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This is so cute.. [CLOSED]
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#1 Posted: 04:10:36 18/09/2011 | Topic Creator
There probably is already a topic..

looks like ive got some things to do...
SpyroD Emerald Sparx Gems: 4926
#2 Posted: 04:46:38 18/09/2011
t looks as if he's begging for change. But still his face lightens a room.
"How will you feel when you're left behind? Everyone leaves, it's just a matter of time." 12115-PrinceW.
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#3 Posted: 05:19:04 18/09/2011
I think it's freaking adorable.. ^.^
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#4 Posted: 06:33:06 18/09/2011 | Topic Creator
Quote: SpyroD
t looks as if he's begging for change. But still his face lightens a room.

looks like ive got some things to do...
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#5 Posted: 12:46:05 18/09/2011
It looks as if he's in a gastrointestinal spasm, if you ask me.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#6 Posted: 12:52:48 18/09/2011
It is kind of cute actually.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#7 Posted: 13:01:35 18/09/2011
Cute in a mildly disturbing way. And what on Earth is the song playing?
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#8 Posted: 13:08:26 18/09/2011
Quote: Prysom
Cute in a mildly disturbing way. And what on Earth is the song playing?

How can it be cute in a mildly disturbing way? I put the video on mute because I'm playing music already.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#9 Posted: 13:24:03 18/09/2011
Trust me, I know many cute, mildly disturbing things.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#10 Posted: 13:27:21 18/09/2011
Quote: Prysom
Trust me, I know many cute, mildly disturbing things.

Right? Since I don't quite understand, name one.
samzur Blue Sparx Gems: 701
#11 Posted: 14:23:38 20/01/2012
I hate this spyro game. But spyro is kinda cute...
blu Blue Sparx Gems: 651
#12 Posted: 12:14:02 07/02/2012
Didn't anyone notice this in ANB? o.O
★ Yo'..
"Wait! Cynder is a chick?!"
huge dotd freak Emerald Sparx Gems: 3354
#13 Posted: 14:22:34 07/02/2012
it didnt let me watch it >(
Do you not like my mouth words?
skiffykitten Green Sparx Gems: 357
#14 Posted: 23:39:54 17/03/2012
adorable smilie
I own all Skylanders!
SpyroXCynder supporter
Spyroconvexity Hunter Gems: 8720
#15 Posted: 03:09:37 02/05/2012
Quote: blu
Didn't anyone notice this in ANB? o.O

I known about it!smilie Cute.smilie
SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#16 Posted: 16:37:52 03/05/2012
I found this a few days ago, it's so freaking cute and funny smilie
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#17 Posted: 11:20:17 26/05/2012
cute??? they ruined him!!
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