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Image Bug In Header [CLOSED]
spyrorocks Blue Sparx Gems: 851
#1 Posted: 21:53:23 10/09/2006 | Topic Creator
OK just found this bug.

Here is an image:

Viewed in IE 7 at a resoulution of 1280x768.

As you can see, the random image is right underneeth the word "Spyro" in the header.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14157
#2 Posted: 22:22:40 10/09/2006
Yep, I knew about that problem I just didn't think anyone really used Internet Explorer 7 yet to bother fixing it but I suppose I'll have to try and sort that out. Thanks for pointing it out though. smilie

Update: And since Internet Explorer 7 was finally released for real today I've fixed the problem. smilie
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Last edited at 15:13:43 19/10/2006 by dark52
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