darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night > WTF??????? *SHOCK* (Please post or I'll eat you)
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WTF??????? *SHOCK* (Please post or I'll eat you) [CLOSED]
redthedragon Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#1 Posted: 01:20:08 05/04/2008 | Topic Creator

SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#2 Posted: 01:33:19 05/04/2008
lots of songs have choir and orchestra.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#3 Posted: 03:34:15 05/04/2008
Hmm. I'm actually not so sure if it sounds like TEN, but the singing was pretty, I guess...
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#4 Posted: 11:10:42 05/04/2008
don't have sound.....please don't eat me...*wimpers*
Dragon Lover Emerald Sparx Gems: 4649
#5 Posted: 14:23:25 06/04/2008
dark_fury912 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3836
#6 Posted: 00:53:37 11/04/2008
This song should be a great the title screen for the darkest hour.
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#7 Posted: 16:14:31 11/04/2008
This came out before TEN.... ¬_____¬
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#8 Posted: 04:39:32 12/04/2008
No.. it doesn't sound like the title theme. Not much.
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#9 Posted: 10:44:59 12/04/2008
There's a song from the Transformers Movie soundtrack (the newest one) that sounds like TEN's theme. I think it's nice...
You kicked who in the what now?
alexis1213 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1595
#10 Posted: 12:34:34 12/04/2008
I've seen the movie Transformers so i'm 95%sure the song ur talking about
Waka Tao master! Okami FAQ
sparkz Green Sparx Gems: 342
#11 Posted: 15:32:56 12/04/2008
hm... not bad i guess... nice music ...
Hunter, Sparx And Spyro Adventures Will End Soon
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5887
#12 Posted: 16:45:26 12/04/2008
Quote: dark_fury912
This song should be a great the title screen for the darkest hour.

100000000000% agreed
no i will not write a signature for you
sparkz Green Sparx Gems: 342
#13 Posted: 16:55:28 12/04/2008
lol the highest % you can get is 100% lol
Hunter, Sparx And Spyro Adventures Will End Soon
redthedragon Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#14 Posted: 23:47:19 13/04/2008 | Topic Creator
The children noises at the end made me piss my pants. smilie
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#15 Posted: 21:59:26 18/04/2008
"redthedragon", you're really starting to really get on my nerves with these topics that make little to know sense. And, you're starting to creep me out.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
redthedragon Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#16 Posted: 03:16:05 19/04/2008 | Topic Creator
*steps back 5 steps and does a darkness fury.*
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#17 Posted: 05:12:04 20/04/2008
Spam belongs in "Spam Central".
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
blacky Fodder
#18 Posted: 21:44:09 20/04/2008
it sounds a bit like it.
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#19 Posted: 22:01:57 20/04/2008
omg does anyone listen to Twilight when he/shes trying to stop u from getting banned?? sorry it just came out smilie
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#20 Posted: 15:11:12 21/04/2008
Quote: redthedragon
*steps back 5 steps and does a darkness fury.*

You're starting to act really weird, "redthedragon". And also, "Twilight's" right. Close this topic and move it to the Spam section!!!!!!!!
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
redthedragon Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#21 Posted: 01:25:14 24/04/2008 | Topic Creator
*does again* JK! I just wanted opinions, that's all. smilie/smilie
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#22 Posted: 23:11:41 24/10/2008
no it doesn't...>.>
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
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