

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > General > Poll on your opinion on Skylanders
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Poll on your opinion on Skylanders [CLOSED]
Ratchet Blue Sparx Gems: 662
#1 Posted: 05:45:06 21/02/2011 | Topic Creator
I am aware that Dark has set up a poll, but I wanted to make a more in depth poll, to see what kind of people prefer or don't prefer the new game. Don't feel shy to answer, there will be NO arguements or discussion here, just answering the polls.
Heres what I want it to look like:

*Age: (Put your age here)
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: (Put here whether you prefer the original games or the LOS games or like them equally [Keep in mind if you slightly prefer LOS, then the vote goes to LOS])
*Will you buy Skylanders? (Yes/No)
If you answered no, why not?
Do you think the game will be successful? (Yes/No)
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? (Yes/No)
Do you prefer LOS to this? (Yes/No)
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? (Yes/no)
*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no?

Of cource, all of these are optional, you don't have to answer them all. If you want, just answer the ones with the *.

My answer:
Age: 16
Preference: Originals
Will I buy skylanders? No
Because I think its gimmicky and too expensive.
Do I think it will be successful? Yes
Do I think the game looks good/fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? No
Do I like it and think it's a good idea? Yes

Your turn
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#2 Posted: 06:05:22 21/02/2011
Age: 14
Preference: N/A (I cannot decide which is better)
Will I buy Skylanders: Maybe. If it was possible to rent it, that would be great.
What scares me is the developer and the track history they've had. I'll wait until I see reviews.
Do I think it will be successful?: Depends on if the gimmick will work.
Do I think the game looks good/fun?: Yes
Do you perfer LoS to this?: Not sure
Do I like it and think it's a good idea?: Yes
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#3 Posted: 06:10:18 21/02/2011
Age: 19
Preference: N/A
Will I buy skylanders? Yes. Because this Spyro game is something different than the ones we've played in the past.
Do I think it will be successful? Yes.
Do I think the game looks good/fun? Yes.
Do you prefer LOS to this? No.
Do I like it and think it's a good idea? Yes.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#4 Posted: 07:16:00 21/02/2011
Age: 12
Preference: Equal
Will I buy Skylanders? Yes because it sounds fun and I want to see what it is like, and the new additions to it sound cool.
Do I think it will be successful? Yes, if you're talking about kids and maybe with the older ones. I think it is a bit too kiddish in a way.
Do I think the game looks good/fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? Not sure, I'd say equal
Do I like it and think it's a good idea? N/A
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
bmah Platinum Sparx Gems: 5561
#5 Posted: 08:10:13 21/02/2011
*Age: n/a

*Original/Equal/LOS preference: original

*Will you buy Skylanders? no

If you answered no, why not? Lost interest in Spyro games a while ago. Furthermore, I don't actually have that much time to play a lot of video games in general.

Do you think the game will be successful? Don't know. Assume that people who were previously interested in Spyro are not into it. Then, the success depends on how well this new Spyro is marketed to people who haven't been exposed to it before. Will they see him as a hit, or will the game end up in the bargain bin? If you forced me to make a definitive answer, I might have to lean towards "small success" but overall "unsucessful" - this is just a gut feeling and it has absolutely no basis.

Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Possibly, visually only judging on the basis of its platforming aspect.

Do you prefer LOS to this? Can't answer this since I've yet to play either. Actually, no one can truly answer this yet.

*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Well, I guess I should say that it's a step in the right direction, especially considering how the past three Spyro games have fared in reviews. I like the fact that someone has decided to make another attempt at recreating Spyro, despite the fact that I dislike his design.

