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Pokémon: An Eevee Tale [CLOSED]
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#1 Posted: 04:15:01 08/02/2011 | Topic Creator
I had to do some a Pokémon story of some sort, and I've been typing this story on MicroSoft Word for quite some time now, and I thought I might post it up here on DS. smilie Most of these characters are based off my old Pearl game, but others I just made up. smilie And since Eevee's are one my favourite Pokémon, it would make sense to write a fan-story about a Eevee or a Eeveelution.
And not to mention, I had hatched over 30 Eevee eggs on my old Pearl that's why there are a lot of Eevees, just to let you know. smilie
So yeah, I do hope you enjoy it!~ :3

Main Characters:

Name: Honey
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Species: Espeon
Parents: Ron & Lily
Info: Honey is a sweet and very kind young Espeon. At least, when she’s not angry… Honey at least has over 10 brothers and sisters, some she doesn’t even know about- and even more on the way. She lives with her mother Lily, and her father, Ron, and most of her brothers and sisters. Honey’s eldest brothers, Connor and George, got driven away by their own parents after they evolved into a Leafeon (Connor; later on his name is Thorn), and a Vaporeon (George; later on his name is Wave). Honey is afraid when the day comes that she will be driven away like her older brothers were, too.

Name: Kyo
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Species: Eevee (later on evolves into a Umbreon)
Parents: Ron & Lily
Info: Kyo is Honey’s youngest brother, as others may call him, ‘the runt of the litter’, as Kyo is mostly called. Kyo is very shy, nervous, but has a furious temper when angry. He loves his older sister Honey, very much, and will do anything for her.

Name: Disaster
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Species: Absol
Parents: ???
Info: Disaster is a very mysterious Absol. Not that many Pokémon know of her past, or her family. She has warned many Pokémon of natural disasters, but she has never gained one single friend. Disaster has many acquaintances, but never a friend that she can truly trust. Disaster helps Honey in her quest to find Kyo, and the two become the best of friends.

Name: George (Wave)
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Vaporeon
Parents: Ron & Lily
Info: George is Honey’s second eldest brother. When George was very young, he and his father were practicing to stalk through the tall reeds, which were by a lake. George tripped and fell into the shallow part of the lake and saw a beautiful shinning blue stone in the water (a Water Stone). George of course, saw it, and touched it. Ron just whipped round in time to see his son evolve into a Vaporeon. Ron of course, was outraged, and angry with his son. George’s own mother and father drove him away after a couple of weeks.

Name: Chloe
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Species: Eevee (later on evolves into a Glaceon)
Parents: Ron & Lily
Info: Chloe is Honey’s second youngest sister. She follows Honey everywhere, and admires and respects her older sister. Some day Chloe dreams of becoming a Espeon just like her sister. Chloe tries to be tough and brave, but because of her small size, she often fails.

Name:Connor (Thorn)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Leafeon
Parents: Ron & Lily
Info: Connor is Honey’s eldest brother. He was the first child that Ron and Lily ever had, but they have forgotten about him over time, seeing as they have other children to care for. When Connor was quite young, he and his mother were strolling through the woods when Connor spotted a mossy rock. Connor pointed this out to his mother, and Lily told him not to go near it. Connor ignored her and raced up to the mossy rock and touched it- making him evolve into a Leafeon.
Ron and Lily were very disappointed on their son, but a year later, Ron and Lily’s second son, George, was born. After that his parents drove him away.

Name: Iblis
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Species: Tyrogue
Parents: ???
Info: Iblis was a young Tyrogue when his parents were killed by a wild Tyranitar. He killed the Tyranitar and has been a loner since.
He was nicknamed Iblis because he was was very strong. He keeps a Everstone around his neck, as the last thing his parents
gave him before they died. He simply wanders where the world takes him.

Other Characters:

Blaze: Female Flareon, Honey’s second eldest sister.
Ron: Eevee, Honey’s father.
Lily: Eevee, Honey’s mother.
Oliver: Eevee, Honey’s younger brother.
Danielle: Female Eevee, Honey’s eldest sister. (mother to Lucas and Molly)
Lucas: Eevee, Danielle’s son and Honey’s nephew. (father Bolt, a Jolteon)
Molly: Eevee, Danielle’s daughter and Honey’s niece. (father Bolt, a Jolteon)
Bolt: A young male Jolteon, who fell in love with Danielle, but as soon as he evolved into a Jolteon, he left.
Tia: Eevee, Honey’s second youngest sister.
Neville: Eevee, Honey’s brother. Twin is Carl.
Carl: Eevee, Honey’s brother. Twin is Neville.
Jackie: Eevee, Honey’s brother.
Cody: Eevee, Honey’s brother.
Alana: Eevee, Honey’s sister.
Jenny: Eevee, Honey’s sister.
Natasha: Eevee, Honey’s sister.
Lola: Eevee, Honey’s sister.
Jodie: Eevee, Honey’s sister.
Caroline: Female Jolteon, Honey’s sister.
Charlie: Eevee, Honey’s brother.
Dane: Eevee, Honey’s brother.
Cowen: Eevee, Honey’s brother.
Gina: Eevee, Honey’s youngest sister. Twin is Kayla.
Kayla: Eevee, Honey’s youngest sister. Twin is Gina.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 01:02:42 13/02/2011 by Skyqueen
Queen MikaTinks Gold Sparx Gems: 2292
#2 Posted: 04:48:13 08/02/2011
Eeveeeeees O3O
xBlu Skiesx my new account
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#3 Posted: 07:35:01 08/02/2011
DISASTER!!!!!*laughs maniacally* Yaay!!
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#4 Posted: 22:17:31 08/02/2011
Sounds cool.

