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The Fire Heart (Now An RP on DA) [CLOSED]
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#1 Posted: 19:36:06 07/05/2011 | Topic Creator
This is now an RPG on Dragon Adopters, so if you want to join there then you can. Enjoy!


A young, silver western dragon floated through the golden clouds, his beautiful silver wings flapping with the breeze. His tail spike tossed around in the light as he swistfully flew across the sky. The dragon turned his head and looked at the passing plane on his left. He quickly dove into the whiteness of the clouds to hide as the passengers aboard wondered what they had just saw.

The plane continued to fly on into the bright, sunny dawn. The morning was beautiful, birds were fluttering around singing to the world. What could possibly ruin all of this?

As if on cue, a roar was heard from behind. Before the dragon could twist around to see what had caused the uproar, he was knocked in the side by a beast.

The beast was another dragon, but its scales were coated in blackness. Its eyes were blood red and how a look of malice in them. The dragon was huge, about ten times the size of the other dragon and could probably swallow the dragon whole. It had red spikes and a red tail. The dragon had gray-white horns with black piercings in them. Two large, ripped, purple-black wings outstretched from its back.

The dragon roared again and grabbed onto the dragon attempting to kill him. Who was this dragon?

The silver dragon gasped as the monster grabbed onto him and started to tear his scales. He pushed on the dragon to get away. He growled menacingly, for the dragon wouldn't let go of him. The dragon opened his mouth and fire spread around the area, engulfing the monster in flame.

The monster roared as it lost its grip and slowly began to descend to the ground as its engulfed body spun around trying to get put out.

The dragon flew as fast as he could away from the area. He had to hide somewhere. The dragon looked down and saw a large city full of humans. Would hiding within a human clan keep him from being murdered by this creature? It was his only chance.

But the fight wasn't over yet, for the beast had gotten the fire off by now and was speeding after the dragon at maximum speed. It had caught up to him in no time. The beast roared and snapped its snout at the dragon. It nearly swallowed him whole when a strange surge of power shot around the place and blasted the monster in the chest.

"Not yet..." whispered a mysterious voice across the sky.

The monster roared and stopped. He looked at the dragon with a look of anger and then flew off in the opposite direction. It soon disappeared some dark clouds rolling in.

The dragon breathed a sigh of relief. Even though the dragon wasn't after him anymore, his wings had been severly damaged. The dragon gasped as it began to plummet towards the city below where it would soon be found by the humans and killed.

It landed splat on the roof of a house and slid down it. It plummeted off the roof and landed in a large ditch where no humans seemed to be at. It was all over. The dragon was going to die and he knew it.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#2 Posted: 23:13:40 07/05/2011
Nice! smilie
Ember12 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1081
#3 Posted: 23:30:13 07/05/2011
cool, btw i'm on dragonadopters, my names ember12, same as here.smilie smilie
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#4 Posted: 00:45:45 08/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Cool, I am, too. I just finished the first chapter. You wanna join the RP?

Chapter 1: Welcome to Fire Town!

It was a warm, summer day in Fire Town, in fact it was a little bit too warm. For the past week there had been a serious decline in water and the town was beginning to think that they were in a desert. Everyone was trying to beat the heat by going swimming in public swimming pools. Everyone had left the neighborhood except for a young boy who was in his home working on a paper.

Samuel Martin was the name of the boy. He had bought number 16 just recently after reveiving a will from his great grandmother, and he still didn't feel at home. He always wanted his own house, and his parents kicked him out of the house, so he really had no choice. It was Samuel's night out from working at the local Wal Mart, so now he was working on his college paper.

Samuel was told to choose a subject that had to do with unknown species. He wasn't sure what to write. Maybe he could write about unicorns? Nah, nobody would believe a thing that he wrote on that. Besides, unicorns were too girly, and he doubted they existed. What could he write about?

Samuel threw down his pencil in anger. "What should I write?!" He growled. He looked at the time: 6:30 p.m. It was getting late and the neighbors would be coming home soon. He needed something to write about, his paper would be due in two weeks, and he had no clue on what to write about.

Samuel had to finish this paper, for there was a prize in it for the one who won the contest for best paper. You would win a free trip to Europe where you would go on a month long field trip to explore the whole continent. This was some prize; not every day did you get to go to Europe.

Samuel wasn't at all good at writing papers and doubted he would win. He didn't even have a topic to write about. He sighed and banged his fist on the desk.

Samuel stood up and walked over to pick up his pencil. He frowned; it was broken. Samuel approached opened the droor next to him to get another pencil. He gasped at what he found.

A piece of notebook paper was in the droor on the top of all of his things. But this wasn
t some pane old piece of paper. It was a drawing.