*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no? I didn't answer yes or no really. But my main reason for the response is that it's nice to see the end of a series that has been dragging on for a while and the start of something different at least - however good or bad it'll ultimately end up.
I now have a deviantART account! Check me out at
Post a comment if you can. Thanks everyone!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:13:07 21/02/2011 by bmah
Poppy Ripto Gems: 1021
#6 Posted: 08:44:48 21/02/2011
*Age: Not telling. :/
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: Original
*Will you buy Skylanders? Yes
Do you think the game will be successful? I personally don't know. Judging from how people are already b'awwing over it; it might not be.
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes. ^^
Do you prefer LOS to this? Fock no.
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yes. :)

I'm not gonna answer the last question because I can. :U
GagasSpyro Blue Sparx Gems: 681
#7 Posted: 08:53:49 21/02/2011
age: 14
preferance: equal
will i buy it: yes
do i think it will be sucseeful: no
very few hard core spyro fans will be highly interested and Spyro isn't high profile enough to completly rebiuld a fanbase
do i think it will be fun: yes while as i dont like that there are NO origional spyro characters like sparx, hunter, ect. the game play and levels do look enjoyable
do i think it will be a good idea: financially no the company i think will lose a lot of money on this however it generally seems like an interesting idea and i like the idea of portals
i am very neutral on whether i like it or not because i dont like that spyro looks gross or that sparx and other spyro characters seem to be out however like i said it looks fun and i'll take what i'm given
okami12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2205
#8 Posted: 09:02:33 21/02/2011
Age: 17


*Will you buy Skylanders? maybe wait and see (if it comes to the UK)

Do you think the game will be successful? not sure i mean spyro fans will buy it of couse there is the new genration who never played a spyro game and they might like this little puprple dragon

Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? not sure i wait for new info and game play before making my mind up

Do you prefer LOS to this? Yes and no there was parts of LOS i hated like TEN was in my opion a bad game but i enjoyed DOTD and ANB
Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? (Yes it a good idea for the youngsters i think
Cynder985 Ripto Gems: 425
#9 Posted: 13:42:18 21/02/2011
Age: 25
Preference: Equal
Will I buy Skylanders?: Of course! I've been wanting a new Spyro game for the past two years now. smilie
Do I think it will be successful?: Yes. It probably will be.
Do I think the game looks good/fun?: Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this?: No
Do I like it and think it's a good idea?: Yes
zzsdf Emerald Sparx Gems: 4271
#10 Posted: 13:54:23 21/02/2011
Age: 15
Original/Equal/LOS preference: Equal
Will you buy Skylanders? Yes
Do you think the game will be successful? No
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? Yes
Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yes
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#11 Posted: 16:40:35 21/02/2011
Age: Not saying. ^.^
Preference: Original
Buying?: Not a chance
Will game be successful?: Not a chance
Do you think the game looks good/fun?: Not a chance
Do you prefer LoS to this?: OH GOD YES
Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea?: Nope. ~_^
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#12 Posted: 16:55:48 21/02/2011
*Age: No way, you'll have to find out yerself.
*Preference: Original
*Will you buy Skylanders? Yes
So that I can annoy the fanbase that hate the game for no reason.
Do you think the game will be successful? Yes
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? No
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yes
Because its original and fresh.
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#13 Posted: 17:42:17 21/02/2011
Age: 15
Original/Equal/LOS preference: Equal
Will you buy Skylanders? Maybe
Do you think the game will be successful? With it's audience, yes
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? Yes
Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Depends
For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no? Because it depends on what aspect of the game you're talking about.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#14 Posted: 17:50:59 21/02/2011
Age: 15
Equal Preference
Will you buy Skylanders? Right now, it's a no(at least for buying on release), but there is still more to be revealed.
Do you think it will be successful? It should do well enough, but probably nothing ground-breaking.
Does it look good/fun: It doesn't look very good to me. It doesn't look bad, but it looks like it plays like a generic kid's movie tie-in game, and borrows a lot from other games.
Do you prefer LoS to this?: Definitely
Good Idea?: The toy concept is a good idea, albeit a controversial one. But it means nothing if the gameplay isn't up to scratch, and at the moment, it isn't for me.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#15 Posted: 19:00:21 21/02/2011
Age: ...
Original/Equal/LOS preference: Classic
Will you buy Skylanders? Yes
Do you think the game will be successful? Yes
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? Lol no.
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yes