Cool cool.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:17:50 08/02/2011 by pankakesparx456
mryugioh Green Sparx Gems: 346
#5 Posted: 21:06:47 09/02/2011
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#6 Posted: 05:14:17 10/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Thank you. ^-^ Here's the first chapter. 8D

Chapter 1

Honey slept restlessly wedged in-between two of her brothers, Carl and Cody, who were snoring loudly. She sighed, and popped her head up. For metres, all she could see where lumps of brown fur, except for her older sister, Blaze, and her other sister, Caroline, who was a Jolteon, and Blaze, who was a Flareon, stood out from all of her other brothers and sisters. Honey stood out, too, seeing as she was the only Espeon in her family. Her parents, however, were apart from their children- preferring to sleep at the far corner of the den, where the nest was, where Honey’s mother, Lily, gave birth and protected all her Eggs. Lily had recently laid two more Eggs in the past three months, and was expecting to have more. Honey didn’t entirely know why her parents kept on having more children- this place was just getting far too crowded. Maybe it was because that Eevees are so rare, their almost impossible to find…but Honey still didn’t understand. But Honey understood why her mother and father drove away her two eldest brothers, Connor and George, once they had evolved, only because there wasn’t enough space for all of them. Not to mention, her eldest sister, Danielle, had babies of her own- twins of trouble, called Lucas and Molly. Honey was thrilled to be an aunt, but this meant that it was going to be even more crowded. She was afraid when the day would come when Honey herself, would have to be driven away from her own family.
Although her second eldest sister, Blaze, would probably have to go first, seeing as she had already evolved. But that meant that Honey would have to leave next…and then probably Caroline, too, seeing as she had already evolved into a Jolteon…but her parents hadn’t made any plans for Blaze and Caroline to leave…at least not yet…

Honey shook her head and gazed out into the night sky at the den entrance. The moon glowed in the dark, black sky, and Honey thought she saw a ghostly black shape whisk across the New Moon. Perhaps it was Darkrai, the legendary Pokémon that only comes out at night, and is said to give people and Pokémon nightmares. Honey gulped. She would hate to meet Darkrai, that’s for sure.
Going out at night was not only dangerous because of Darkrai, but if a normal Eevee was out in the moonlight long enough, it would evolve into a savage Umbreon. Umbreon’s were the worst out of all Eevee evolutions. Umbreon’s are said to even eat stray Eevee’s, and rip Pokémon into pieces. At least, this is what Ron and Lily said. That’s why Ron and Lily avoided being out at night, and never let their children out at night either. At night, Honey often saw Umbreon packs prowling the night, hunting Starly’s and Bidoof’s. Honey shrived, and slowly drifted back off to sleep…

This is also something like what Honey saw...(Darkrai flying across the Moon)

[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:12:37 15/02/2011 by Skyqueen
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#7 Posted: 05:39:25 10/02/2011
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#8 Posted: 05:49:05 10/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Thankies. :3

Next part!!

“Ah-ha! I got you now, Lola!”
Honey growled as tiny paws trampled over her back and tail. Honey sprang up, and turned around to see her younger brother, Jackie, chasing her younger sister, Lola. She sighed as Carl and Cody barged after them. Lola frowned. “Hey! Three against one isn’t fair!” Lola cried, skidding to a halt. Jackie stopped, and sat next to his sister. “Yeah, will it is for us- right brothers?” Jackie grinned, turning to his two older brothers. Carl nodded. “Yeah, you deserve it!” Cody grinned. “Boys rule, girls drool!” Lola’s mouth gaped open. “That is so not true! Girls are way better than boys!” Lola turned around to Honey. “Come on, Honey, let’s show them what we’re made of! You too, Jodie!” Jodie, who was watching not far away, trotted over to her siblings and sat down next to Lola. “Yeah, come on, Honey! Let’s show to our brothers that we’re stronger and way better than them!” Jodie squeaked.

