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How Much Of A Threat Do The Dragons See Ripto As? [CLOSED]
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#1 Posted: 00:35:51 20/11/2010 | Topic Creator
I'm sorry, I'm obsessed. :<

I was thinking earlier about how often Ripto showed up and how much more of a threat he's seen compared to the other classic villains, but then I thought about something; he may be seen as a big threat to the Avalarian folk and stuff, but how much is seen as a threat to the other dragons? There's hints in EtD that he and the riptocs are actually a race that reside in the Dragon Worlds, and the fact Ripto hates dragons plus the fact the Superportal which got Spyro to Dragon Shores also picked up Ripto would lend some credibility to that.

But his only interactions which affected the Dragons were in EtD/SoF*, where he stole the Dragonflies/Fireflies. Really, he didn't do anything to them, he just spread them through a limited range of the Dragon Kingdom, he didn't even go any further than the Artisans!
*I haven't played Adventures, but that had rhynocs instead anyway. Fusion's...Fusion.

From what can be seen of Spyro 2, Ripto's free to do whatever he wants without the gleaning eyes of the dragons on him. There's no implication that he exiled, banished, cursed, ANYTHING. The only villain with that distinction aside from him is Ineptune!

So, is poor Ripto at the very bottom of the dragon's most wanted list? Do you think he doesn't come from the Dragon Worlds which is why they don't see him as much?
RubyWings91 Blue Sparx Gems: 738
#2 Posted: 04:03:23 20/11/2010
I think most of the dragons (the older ones anyway) might have seen Ripto as less of a threat than the should have. In SOF and ETD, yes, he scattered the fireflies and dragonflies over a short distance but those bugs were of major importance. Without the fireflies, the dragons firebreath gets replaced with ice breath (which usually just stopped enemies momentarily rather than killed them). Without the dragonflies, the dragons (at least the younger ones because I have yet to see an adult with a dragonfly) were left without any protection, one hit and they would be toast.

Also, wasn't he the one who froze all the dragons in the Dragon Dojo. Was this attack something he might have later expanded apon to use against all the dragons, had the original Spyro games continued?

Honestly, it kind of annoyed me that the adult dragons would leave spyro to do all of the work when their children are so blatently threatened and they were trapped in blocks of ice. I mean, the game is for Spyro but they could have hinted that other dragons were trying to do something like in STD when some of them had to tried to buid wbe freed from the crystal statues a second time in Gnasty's world.

The only thing I saw that possibly indicated a reaction from the adults was the tank training exercise, where one dragon is instructing Spyro on how to use the tank. Other than that, nothing comes up.

The youngest dragons must have considered him a threat because they were trying to fight as best they could. Prime evidence of this would be their attack on the turret factories, where they asked for Spyro's aide.

And why wouldn't they think of him as a dangerous enemy, in the year or so since they've come out of their eggs, he's swapped their breath abilities on them (fireflies) and then get stripped of their protection(dragonflies). On top of that, he'd send in his Rirtpocs and Rynocs to reap all sorts of havoc. Heck, in Adventure/Attack of the Rynocs, one of his minions might have gone so far as to steal their toys (I say might because it seems like an awfully large number of the toys turned up in Moneybags's vaults). These children have by no means had a peaceful existance thus far.

For me,he lack of attention that Spyro's elders had given Ripto was one of the most baffling and infuriating things in the original Spyro games. Spyro clearly considered him a threat, as did the younger children who hatched during the year of the dragon. And if the adults don't consider Ripto a threat, shouldn't they be talking to the children, to try and settle their fears?

Perhapse that dragons age of peace that ended in the beginning of STD allowed the dragons to get a little too relaxed.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#3 Posted: 04:07:06 20/11/2010
Well, in SOF, they couldn't fight back because Bianca wasn't powerful enough to restore their firepower. However, this does raise the question of why Bianca didn't restore at least one or two elders' power after Spyro got more fireflies.
ivanus777 Gold Sparx Gems: 2080
#4 Posted: 14:46:13 20/11/2010
Ripto is powerfull but he's a typicall villain stereotype, he allways underestimates Spyro which is the reason for his every downfall, instead of just wiping out any potential threat at the beginning (dragons/Spyro) he undertakes a certain measure which disables ressistance to his plans to some point but also leaves plenty of room for failiure ( for exmpl in ripto's rage/gateway to glimmer he destroys the portal to dragon realms but leaves Spyro intact, and in enter the dragonfly he steals all the dragonflyes but leaves dragons be and more important leaves his biggest threat Spyro alone). So Ripto should be considered a considerable threat, but due to his plans which are flawed and his ego/naoleon complex which alwways causes him to underestimate any threats to him, he is relativeley easy to handle.
Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it, those who do are forced to watch others repeat it.
RubyWings91 Blue Sparx Gems: 738
#5 Posted: 17:01:31 20/11/2010
Quote: ivanus777
Ripto is powerfull but he's a typicall villain stereotype, he allways underestimates Spyro which is the reason for his every downfall, instead of just wiping out any potential threat at the beginning (dragons/Spyro) he undertakes a certain measure which disables ressistance to his plans to some point but also leaves plenty of room for failiure ( for exmpl in ripto's rage/gateway to glimmer he destroys the portal to dragon realms but leaves Spyro intact, and in enter the dragonfly he steals all the dragonflyes but leaves dragons be and more important leaves his biggest threat Spyro alone). So Ripto should be considered a considerable threat, but due to his plans which are flawed and his ego/naoleon complex which alwways causes him to underestimate any threats to him, he is relativeley easy to handle.

Although I do agree that Ripto does underestimate Spyro and should be trying to eliminate him from the beginning, I don't think he'd kill off the dragons in general. I think he disables them becase he knows that if he can conquer them, they'd come in handy when he wanted to take over other places.

I always got the impression that, in Gateway To Glimmer/Ripto's Rage, he didn't eliminate Spyro in the beginning only because Gulp ate his scepter.

I really can't say much for their other encounters. He seems to always wait until Spyro starts really messing with his plans to try to eliminate him. If he had fought Spyro in the beggining of ETD, Spyro might have gotten past his ice attacks (if he somehow avoided taking a hit) but would never stood a chance against his wall of fire. Instead, he waited until Spyro gets most of the dragonflies (who by then has the tools to defeat the little dinosaur).
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