Whilst it may not be directly Spyro, I do feel that this game is meant to introduce Spyro to a new generation. To me, this is a good idea, considering Spyro was meant for kids in the first place. The toy concept is a good idea IMHO, in terms of what would rake in money for Acti.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
Dark_Spyro999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4713
#16 Posted: 19:48:47 21/02/2011
*Age: 111
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: I llove them all
*Will you buy Skylanders? If it was on PS2.......smilie
Do you think the game will be successful? Yes
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? Personally I have no preferences to games, I like them all.
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Uh the toys idea is a little weird but also good. I'm worried that it might cause competition in "collecting" themas to price and avalibility.
*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no? I am an unbiased Spyro lover.
I is ded
Cynderfyre Emerald Sparx Gems: 3813
#17 Posted: 20:09:03 21/02/2011
Not telling.
Original/Equal/LOS preference:
I love all the games.
Will you buy Skylanders?
I hope so.
Do you think the game will be successful?
I imagine it will be among it's target audience and all the Spyro fans.
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun?
Yeah, I guess it looks pretty good. Good enough to get my sister excited (she's going through a Spyro-hate phase for some unknown reason).
Do you prefer LOS to this?
I have no preferences with Spyro series.
Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it?
I suppose I'm liking it so far. I'll have to see what it's like when it comes out, though.
Sitan ali dinamitan
Captain Spyro Red Sparx Gems: 65
#18 Posted: 20:16:29 21/02/2011
Age: 24

Preference: Equal. Both series were so different, but they each had different things that made both series so awesome.

Will I buy skylanders?: Yes. I bought (or received, as in my younger years) every game (except the cell phone-based ones), so that won't change.

Do I think it will be successful?: Hard to say, but if it does, it'll likely fade as Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh kinda did.

Do I think the game looks good/fun?: Yes, I do, but looks will only say so much.

Do you prefer LOS to this?: We'll see.

Do I like it and think it's a good idea?: The idea looks sound enough, but it's too early. However I love how technology evolves and am eager to see how this takes off.
Bob: So, what will you do next?

Spyro: I'd say the sky's the limit!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:17:29 21/02/2011 by Captain Spyro
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#19 Posted: 20:38:19 21/02/2011
Age: 17 (very close to 18)

Preference: Classic

Will I buy: Yes, but I may rent first if it's possible.

Successful?: Maybe, I think kids will go crazy for the collectable toys aspect. However, if Activision fails to patent the Portal Of Power I could see a far more popular franchise (ie. Pokemon) taking advantage of it, in which case Skylanders will loose most of it's buyer audience to the far more numerous, popular and maybe even cheaper Pokemon franchise.

Looks good/fun?: Yeah, it seems like platforming takes precedence of combat which is how a Spyro game should be IMO. Also, the diveristy of character slooks like it'll add something extra to the game.

Preffered over LOS: So far, yes anything that resembles old Spyro is way better than LOS IMO! But despite how good it looks now, there's always the unfortunate possibility that it'll suck.

Good idea?: It'll definitely attract kids which is clearly the target audience for the game. However, I just hope they work it right, or it'll fail.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:08:24 21/02/2011 by NEW_SpyroLUVA
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#20 Posted: 20:53:31 21/02/2011
Age: Lol... Whut? >.<
Preference: N/A
Will you buy Skylanders: Yes. I think this will be. Breath of fresh air for the series, it looks like fun, and I'll be haply with anything that lets me collect stuff.
Do you think this game will be successful?: Yes
Do you think this looks fun?: Well, duh smilie
Do you prefer LoS to this?: No
Do you think Skylanders is a generally good idea? Yes. I can see problems when figures or portals go missing or break, which is certainly a downside. But surely it can't be TOO hard to keep some figures fine! Besides, there may be a backup save in the game itself. As I said before, anything that encourages my collection makes me happy, so I'm looking forward to this.
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#21 Posted: 22:38:41 21/02/2011
*Age: 14
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: EQUAL
*Will you buy Skylanders? YES because it's Next-GEN spyro.
Do you think the game will be successful? Maybe
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes(But i want to play it first)
Do you prefer LOS to this? ....
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it?YES
*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no