Honey gazed at her two sisters for a second, then sighed. “Alright…I guess it can’t hurt.” Honey walked over to her siblings, and before she had a chance to do anything, Cody slammed right into her. Honey gave a yelp of surprise as her brother smacked into her. “Ha! See who’s weak now!” Cody growled. Honey skidded on the sandy floor, and quickly got back up, shaking dust from her purple pelt. “You’ll pay for that!” she spat, and tackled Cody. Cody squealed with shock and flew back, and accidentally smacked into Carl, who smacked into Jackie. “Whoa!” Lola gasped, as she looked at her three brothers piled up in a heap. “That…wasn’t…fair…” Jackie moaned. “Yeah, we…didn’t…have a chance.” Carl puffed. “Well, I don’t think it was very fair how you outnumbered me in the first place!” Lola huffed. “Yeah! We won fair and square!” Jodie added. “I guess that proves it,” Lola grinned. “Girls are better than boys! Jodie, give me five!” she turned to her sister and they hi-fived with their tails. Honey smiled. Well, it was only because of me that we won. Oh well, at least I taught Jackie, Carl and Cody a lesson. She thought to herself. But Honey’s smile soon faded when she saw her father stalking over. “And what, may I ask, is going on here?” Ron asked sternly. Jackie, Carl and Cody jumped back up onto their paws at the sight of their father.

“Um, we were just playing, Dad.” Honey replied. Ron eyes flashed at his daughter. “I wasn’t asking you, Honey. Jackie, what exactly was going on here?” Ron asked his son. Jackie gulped. “Um…well, you see…ah…” “He ganged up on me!” Lola burst out. Ron whipped round to his daughter. “What? He did what!?” Ron snarled. “Yeah, it’s true! At first, it was just me and Jackie playing tag, and then Carl and Cody came along-” Carl and Cody looked down at their paws. “and they started to pick a fight with me! So I asked Jodie if she could help, and Honey, too. So-” Ron snarled. “Lola! You know we don’t allow fights in this house! If Jackie or any other of your brother and sisters are bothering you, you come to me and Mum straight away! You don’t just carry on the fight! That’s not what us Eevee’s do! Only Umbreons do that. You’re not a Umbreon, are you Lola?” Ron flashed. Lola winced back. “N-no, Dad…" Lola paused for a second. “…but I could be.” “No!” Ron roared. “No Eevee in this house is going to evolve, okay? Especially not into an Umbreon! Umbreon’s are the worst evolution any Eevee could evolve into! You got that? That goes for you too, Jodie, Jackie, Carl, Cody…okay?” All five of them nodded, except for Honey. But I’ve evolved…and I’m quite happy being an Espeon.she thought.

“But Dad,” Honey said. Ron turned around to look at his daughter. “Yes, Honey?”
“Me, Caroline and Blaze have evolved, and that isn’t so bad. Why is evolving bad? It’s just what nature intended to do.” she said, and froze, seeing her father’s face going bright red. If Honey didn’t know better, she would of thought that Ron was a Flareon.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#9 Posted: 05:52:52 10/02/2011
Lol! *waits to see Disaster* :3
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#10 Posted: 06:05:36 10/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Disaster appears later on, sort of round about the beginning in chapter 2...but that hasn't come yet! X3

“Are you questioning your father, hmm?” Ron snapped. “I thought you knew better, Honey!” and with that, he stomped off back over to the nest, where Lily was waiting. “Sheesh…does Dad have anger issues, or what?” Carl said, and walked off. Cody nodded. “Yeah, he should evolve into a Vaporeon and cool off.” Cody added, and trotted off after Carl. Jackie sighed. “Well, that went really well, did it?” he said sarcastically and stomped off. Lola looked miserable. “Why does Dad have to be so mean? We were just playing!” Jodie nodded. “Yeah. He makes it so unfair.” Honey sighed. “I guess he doesn’t want us to get hurt,” “But we weren’t getting hurt, we were having fun!” Lola protested. Honey gave up on her sisters and walked off outside. Most of her older brothers and sisters were outside- Blaze and Caroline were grooming each other, Neville, Jenny, Alana, and Oliver were chasing Caterpie’s, Cowen, Charlie and Dane were talking amongst themselves, and Honey’s eldest sister, Danielle, was lying on the grass, dozing in the sun.

