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Dawn of The Dragon or The Darkest Hour? [CLOSED]
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#1 Posted: 00:40:39 20/04/2008 | Topic Creator
read the second announcement.

This can be true coz Darkest Hour was an alternative name just like Crash: Invasion of the Bandicoot Snatchers that's now Crash: Mind ove Mutants and they putted it there too.

ToTheGame is a legit site so this can be true, but Radical Ent. is trying to remove this idea out of our mind (the Crash part) and undirectly trying to remove DotD of the web too just like Sega did with Sonic Unleashed just to release the info by themselves.

Info, info and info, that's what we got. Info, nothing more, nothing less. Where the heck are the images? I don't want info anymore.
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
dark_fury912 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3836
#2 Posted: 06:32:41 20/04/2008
Darkest hour is a good name
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#3 Posted: 06:38:33 20/04/2008
Considering that most of the original source has now been removed, my opinion remains "The Darkest Hour".
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#4 Posted: 14:59:19 20/04/2008
The Darkest Hour !!!
It is best posible name!!! (by my opinion...)
Keep smile
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#5 Posted: 22:37:07 20/04/2008
What a stupid name... 'Dawn of the Dragon'? Okay, so ONE dragon is important? ¬.¬
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#6 Posted: 07:39:50 21/04/2008
The information was pretty much the same as it had for TDH, only there was a bit more. I thought it sounded good, but it's probably false. (Heh, mature themes. My life is complete) smilie smilie)
You kicked who in the what now?
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539
#7 Posted: 07:54:30 21/04/2008
I must going to buy that game but smilie.sorry aang,bit mood in that day.
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. (smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie are my collecting skylander)
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#8 Posted: 08:07:18 21/04/2008
...Did I say something wrong again? Lol, every time I mention 'mature themed Spyro' you're gonna get annoyed, right?
(I put you in my friends list by the way, like I said I would)
Do you reckon it's fake?
You kicked who in the what now?
crashpro Gold Sparx Gems: 2027
#9 Posted: 05:34:11 22/04/2008
It's now Dawn of the Dragon. I just checked Go Nintendo's old articles, and I found new Crash info.

I guess we have to wait for E3 now...
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#10 Posted: 05:46:37 22/04/2008
Everybody, Dawn of the Dragon is The Darkest hour. Same with mind over mutant crash game. (At least what was confirmed).
zacoda1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1121
#11 Posted: 20:49:40 22/04/2008
ehhh...I dont want him to be THAT mature...
The ones with the greatest courage...Tested by All might and will...Will traverse A Farly advanced Obstacle....The test of life...
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#12 Posted: 21:20:37 22/04/2008
I guess The Darkest Hour.It fits more with how the story is going to be.
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
DragonFriend244 Blue Sparx Gems: 767
#13 Posted: 22:03:15 22/04/2008
I find them both CHEESY. But I would have to say that The Darkest Hour is better.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#14 Posted: 00:43:47 23/04/2008
Considering that they said that some one besides Krome would be making it, that artical if made of fail.
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4670
#15 Posted: 01:27:55 23/04/2008
I prefer the name "The Darkest Hour" but that "Dawn of the Dragon",
I don't think that's gonna work...
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#16 Posted: 12:20:55 23/04/2008 | Topic Creator
now i think thats none of them
K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4670
#17 Posted: 20:24:41 23/04/2008
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8579
#18 Posted: 15:50:39 24/04/2008
We'll Soon Know The Truth... 28TH APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#19 Posted: 18:52:39 24/04/2008
I still kinda dislike the title of "The Darkest Hour", and I'll tell you why. Sure, it may fit with a more dynamic transition from the Malefor incident, but the title could almost say something "ironic" if the game isn't done right. Like, if the game as a whole turns out to be a worthless piece of crap, or at least weaker than any of the other two games in the Legend trilogy, then most Spyro fans around here would be like "this truly IS Spyro's darkest hour" or something like that. I just don't want it to predict the future to that degree.
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#20 Posted: 21:09:40 25/04/2008
I like "THE DARKEST HOUR bcuz the DM is coming and evil is on the horizen and it dark time that they are having or is going on at that time
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
sapphire Emerald Sparx Gems: 4822
#21 Posted: 23:03:16 25/04/2008
darkest hour!
Trust your instincts. ~Caithe
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#22 Posted: 23:12:57 25/04/2008
Rexy: I would be sad but also incredibly amused if that did happen. Ah, irony. Lol.
zacoda1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1121
#23 Posted: 23:21:58 25/04/2008
Evil...I hear evil! Ahhh where is it?! EVIL!
There it is! *points to cheesy new name*
The ones with the greatest courage...Tested by All might and will...Will traverse A Farly advanced Obstacle....The test of life...
Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#24 Posted: 00:06:51 26/04/2008
GET. OVER. IT. I don't see what's cheesy about there being a "dawn" of the dragon race. We're supposed to be given hope for the final part of the trilogy, as shown in most prior epics. Lord of the Rings and Star Wars showed just that.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#25 Posted: 17:45:52 26/04/2008
(Darkovi asi hráblo)

why you renamed DHT to DOTD?
Keep smile
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#26 Posted: 18:19:33 26/04/2008
Quote: Shrazer320
What a stupid name... 'Dawn of the Dragon'? Okay, so ONE dragon is important? ¬.¬


Quote: Shrazer320
Dawn of the Dragon has to be the worst title for me; the dawn of something means "the start of something", and we know that dragons did not just come into exsistence.

