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Your spyro history... [CLOSED]
BlackNight12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2343
#1 Posted: 19:14:57 19/11/2010 | Topic Creator
So for those who wish to share it. How did you discover spyro?

Here is my history with spyro.

The first game of spyro that I ever played was Spyro The Dragon back when it was a demo and I was a kid. but besides that I never owned another spyro game until 2002 when Spyro Enter the Dragonfly came out. that christmas I got a PS2 and one of the games I got with it were ETD. I fell in love with that game and me and my brother played it together all the time. I know the game is generally hated due to it's incompleteness but I love it nontheless because of all the memories it has for me.

After that I rented Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage. me and my bro were addicted to it and made it up to ripto within the three the days we had it but we had to return it before we got to beat him!

So following that we rented Spyro: Year Of The Dragon. We loved it and the first few scenes where Spyro and Hunter meet Bianca were burned into my memory for some reason. idk. Anyway, we played it and made it up to that mutant frog thing Bianca makes and couldn't quite beat it. We were to obssessed with playing the skateboardin mini game so that wasted most of our three days it was fun though.

Then we took a break from Spyro and went back to play ( get addicted ) to ETD every now and then. it wasn't untill 2006 we heard about AHT and my sister wanted to get it so we tried that out and I didn't like it that much. however later on in december or so I played it and it clicked then and I loved it too!

Then when I remember one time we were over at our Aunts house and saw the commercial for The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night
Then we were like, Ooh! a new Spyro is coming out? so that christmas we got it and popped it in our wii. ( we had not yet known that the legend was a reboot and thought that TEN was a part of the normal spyro series ) and we were were watching the opening and most of words were as follows, Omg! spyro looks wierd! followed by, who is that huge black dragon? did he/she just shrink? (we didn't figure out if Cynder was a girl or a boy until the scene where she left) then we were like, Aaack! is that sparx?? he is so ugly what happened? lol! so as we started playing we noticed it had no resemblance to the old games. but the mystery of what the game was about and who cynder was and how spyro knows her and these Apes who spyro apparently fought before kept us quite interested.

So after fighting Hoards of Apes and battling through endless levels filled with Epic fights and Dramatic music we fought Gaul who was and still is the hardest boss in any video game I had ever played. when Spyro went Dark forme. we were. Cool, you"re so dead Gaul!

And then the ending was absolutly beutiful and touching and when we heard This Broken Soul strt playing at the end I felt it was the most Beutiful song I ever heard and the end of the game left so many unanwered questions we were determined to find Answers to.

We thought that maybe this game (TEN) came right before Spyro The Dragon in the Time line. we based this on the fact that Spyro was frozen in a crystal and we thought maybe he braeks out and since you save dragons from being stuck in Crystals in that game that where it ties in "spyro is freed from the crystal and rescues the other dragons in the crystals" but then we thought but then where did Cynder go and the Apes and wasn't that Hunter? then my Bro remembered a commercial for a Spyro gme we had seen aroud the time we got AHT. back then we had said, spyro looks so wierd on that case and he looks like he is doing karate so after seeing that we weren't as interested and forgot all about it. so we went and got it and it answered all of our questions and we later got Dotd.

and now here I am waiting for Spyro's Kingdom to come out. we recently have been playing ETD again and have played AHT and I just went through TEN again.

So come on guys! What are your histories with Spyro?
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble! - Taylor Swift
spyro16 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1710
#2 Posted: 20:05:35 19/11/2010
Well, since I have been a dragon lover all my life one day when I went to WalMart I went back in the video game section to look for a Harry Potter game for playstation. This was back in 1998 when The first Spyro the Dragon game was released. I saw the game StD and I remembered my sister telling me something about Spyro. At the time I didn't the games would be that good cause I was more into the realish looking dragons. I had a choice between StD and Harry Potter so I chose StD. I'm very glad that I did cause I fell in love with the game like after playing the first level.

When I first heard of RR/GtG I got very excited. I bought that game the very day it was released and I loved it.

I found out about YotD on a TV commercial and I got very impatient cause I wanted to buy it. I got that game at WalMart too.

I found out about ETD just from finding it at WalMart so the moment I saw it I bought it. ETD is the game that got me hooked on the ps2 cause I never stopped playing it. I do think that they could have put more work into ETD though. I feel like it was rushed a lot.

