originals.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#9 Posted: 22:03:21 12/11/2011
Quote: Purple n Spyro
Yeah smilie Gotta love the originals.

Oh yes indeedy.
Kiro Blue Sparx Gems: 765
#10 Posted: 23:23:09 13/11/2011
Quote: Purple n Spyro
Tomas was just all like: I didn't think i'd be freed! Expecially by such a small dragon! I-I mean I always believed in you Spyro.
smilie You gotta belieeeeeve!

Isn't it a Parappa the Rapper reference?
"I find this to be particularly.... particularly.....sheep dung."
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#11 Posted: 00:23:37 14/11/2011
^Yes. Yes it is.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7357
#12 Posted: 07:05:58 14/11/2011
smilie Any advice before this...battle?
Freed dragon: Advice, hmm. A wise dragon once told me aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes.
smilie Huh?

That's one of my favourite quotes. I also like the 'you gotta believe!' one. smilie
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#13 Posted: 07:51:54 14/11/2011
^This. Just read my sig smilie
"Was it a hot ghost?"
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#14 Posted: 19:44:10 14/11/2011
I like the one where Spyro randomly says "Where's Gnasty Gnorc? I'll torch him!" He sounds so big headed, lol.
gnastygnorc Green Sparx Gems: 135
#15 Posted: 03:10:54 19/11/2011
that is so funny when i was thincking of my favorite qout is the first one on the list "your toast gnorc"
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#16 Posted: 10:44:02 23/11/2011
Kasiya: The enemies here can be quite frightening, but you should watch the fools.
smilie: I'd rather flame the fools.
Kasiya: Now you're thinking.
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#17 Posted: 22:30:42 23/11/2011
Quote: Kiro
Quote: Purple n Spyro
Tomas was just all like: I didn't think i'd be freed! Expecially by such a small dragon! I-I mean I always believed in you Spyro.
smilie You gotta belieeeeeve!

Isn't it a Parappa the Rapper reference?

Haha I think you're right, I don't know why I didn't notice that when I played through the game.
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
DarkMalefor1 Green Sparx Gems: 152
#18 Posted: 07:55:37 04/12/2011
My signature.
"A wise dragon once told me to aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes."

ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#19 Posted: 10:55:08 10/06/2012
ive only got to the 3rd world so far, but my fave is
Spyro: "DESTINY?! I just wanna kick some--"
A Dragon: "Alright, keep your horns on!"
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#20 Posted: 15:06:14 10/06/2012
Quote: ilovespyro11
ive only got to the 3rd world so far, but my fave is
Spyro: "DESTINY?! I just wanna kick some--"
A Dragon: "Alright, keep your horns on!"

I think you got that conversation muddled up with another dragon there, it's actually.

Spyro: "Destiny? I just wanna kick some-"
Dragon: "Just toast those enemies and collect the treasure!"

Where you got the other line from is:

Spyro: "Where's Gnasty Gnorc, I'll torch him"
Dragon: "Keep your horns on Spyro! You have much to learn first, do you know what the dragonfly following you is doing?"
Spyro: "Urm..."

That second one is from the Artisan's in front of the waterfall.
Spyrobaby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4254
#21 Posted: 16:01:58 10/06/2012
^Gunnar's the first one and Delbin's the second smilie I'm so sad I know every dragon's quote smilie
The darkness only stays at nighttime, in the morning it'll fade away. Daylight's good at arriving at the right time, it's not always going to be this grey~
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#22 Posted: 15:25:34 27/06/2012
Oopsie! Spyrobaby you are so NOT sad; I know nearly every Gateway to Glimmer cutscene off by heart. Don't believe me? I'll PM you smilie
MagicCrafters Green Sparx Gems: 350
#23 Posted: 21:37:22 27/06/2012
smilie HI! Which ways the... beach?
smilie Where's Gnasty Gnorc? I'll torch him! smilie
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#24 Posted: 21:18:25 28/06/2012
Quote: MagicCrafters
smilie HI! Which ways the... beach?

"Hey, stop staring, haven't you guys ever seen a dragon before?"
"You're a DRAGON!?"
"You got a problem with that, pussycat?"
Aha, Hunter gets dissed by Spyro and Bianca for what he is smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#25 Posted: 22:17:30 28/06/2012
Quote: ilovespyro11
Quote: MagicCrafters
smilie HI! Which ways the... beach?