This game looks awsome and i want to try it out before saying it good,bad,or EPIC
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:41:39 21/02/2011 by spyrocrash
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#22 Posted: 01:23:57 22/02/2011
Age: 15
Preference: TLoS
Will I buy skylanders? Not completely sure at this point.
Do I think it will be successful? I think it might be. People seem to like it.
Do I think the game looks good/fun? It looks.. Well, different. I'm not really interested yet. But I like looking at all the new Dragon Characters.
Do you prefer LOS to this? Considering I haven't played Skylanders yet, I can't say. But from what i've seen and my expectations, most definitely.
Do I like it and think it's a good idea? It's sure different, and a different direction for Spyro. I think it could be succesful. And if it is, Spyro will get his own game again.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:44:59 07/07/2011 by Darby
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#23 Posted: 02:18:02 22/02/2011
Age: Not going to tell.
Preference: Equal.
Will I buy skylanders? No
I don't like the direction they are taking this, plus it just doesn't look appealing to me.
Do I think it will be successful? Yes
Do I think the game looks good/fun? No
Do you prefer LOS to this? Yes
Do I like it and think it's a good idea? No
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#24 Posted: 17:56:39 22/02/2011
*Age: 28

*Original/Equal/LOS preference: original, specifically the Insomniac trilogy

*Will you buy Skylanders?

If you answered no, why not?
It's going to depend on the reviews and whether the game itself looks interesting to play. I will probably buy the Spyro figure itself, though.

Do you think the game will be successful?

Do you think the game looks good/looks fun?
Sort of. It hasn't done anything yet to impress me gameplay wise.

Do you prefer LOS to this?
No. I think this is a huge improvement on LoS.

*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it?
I think it's an interesting idea and time will tell if it was a good one or not. I'm not sure if I like it or not.

*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no?
I answered with a resounding "maybe" above and explained. smilie
KZomb Yellow Sparx Gems: 1895
#25 Posted: 18:35:34 22/02/2011
*Age: 19

*Original/Equal/LOS preference: Classics

*Will you buy Skylanders? Yes, if I have the money and a system for it.

Do you think the game will be successful? I think so.

Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Looks like it'll be a fun little platformer.

Do you prefer LOS to this? I won't know until I actually play the game.

*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Again, I'll have to wait until I actually play the game before I can decide on anything.
Meriadoc Green Sparx Gems: 169
#26 Posted: 18:49:43 22/02/2011
Age: 15
Original/Equal/LOS preference: equal
Will you buy Skylanders? Yes, i hope
Do you think the game will be successful? Yes
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? I'll wait to try it before say my opinion about this
Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yes
For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no? Becouse the gameplay looks nice and funny to play with friends, it's not like the classic spyro game (apart DotD) which u'll play lonely, here u can get some fun with friends smilie i think it will be a funny game
Omikron Dragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2227
#27 Posted: 20:38:24 22/02/2011
*Age: 18
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: Equal
*Will you buy Skylanders? Nope cuz I don't like Activision's idea behind reactivating the series (seriously spend 70-90$ on tamagotchi-like toys ? )
Do you think the game will be successful? (Probably yes)
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? (Nope)
Do you prefer LOS to this? (Yes)
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? (No)
*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no? I just don't like how the money milking corporation is f&*%# Spyro franchise simultaneously ignoring old fans opinions
"Life is one long process of getting tired."- Samuel Butler
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:39:02 22/02/2011 by Omikron Dragon
TheWereCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1000
#28 Posted: 22:15:25 22/02/2011
Age: Practically 14. *Ohmai, now I shall be stalked for revealing my age, woe is me.*
Preference: No preference.
Will I buy Skylanders? Yes, though count me out on most of those bank-scraping figures.
Do I think it will be successful? Yes.
Do I think the game looks good/fun? Yes.
Do you prefer LOS to this? Sheesh, It hasn't even been released yet!
Do I like it and think it's a good idea? Yep- though I wish I'd had a game like this when I was 6.
"It's time to call in the big guns."
Own:smilie smilie smilie smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:00:33 23/02/2011 by TheWereCat
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#29 Posted: 01:25:21 23/02/2011
Age: Between 12-18
Prefer: Original
Buy it: Yes
Successful: Depends
Fun: Yes
Prefer LOS: I dunno, it isn't even out yet...
Good Idea: Yes
I answered yes because I think the idea is rather creative and may actually amount to a lot.