AHT came out arround the same time ANB did. I bought AHT at WalMart and ANB at the Mall and I personally liked ANB a little better. I think AHT is my least favourite classic Spyro game cause Spyro never flies which really stinks cause in every other game he does.

ANB is my second favourite of the LoS trilogy. I found out about that game from a youtube video of it so I got overly impatient and bought it when I went to the Mall.

TEN is my most favourite of all the Spyro games. I found out about TEN at McDonalds. The advertisement was on the bag I got when I ordered dinner so I bought that game just a couple days after it was released. I joined DarkSpyro about a week after TEN was released.

DotD was a bit of a mixup for me cause being use to little Spyro a teenage Spyro was kinda overdoing it. I bought the game anyways and overall it's a pretty good game despite a lot of plot holes and removing charging and replacing it with free-flight. Fail. Even now I'm a huge Spyro fan and I am very impatient now cause I found out about the new game coming out hopefully sometime next year and when it does whether it's LoS or classic I'm still going to buy it to keep my Spyro collection going.

Long story short my sister got me hooked on playing the Spyro games so it's all thanks to her.
Slendy's Shadow
i love smilie smilie and smilie
SpyroFanatic101 Blue Sparx Gems: 851
#3 Posted: 20:25:15 19/11/2010
When i was little my house burnt down. after that i had nothing. My friend came over and gave me his PlayStation with 1 game, Spyro.
I completely agree with the statement above...
Faun Yellow Sparx Gems: 1291
#4 Posted: 21:53:08 19/11/2010
I always used to watch my brother play StD, so naturally, as soon as I picked up the controller, I was hooked. After that, my sister bought me year of the dragon, and I got GtG for my birthday. After that, I sort of forgot about spyro, until a few years ago, when I remembered it existed. I still need to but DotD and the GBA games, but then I will be up to date and I can't wait for Spyro's kingdom.
meguca /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
RubyWings91 Blue Sparx Gems: 738
#5 Posted: 00:20:36 20/11/2010
My first encounter with the Spyro Games was a demo that was on in a store. It was definitely the first game, because I remember freeing one dragon from it's crystal. That was my first ever experiance with any video game.

The next time I played with Spyro was when the Season of Ice came out. It was one of the two games I got with my Game Boy Advanced. I've played it to the point where there are less than ten fairies left to get but I can't gert any further.

After that, I played Spyro 2: Season Of flame. That was the first time I'd fought Crush, Gulp or Ripto. i remember how Ripto's size caught me off guaurd after fighting his huge minions. I also remember having a hard time getting a clear understanding of what he looked like. There was something about how the GBA portryed him that made it hard for me to form a good mental image of his appearence.

Then I got a gamecube and shortly after that, Spyro: Enter the dragonfly came out. It was the first video game of Spyro that I owned.

I would continue to buy and play Spyro Games as they came out (with the acception of Shadow Legacy, because I never got A nintendo DS), until I got to TEN.

From the moment I put that disk into the PS3, it was acting funky. Then the game stopped playing altogether and when I removed it, I found out it had deleted the saved data for other games on the PS3. I took it back to the game store we got it at. They tested it, found nothing wrong with it and told us that the PS3 wont accept some PS2 games. So, I never completed TEN, nor played DOTD.

Just this summer, my little brother came across Spyro The Dragon and Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage. He gave them to me as a birthday present and, Although they didn't work very well on the PS3, the disks are stored in my room.

Aftergetting a small taste of these games, we downloaded them, along with Year Of The Dragon off of the internet to the PS3. I haven't completed any of these three 100% but I've beaten all the bosses in games one and two, gotten into dragon shores in Ripto's Rage and am currently trying to get to the sorceress for the second fight (5 eggs to go but not sure how many gems.)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:25:23 20/11/2010 by RubyWings91
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#6 Posted: 01:06:19 20/11/2010
A neighbour of mine had Spyro 1. Then when I got my own PSone, I borrowed the game and loved it. I then got Spyro 2 and then got my own copy of Spyro 1. Then Spyro 3. I played Spyro games and followed the franchise as if it were a religion. Until ANB. For some reason, I stopped playing Spyro right before ANB was released. I wasn't even aware it was a reboot, I just stopped playing Spyro.