"Hey, stop staring, haven't you guys ever seen a dragon before?"
"You're a DRAGON!?"
"You got a problem with that, pussycat?"
Aha, Hunter gets dissed by Spyro and Bianca for what he is smilie

Lol, that is quite amusing actually. Spyro does have some funny comebacks. He doesn't have that humour in the Legend series.
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#26 Posted: 10:47:59 29/06/2012
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Quote: ilovespyro11
Quote: MagicCrafters
smilie HI! Which ways the... beach?

"Hey, stop staring, haven't you guys ever seen a dragon before?"
"You're a DRAGON!?"
"You got a problem with that, pussycat?"
Aha, Hunter gets dissed by Spyro and Bianca for what he is smilie

Lol, that is quite amusing actually. Spyro does have some funny comebacks. He doesn't have that humour in the Legend series.

He whatsorry!? Spyro with no humour? That's lame. It's like a sensible Hunter!
Oh, just remembered this one:

smilie Before you go, I think that Moneybags has something he wants to give you!
smilie Hm? I most certainly do not!
smilie Hunterr...
I lol every time Spyro watches someone having their asses kicked or flamed, for some strange reason he shuts his eyes smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#27 Posted: 07:39:10 30/06/2012
Quote: ilovespyro11
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Quote: ilovespyro11

"Hey, stop staring, haven't you guys ever seen a dragon before?"
"You're a DRAGON!?"
"You got a problem with that, pussycat?"
Aha, Hunter gets dissed by Spyro and Bianca for what he is smilie

Lol, that is quite amusing actually. Spyro does have some funny comebacks. He doesn't have that humour in the Legend series.

He whatsorry!? Spyro with no humour? That's lame. It's like a sensible Hunter!
Oh, just remembered this one:

smilie Before you go, I think that Moneybags has something he wants to give you!
smilie Hm? I most certainly do not!
smilie Hunterr...
I lol every time Spyro watches someone having their asses kicked or flamed, for some strange reason he shuts his eyes smilie

Yeah, it's like Spyro knows it's painful, so he just shows it as an expression on his face. It's cute.
Wild Platinum Sparx Gems: 5045
#28 Posted: 04:51:22 03/07/2012
Sparx's quotes are pure gold.
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#29 Posted: 19:18:01 05/07/2012 | Topic Creator
I do like the "Aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes." one. It crakced me up when I heard it after loosing the game for four years. Finally got it back though! smilie
WolfTron Green Sparx Gems: 216
#30 Posted: 10:05:02 20/07/2012
Spyro: "What about Gnasty Gnorc!? I'm going after him!"

Alvar: "Hmff... Spyro, did you see a man dressed in blue running around here? He's a thief, and he has stolen the dragon eggs! You've got to track him down and - and get that egg! Run! RUN! ...I'm feeling a little winded..."

Altair: "Thanks for releasing me, Spyro. You have no idea I've long been trapped in crystal... And err... Neither do I... Who are you again?"
I saw something shiny
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#31 Posted: 12:22:58 20/07/2012
Quote: WolfTron
Spyro: "What about Gnasty Gnorc!? I'm going after him!"

Alvar: "Hmff... Spyro, did you see a man dressed in blue running around here? He's a thief, and he has stolen the dragon eggs! You've got to track him down and - and get that egg! Run! RUN! ...I'm feeling a little winded..."

Altair: "Thanks for releasing me, Spyro. You have no idea I've long been trapped in crystal... And err... Neither do I... Who are you again?"

Oh yeah, I always crack up when I hear them. And the flying boxes one! smilie
spyrodadragon Green Sparx Gems: 490
#32 Posted: 17:43:14 03/08/2012
thank you for freeing me
everyone spam this now Posted Image:
or the enderman will kill you
avatar by kap
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#33 Posted: 09:17:09 04/08/2012
Quote: spyrodadragon
thank you for freeing me

Thank you for releasing me
Any Osu fan here?
DragonDog Ripto Gems: 1798
#34 Posted: 17:01:17 10/11/2012
"Spyro those birds may look tough but there pretty tasty! Flame boild a pinch of salt..."
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