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I'm really sorry Dark52, but it looks like you have made a mistake [CLOSED]
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#1 Posted: 12:15:59 08/03/2008 | Topic Creator
As the titel says, it looks like you've made a couple of small mistakes
in the character guidebook. I looked op Cynder, and saw these:

1. Quote: guidebook
Taken from the same cluth of eggs as Spyro by Gaul, Cynder was poisoned and transformed into an adult dragon in order to do the Dark Master's bidding.

That's not true. She was way too big to just being an adult.
Her neck and tail were also too long for the rest of her. Her legs wasn't
like the other dragon's. They were placed like a hors' legs. Spyro and
the guardien's are more like lion's.

2. The picture of her is also a lie. It shows her monster-form.
I mean, it's not the real Cynder. It should have a picture of the real Cynder too, i think.

Please don't get mad at me, i just wan't new Spyro-fans to have the
truth. Sorry.
Spyrogon Emerald Sparx Gems: 4280
#2 Posted: 12:25:14 08/03/2008
0.5: This belong in the Site Bugs/Suggestions/Help board.
1. Well, I guess you could be right...
2. I agree.
I have such an uncreative username.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#3 Posted: 12:33:03 08/03/2008
0.5: Agreed.
1: The DM transfomed her... he could make her any shape or size he wanted.
2: That would make sense.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#4 Posted: 12:54:33 08/03/2008 | Topic Creator
To Spyrogon: I ALWAYS get the wrong page. Wy, wy, WY?!?!?!

To Ross: Thanks for agreeing.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14467
#5 Posted: 13:08:10 08/03/2008
I'll add a picture of the young Cynder once I get onto doing The Eternal Night. I'm gonna leave it as adult dragon though as that's the easiest way of explaining it.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Zerodius Yellow Sparx Gems: 1194
#6 Posted: 14:04:32 08/03/2008
To Rocky:

1-Really? So it couldn't just be that Cynder will grow into a larger although sleeker dragon rather than the usual shape? Oh and OF COURSE she was different from the other adult dragons! All of the other adult dragons seen were males. Cynder is female. It would be NOT normal if she WASN'T different from the others! Use logic.

2-Not the real Cynder? Transformed or not, Cynder is Cynder. Last I know, the DM accelerated Cynder's growth and infused her with extra powers. He didn't create a copy that replaced the original.
Last edited at 14:05:44 08/03/2008 by Zerodius
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#7 Posted: 16:00:51 08/03/2008
1. Uh... do you have any PROPER EVIDENCE as to your claim. As far as I know... there are know other female dragons to base your assumption on. So how do you know she's an abnormal female? Her growth could've just been sped up. Remember, in a court of law, evidence is everything. That's one of my rules.

2. Maybe there should be a SECOND PICTURE of little Cynder... but Adult Cynder is still Cynder, through and through. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Zerodius Yellow Sparx Gems: 1194
#8 Posted: 16:55:46 08/03/2008

So, female dragons should look exactly the same as male dragons? No differences in curves or anything to make them seem more feminine or at least, not as male-ish?

... Cynder would look very, very creepy with the same frame as the Guardians, personally.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#9 Posted: 19:21:47 08/03/2008
Yeah. Infact, I noticed that Ember was quite different too.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#10 Posted: 22:24:16 08/03/2008
1. That was her as an adult. She was roughly the same size as the adult males in the game.

2. Dark Cynder is still Cynder.
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#11 Posted: 09:04:10 09/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Ok, to everybody: I don't belive that.
Of course female dragons looks different from male dragons, but not that
different. Remember what Ignitus said the first time he talk about Cynder?

Ignitus: Cynder were... she is... the most monsteres, girrific, forrowseres, black dragon....

That means she is NOT like other dragons.
People, LOOK AT HER. She is WAY bigger than the guardians.
It would be really stupid if the female dragons were bigger than the males.
And to:

Dark52: Thanks for listen to my comment. It is still the best Spyro-site ever.

Zerodius: As Ross' first comment said, DM could shape Cynder as he wanted her.

HIR: I have one PROPER EVIDENCE, if you don't no, the book 'Dragonologi' tells that male and female dragons looks almost like
eachother! The females are just a bit thiner, has smaller horns, and isn't
as strong as the males. Take that.
And yes, maybe a second picture would work. Dark52 decide.