About 2 years ago, I bought an issue of NRevolution so I could see their review of Sonic Unleashed and their preview of Sonic and the Black Knight. Within this issue, there was a review of DotD on Wii. I read through it and it was very positive. It got 80% and their closing comment was:

"In many ways, this is the Spyro game fans have been waiting for, and a perfectly plausible place for everyone else to start."
They also said it was the most mature Spyro game yet and that it didn't feel like a kid's game at all.

I also read NGamer's review of the game in my best friend's copy of the magazine. They gave the game 86% and the closing comments were:

"Sky-high production values, lavish special effects and great fun to explore with a friend. A highly enjoyable adventure that you'll happily forgive for its shortcomings."

At this point, I was really interested in this game, however, I was still not aware LoS was a reboot. I played TEN on DS for like 5 minutes, and I was completely clueless when I played it.

Then during the Summer, I started playing some old PSone games using my PS3. Two of these were Spyro 1 and 2(can't find 3! D: ). I played through them and wondered why I stopped playing these games. Then, I looked at the state of Spyro on YouTube, and there were tons of videos. I eventually ran into the LoS games, and seen gameplay of all 3. I found out it was a reboot and I thought the gameplay looked interesting. Also, for some reason, Cynder seemed like an interesting character to me, and I loved her design.

So, I had a bit of money lying around and decided to buy these games. I found a new copy of TEN on Wii for 35 euro. I searched for DotD and found the Wii version, but I looked for the PS3 version but didn't find it. I looked for the Xbox 360 version and found a used copy for 35 euro. There was also a sticker on the box saying that if I buy a used Xbox 360 game that is over 30 euro, I would get a select game free. I chose Red Faction: Guerilla. They only had ANB on DS and I can get DS games for free, so I decided not to buy ANB unless it was the console version.

I played through the two games and loved them. I was skeptical about them when I started playing, but I loved them overall. And Cynder became my new favourite fictional character! :3
"My memories will be part of the sky."
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#7 Posted: 02:56:34 20/11/2010
2004-2005: Year of The Dragon. Reached the Yeti Race course in the super bonus world about May 2005, and never finished.
End of 2005- 2007: Beginning to turn on originals, didn't play YoTD at all, got a ton of the handheld games and got obsessed with TLoS.
Late 2007- Mid 2008: Got bored due to lack of games, only got DS version of DoTD, bought more console games.
Mid 2009: Booted up several games for nostalgia. Played through TLoS again and revisited favorite original levels. Bought TLoS: ANB & TEN for mobile.
2010: Became obsessed with Spyro, got a ton of merchandise and games, but still waiting for something new. Finished YoTD and almost every other game. Liked the originals mildly better than TLoS for the first time, but still very interested in both series.
InsomDog Platinum Sparx Gems: 6823
#8 Posted: 03:29:24 20/11/2010
My history of Spyro the Dragon is rather vague.

My first time playing Spyro the Dragon must of been around 1999-2001. I had Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped and discovered that you could unlock a demo for Spyro the Dragon. I assume that I had fun playing it otherwise I wouldn't of got the game.

In terms of the full game, I'm not quite sure when I got it. I also got the sequels since I had fun playing the game.

I remember getting Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly along with a PS2 for Christmas of 2002. I think I had fun playing it.

Later on in 2003, I traded in most of my PS1 games, including my Spyro games. I wanted money to get more PS2 games. I eventually traded in Enter the Dragonfly because I started to take an interest in more violent games. I lost interest in Spyro and never bought any new ones.

Around 2007, I began to miss playing my PS1 Spyro games so I ended up buying them off Amazon. This also lead to my discovery of Ratchet & Clank since I found out that they were made by Insomniac Games.

I bought Enter the Dragonfly early this year for the nostalgia. It's a horrible game yes but I secretly like it because it's nostalgic to me.

Incidentally, my history of Crash Bandicoot is very similar.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9329
#9 Posted: 10:07:23 20/11/2010
I'm on putting this in breif as I can't be arsed to explain it in detail:

Spyro the Dragon Demo (1998)

Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer (2000)

Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (2002)

Spyro the Dragon and Spyro: Year of the Dragon (2003)

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning and Spyro: A Hero's Tail (2007)