I don't put my exact age. I never feel safe doing it. But I AM between twelve and eighteen.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#30 Posted: 04:40:04 23/02/2011
Age: Almost 20
Original/Equal/LOS preference: Original
Will you buy Skylanders: Probably not. Might rent if possible.
If you answered no, why not? Because 1, I don't want to spend that much money; 2, I don't like having to buy toys to unlock content, and 3, the game itself looks uninteresting and kind of generic to me so far. Just because it has Spyro in it doesn't mean I will automatically like it.
Do you think the game will be successful? Moderately. I don't think it will be the next big fad with kids, but it will probably sell enough to be considered a success considering how much they're trying to hype it up.
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Not really.
Do you prefer LOS to this? Not sure.
Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? No.
For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no? The toy thing is stupid and the entire concept looks childish, especially the character designs/names.
spyro14ever Green Sparx Gems: 374
#31 Posted: 03:06:44 27/02/2011
Age: 16
Original/Equal/LOS preference: Original, but I love Dawn of the Dragon.
Will you buy Skylanders? Yes
Do you think the game will be successful? Maybe, leaning more towards yes.
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Honestly haven't seen enough to tell.
Do you prefer LOS to this? It all depends, it will be hard for it to beat Dawn of the Dragon, but it could easily best ANB and TEN.
Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? I love most of the people behind it, but the toy thing and some design choices are kinda scaring me a bit. Mostly, yes.
Dawn of the Dragon is the best Spyro game since the original trilogy.
Better? No.
Awesome? Yes.
riverhippo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1049
#32 Posted: 04:16:44 27/02/2011
*Age: 24 (Yeah, I know)
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: Equal
*Will you buy Skylanders? Yes
Do you think the game will be successful? Yes
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? No
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yes
*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no?
I'm pretty open-minded. I made the mistake of letting other tell me whether I would like LoS or not,and when I played it, I found out that I disagreed with everything that was said about them. So, the game itself, while childish, looks like it has plenty potential. I wont let any negative feedback, especially those that are ill-knowledged, affect my personal appeal to the game. I'm pretty sure that despite my age, the biggest issue with Skylanders is the generation shift. We are now heading into the 3rd generation of Spyro games, and the 2nd generation hate it.
Spyrof4n Green Sparx Gems: 170
#33 Posted: 03:56:48 07/07/2011
Age: 15

Preference: Ironically enough i haven't played the LoS yet i like it more smilie dun know why guess gameplay and story.

Will I buy skylanders? No.

Really bad reason. I don't like the new design of Spyro but I'm not a basher on it. Aside from that it is a little to expensive for my taste.

Do I think it will be successful? Depends. Because they are not going to get the same amount of attention from older Spyro fans and are trying to send it out to the newer generation of kids that don't really know about Spyro. So it all depends on how much kids beg for their toys to come to life. Lol.

Do I think the game looks good/fun? Despite my one nit-pick on Spyro's design, I think it looks pretty good otherwise and if I had the money to spend on it i would probably buy the basic set of 3.

Do you prefer LOS to this? No. Like i said before, I have yet to play the LoS, (due to the fact i lack a ps2 so i can't play TEN which REALLY pisses me off
-.<'') I still enjoy the story, characters (despite what people say about the voice acting, which i know had a few flaws but get over it people and enjoy the game.) and gameplay aspect.

Do I like it and think it's a good idea? Eh. Again referring to my previous statement (My opinion). They are trying to sell it to kids who don't really know who the original Spyro so with that i say no. However, because they have taken the idea of putting real life toys in video games many children would be begging for it.

