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Weeeiiird glitch [CLOSED]
LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#1 Posted: 00:32:26 21/02/2011 | Topic Creator
In Dark Passage, I remember there was a stair case that surrounded a tiny little pool of water, pink in colour. Which had a annoying red cat archer thing guy on it ( annooyyyiing)

In one instance, he arrowed me right into the pool of water... And I was ok.

I got out, flamed him, then jumped back in to see if it was just the arrow that did it.

It wasn't.

Whenever I jumped in, I didn't die, game didn't crash, Spyro just stood there...on purple ooze.

That is actually kind of funny now that I think about it.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#2 Posted: 03:50:11 11/03/2011
Cool glitch, LordRattler. Just out of curiosity, did you use the Invincibility Glitch in this game in order to achieve this?
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LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#3 Posted: 03:55:32 08/04/2011 | Topic Creator
Invinciblility Glitch? I never even heard of that until now!!! Although I did use the 99 lives trick when I was little... (I really needed the lives back then smilie)

No I did not use a glitch to walk on the water. I am not sure if somewhere during the level a glitch in the game happens or if it was unprogrammed into the game to kill you. It always lets me walk on it. When I tried to walk on the water in the main room after on the other hand, Spyro.... drowned.

I proceeded to then pout that I wished Spyro did learn to swim. (which he did in the next
Feral_Miskunn Blue Sparx Gems: 976
#4 Posted: 13:26:05 12/04/2011
handy glitch on stone hill in the artisans world is with the little fountains that are all around the walls of the first and second courtyards, if you jump into them just right, they flick you up onto the upper level so no need to catch the whirlwind then glide smilie

best ones for it are, the one in the first courtyard along to the right of the door leading to the whirlwind portal home and the best one in the second courtyard, turn left along to the weird arch and continue to the first fountain smilie have to hit them just right though for it to work smilie
Faith Hope Love and the greatest of these is Love
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7357
#5 Posted: 05:11:55 16/04/2011
That's strange.
I figured out more of Dark Passage last year, that I didn't know about actually. I was like: 'oh, there's more?' XD
I know some glitches and hints to Spyro, but I can't do them all. I know a lot for Spyro 2 and 3 though.
I can't remember how to sink through the ground. I did it once in Stone Hill. I saw someone on Youtube do the same but in the Artisans World.
LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#6 Posted: 16:25:19 01/05/2011 | Topic Creator
Yeah, there are a lot of glitches in the first game, though the one I found is the oddest I think... broken hazard? Hello? How did that mess up?!?
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#7 Posted: 19:17:56 01/05/2011
I never came across any glitches in the first game, lol.
Salamander Green Sparx Gems: 366
#8 Posted: 17:33:08 28/05/2011
I never came across those glitches everyone is going on about in the first game.
I believe in you Jesus and i will do, ALWAYS for ever. Darastrixi shilta ergriff urcaxa nomeno munthreki shilta ti.
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7357
#9 Posted: 00:21:29 29/05/2011
I didn't think there were any in the first place.
But now, I know how to make some enemies float, and how to make Spyro do a cool roll in various places.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#10 Posted: 05:48:16 29/05/2011
The rolling isn't a glitch. It was just removed in the second and third games.

Common misconception. smilie
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#11 Posted: 05:54:09 29/05/2011
Quote: LordRattler
In Dark Passage, I remember there was a stair case that surrounded a tiny little pool of water, pink in colour. Which had a annoying red cat archer thing guy on it ( annooyyyiing)

In one instance, he arrowed me right into the pool of water... And I was ok.

I got out, flamed him, then jumped back in to see if it was just the arrow that did it.

It wasn't.

Whenever I jumped in, I didn't die, game didn't crash, Spyro just stood there...on purple ooze.

That is actually kind of funny now that I think about it.

I think that happened to me,
However there was no enemies near me...
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#12 Posted: 06:16:52 29/05/2011
Quote: GamingMaster_76
The rolling isn't a glitch. It was just removed in the second and third games.

Common misconception. smilie

I wish Insomniac never got rid of the role, I found it very useful in a couple of levels. For instance, in Toasty, I make Spyro flame a dog, then quickly roll out of the way, and turn to the left or right depending on which way he rolled, and flame again, I found that easier than the jumping method, as that method doesn't work for me all the time.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#13 Posted: 06:25:09 29/05/2011
Salamander Green Sparx Gems: 366
#14 Posted: 14:34:19 29/05/2011
ditto ditto
I believe in you Jesus and i will do, ALWAYS for ever. Darastrixi shilta ergriff urcaxa nomeno munthreki shilta ti.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#15 Posted: 18:18:15 29/05/2011
Everytime I see or hear the word 'Ditto' I think of the film Ghost, completely off topic I know but I thought you may find it interesting to who ever is reading this.
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#16 Posted: 12:28:49 30/05/2011
kinda creepy glitch O.o
Team Drago
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#17 Posted: 02:24:32 04/06/2011
I always knew they were there, I just never bothered to use them... smilie
Spyro-Gamer Hunter Gems: 7357
#18 Posted: 03:33:59 04/06/2011
Quote: Spyro-Gamer
I didn't think there were any in the first place.
But now, I know how to make some enemies float, and how to make Spyro do a cool roll in various places.

I'm talking about a different roll. Not when Spyro rolls side-to-side.
LordRattler Ripto Gems: 1058
#19 Posted: 23:46:47 24/06/2011 | Topic Creator
Bumped cause I think this still needs investigating...
spyrorules1298 Green Sparx Gems: 495
#20 Posted: 21:26:39 11/12/2011
[User Posted Image]

lol awesome!!!!
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