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night and The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (2008)
ivanus777 Gold Sparx Gems: 2080
#10 Posted: 15:07:09 20/11/2010
Spyro was the first real game which i ever played. Somewhere in 1998 i decided to buy a playstation 1, with it you could chose one free game so, i was browsing throung a somewhat wide choice (there were aprox 30-40 games and i picked up Spyro. Now since i know of myself i've been fascinated by folklore, greek mythology etc, but owerall dragons, back in my attic i still have a box full of dragon figurines, toys and so on. So, i'm standing there and thinking ''omg a dragon game, i've hit a jackpott'' so i rushed home to play it but, for some reason i was scared to play it and it stood there for a few days. Then one m orning i go down to the living room and what do i see?, my mom playing it now since i was and still am wery possesive about anything that's mine i ran over to her, stood in front of the tv and asked her ''what do you think you're doing?'', ''i'm playing a the game, what is there sometning wrong?'', ''yes, when i last chequed it was my ps1 and not yours'', ''is that so, and who bought it for you'', i had no answer for that but she had let me play anyway so i started a new game and begun, afther 1-2 hrs of pure awesomnes i finally stoped and took a break, i would have played i some m ore if my mom didn't sopped me. So from that day forth i wowed to folloow the franschize to it's end and i bought every game that came henceforth on ps console. There that's how i discovered Spyro.
Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it, those who do are forced to watch others repeat it.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#11 Posted: 16:49:53 20/11/2010
I picked up Spyro in 1998 when it was just a demo and loved it, so I got the game when it came out. When the sequel came out, I bought a PS1 to play it. I don't remember playing YotD until I was in college (though I'm pretty sure at that point that I had re-purchased the whole series). After that, I didn't hear anything good about EtD and didn't have any of the systems to play it, so I pretty much forgot about the Spyro franchise entirely.

Around 2006 or 2007, I heard about ANB on a somewhat disreputable site. I gave some videos of it a look, didn't think much of it, but thought it was interesting enough to play (I kind of wanted to see what had happened to some of my favorite games over the years). So I played it and got sucked into the fandom at the same time (not such a good idea, but whatcha gonna do?). TEN was about to come out by then, so I played that, too, and enjoyed it well enough. Got really hooked on Spyro waiting for DotD so I played AHT (hated it at first then grew to love it; it is second only to the Insomniac three for me in the series), and EtD (oh...oh god D: ). I think I started tracking down some of the handheld games, too (Season of Ice and the GameBoy TEN) and they were alright if not particularly engaging for me. I was obsessed when DotD came out and tried to like it, but that was the beginning of the end for me.

Currently, I'm trying to get hold of the handheld games from the franchise that I never played and I'll be interested in Spyro's Kingdom when we get some actual official word on it (as far as I'm concerned, it isn't official until we get an announcement and Spyro as a franchise is dead to me after AHT).
ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#12 Posted: 17:57:23 20/11/2010
When I was very little, we had an original Playstation. We had Ripto's Rage along with it. I don't remember what I first thought of it, since I was to young to remember. The only thing I remembered of it was a video game level with a purple dragon, a firefly, a clear pool and trees with orange leaves. (Autumn Plains) I never remembered where the level came from, and I slowly forgot about Spyro. That was, until I found ETD and the rental store. I decided to rent it, and it bored me pretty quick. After I returned that game, I quickly forgot all about Spyro.
Then I saw a commercial for ANB, and just like that, my memory of Spyro came back to the surface. I decided to try the game, and I liked it. I was excited for TEN and and became a fan of Spyro as I played the online games while waiting for the release. When TEN came out, I was throughly dissapointed, but I was eager for the release of DOTD anyway. After I played DOTD, I wasn't dissapointed at all.(Even with its many problems, I still find it fun to play) So I became a permanet Spyro fan. Soon after, I remembered the Darkspyro forums I had found a long time ago when I searched the ending for TEN (I could never get to the end) and I decided to search for them. After I became a member, I found out that my only memory of Ripto's Rage was set in Autumn Plains, and I found out about all the other Spyro games. As I dragged out the Playstation 2 and found Ripto's Rage (Which still works! Well, at least to a certain point anyway) I hunted down Season of Ice (Ugh) and A Hero's Tail, (Awesome!) and ordered Year of The Dragon from EBay. I haven't played any of these games in awhile, but at least Spyro's far from being forgotten now. smilie
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#13 Posted: 18:14:59 20/11/2010
Well, my brother was playing Spyro the Dragon when I was three or four. Me, being a tiny, stupid thing, I thought he was a cat with wings. smilie So when my bro went to the bathroom after pausing StD, I started playing it. smilie Then came RR a few days after I played it. ^.=.^ Then, a year later, sitting on a shelf at Walmart, is YotD. Me and my brothers where like, "I wish Uncle Elliott would get this one!" (He's the one who owned StD and RR.) A week later, it's there at our uncle's house smilie I was the first one to play it. ^.=.^