(I hope that is good enough for an answer.) :3
These streets are filled with cowards, disguised as men. They are, paying no consequence for their actions, soon we'll all give in.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#34 Posted: 06:14:18 07/07/2011
Age: 12
Preference: N/A
Will I buy skylanders? Yes
Do I think it will be successful? N/A
You can't tell if it will be good or bad this early
Do I think the game looks good/fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? N/A
In plot wise, yes. Design wise, no.
Do I like it and think it's a good idea? N/A
It could be good or bad. If it's successful, Spyro might get his own series. If it isn't, it might be the end of Spyro.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#35 Posted: 06:23:44 07/07/2011
Age: 14
Preference: Equal
Will I buy skylanders: Yep. As long as my mom lets me. smilie
Do you think it will be successful: I hope so, but I can't say for sure yet.
Do you think the game looks good/fun: Yes.
Do you prefer LOS to this: Can't say right now. I'll have to wait until I play skylanders.
Do you like it and think it's a good idea?: So far, yes to both. The toys seem very creative (though childish, but it IS targeted towards kids) and the game looks very good so far.
Okaps Platinum Sparx Gems: 6245
#36 Posted: 04:45:54 09/07/2011
*Age: 23
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: Original
*Will you buy Skylanders? Yes (still debating on which version, 360 or 3DS)
Do you think the game will be successful? Yes
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes
Do you prefer LOS to this? Honestly I only liked DotD in the trilogy (really liked it! the two before it didn't feel as polished), but I'd have to play Skylanders to get an honest opinion on both.
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? The concept of using statues as the playable character is an awesome idea, and I'd love to see the game's success and how they or other developers can expand on it. I didn't really care for the idea at first, but it's grown on me.
*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no?
I came to terms with Spyro no longer being a humble collect-a-thon years ago, and honestly I think he's been taken in a better direction overall than other franchises (Sonic, Crash, Rayman, etc). Plus the game looks like Gauntlet :3
#all Spyros are valid
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#37 Posted: 08:44:33 09/07/2011
*Age: 14
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: Original
*Will you buy Skylanders? Yes
Do you think the game will be successful? Yes. Most people are complaining about Spyro's new look. Hey, looks don't matter. The game itself looks fun.
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Oh yeah. <3
Do you prefer LOS to this? I dunno
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yup. Again, looks don't matter. It looks really fun. Plus, it gives me a good excuse to buy a Spyro figure. X3
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
Superspyrodude Blue Sparx Gems: 792
#38 Posted: 01:51:36 10/07/2011
*Age: ?? <- If I know you personally that decrypts into visible form. smilie
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: Originals. That won't change. Too much of a childhood behind them. smilie
*Will you buy Skylanders? Depends. If I can get it for like $45-50 (or better yet - less) then you can bet your fire I will. Otherwise, probably not. Not that I don't want to, but I have more important things to invest in, and $75 is too big a chunk of my funds.
Do you think the game will be successful? I hope so. The only way we'll see Spyro again is either if this does well, or if another company buys him. I think it will.
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes, but not nearly like the classics.
Do you prefer LOS to this? I haven't played, but from what LP's I have watched - no, I think Skylanders looks much better. IE. Lighthearted.
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yes, and yes. Though I'm still anxiously awaiting remakes of the originals. With Stewart Copeland's music. Or even mi–ah, that's thinking to far ahead. smilie
*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no? Because because. Also, because because became because, because. Y'know. Just because. smilie
I'm a music composer!
I owe to God the gifts given me, to God alone. Without Him, I am nothing. ~Sergei Rachmaninoff
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#39 Posted: 12:16:47 10/07/2011
*Age: 14
*Original/Equal/LOS preference: Original. And by that I mean the Insomniac trilogy and ETD.
*Will you buy Skylanders? Yes for the 3DS version. But I don't know about the console version. I will first borrow it, and I will buy it if I like it.
Do you think the game will be successful? Don't know. But probably no due to how so many people are complaining about it. The new fans will have to massively out way the large amount of buthurt haters for it to become a success.
Do you think the game looks good/looks fun? Yes.
Do you prefer LOS to this? Hell no.
*Do you think that Skylanders is a generally good idea and do you like it? Yes, I suppose.
*For the last question, what is the primary reason why you answered yes or no?
Because it seems like it's going to be very close to the originals, and Activision even stated that the game is based on the classic Spyro. I just love the fact that the game stuck to the original's roots, like with the sheep, light hearted atmosphere and goofy characters. However, I hate the fact that there is no Sparx.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:18:27 10/07/2011 by DarkCynder_543
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