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Flight Levels? [CLOSED]
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#1 Posted: 14:38:42 11/06/2011 | Topic Creator
I know how to do then but I can never pass them. Do you have to do them to get 100%?
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#2 Posted: 15:06:17 11/06/2011
Quote: Azul10166
I know how to do then but I can never pass them. Do you have to do them to get 100%?

Yes because the flight levels contain gems. You need all the gems.
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#3 Posted: 15:25:09 11/06/2011 | Topic Creator
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Quote: Azul10166
I know how to do then but I can never pass them. Do you have to do them to get 100%?

Yes because the flight levels contain gems. You need all the gems.

Great... >.> I'm gonna take forever to get 100%.
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#4 Posted: 15:35:16 11/06/2011
Quote: Azul10166
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Quote: Azul10166
I know how to do then but I can never pass them. Do you have to do them to get 100%?

Yes because the flight levels contain gems. You need all the gems.

Great... >.> I'm gonna take forever to get 100%.

I thought that at the time, but I got used to them.
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#5 Posted: 16:05:44 11/06/2011
Heh heh xD
Had the same problem, but after every guide I found on the internet didn't work, I decided to make my own pattern and eventually beat all the flight levels :D
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:09:12 11/06/2011 by Thunderdragon14
Zpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1364
#6 Posted: 16:50:36 11/06/2011
I had tons of trouble with them as a kid, but now they are some of my favorite levels. I don't find them hard at all any more. There's nothing quite like swooping down and skimming over the water.
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#7 Posted: 17:03:02 11/06/2011 | Topic Creator
I just beat them up to Crystal Flight. smilie Sunny Flight is hard though... :/
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#8 Posted: 17:38:40 11/06/2011
Quote: Azul10166
I just beat them up to Crystal Flight. smilie Sunny Flight is hard though... :/

I think Sunny Flight is the easiest, and Crystal Flight to be the hardest, smilie
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#9 Posted: 19:47:47 11/06/2011
they are INCREDIBLE HARD and annoying, but just keep trying and trying and you'll make it :3
Team Drago
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#10 Posted: 15:57:33 12/06/2011 | Topic Creator
Night Flight is the easiest! When I completed it I said "Wait, I'm done already?" Then on Sunny Flight on the LAST SECOND (When time was up) I FINISHED IT. I was about to scream. smilie'
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#11 Posted: 16:17:00 12/06/2011
I finished Sunny Flight wit 8 seconds left xD
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#12 Posted: 18:30:48 12/06/2011
i finished crystal flight right on the 0 smilie
Team Drago
dreamynightmare Gold Sparx Gems: 2139
#13 Posted: 21:36:17 14/06/2011
I've only beaten one so far, I think it was crystal flight, or whichever one is in Peace Keepers. They're not that hard, but they do annoy me.
I can't drown my demons they know how to swim
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#14 Posted: 21:41:45 14/06/2011
Meh. It was only hard the first time.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#15 Posted: 00:29:12 15/06/2011
Really? Crystal Flight was the easiest I thought! Wild Flight was the hardest for me, everything on it goes by so dang fast!
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#16 Posted: 01:50:14 15/06/2011
That's why I made myself my own strategy. Don't go the way the game starts you off at. I go in the opposite direction and get the boats as they come at me.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Zpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1364
#17 Posted: 12:27:17 15/06/2011
I definitely remember having the most trouble with Wild Flight.
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#18 Posted: 15:42:59 15/06/2011 | Topic Creator
I can't beat Wild Flight or Icy Flight.
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#19 Posted: 02:23:36 16/06/2011
Those are about the only levels I can't do... I've gotten most of em after 9001 tries but I still have two left then I'll have all the gems..
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
Pyro-Spyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2866
#20 Posted: 06:03:05 16/06/2011
Quote: Fireball
That's why I made myself my own strategy. Don't go the way the game starts you off at. I go in the opposite direction and get the boats as they come at me.

That's what I found out as well, but it is still difficult to do...
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#21 Posted: 08:30:30 16/06/2011
wild flight is the hardest one. i died like, 14 times.

Team Drago
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#22 Posted: 12:27:00 16/06/2011
Wild Flight:

First go for the boats as they come, and if there any arches go through them, AND KEEP DOING THAT.

Then go for the chests and planes, tada your done :P
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#23 Posted: 14:21:42 16/06/2011
remember to flytowards the planes.
Team Drago
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#24 Posted: 18:07:16 16/06/2011 | Topic Creator
I beat Icy Flight, but now I know why they call it WILD Flight.
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
Shibaru Yellow Sparx Gems: 1133
#25 Posted: 18:18:05 16/06/2011
I always crash into the water trying to get the first boat smilie
G3MINI, Biggest bubbleton on Mixer.
Hi Lindsey. - Taylor Swift
Asdra#7043 on Discord
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#26 Posted: 19:00:53 16/06/2011
ice flight was the easiest!
Team Drago
Zpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1364
#27 Posted: 19:58:04 16/06/2011
Quote: Shibaru
I always crash into the water trying to get the first boat smilie

Same here.
Azul10166 Green Sparx Gems: 397
#28 Posted: 01:16:20 17/06/2011 | Topic Creator
I either go

Chests, some planes, some boats, one arch CRASH!

Arches, some boats, some chest TIME or CRASH!

It's too hard.
Okami FTW.
Along with Spyro and some other things... smilie
DarkMalefor1 Green Sparx Gems: 152
#29 Posted: 00:14:22 24/11/2011
I wish you could fly all the tome in this game! That would be fun!
"A wise dragon once told me to aim high in life, but watch out for flying boxes."

SamXala Gold Sparx Gems: 2398
#30 Posted: 00:40:54 16/01/2012
!!!AAHHH, I LOVE FLIGHT LEVELS!!! Well, for me that levels are very but VERY fun and easy if you give a try on them =D.
O_0 Holy Cow!! I'm a Gold Sparx!
Mariofanstar Blue Sparx Gems: 500
#31 Posted: 11:42:06 29/01/2012
I don't know which is the easiest to finish: Night Flight or Crystal Flight? But they're both my favourite flights/speedways. smilie I always tend to fly dangerously over the water whenever I'm near it.
I'm officially leaving at 9:00pm.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#32 Posted: 03:07:59 30/01/2012
Ugh, I never beat any of the flight levels accept ONE. I suck at them. They're annoying. smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
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