Since then, Spyro has been killing me with nostalgia.
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
Kitty Platinum Sparx Gems: 5106
#14 Posted: 19:51:27 24/11/2010
I first discovered Spyro when I was playing the demo version on Crash Bandicoot: Warped. Other than the fact that I was obsessed with dragons during the time purple was my favorite color. I was hooked and couldn't stop playing it. Each time I used it I got everything you possibly could on the demo. All the dragons, gems, boards, ect. It was only years later did I first get the game for real. I loved it and thought all the characters were hilarious. It led to me buying other Spyro games and getting obsessed. x)
crazyspyrofan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1042
#15 Posted: 00:00:44 25/11/2010
Well, when I was 4 or 5 I got a PS1 and my very first video game,STD. My mom saw that I enjoyed the first Spyro game so it wasn't long before she got me RR(GTG) and YOTD.

When I was a little older I asked for ETD and AHT when the first came out and got them on the Christmas of both years.

I got ANB when it first came out but I didn't like TLOS at first, a tried ANB again some time later and liked it,so I got TEN and DOTD too.

That's my Spyro history summed up.
"This twisted game needs to be reset,"-Solo Wing Pixy,Ace Combat Zero.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6266
#16 Posted: 05:42:26 25/11/2010
I don't know really. I started playing games at 3 (Sonic 2), and things went blank. I know the PS1 was my favorite system. Spyro, Crash, Gran Turismo, Sonic, and Pacman were the games I grew up with.

Just one day I realized that I was playing Spyro 2, and then I asked for the original Spyro the Dragon. I played YotD, but I never got the actual game.

I then got EtD. Being the ignorant little kid I was, I thought it was cool, but not better than the first 3. It certainly doesn't beat the first 3, but my opinion on the game has gotten very bitter towards it now. It's one of the worst games I've ever played.

I was hyped, but cautious with AHT, but I was satisfied when I got a hold of it, and I figured there was still hope for the franchise. Shadow Legacy was a decent attempt at an RPG, but I knew it could've been better. Then the series got rebooted. I actually got very hyped after seeing the commercial for ANB. I loved it when I got it on Christmas morning, and I ignored all of my presents just to play Spyro. I felt as though my gaming hero was back in his former glory.

I got hyped once again with TEN. When I got it for my birthday, it liked it, but then I got stuck on the first level since the little ledge blended into the background, and I couldn't find it. I didn't play the game for 6 months, until I heard about DotD, in which spoilers were appearing for TEN. I rushed to finish the game, just so I can play DotD when it comes out.

When I got DotD, I loved it at first sight. It was (in my opinion) the best Spyro game I ever played. It even beat the original 3. It's also one of my favorite Wii games. No, it's not because of the story, or the fact that Cynder is with a new design (which seems to be the big reason why Cyndorks love this game). It's because of the compelling gameplay, surprisingly good flight mechanics, and with 2 characters to use, more options in combat. The co-op feature was a nice touch as well, since my little brother played this game along with me. Granted that if Krome stood, the game might've been even better.

A few months ago, I finally rented Spyro Orange, and this is definately for the kids that are new to gaming. Not even my brother liked it.

I think the Spyro franchise is alive and well. I look foward to the next game (if they make a new game). I have all the console games with the exception of YotD and Spyro the Dragon since my copy broke. And Shadow Legacy is the only handheld game I have. I can't find Season of Ice or Fire, and I don't want to bother with Spyro Orange anymore.

And that's my Spyro history.
ClassicSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 488
#17 Posted: 06:34:56 25/11/2010
My dad got me my 1st Spyro game
When I was about 6 or 7
He let me play on his Playstation 2
The he finally brought me a Playstation 1 in '03
Then got my Spyro 1 and 2
Unfortunately my step-mom took them away from me cause she was a meanie XP
Then I play EtD in '08 with my friend
Then in '09 I got DoTD and AHT at Gamestop
Now I have ANB (:
~Classic &TLoS Spyro Fan~I love Ember and Cynder~Friends not Foes~
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