She smiled and walked over to Danielle. “Hi sis,” Honey greeted her sister. Danielle’s head craned up as she saw her sister approach. “Oh, hello, Honey. Lovely weather we’re having.” Danielle smiled. Honey sat down next to her sister. “Yeah, it’s great, isn’t it? Especially since I’m a Espeon.” Danielle nodded. Honey titled her head to one side. “Where’s Lucas and Molly?” she asked. “Mum’s looking after them for a while. I need a break from those too,” Danielle yawned. Honey nodded. “I never knew being a mother could be so hard, even with just two,” Danielle said. “I don’t know how Mum can possibly handle it. It must be killing her.” Honey frowned. “Yeah, it must be…do you even know why Mum and Dad are having so much kids? I mean, if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t exist. But…it’s just getting too crowded.” Honey said. Danielle nodded. “Yes, I completely agree with you, Honey. But I think I know why,” Honey’s ears pricked. “Yeah, go on.” “You see, us Eevee’s are probably some of the most rarest Pokémon anybody could find. And our numbers are disappearing fast. Maybe Mum and Dad are trying to save Eevee’s from going out. Do you get what I mean?” Danielle explained. Honey’s eyes widened. “Wow, I never knew! Did Mum and Dad tell you that?” she asked her sister. Danielle shook her head. “No, I just figured it out by myself.” she answered. Honey’s tail flicked. “Hmm…thanks for telling me that, sis. It makes perfect sense.” Danielle dipped her head. “Glad I told you. I was dying to share it with someone.” Honey nodded. “Um, don’t stay out in the sun too long, okay? You never know, you might evolve into a Espeon.” Honey added. Danielle nodded. “Okay, thanks for telling me.” Danielle said gratefully.
If Danielle evolves, than she’ll defiantly be booted out. Along with Lucas and Molly… seeing as she’s the oldest, She cast a glance at Blaze. And then Blaze would have to go next, and then Caroline and then…She gulped. …and then me.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#11 Posted: 07:33:35 10/02/2011
^3^ cant wait!!!Caant wait to see how you portray Disaster
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Queen MikaTinks Gold Sparx Gems: 2292
#12 Posted: 05:56:25 11/02/2011
o3o awesome!!!
xBlu Skiesx my new account
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#13 Posted: 07:49:00 11/02/2011
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#14 Posted: 23:12:16 11/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Thank you. ^-^

Next part! smilie Just to let you know, Disaster appears in Chapter 2. smilie

“Kids, breakfast!” Honey heard her father yell. “Woo, breakfast! I’m starving!” Honey heard her brother, Oliver yell. “Hey, wait for me!” She heard her other sister, Alana, cry as she shoved past Oliver. “Hey! Watch where your going!” Oliver snapped, and charged after his sister. “Finally, breakfast.” Danielle grunted as she trotted over. “Come on, Honey, let’s go.” Blaze called to Honey. “Yeah, don’t just stand there like a Bellsprout, come on!” Caroline added. Honey blinked and joined her two sisters as they entered the den.

Honey turned around to see her youngest brother, Kyo, bounce over to her. “Honey! My best sister in the whole world! What have ya been doing?” Kyo asked in a squeaky voice. Honey’s eyes softened. “Aww…and you’re my best brother in the whole world.” Honey gave Kyo a lick behind his ear. Her brother was very cute, and sweet. She found it sad that her other brothers and sisters treated him like a runt. Well, he was the runt of the litter, but that gave them no excuse. Kyo had feelings, just like everyone else. “So what have ya been doing?” Kyo asked again. “Oh, um, I’ve been hanging out with Danielle.” she replied. Kyo nodded. “Oh…but isn’t she looking after Lucas and Molly?” he asked. Honey shook her head. “No, Mum’s goanna look after them for a while. Danielle needs a break.” Kyo nodded. “Yeah, I still can’t believe I’m an uncle!” he added with a smile. Honey grinned.
“Hey, Kyo, Honey, your missing out on breakfast!” Chloe, another one of Honey’s sisters trotted up. “Okay, Chloe- come on Kyo!” Honey grinned as Kyo and Chloe walked over to the dinner rock. (which is basically where they have their breakfast/lunch/dinner)
mryugioh Green Sparx Gems: 346
#15 Posted: 02:36:55 12/02/2011
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#16 Posted: 04:18:13 12/02/2011
Cool!(note,its hard to keep up...too many eevees...but that also means its going to be interesting!)
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#17 Posted: 00:53:27 13/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Yeah...smilie Sorry about that. I have to many Eevees...
And there is going to be a new character, (mryugioh's character) so check the character list!
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#18 Posted: 00:59:39 13/02/2011
*bounces off wall*
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
mryugioh Green Sparx Gems: 346
#19 Posted: 01:18:07 13/02/2011
Thanks. This story is so great cant wait for Iblis.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#20 Posted: 01:20:53 13/02/2011
Its gunna be awesome!!
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#21 Posted: 04:32:23 15/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Thank you. :3
Next part! smilie