The drawing was of a dagon with mesmerizing blue eyes. Samuel grinned; he remembered drawing this dragon when he was twelve. He was pretty good at drawing back then, but he never seemed to get around to coloring it, just the eyes. The dragon had a smile on his face, although Samuel didn't know why. It struck his soul deeply.

Samuel snatched up the drawing and grabbed a magnet. He stuck the drawing on the refrigerator. He decided that he would color this drawing tonight. He took out some colored pencils from his desk, but stopped.

Samuel grinned. He knew what he would write about in his paper. He would write about the existence of dragons.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#5 Posted: 00:01:37 12/05/2011 | Topic Creator

Thank you. Here's part of chapter 2. I don't have enough time tonight to type all of it.

Chapter 2: Discovering Vale

Samuel decided that he would begin his paper the next day because he lacked very much information on dragons. He needed to go research them some more. All he knew about dragons were the stories of knights slaying dragons for their treasure. He knew these weren't true. It was eight o'clock at night, and he would be going to bed in an hour. That left only one thing he could do while waiting for bedtime: color his drawing.

But he needed inspiration for the color. What should the dragon look like? It seemed mysterious to him as if something had touched his mind and told him to draw a dragon. Maybe he should just go through with it without thinking.

Samuel pulled out some colored pencils from his desk drawer and looked at the ten colors of the rainbow within his art pouch. Red, green, blue, yellow, black, white, brown, purple, gold, and silver. A variety of colors, but he didn't know what to choose.

Suddenly, as if his mind had a voice within itself, words whispered through his head. Silver...

"Who's there?!" cried Samuel as he stood up and looked around the room. No one was there. He must have imagined it.

Samuel looked at his colors again; silver, of course! Silver was a very majestic color, and it was also very mysterious. All of the fancy stuff was rather gold or silver. Gold would be too overdone, so he decided to use silver.

Samuel pulled the silver colored pencil out of his pouch. It wasn't very sharp. He stuck the pencil into his hand-held sharpener and sharpened the lead's tip.

Samuel placed his drawing in front of him on the desk and put his pencil pouch down next to it. He placed his pencil's edge down on the center of the dragon's thorax area. He began to fill it in, sending beautiful silver across the dragon. He could in the legs and paws, and he fixed the claws so that they would be sharper.

Next Samuel began to color in the abdomen and tail area. He added onto the dragon's isoscele (a dragon's tail spike) to make it look amazing and powerful. After all, he had heard that a dragon's isoscele was a key weapon of the dragon. He made sure that the isoscele was pointy and blade-shaped.

Samuel never once looked up to examine what he had done so far. He let his hand flow across the drawing until he reached the wings. The wings were very majestic-looking; they were muscular and pointy. For some strange reason, Samuel felt the urge to add onto one of the wings, the left one. He drew a large waxing gibbous moon on the back of its left, silver wing and colored it in with dark blue.

Samuel finally reached the head; the most mesmerizing part of the dragon. Why was this dragon smiling? The dragon's eyes soaked into his soul. He began to color in the head. When he finally finished coloring with silver, he picked up the dark blue and the white colored pencils.

Samuel filled in the claws with white. He moved to the isoscele and colored it in with dark blue. He also colored the jagged, pointy spikes on its back, the dragon's pointy horns, and its wing flaps with dark blue. He finally completed coloring and looked at the drawing.

Samuel gasped, the dragon was incredible! The now silver dragon with blue accessories made it look mysterious as if it was the key to an ancient legend. He smiled and placed the drawing back up on the fridge, proud of his art work.

Suddenly, a large thud was heard coming from the top of the roof. It felt as if giant hail had fallen from the sky. Hail, in the middle of summer? Impossible! What could that have been, then?

Samuel, urgent to find out what had hit his house, rushed out the door to find out.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:28:36 19/05/2011 by Fireball
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#6 Posted: 01:28:07 14/05/2011
This is really good! smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#7 Posted: 01:31:21 14/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Thank you.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6267
#8 Posted: 01:33:01 14/05/2011
You're welcome. You are a very good writer.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#9 Posted: 02:29:05 19/05/2011 | Topic Creator

He grabbed a ladder out from his open garage door and placed it up against the brick wall. He clung to it and urgently climbed up to the top of his house and stepped onto the roof. He gasped as he saw what had happened.

A large dent way to big to be hail had formed on the left side of the roof. Samuel nelt down on the spot and examined it. "Oh, man!" He gasped as he traced his finger through the dent. From the shape of it, it looked like the dent had been made from something very large and four-legged. What kind of creature could have done this.

