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Contest!~<3 [CLOSED]
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#1 Posted: 03:47:26 10/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Create a World

At last I have remembered to create this freaking contest! smilie
Okay! This is a contest to see who can create the best world in as many as 20 sentances! It may be 1 sentance over only if the last sentance gives a name, i.e. This is the world of ______. or This is ______.


  1. You must try to create an entire world in 20 (possibly 21, depends on the 21st sentance) sentances AT MOST!!
  2. You must have at least 10 sentances, and they may not be run ons.
  3. There must be a limit or it wouldn't be contest, so don't complain or I'll disqualify you. This rule is for my sanity. Please follow it, for all our goods.
  4. There must be proper grammer.
  5. You may not have characters in your worlds.
  6. The world does not have to be populated.
  7. You MUST NOT even SLIGHTLY MENTION something that exists in a video game. This will result in imediate disqualification, for copyright reasons, and that it is not an original creation, but someone else created it for you.
  8. Do not insult other contestants, and do not talk trash about the other submisions.
  9. All trolls will be immediately reported, no matter who, what, or when they are.
  10. End of story, trolls will die.
  11. Now I'm just being annoying.
  12. I'm out of rules...

The contest is now OPEN!!!

P.S. If I enter something, I can't win, that would seem biased, but I might put something up. smilie THAT you can critique, insult, poke fun at, idolize, adore, study, or otherwise talk about in any adoring manner. smilie> *winked salute*
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#2 Posted: 21:51:55 11/04/2011 | Topic Creator
*looks around forlornly* O-O Wh-...Why has no one... *sniffle* joined... :-: *slow tears face*
No one is creative these days... |T-T| *curled up holding head*
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#3 Posted: 22:07:14 11/04/2011
sounds cool. i might join if i'm not buried in school work or whatever. i'll see what i can come up with if i have time. right now, i'm stuck writing a research paper for my english class. >.<
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#4 Posted: 22:20:19 11/04/2011 | Topic Creator
I know the feel. Deadline is end of the month. Take your time. Also, feel free to write it in a study hall and type it, ya know? smilie It's what I'd do!

You can have me write, edit, or create ANY-I repeat, ANY-piece of writing, or any piece of poetry you wish. It can be yaoi(can't believe I just said that...) or yuri(Stop me now. Please. Someone.) and it can be somone gutting someone else or something so obscene you have to PM it to me, or even something with sidesplitting hilarity. Those who read my stories know I can do hilarity! smilie Or have me create a character from the farthest deapths of my imagination.
P.S. Do not ask for spell check, I am not a human dictionary. You see my spelling errors just here. Deapths, for example. I don't think that's how you spell that... *is too lazy to just use Word and check*

But that's the prize! smilie Good one, no?*knows she's gonna live to regret it*
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#5 Posted: 22:41:24 11/04/2011
*nods* yeah, great prize. hmm, i'd love to just my imagination go nuts on this contest, but my life would be over if i ignored my hw completely. i suppose i got some free time at some point in the day to write it though. if not that, it'll be on my mind at least, unless the were vs. vamp rp is currently on my mind, which is often, btw. X3
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#6 Posted: 22:50:53 11/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Remember the limit!!!

I'll be back way later.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#7 Posted: 23:00:57 11/04/2011
hmm, yes, the limit. no epic novels for this contest, that'd take forever to read, and write for that matter. also can't have characters. might be able to sorta work around that. i'm not saying i'm going to break the rules. what i mean is, usually when i write a story, the first idea to come to me, is a character. don't really know why, but i can come up with a whole bunch of characters before i even have an idea for a story. what i'm thinking of doing is starting with a character, create a world for them, and then just take the character out of the description. or something like that.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#8 Posted: 01:25:01 12/04/2011
... Maaaaaaybe ... *sits down and waits for inspiration other than my cat*
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#9 Posted: 19:01:08 12/04/2011 | Topic Creator
they can be long sentances, but no run ons or you go buh-bye. I figured putting up the prize would be a good idea for contestants. smilie Would you like me to post an example?

P.S. It's not a story, you're creating a world. Create either a planet or a realm or something else entirely. City, universe, anything, so long as it doesn't have any distinguisable CHARACTER.
i.e. The planet is inhabited by a humanoid fish species with resembalance to dragons, of sorts.
That could work, but no:
Kevin, a fishlike dragon with blue scales, red eyes, and a bad @$$ attitude...
Kay? smilie I can still post mine if ya want!
MangaChick33333 Green Sparx Gems: 259
#10 Posted: 21:22:18 12/04/2011
HI. new person friend of ashes. story starts...NOOOOOOOW