After a delicious breakfast, Honey went back outside to go play with her brothers and sisters. This time, Jackie, Carl and Cody wanted a re-match. Lola and Jodie happily accepted, but this time, not only Honey was joining in, but Blaze, Caroline, Chloe, Natasha, and Jenny were joining in. Jackie thought that this was extremely unfair, so Neville, Charlie, Dane and Cowen joined in, too. So the fight continued…
“Ha! We’re goanna trash you now, sissies!” Jackie spat.
“Yeah, there’s no mercy now!” Cody added, and puffed up his chest fluff. Lola and the other sisters rolled their eyes. “As if! We smashed you!” Lola scoffed. “So! We’re stronger now,” Charlie grinned. “Yeah! We’ll teach you a lesson you sissies won’t forget!” Dane added.
“Bring it on!” Blaze hissed, flames flicking from her pelt. “Yeah, bring it!” Caroline added, electricity sparking off her fur like needles. But before the fight could even begin, Alana, one of Honey’s other sister’s, charged in front of them. “Everyone! Come quick! The Eggs are hatching!” Alana cried, jumping around. Straight away, all of Honey’s brothers and sisters raced into the den. Honey sighed. Just more mouths to feed.

She thought as she padded in after her brothers and sisters. Honey shoved her way through to see her mother curled around two little brown balls of fluff, and some shattered Egg shells. Lucas and Molly were sitting not to far from the nest, it looked like Lily didn’t want them to be anywhere near to her new-born Eevees. Her father was sitting next to Lily protectively. “Aww, Mum, their gorgeous.” Danielle cooed. Lily smiled at her eldest daughter. “Thanks, honey.” “Are they boys or girls?” Neville asked. “Twin girls,” Ron replied with a grin. “Wow! I can’t believe these two are our aunties!” Lucas squeaked. Molly nodded at her brother. “Yeah! And we’re older than them.” Molly added with a grin. “Alright you two, that’s enough. Leave your grandparents in peace, as well as your aunts.” Danielle said as she scooped up her son and daughter. “Aw, but Mum!” Molly moaned. “No buts,” Danielle muffled through a mouthful of fur. All of Honey’s brothers groaned. “No…not more sisters!” Charlie moaned. “Yeah! Haven’t we got enough?” Carl added.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#22 Posted: 04:34:56 15/02/2011
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Queen MikaTinks Gold Sparx Gems: 2292
#23 Posted: 04:36:27 15/02/2011
heeh Fail
xBlu Skiesx my new account
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#24 Posted: 05:05:28 15/02/2011 | Topic Creator
smilie Lolz.

Ron growled at his sons. “That is not the way how you treat your sisters, my sons. You treat them with respect, and they will treat you with respect as well.” Honey rolled her eyes. Yeah right! “What are you goanna call them?” Jenny questioned, changing the subject. Lily thought for a moment. “Hmm…how about…Kayla and Gina?” Lily suggested. Ron’s eyes brightened. “Yes, I like those names…my sister was called Gina.” Ron added. “Really?” Alana chirruped, looking up at her father. Ron smiled at his daughter. “Yes, she was…she was my only sibling, so we had to get along, otherwise we would be bored to death.” Ron said. Honey sighed. Oh, how I wish I only had one sister. Then everything would be perfect. “Yay! I’m not the youngest anymore!” Kyo suddenly squeaked. Lily smiled and licked her youngest son. “Not anymore, my boy. Now you’re a big brother.” Kyo’s eyes brightened and he jumped in the air. “Hooray!” Jackie, Carl and Cody huddled together. “Great! Now we can’t call Kyo runt anymore,” Cody hissed. “Yeah, but we can always call Kayla and Gina runts, seeing as they are the youngest now.” Carl said. Jackie narrowed his eyes. “Nah, we can still call Kyo runt, he’s still really small. And he is the second youngest, too.” Jackie snapped. Cody and Carl nodded. “Okay, but we can still tease Kayla and Gina, once their the same age as Kyo.” Carl said. Honey frowned. She didn’t like what her brothers were doing at all. She wanted to tell her parents, but they wouldn’t believe her…they never believed her…it was always the youngest, the cutest or the smallest that got the most attention in this family.
“Aww, their so cute!” Chloe squeaked, who was behind Honey. Honey turned around to see her younger sister, looking at her mother and her two new baby sisters.
Honey smiled, although now she felt sorry for her sister- Lily wasn’t going to be paying any attention to Chloe, or Honey herself, or anyone else. Lily was very protective when she had a new litter, and she would even attack her own older offspring. She was even going to be aggressive at Ron. At this point, Ron would simply back off, and after a few weeks Lily would let him and her other children to go near the babies. Lily then suddenly let out a protective hiss. “All right, that’s enough,” their mother growled. “Back off, right now!” Honey quickly stepped back, along with her brothers and sisters and her father. “Okay, everyone, back off please. Your mother needs some room. You all know that.” Ron shouted, so that everyone could hear.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#25 Posted: 06:51:25 15/02/2011
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
pankakesparx456 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7795
#26 Posted: 19:51:41 15/02/2011
Just caught up on the ff. very cool!
Cool cool.
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#27 Posted: 04:35:31 16/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Thank you! I promise it will get more interesting.