Then Samuel noticed the trail of blood now dripping off the edge of the roof towards the ditch below. Whatever had crashed into his roof had either flew away or fell into his ditch.

Samuel quickly climbed back down the ladder and put it away into the garage. He rushed off towards his ditch and stopped as he began to hear something.

Hrrr... grumbled a sound.

Samuel gasped. This thing must had been some creepy animal if it could growl like that. Was it perhaps a bear? No, bears wouldn't be able to climb up his house. Then what was in his ditch?

Hrrr... it grumbled again.

Samuel sighed and breathed in deeply. He looked for something to grab in self-defense and grabbed a large stick. He slowly crept over to his ditch and leaned his head over to look at what was within it.

A large, silver-scaled creature was amongst his leaves and trees and it was looking at him. It blinked and opened its mouth.

"Ahh!!" cried Samuel as he jumped back, dropped the stick in his hands, and ran for his car. He scrambled for his car keys attempting to drive away. He found nothing.

"Looking for this, human?" The sound had popped out through its bloody gullet.

Samuel turned around. The creature was clutching his car keys in its large, scaly paw. Had it just talked to him? Samuel stumbled over to the creature and asked, "Excuse me? Did you just speak?"

No response. Samuel sighed and wiped his head of fear and sweat. Good, it hadn't. He was going paranoid now...

"Are you death? Of course I spoke," replied the creature.

Samuel gasped and looked at the creature. "That's impossible! You can't speak, what ever you are..."

"Are you blind? Perhaps you need to see a doctor! I am a dragon!" growled the creature. "And I have a name, human!"

Samuel twitched and looked around him. The nieghbors hadn't gotten back yet. Nothing to worry about. "Sorry, what is it?"

"My name will be too hard for you to understand. My name is Ioth Guawysvern Navnik Darastrix Di Sepa Vur Vunal," replied the dragon, "But you... can call me Vale."

Samuel's eyes widened as he took all of this in. "Well, Vale, why are you here? Dragons don't exist!"

Vale had a smug look on his face as he shook his head and face palmed it with his paw. "Scientists are no experts, they are not smart enough to know us. We exist; we just hide in a hidden land!"

"This can't be happening! I've obviously fell asleep at my desk and I will wake up when I blink!" Exclaimed Samuel, still unsure if he should believe this dragon. He blinked his eyes and opened them. The dragon was gone. Samuel breathed in deep and turned around, glad that he was just dreaming.

"Still here, human," said Vale, who was now lying in front of Samuel's front door. He tapped his claws on the ground.

"Ah!!" cried Samuel. So he really wasn't dreaming... he was speaking to a real dragon!

"Well, human, now that you have finally gotten to your senses," said Vale, "Would you mind telling me what your name is?"

Samuel breathed fast. "Sorry, my name is Samuel Martin. Now, why are you here?"

"Well, Samuel, that is a long story, but..." Replied Vale. He paused and clinched his leg in pain. Through gritted teeth, he continued, "I have been injured severly and I need help. Could you show some hospitality and help bandage my wounds?"

Samuel gasped as he heard a car approaching from behind. His next door neighbor was back. He turned back and rushed at Vale and pulled his front door open. "Quick get in my house! My neighbor is back!"

Vale rolled his eyes and limped through the doorway into Samuel's house. Without having to be told, he rested down on the living room floor.

Samuel turned around and rushed out the door. He closed it behind him and backed up against it as his next door neighbor slowly approached him.

Mr. Frank Greenbridge had been Samuel's angry, live-alone type of neighbor who always questioned him. He had always been gruesome with Samuel since he had moved into the neighborhood. Frank had lived in House 17 for as long as Samuel could remember. "Who were you talking to, boy?" He asked in a grumpy voice.

"Oh, nothing, I was just talking on my phone," Replied Samuel nervously.

Mr. Greenbridge looked at him suspiciously. "To who?"

"My parents about the bills," Lied Samuel as he felt around for his phone as proof, but he had left it in his room.

Mr. Greenbridge rolled his eyes. "Don't you already have enough money from that will of yours? I'm off now, don't make any racket, or I'll call the police."

"Yes, Mr. Greenbridge," Said Samuel as if saluting to a sergeant in the army.

Without another word, Mr. Greenbridge walked off across the yard to his house and slammed his door shut.

Samuel sighed and walked back into his house to mend to Vale's wounds. He was surprised to see that Vale had somehow managed to turn his television set on.

"These mortal shows are so childish and worthless," said Vale as he flipped the TV off with one press of his paw on the small remote.

"Whatever, now what do you want me to do to your wounds?" asked Samuel as he stumbled through his medicine cabinet and pulled out a pack of knee band-aids.

"Well, you can start by fixing up my wings."
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
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