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The music..? [CLOSED]
Cerberus Green Sparx Gems: 270
#1 Posted: 15:04:27 28/12/2010 | Topic Creator
I have a query.
Recently I've started playing this (having got a second-hand copy from a charity shop), but there's just thing bothering me, in that the music suddenly and randomly disappears at times.
Although it's happened in various places, it mainly occurs in the Magic Crafters Hub, and usually after I've lost a life. When Spyro's been 'restored' (so to speak) there's nothing - just the sound effects.
Another thing is that the music tends to 'judder' at times (generally at the start of a level). It's hard to explain, but it's rather like someone switching a radio on and off for a few minutes, before it sorts itself out.

Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just my copy?
...Spoke the three heads.
spyro14ever Green Sparx Gems: 374
#2 Posted: 00:31:26 29/12/2010
Sounds like it's just your copy. I never had this problem. Maybe the disc is scratched badly...
Dawn of the Dragon is the best Spyro game since the original trilogy.
Better? No.
Awesome? Yes.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#3 Posted: 04:51:17 29/12/2010
Yeah, I have that problem in Tree Tops and that swampy level near it (what's it called?). Probably just a glitch... Or a bad copy.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Paplok Yellow Sparx Gems: 1754
#4 Posted: 07:13:25 29/12/2010
I had similar glitch, because in my version there was no music at all. Only sound of jumping, flaming and walking and enemies/fodder sounds. For months I didn't know what to do. Then I realised that my copy is NTSC, got from my cousin from the USA. I simply got PAL version and I was delighted to hear the main menu theme after this gnorc sticked this flag at the top of the mountain smilie
Cerberus Green Sparx Gems: 270
#5 Posted: 14:07:28 29/12/2010 | Topic Creator
Ah, thanks everyone.
I did have to clean my copy when I got it, the case is partialy broken, and has a huge crack in it, and there a couple of light scratches on the disk, so I expect that it's probably that which is causing it to act up. It seems the previous owner didn't take that much care of it! smilie

Glad things worked out for you Paplok, mine's correct region (also PAL). smilie
...Spoke the three heads.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:07:54 29/12/2010 by Cerberus
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#6 Posted: 17:03:00 29/12/2010
Quote: Queen_Cynder
Yeah, I have that problem in Tree Tops and that swampy level near it (what's it called?). Probably just a glitch... Or a bad copy.

Misty Bog, if I'm not mistaken.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#7 Posted: 22:30:17 29/12/2010
Quote: Cerberus
I have a query.
Recently I've started playing this (having got a second-hand copy from a charity shop), but there's just thing bothering me, in that the music suddenly and randomly disappears at times.
Although it's happened in various places, it mainly occurs in the Magic Crafters Hub, and usually after I've lost a life. When Spyro's been 'restored' (so to speak) there's nothing - just the sound effects.
Another thing is that the music tends to 'judder' at times (generally at the start of a level). It's hard to explain, but it's rather like someone switching a radio on and off for a few minutes, before it sorts itself out.

Does anyone else have this problem, or is it just my copy?

I have a Platinum copy and the Black Label copy, it happens on the Black Label copy in the later levels, but never on the Platinum copy.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:30:33 29/12/2010 by SuperSpyroFan
Paplok Yellow Sparx Gems: 1754
#8 Posted: 06:48:22 30/12/2010
^ Later levels are burned on the edges of CD/DVD, and scratches are often there, so music can be damaged only in later levels. It's mean: you are playing two first homeworlds' levels and after second boss music simply disappears. You were in hope that it's a 100% working copy, but...
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#9 Posted: 10:23:51 30/12/2010
On the Black Label copy, I can still complete it 100% or 120% whatever it was, it's just the music cuts off.
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#10 Posted: 13:33:46 25/01/2011
Yeah, this happens to me in YotD.

Freaks me out. O.o
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
Pyro girl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1752
#11 Posted: 23:50:04 28/01/2011
You disk's probably scratched. Some of the music in my games crackle a little towards end of the tracks but not by much and my disks are a bit scratched to say the least
Kakarot, I think I'm going to puke ~Vegeta
Live Long and Prosper ~ Mr. Spock
I'm stupid, I'm Stupid ~ Starscream
spyrorules1298 Green Sparx Gems: 495
#12 Posted: 21:22:59 11/12/2011
my game year of the dragon does mess up to i play on my ps2
~I Love Yoshi, Spyro, Sonic,~ My Site:
DancingShower11 Gnorc Gems: 206
#13 Posted: 16:32:49 30/08/2012
I got PAL version...

I use PAL PS1...

The Dark Hollow music booms and then mutes itself...

Really a shame because I love Dark Hollow music.
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7857
#14 Posted: 19:36:20 30/08/2012
My GTG disc does that, cause its old and scratched smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
MagicCrafters Green Sparx Gems: 350
#15 Posted: 20:19:26 30/08/2012
My game did this, but I always assumed that it was just because it was really old and incredibly worn out, it had scratch marks all over the underside of the disk. I would find skipping music, sometimes no music, and often a level would begin with the music from a completely different level, so I'd say the previous owners didn't take the best care of it.
When I got the emulated version, as expected from anyone, it was fine. But when I put the scratched disk in my computer and ran it on the emulator it worked fine with no scratches at all. I did this with my Gateway to Glimmer game, even though you could only get to Autumn Plains and then it would crash, it still got past the bloody opening sequence.
smilie Where's Gnasty Gnorc? I'll torch him! smilie
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3361
#16 Posted: 17:05:29 31/08/2012
I have the same problem, its just the condition of the disc, thankfully it's not to distracting.
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Jaggedstar Diamond Sparx Gems: 7857
#17 Posted: 17:47:21 31/08/2012
I dont even notice smilie
Quote: Paytawn
oh my god
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#18 Posted: 23:58:27 31/08/2012
Well I have the same problem with Midday Gardens in YoTD. smilie Usually after I pass Sgt. Byrd's little building the music stops and I can just hear an annoying "shudder" of the jump sound effect. smilie
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#19 Posted: 09:20:26 01/09/2012
I don't have music problem in StD. Or maybe I just didn't noticed... I must check that!
Any Osu fan here?
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