Several hours later…

Before Honey knew it, night had fallen. She curled up next to Blaze and Caroline, who were sleeping peacefully. She sighed. For some reason, she couldn’t get to sleep. It felt as if something was missing…Honey sat up, careful not to wake her sisters, and glanced out at the den entrance. The moon was up, glowing in the night sky. The New Moon only lasted for two nights. On those two nights, Darkrai was sure to be giving many Pokémon nightmares. Honey also knew that Cressila came out of most nights, too. But Cressila only came out on the crescent moon. Although something still didn’t seem right. She looked around the whole den, counting up her brothers and sisters. She wasn’t sure why, but she just was. Then it hit her. Kyo was missing! Honey looked around frantically, searching for her youngest brother, careful not to wake anyone up. Maybe he’s gone to the toilet. She thought, relaxing slightly. Yeah, that’s probably it…
Honey stayed up for almost half an hour, but still no sign of Kyo. Now she was starting to really panic.

“Kyo!” Honey whispered softly. “Kyo, are you there?” she still couldn’t find him. Maybe he’s outside? Honey thought. She shook her head. No…we all know that none of us are allowed outside after dark. but Honey crept outside anyway. She knew that she wouldn’t evolve, and she wasn’t completely defend-less. “Kyo!” Honey shouted softly. “Kyo, where are you?…” suddenly, Honey saw a small Eevee gazing up at the moonlight. Honey blinked. It was Kyo! “Kyo, it’s me! Honey! What are you doing?” she called to her brother. Kyo didn’t reply. He didn’t even turn his head to look at her. What!? But he always comes to greet me! And he knows that he shouldn’t be out at night! “Kyo, come back here right now!” Honey shouted. Kyo didn’t move. Any minute now he would evolve. “Kyo, unless you want to be an Umbreon, come here now!” Honey yelled. Suddenly, Kyo started to glow. Honey gasped. It was too late! Kyo was already evolving! “No, Kyo!!” Honey screamed, and charged down towards him. Before Honey knew it, she was facing her brother- who was now a newly evolved Umbreon. Kyo stared at Honey, his eyes glowing red in the moonlight. The rings around his head, legs and arms glowed a bright yellow. “Kyo…no…” Honey whispered. She stepped back. Kyo stared at his sister. “Kyo, it’s me…Honey, your sister.” Honey said. Kyo growled, showing his sharp, white fangs. He snarled and leapt towards Honey.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#28 Posted: 05:32:35 16/02/2011
*GASP* Nooooo
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#29 Posted: 05:44:14 16/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Honey jumped back. “Kyo, it’s me! Your sister!” she cried, dodging her brother’s sharp claws and teeth. “Your not my sister! Your just a stupid Espeon!” Kyo hissed. Honey stared at her brother in disbelief. “What!? But I am your sister! How could you not remember me?” Honey cried in shock. Kyo narrowed his eyes. “I have no idea what your talking about! Now go away!” Kyo snapped. Honey was stunned. Why doesn’t Kyo remember me?! I don’t understand! There must be something wrong. Honey had no choice. She turned away from her brother and ran back into the den. “Yeah, you run away! Stupid Espeon…” Kyo hissed. Honey quietly padded inside, walking silently past her sleeping brothers and sisters. I have to tell Dad, or Mum. she thought again. No, Mum has Kayla and Gina to look after. I have to tell Dad. Honey finally made it too her sleeping parents and her two youngest sisters. “Dad,” Honey whispered. Ron grunted, but didn’t move. “Daaad,” Honey whispered again. Her father turned over, but he still didn’t wake up. She sighed. “Dad!” Honey hissed softly. Ron’s eyes flashed open. “Eh!? Huh? What!?” Ron coughed. He glanced up at Honey. He frowned. “Honey, what are you doing up so late? Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?” her father growled. “Dad, it’s really important.” she said. Ron sighed and rolled his eyes. “Well, it better be really important.”
“It’s Kyo,” Honey explained. “He’s evolved into an Umbreon.”
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#30 Posted: 06:39:55 16/02/2011
Dun dun dunnnn
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
mryugioh Green Sparx Gems: 346
#31 Posted: 19:59:33 16/02/2011
tiske Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#32 Posted: 20:49:47 16/02/2011
nice story smilie
"Speak out smiles and poop out colors"
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye"
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#33 Posted: 22:41:19 16/02/2011
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#34 Posted: 04:55:10 17/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Thank you! ^-^

