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Sonic of the Compass Legends book 2: Tails and the Luxtrous Orb [CLOSED]
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#1 Posted: 02:00:07 17/02/2011 | Topic Creator
suprised, right? you were expecting this in march.

anyways, this is the second book in sonic of the compass legends. if you haven't read the first book, here's the url:


So here goes...

quicky notes:
- in the last book sonic was the narrator. this time the narrators will shift from sonic to tails.
- this ff has some sonicxsally and tailsxcosmo.
- this ff features T-pup, a dog robot tails invented in the comic sonic universe.

Prologue pt 1: A Long-Lost Friend


I didn't know what would become of my life the year after my brother Sonic destroyed Giga Supreme. After that encounter I managed to craft my own weapons. My invention T-pup and I had also began to travel. I met a prince named Rogue Player. He said he knew what I had wanted. And he mentioned a name I hadn't heard in a long time. The prince said he held this person's life force.

That person... I had wanted back since I was 8. I wished she hadn't have gone. But somehow, Rogue Player knew. I told him I'd think about it, with the Compass Legend war called The Next War going on.

And I thought about what Player had said. And I knew of one treasure that could help me.

The Luxtrous Orb...

Prologue pt 2: The Next War


"How can we do that?" I asked Nightmare impatiently.
"I don't know!" said Nightmare. "Orgina's plans for Supreme Thousandfold could mean the war will be not a secret anymore!"

Sorry for starting off like this, so i'll explain. My name is Sonic the Hedgehog. Of course you know me as Mobius's fastest hedgehog. Last year, A pair of legends called The Compass Legends were coming true. The four Guardians, Ace, Electrodon, Nightmare, and Emerald thought I was the chosen one to stop the evil god Orgina. I'm the only one that can use Ultimato's power, meaning I am the one to stop Orgina. Confused? Look at what happened last year.

"How can we stop the plans?" I asked Nightmare.
"We have to split in two teams. One team must get Orgina's plans. The other must search for a great treasure called the Luxtrous Orb."Nightmare took a breather.
I was a bit confused. "But the Luxtrous Orb is myth!"
"You thought we were myth." said Nightmare, making a good point.

"Let's get some sleep." I said. "See you in the morning Nightmare."

As I fell asleep, I thought about Tails.

My bro's really grown. I thought. I don't know about the others, Tails, but trust me: You'll do well in the war here. Very well.

How'd you like that intro? Please comment! oh, and other things:
-the secret chapter mentioned in book 1 will be mentioned in book 2 instead.
-please, if you don't understand this, look at book 1!
Cool cool.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 17:45:26 19/02/2011 by pankakesparx456
mryugioh Green Sparx Gems: 346
#2 Posted: 20:33:26 19/02/2011
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#3 Posted: 23:40:11 19/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Cool cool.
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#4 Posted: 01:41:58 26/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Chapter 1: 'Cause You Had A Bad Morning


EVEN BEFORE THE BAD INCIDENT I HAD, I was still having a rough day.

Oh, my name is Tails, by the way. So, like I said before, I had a bad day. It all started when I went fishing with Knuckles.

So we got a good place to fish and set up our hooks. I had a hard time seting up.

"Hey, need some help?" Knux said.
"Sure, thanks!"

So while we were fishing, Knux suddenly got a bite.

"OOOOHHH, THIS IS A BIG ONE!!!" He exclaimed.

I helped him pull. Little did I know the fish was a SHARK. Finally, I let go and fell backwards, and I heard this awful scream.


I looked to see if the fishing pole was gone, but that wasn't the main worry.


I looked at Knux. the fishing hook got stuck in his CHIN.

And the shark was pulling the fishing pole.

"Hold on, Knux!" I shrieked.

Gotta cut that line first, I thought. And with quick thinking, I drew my sword. It is a red piece of armor strapped to my arm that has two blades attached that come out when I squeeze a trigger. Sort of like Wolverine.

"Hold still!" I commanded, as I started cutting the line.

With my luck, we got the hook out of Knux's chin later.

Knux went back to Angel Island to recover. After that I had to meet with Amy, Cream, and Cheese to help with the chao garden they started months ago. They said they were going to need help plantng.

You'd think it would be that simple, but you're wrong.

Some crazy morning Tails had! please comment!
Cool cool.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:27:12 05/06/2011 by pankakesparx456
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#5 Posted: 12:23:45 02/04/2011 | Topic Creator
The next chapter will be up tommorow or today.
Cool cool.
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#6 Posted: 11:26:34 05/06/2011 | Topic Creator
Chapter 2: Not a Day I Want to Remember pt 1


Well, I went back to freedom HQ to talk to Nightmare some more. So far, Nightmare and my girlfriend, Sally Acorn, are the only people that are available nowadays. Everyone else is preparing for the Next War with Orgina. Ace has been protceting the Chaos Warp, Emerald has been running her city, Blackmail, without her mother, Cieraa , since she's revealed herself to be Orgina's wife. Knux has been protecting the Master Emerald. Tails is working on troopers that can help us in the war, but he hasn't revealed anything yet. And finally, Electrodon is the 3rd Guardian, so he is also made of Artificial Intelligence (Forgot about mentioning that last year), And is running the city with NICOLE, A. I. that runs the city we are in now.

And Tails has been also obsessed with finding the Luxtrous Orb to revive his friend, COSMO. What happened to Cosmo, you ask?

Not something i want to go back to.

NOTE: if you didn't know what happened to Cosmo, I'll be describing it here, or right now you can see the season 3 finale for sonic x. and now that my school year is almost done, i can focus on my fanfics more. until then, please comment!
Cool cool.
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