I stepped into the dim winter light looking for him. he was sitting on a bench just outside of the pool of light the lamp gave off, "Ream" i greeted
We stood there, facing off until finaly he stepped forward and i could see his strong jawline and glittering green eyes. i took a step closer to him and suddenly, i was in his brother, the one i had lost, was right in front of me, and suddenly, i was bawling. iI couldnt stop, all of the raw emotions i had held back came flooding out.
"i missed you Ream."

how's that for a story line in 20 scentences or less?!
Even nice people have to be bastards sometimes so that people can apreciate their gentle loving natures
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#11 Posted: 21:24:58 12/04/2011 | Topic Creator
*facepalms so epicly* .........MangaChick..... did you not read the rules? smilie It's Create A World for a reason. You create a world, not a story. And... did your Gems just go up from, like, twelve to 112? o.o And holy snap, mine just jacked up too! I think... Yeah. But no, your story... doesn't even qualify...
MangaChick33333 Green Sparx Gems: 259
#12 Posted: 02:55:59 13/04/2011
awwwwww. oh well. never good at making worlds. just stories. AND RETRY,,, GOOOOOOOO

Red tracers sped along the streets, their glow iluminating the blue tinged grass and metal benches. The people walking among the streets clothed in black slacks and sweaters, there faces all holding the same expressions. A carefull blankness, it was always like this. Here, in Neraid.
Even nice people have to be bastards sometimes so that people can apreciate their gentle loving natures
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#13 Posted: 02:57:44 13/04/2011 | Topic Creator
smilie 10 sentance minimum.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#14 Posted: 04:24:44 13/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Nice. You JUST made the sentance cut! smilie Good, good. See? That's what we're looking for! Well, pretty much. smilie Great job! smilie
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#15 Posted: 04:35:40 13/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Hmmm... me gonna post mine now. Just as an example of something different.

In this world, Darkness reigns over all. Cold and blackness, Ice and Darkness, and empty world. Or so it seems. If you look closely, you'll find that there are caves in this black, cold world, in the rocky, jagged surface. These caves lead to tunnels, and these tunnels lead down, deep into the core of the world. The core is warmth, and strangely enough, the core is light. The light from the Core lights up an underground world of intruige and amazement where creatures of all types sell many things, of many values, in many, many forms. There are also valleys, hills, grasses and other plants, forests, oceans, all bellow the surface of the world. The rivers, phosphorescent and beautiful, and amazingly clean to drink, filtered by the world's amazing natural filter system, despite the glowing. There are a variety of fruits, spiked fruits, round fruits, rainbow fruits, and even more meats.
There are strange creatures that fall prey to the carnivores of this world, the hunters and the wild ones, that are covered in scales, and yet tastes like chicken. There are the predators, large creatures with vicious teeth, and claws the size of a human's hand. There are the peaceful herbivores, forever farming and keeping the land plentiful. And there are those humanoid ones that eat both the meat the hunters catch, and the plants the herbivores grow. What seems like a barren, empty world from the outside is, actually, a lush, rish world on this inside.
This is Haromani.

See? smilie
MangaChick33333 Green Sparx Gems: 259
#16 Posted: 20:55:59 13/04/2011
grr. oh well ill just stick to storymaking instead. smilie
Even nice people have to be bastards sometimes so that people can apreciate their gentle loving natures
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#17 Posted: 00:23:07 14/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Come on. We can't just have one person! Cynder09! Get your fuzzy butt in here and post your piece! smilie
CLover you too! smilie
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#18 Posted: 03:26:57 14/04/2011
Meh!! You can't rush ME!! D:< JK.
And my butt is NOT fuzzy!!!! (not joking on that one)

This area is a long strip of land in the Mainland of (insert whatever realm/country here). This strip of land is basically a large, steep cliff. It is overgrown by much plant life, mainly ferns and tall grass. Massive trees sprout from the ground, taking twelve humans to go around. The heights would be the equivalent of five Giraffes standing on each other. The leaves on the trees are a bloody red color year round, whatever the weather.
These trees are best known for nesting swarms of blood-drinking parasites that can chew through even the toughest of skin. Some nearby inhabitants claim they even see Bone Creatures sifting through the Ferns and Grass, licking up the blood as if they want it's salty taste again. Another species that lives in the band of bloody trees are falcon-like birds, with dagger-like talons. It is said that they can rip through a creature's throat in one blow.
The ferns have spots of scarlet on their leaves, as if blood has been splattered on them repeatedly over the ages. The trees have blotches of scarlet on their bark, and bits of flesh hang from their thick branches.
It has been said that this place is a test to see if an individual can gain an Audience with the God(s) of this Realm.
Storms and unusual weather has been seen around this strip of land, so it is a very strange area to be near to. Absolutely no one has made it through this band of land yet.

Blood Bridge smilie This is all I got for being rushed. smilie Fail name.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:03:24 14/04/2011 by CinderLover
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#19 Posted: 03:33:54 14/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Nice. 15 sentances. Squarely in the middle. Um... it would be good to have a name, since that's what I'm going to use. You should recognize your own world name.
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#20 Posted: 03:36:29 14/04/2011
... fine. Lemme actually think about this one.