Next chapter. :3

Chapter 2

Ron stared at his daughter for a few seconds. “Your joking, right?” he chuckled. “As if Kyo would evolve into an Umbreon!” Honey was starting to lose her patience with her father. “Dad, I’m speaking the truth! You have to believe me!” she snapped. “Shuuush, you don’t want to wake up the rest of the family.” Ron said. Honey sighed. “Please, just come outside. I’ll show you.” Ron took a step back. “No, no, and no. I might evolve into an Umbreon too.” Honey had lost it. She grabbed her father’s paw and dragged him outside. “Honey! Stop this at once! You are grounded for a whole month! Do you hear me? And you do not drag your father around like a doll!” Ron yowled, struggling to get out of his daughter’s grip. But Honey refused to let go. After all, Honey was twice the size of her father, and she was far more stronger than him. “See, look, there’s Kyo!” Honey said, pointing to where Kyo was. She let go of her father as he scrambled to his paws.
“I don’t see anything,” Ron hissed. Honey blinked, and looked again. Kyo was gone!
“What!? Oh, no!” Honey moaned and fell down onto her stomach. “He must of run off!” Ron snarled at his daughter. “Was this some sort of joke? Kyo is sleeping soundly inside, and the Umbreon that you saw was probably an Umbreon looking for food.” Honey gritted her teeth. “But I saw him evolve!” she snapped. Ron blinked.
“Are you sure?” he asked. “Yes.” Honey replied.
Ron sighed. “Well, we can’t go looking for him now. It’s too late and all of us are bond to evolve if we go out.” Honey’s ears and tails drooped. “But…he’s my brother- your son! How can you just leave him out there?” Honey fumed. Ron narrowed his eyes. “No Eevee in this family has evolved into an Umbreon…Kyo is the first. I’m sorry to say, but we’re just going to have to let him go.” Honey’s mouth gaped open. “What!? We can’t just leave him!” she cried in disbelief. “What would mum say…? She wouldn’t agree with you!” Honey snapped. But Ron wasn’t listening. He had already gone back inside. Honey fell onto the ground, and sobbed.
He was the most cutest, kind, honest brother I ever had…and now he’s gone forever… she thought with sadness.
Honey moaned, and cried even more.
She didn’t care if she woke up her brothers and sisters, she was to upset to care.
But other Pokémon could hear her.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#35 Posted: 04:57:13 17/02/2011
smilie poor Honey!!(DISASTER!!!!I MUST SEE DISASTER!!!!)
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#36 Posted: 05:40:35 17/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Disaster is coming. smilie

Honey was still crying. She guessed that she had been lying there for ten minutes, but it seemed longer. Suddenly she heard a rustle from the bushes. Honey’s ears perked up. She turned around. “Hello?…who’s there?” Honey said, trying to be brave.
No reply.
Honey gulped. “Show yourself!” she gulped. Suddenly a female Absol emerged from the bushes. Honey’s eyes widened. An Absol!?…don’t they warn other Pokémon about natural disasters? She gulped, as panic surged through her body. Oh no! That means that a earthquake, or an flood! Or- “Shadows are growing,” the Absol hissed. Honey was confused. “Er…um, sorry, but who are you?” she asked. “My name is Disaster,” the female Absol replied. “My name’s Honey. Just one question- is me or my family in danger of any natural disasters? Because if you see an Absol, that means that something bad will happen…am I right?” Honey questioned.
“Yes, that is correct,” Disaster replied. “But no natural disasters are going to happen any time soon.” she added. Honey sighed with relief. Thank goodness for that… “Then why are you here?” Honey asked. The Absol paused for a minute, then said; “Your brother has evolved into an Umbreon, and I wish to help you find him.” Honey’s eyes widened. “H-h-how do you know that I have a brother!? Or that he just evolved!? And why do you want to help me?” “I was passing by when I heard you yelling. So I came over, just out of curiosity- and there I saw you, and a small Eevee. Before I knew it, the Eevee had evolved into a Umbreon. And I know that all newly evolved Umbreons will soon join the Shadow Pack,” Disaster replied.
What…!? What’s the Shadow Pack? And how does she know all this? Honey thought, her brain ringing.
“How do you know all this? And what’s the Shadow Pack?” Honey questioned. “….I just know these things. The Shadow Pack is a group of Umbreons that prowl the night and shadows. They will kill anything, or any Pokémon that gets in their way. Their Alpha Female is a Shiny Umbreon, who leads the whole Pack. She will give no mercy, only if it is a Umbreon, or perhaps another Eeveelution. The Shadow Pack worship Darkrai, the legendary Pokémon of nightmares. Sometimes Darkrai visits them, especially on a New Moon like this. If your brother joins them, then…you’ll never see him again.” Disaster explained.
Honey was stunned. How does she know of all this? And why do the Shadow Pack worship Darkrai? Honey was still ringing with questions. “And my brother, Kyo, he doesn’t remember me. As soon as he evolved, it was like he had never known me at all. Do you know why?” Honey asked. Disaster shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know the answer to that. Most Pokémon change their personalities when they evolve, but I don’t know of Pokémon losing their memory.” Disaster replied. Honey drooped. Then why can’t Kyo remember me?…she just got even more confused by the second.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#37 Posted: 06:11:33 17/02/2011
<3 *sigh* my life is complete....
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
mryugioh Green Sparx Gems: 346
#38 Posted: 23:35:31 17/02/2011
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#39 Posted: 20:46:06 18/02/2011
<3 disaster
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
tiske Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#40 Posted: 02:17:28 21/02/2011
more! more! <3
"Speak out smiles and poop out colors"
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye"
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#41 Posted: 03:28:56 21/02/2011
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#42 Posted: 05:07:12 21/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Thankies. :3

