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Favorite Boss? [CLOSED]
Gemma Green Sparx Gems: 123
#51 Posted: 00:46:00 07/03/2012
Favourite: Gnasty Gnorc
Hardest: Metalhead
Easiest: Blowhard

On the part where you are chasing Gnasty Gnorc, I constantly charge and jump. You get a nice amount of speed that way. That tactic doesn't work in the second or third game (it makes you slower instead) but then again I'm not sure if there are any parts in those games where you need that amount of speed, so that's okay!
My Skylanders: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Spyro's Universe Name: Crystal Waterfalls
Corroded Arceus Green Sparx Gems: 390
#52 Posted: 11:57:41 24/03/2012
Doctor Shemp. He's just too crazy to not love. And those shades he wears are awesome.
Dragon66116 Green Sparx Gems: 230
#53 Posted: 00:23:44 03/04/2012
I like them all, but my favorite is Metalhead.
OpalOsprey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#54 Posted: 03:54:52 03/04/2012
Favorite: Metal Head ( difficult yet fun. It's a unique fight.)

Least Favorite: Jacques (fast and annoying) and Toasty (I really don't like those dogs)

Hardest: Gnasty Gnorc (There's one part that I usually fall off the edge when you have to run up the ramps and the sharp corners.)

Easiest: Blowhard ( A very disappointing boss, I beat him in a matter of seconds. I don't even consider him a boss.)
Have a Wii U? My ID and Mii name is OpalOsprey. So why don't you add Mii smilie?

"You don't need a reason to help people" ~ Zidane -Final Fantays IX
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#55 Posted: 08:48:55 03/04/2012
Quote: OpalOsprey
Favorite: Metal Head ( difficult yet fun. It's a unique fight.)

Least Favorite: Jacques (fast and annoying) and Toasty (I really don't like those dogs)

Hardest: Gnasty Gnorc (There's one part that I usually fall off the edge when you have to run up the ramps and the sharp corners.)

Easiest: Blowhard ( A very disappointing boss, I beat him in a matter of seconds. I don't even consider him a boss.)

I agree with you on Metalhead I can actually defeat the boss in two ways which is interesting, not just usually having the one way to defeat a boss. I can make him through his own enemies at his own electric poles, or I can just charge into them once the electricity dissapears. I think they should have made it in three stages, not two though.

Jacques, all you really have to do is sort of 'follow' him around the arena, which I think is a bit strange for a boss battle really. It's like Insomniac tried to do something different, but I think it sort of lacked something, it's not something special like Ripto's battle in Spyro 2, smilie

I know a little trick for those dogs in Toasty I just run up to them and flame them, and use either R1 or R2 to roll right out of the way and as they jump down, I make Spyro turn and flame them again. You have to sort of work out what they will do. The game never teaches you that move so hardly anyone seems to know about it. I never see anyone use that move on YouTube.

Gnasty Gnorc seems more like a level than a boss to me, lol.

Blowhard is just randomness.

I hope you didn't mind me doing this by the way, I just thought it would be fun to leave feedback.
WolfTron Green Sparx Gems: 216
#56 Posted: 09:35:20 20/07/2012
Gnasty of course is a cool boss/stage, but for actual battles I think I find Dr. Shemp the most memorable. He displays some personality and is fun to chase down and defeat.
I saw something shiny
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