Quote: dark52
  • Two elements never before seen in the Spyro universe: fly at any time and drop-in/drop-out co-op, with Cynder. Both characters can complete the game separately as well.
  • Cynder being introduced as a strong, female lead alongside Spyro, girl gamers will have something to get excited about!
  • Fun combat gameplay with new elemental attack moves/combos, enemies, environments, etc.
  • This is the third and final installment of an epic trilogy, giving players a more mature character design and story line since the previous title; The Eternal Night.
  • Spyro makes his debut on the PS3! This new venture for the purple dragon onto the next gen console will attract new players who may have not been able to experience the Spyro series previously.
  • All-star voice cast including Elijah Wood, Gary Oldman, Blair Underwood, Christina Ricci, Wayne Brady and Mark Hamill

All of those sound awesome, though I didn't understand the second one too well. :/

EDIT: Yay, first reply!
Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#27 Posted: 10:27:54 27/04/2008
It's not that stupid in comparison to Darkest Hour, which implies that the game itself is going to suck and people will completely mock it regardless of its content. Like I said, it's usually the last of such epic trilogies that have titles that are meant to show a feeling of hope, not despair. Star Wars showed it (Return of the Jedi), and the Lord of the Rings showed it too (Return of the King); there's no reason why the same can't happen here.
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4670
#28 Posted: 14:19:09 27/04/2008
sapphire Emerald Sparx Gems: 4822
#29 Posted: 19:57:25 27/04/2008
its offical! sierra said so itself!
Trust your instincts. ~Caithe
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#30 Posted: 22:28:17 27/04/2008
Quote: Rexy
It's not that stupid in comparison to Darkest Hour, which implies that the game itself is going to suck and people will completely mock it regardless of its content. Like I said, it's usually the last of such epic trilogies that have titles that are meant to show a feeling of hope, not despair. Star Wars showed it (Return of the Jedi), and the Lord of the Rings showed it too (Return of the King); there's no reason why the same can't happen here.


Quote: sapphire
its offical! sierra said so itself!

We know, but that doesn't mean we like it.
pandagal Red Sparx Gems: 26
#31 Posted: 17:13:24 20/08/2008
personaly I like the sound of dawn of the dragon. I think it has a nice ring to it. also, I know this book series, and one of the books is called the darkest hour. so if they made it the darkest hour, they could get sued for copywriting.
spyro quote: I know this isn't the path you would choose for me, but I've got to walk my own path, and do what I know is right.
Elbereth Green Sparx Gems: 365
#32 Posted: 23:03:02 20/08/2008
Quote: Rexy
It's not that stupid in comparison to Darkest Hour, which implies that the game itself is going to suck and people will completely mock it regardless of its content. Like I said, it's usually the last of such epic trilogies that have titles that are meant to show a feeling of hope, not despair. Star Wars showed it (Return of the Jedi), and the Lord of the Rings showed it too (Return of the King); there's no reason why the same can't happen here.

I agree with that. That name actually sounds better than TDH, 'cause TDH means something evil coming really bad, dark, bad stuff, ya know?
DOTD is the opposite and maybe we'll find out, that it has even more meaning in the end of the game... you'll see smilie
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#33 Posted: 18:59:17 21/08/2008
I don't care what its called as long as I can get it for christmas
Sitan ali dinamitan
SpyroGirlCazy Emerald Sparx Gems: 4436
#34 Posted: 15:24:57 22/08/2008
same here, but im geting it when it comes ouit i am not whating for the spyro game like last time
Elbereth Green Sparx Gems: 365
#35 Posted: 08:34:19 23/08/2008
Quote: SpyroGirlCazy
same here, but im geting it when it comes ouit i am not whating for the spyro game like last time

I hope me 2... I'm absoulutely sure that then I would get spoilered smilie... I would come to the forum and... no I must get it as soon as possible 'cause then I'll see the ending before I even played it... smilie smilie
ConvexitySpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1018
#36 Posted: 13:01:17 23/08/2008
Is it little old Topic? smilie
It's not a lake, it's an ocean.
My deviantART
smiliesmilie Best buddies forevah! \o/
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:25:45 23/08/2008 by dark52
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