Kyo was confused and angry. He had no memory whatsoever. He frowned. Who was that Espeon? And why did she say that she was my sister? I don’t have any sisters, or brothers! he thought to himself, and slunk through the shadows.
But what I don’t understand is…that I can’t remember anything, all I can remember is my name. Kyo sighed and stopped, not so sure where to go. Suddenly, he saw a pair of red eyes glowing in the darkness. Kyo panicked. “H-hello? Is anyone there?” Kyo called softly. Suddenly a Umbreon emerged from the shadows. “Hello.” said the Umbreon. Kyo blinked. “Hey, you’re an Umbreon! Just like me!” Kyo beamed. The Umbreon nodded. “Yes, yes I am. My name is Amaya,” the Umbreon replied. “Please would you care to follow me?” she asked. Kyo blinked. He didn’t have anything else better to do. “A-ah, okay. Sure.” he replied, and followed Amaya. “Where are we going?” Kyo asked. “Have you heard of the Shadow Pack?” Amaya questioned.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#43 Posted: 05:11:12 21/02/2011
o.o Noooooo!Kyo!!
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
mryugioh Green Sparx Gems: 346
#44 Posted: 14:54:24 21/02/2011
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#45 Posted: 08:27:20 22/02/2011
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
HopeTriiCky_ Green Sparx Gems: 144
#46 Posted: 10:53:03 22/02/2011
Glaceon *-*
[User Posted Image]
<< OMG... I fell down in Toxicity >> Wii Party citation.
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#47 Posted: 05:35:25 24/02/2011
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#48 Posted: 00:27:23 27/02/2011 | Topic Creator
Glaceon! ~<3 Glaceon is my favourite Eeveelution. smilie

Next part!~

Kyo was confused. “No…I don’t think so.” he replied. Amaya grinned. “You will soon,” she replied, and disappeared through some bushes. Kyo quickly followed her, and for a moment all he could see was darkness. He then stepped forward a couple of steps, and sure enough, he saw a clearing, with moonlight draped over it, filled with Umbreons.
Kyo blinked, overwhelmed at how many Umbreons were here. “Welcome to the Shadow Pack,” Amaya said, who was next to him. “Wha…what’s the Shadow Pack? And why are there so many Umbreon’s here?” he asked. But Amaya suddenly vanished into the cluster of Umbreon’s without saying a words.
What!? Why did she just leave me like that? What am I supposed to do? he thought. A big, muscular Umbreon stalked over to him, his eyes flashed red. “Hey, looks like we got another one,” growled the Umbreon. “Yeah, look at him! He’s so small!” added another. “I wonder if Moon will let him join?” questioned another. Kyo was even more confused. “Moon? Who’s Moon?” he asked the other Umbreons. “She’s the Alpha Female, the Pack Leader.” said the first Umbreon. “Yeah, and here she comes now!” Suddenly, all the Umbreon’s parted to form a long line, as if they were making room for someone important. And sure enough, Kyo saw a Shiny female Umbreon stalk down the centre, with two other Umbreon’s on each side.
Her eyes seemed to pierce through Kyo’s soul, as if she was reading his mind. Kyo gulped, his legs turned to jelly. “Why, hello there young one,” hissed the Shiny Umbreon. “My name is Moon, and this is the Shadow Pack.”
Riolu-Blue-247 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8843
#49 Posted: 05:38:39 04/03/2011
*reminds me of something I used to do...*
I just realised that I might not know what the hell is going on
tiske Blue Sparx Gems: 865
#50 Posted: 20:49:29 12/03/2011
i keep waiting for the story to continue
"Speak out smiles and poop out colors"
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye"
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