Ross: Yes females look different, as said to HIR.

Razz: That was a monster-form. It was her adult form with alot of ekstra.
Dark Cynder is not Cynder. Cynder is my favourit character, and in my
opinion, Dark Cynder is really ugly, with her skinny legs, and big feets.
People need to now the real Cynder. The cool Cynder, the elegant Cynder.
Zerodius Yellow Sparx Gems: 1194
#12 Posted: 13:29:09 09/03/2008
To Rocky:

Well, they were scared of Cynder as an adult since she was, you know, the one who kind of led the Dark Army to victory against the dragons, basically dooming dragon civilization? How are you going to qualify a foe that is extremely good at killing those you love? You're certainly not going to use terms such as "she's marvelous, skilled, and incredible". No, you're going to use terms such as "monstrous, horrific" and the likes.

How do you think the Dark Army feel about Spyro, that horrible pest that kill them one after the other without blinking?

Final thing...

HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#13 Posted: 15:25:12 09/03/2008
Quote: Zerodius

So, female dragons should look exactly the same as male dragons? No differences in curves or anything to make them seem more feminine or at least, not as male-ish?

... Cynder would look very, very creepy with the same frame as the Guardians, personally.

When did I say that? I said there's no other female in the game to base her assumption upon. Cynder could've been a perfectly normal adult (even if her growth was sped up).
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#14 Posted: 09:36:26 10/03/2008 | Topic Creator
I don't wan't to put op a fight, Zerodius, but 'Dragonologi' is the best
dragon-book ever made.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#15 Posted: 11:02:55 10/03/2008
Quote: Rocky
I don't wan't to put op a fight, Zerodius, but 'Dragonologi' is the best
dragon-book ever made.

Zerodius had a true, CLOSE THAT BOOK!!!
Keep smile
Last edited at 11:03:25 10/03/2008 by matesds
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#16 Posted: 12:40:57 10/03/2008
Quote: Rocky
I don't wan't to put op a fight, Zerodius, but 'Dragonologi' is the best
dragon-book ever made.

Why? Explain your opinion.
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#17 Posted: 17:19:04 10/03/2008
Wow, you guys HAVE turned immature...
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#18 Posted: 01:16:01 11/03/2008
Quote: Ross
Wow, you guys HAVE turned immature...

Oh, really? I think I'm quite myself, Sir Cat.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#19 Posted: 13:01:27 11/03/2008
"Dragonology" is cute, but it's not the best dragon book I've ever seen. I wish I could remember the title of this book (it was probably just "Dragons") but it actually took into account mythologies from around the world, not just the author's opinion about dragons. That was a much better read for my money. Regardless, however good or bad "Dragonology" may be, it has nothing to do with Spyro and cannot be used as a source for arguments regarding Spyro universe dragons.

And Dark Cynder is the same size as the Guardians. Need proof? Here you go:

These aren't the best comparisons since the camera is distorting the perspective a little in both shots, but you can clearly see that Cynder isn't much bigger than Ignitus, if any at all. And when you fight her, Spyro is the same size in comparison to her as he is when compared to any of the other Guardians.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#20 Posted: 19:54:42 11/03/2008
Apologies for the double post, but something else occurred to me while at work. Dark Cynder is not bigger than the Guardians, as I've said, but she is longer. Her shoulders appear to come up to about the same height as the Guardians', maybe a little lower, but her tail and neck are much longer. Her wing span is also wider and less bulky. She's definitely faster in the air than any of them.

As for Dark Cynder being someone other than Cynder, this is disproved by little Cynder's acknowledgment of her larger self's crimes. She is aware of who she is and what she did, otherwise she would not feel confused and guilty. */rant*
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#21 Posted: 11:19:32 12/03/2008 | Topic Creator
To Twilight:

This tells alot of dragon-stuff, and it's the only dragon-book i own.

To Razz:

I'f never sayed Dark-Cynder is someone else than yung/little/real/whatever-Cynder! I just say: she's not herself!
Of course she remember the things she have done, but it was DM that made her do it!