Yes, very little sentences. I'm not J.R.R. Tolkien, so I can't write 21 sentences about a thin strip of land. smilie
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#21 Posted: 19:37:14 14/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Haha. I can't either, but I was forcing myself to be very brief in my example. smilie I do like yours though!
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#22 Posted: 19:56:45 14/04/2011
smilie yay!! :'D
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#23 Posted: 20:57:06 14/04/2011
hey, no rushing, i got a reasearch paper to write, ya know. i'll get something up when i get it up. just hold your horses. X3
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#24 Posted: 21:03:21 14/04/2011 | Topic Creator
I know, I know, all the same... And if you could advertise it, I'd owe you one... we need more peeps in here. smilie
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#25 Posted: 21:16:36 14/04/2011
advertise? hm, ok, i'll tell a couple of people i know about it.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#26 Posted: 00:24:53 15/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Yay! \smilie/
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#27 Posted: 00:34:44 15/04/2011
smilie Nice dance you got there, Goldenfire.

\smilie\ |smilie| /smilie/ |smilie| \smilie\ |smilie| /smilie/
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#28 Posted: 00:36:46 15/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Where did I use that? smilie Really, where did I use that again? And thank you. smilie
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#29 Posted: 00:46:05 15/04/2011
Who knows, I just decided to do a random dance!! I saw it somewhere *look around forums for dance*

\smilie\ |smilie| /smilie/ |smilie| \smilie\ |smilie|

I feel hyper ... have you noticed???
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#30 Posted: 02:56:45 15/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Yup! smilie ..
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#31 Posted: 03:02:58 15/04/2011
Yeah ... *drinks caffeine free Diet Coke* I'mma good now.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#32 Posted: 03:08:08 15/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Good. I need to talk to you, CLover. PM me. It's not anything bad. smilie
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#33 Posted: 03:56:43 15/04/2011
Right, "... not anything bad". smilie

Well ... I wonder who's entry will be next? smilie
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#34 Posted: 03:58:34 15/04/2011 | Topic Creator
It WASN'T anything bad! For you anyway. smilie

And who knows?
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#35 Posted: 04:13:55 15/04/2011
True. smilie But it can be stressful.

I hope it's not some expert author! D:
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#36 Posted: 20:49:18 15/04/2011
ooc: ok, i finally got something. it may not be my best work, but it should do nicely. its from a new story that i started, and its actually the beginning of it. anyway, here's my entry. if it needs any changes, tell me, so i can fix it.

it was a late night, the clouds in the sky were dark. the air was filled with a loud and booming sound. the large city below was being drenched with rain drops. the city was very futuristic looking. many of the buildings were scyscrapers, and those that wern't, were not that much shorter. the buildings were steel blue, had sleak, smooth lines and curves, and some even had funky, organic shapes to them. out on the streets of the town, many hover cars drove by, driving slowly and carefully in the storm. the hover cars were mainly steel blue, streamlined, and had sleak, smooth lines and curves. on the outskirts of the city, almost off by itself, was a large facility that appeared to be as wide as it was tall. it wasn't quite as tall as the other buildings, it was just about half thier height. it was steel blue like the other buildings. it had a funky, organic shape to it that appeared to look like a giant, wadded up piece of paper.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#37 Posted: 22:16:50 15/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Very nice. It'll do. smilie Name needed though. smilie
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#38 Posted: 22:21:00 15/04/2011
hm, name. ok. eh, how about, Indigo City.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#39 Posted: 22:34:11 15/04/2011 | Topic Creator
*halts* ...sounds familiar...
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#40 Posted: 22:35:32 15/04/2011
hmm? familiar? ok then, diffrent name. how about Cobalt City.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#41 Posted: 19:08:42 16/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Okay... sorry, it just... rang a warning bell in my head for some reason. o.o
CinderLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3924
#42 Posted: 19:13:24 16/04/2011
*humming* I have no idea what set off your mental alarm.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#43 Posted: 21:05:23 16/04/2011
i don't either. so, is the first name ok? or should we go with the second one?
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#44 Posted: 05:26:42 17/04/2011 | Topic Creator
I'm not sure either. Second one though.
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#45 Posted: 23:18:48 17/04/2011
oh, ok. Cobalt City it is then. oh, and something just came to mind. it may be a bit of a long shot, but is it possible that the name Indigo City sorta hit an alarm 'cause of the Indigo League in the Pokemon series?
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
Goldenfire Gold Sparx Gems: 2416
#46 Posted: 01:50:07 18/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Possibly. What games that from?
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#47 Posted: 23:48:43 21/04/2011
the Indigo League is from the old Red, Blue, and Yellow games.
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
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