Oh, man, this topic makes me *****.
Ok, listen:

Cynder, is YUNG/LITTLE/REAL/WATEVER, and not EVIL/GIANT/MEAN/SO-ON! The EVIL/GIANT/MEAN/SO-ON has helped DM back to life!
YUNG/LITTLE/REAL/WATEVER hasn't! They've got same body, same memories, but YUNG/LITTLE/REAL/WATEVER is the real one, EVIL/GIANT/MEAN/SO-ON was the DM's weapon....

This is the last time i post in this topic.
I don't whant any questions. I'm off to another annoying topic!
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#22 Posted: 20:33:23 12/03/2008
If you find the boards so annoying, why are you still here?

And you did, in fact, claim that Dark Cynder is not the real Cynder. I quote your first post:

"It shows her monster-form.
I mean, it's not the real Cynder."

We don't know for certain that Cynder was unwilling in doing the DM's bidding. The games have told us nothing about her upbringing and the things she was taught as she grew up. Her actions in TEN suggest that the only reason she didn't flee back to the apes immediately after Spyro rescued her was because the dragons proved themselves to be something other than what she expected.
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#23 Posted: 14:15:24 13/03/2008 | Topic Creator
Ok, THIS is my last:

I don't think all the boards are stupid. It's just so annoying that i have to
tell all my opinions to everyone, in this topic, so i'll leave it now (It was me
wo started this, but whish i never did).

And for Cynder: I mean't: It's not her real FORM. She's small and cute,
but was turned into a beast.

Ok, bye.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#24 Posted: 04:26:59 14/03/2008
Quote: Rocky
As the titel says, it looks like you've made a couple of small mistakes
in the character guidebook. I looked op Cynder, and saw these:

1. Quote: guidebook
Taken from the same cluth of eggs as Spyro by Gaul, Cynder was poisoned and transformed into an adult dragon in order to do the Dark Master's bidding.

That's not true. She was way too big to just being an adult.
Her neck and tail were also too long for the rest of her. Her legs wasn't
like the other dragon's. They were placed like a hors' legs. Spyro and
the guardien's are more like lion's.

2. The picture of her is also a lie. It shows her monster-form.
I mean, it's not the real Cynder. It should have a picture of the real Cynder too, i think.

Please don't get mad at me, i just wan't new Spyro-fans to have the
truth. Sorry.

1. Who said all the dragons had to have the same *crappy* style of form?

2. That's her adult form. =_= But, I agree that there should also be a picture of her younger form.

And also, she was corrupted with magic by Gaul (I think.. TT), and with magic, anything's possible; so why not change Cynder's age, appearence/form, and her personallity?

Oh, and new Spyro fans will learn, not stay as idiots.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#25 Posted: 18:15:43 15/03/2008
Really? I don't really agree with your last line of text there, Shrazer. ^.^b
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#26 Posted: 12:43:40 17/03/2008
I'm not even sure what that last line means. I'm a new Spyro fan (and an old Spyro fan); are you saying we're idiots for liking the new Spyro and we'll learn better over time?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#27 Posted: 00:06:34 18/03/2008
Quote: Razz
I'm not even sure what that last line means. I'm a new Spyro fan (and an old Spyro fan); are you saying we're idiots for liking the new Spyro and we'll learn better over time?

I believe he's saying people who have never played the originals. They seem to be ones lacking proper knowledge of the trilogy's storyline, and are insisting that it ties into the original arc. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#28 Posted: 01:53:26 18/03/2008
Ooooh, got it. That makes sense.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#29 Posted: 02:23:46 18/03/2008
Quote: HIR
Really? I don't really agree with your last line of text there, Shrazer. ^.^b

=_= Most anyways. smilie

Quote: HIR
Quote: Razz
I'm not even sure what that last line means. I'm a new Spyro fan (and an old Spyro fan); are you saying we're idiots for liking the new Spyro and we'll learn better over time?

I believe he's saying people who have never played the originals. They seem to be ones lacking proper knowledge of the trilogy's storyline, and are insisting that it ties into the original arc. >.>

No, I mean people who are new to Spyro all around. But yeah, that made a lot of sense about what I ment.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#30 Posted: 20:29:30 18/03/2008
Of course it does! ;>.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#31 Posted: 22:05:48 19/03/2008
Rawr! -.-
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#32 Posted: 01:42:19 20/03/2008
SQUEE! ^.^
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#33 Posted: 02:13:32 20/03/2008
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