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Create your own Spyro game! [CLOSED]
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#1 Posted: 10:55:34 21/09/2010 | Topic Creator
Just a random thought. Because all the other threads are dead, I decided to make a knew one. Just create your own Spyro game.

It doesn't matter if you're Spyro game is set in the Original Spyro universe or in the Legend Spyro universe, or even a different Spyro universe altogether. As long as the idea is creative. smilie


  1. Spyro needs to be the main character. Because, well, this is a Spyro game! xD
  2. You can have as much characters as you like, old or new.
  3. Crossovers of all kinds are aloud.
  4. No games about beating the p00p out off Original Spyro or Legend Spyro or anything else that's dumb or silly.
  5. Be creative.
  6. Do what you like to the characters, but make sure it's not silly.
  7. You can make any character die, even Spyro, but make sure it's a reasonable death.
  8. Make sure you don't turn this topic into another TLOS vs Original Spyro debate please.
  9. Explain your game with detail, not just telling us the title and leaving it with that. You can talk about it a little, and then talk about the rest off it later if you like.
  10. Most importantly, have fun! smilie
  11. Please, make sure the storyline isn't crappy, such as the game being about Spyro and Cynder's child and all. I find that the younger TLOS fans tend to make crappy storylines. I just can't stand it. >.<
  12. Please don't post stories of your game here. The start of it is fine however.

I made up one, but then I decided to scrap the idea and do something else, because I didn't like the storyline, and I wanted it to continue on from ETD, not SL. But kept some of the levels, if not most of them. I will post it later.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 07:46:36 26/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
Levi Ripto Gems: 1136
#2 Posted: 13:34:11 21/09/2010
I made my own idea for a spyro game....
It is great smilie
I was going to send the Idea over to... well idk the makers of spyro?
Or the makers of the LOS trilogy?
But I never got around to it smilie
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#3 Posted: 13:47:46 21/09/2010
Wasn't really created by me, but by my brain... Anyway, look up the "Dream or Vision?" topic from what I remember...
Keep smile
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#4 Posted: 17:43:18 21/09/2010
Legend of Spyro: Dragons of Destiny. That's my idea. It's actually on this website in the fan fics.

Story: One day at the newly rebuilt temple, Spyro is bored that there's nothing to fight since it's been 3 months since he defeated Malefor and the lands have been at peace. All of the sudden he and Cynder heard a scream. Excited that there was finally some action Spyro took off to investigate with Cynder right behind him. When the two got there they saw a green dragoness being attacked by a grey dragon with a scar over his right eye and a yellow-orange dragoness. Before Spyro and Cynder could help the green dragoness blasted a strong blast of ice at the yellow-orange dragoness and a strong blast of fire at the grey dragon. When the two retreated the green dragoness collasped. Spyro and Cynder quickly took Star back to the temple to get her wounds taken care of. At the temple Volteer revealed that the green dragoness was Spyro's long lost sister. Spyro took it as an enormus shock. The green dragoness also had a special gem that gives her the power of many element. When the dragoness woke up she revealed her name is Star. Cynder explained the two that attacked Star was named Scar and Phoenix. They are servants of Malefor and they have a plan to bring back there master. So Spyro, Star, and Cynder go on a quest along with help of Sparx to stop Scar and Phoenix and to unlock the secrets of the gem around Star's neck.
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:02:28 25/09/2010 by StartheDragon77
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#5 Posted: 22:25:44 21/09/2010 | Topic Creator
Care for some detail guys, rather than just the title? Maybe the storyline? Characters?

matesds: I don't really consider that as a "Create your own Spyro game" topic, but more about dreams you've had. :\

This is mine:

Spyro finds out that a baby dragon is ill, and is close to death. Luckily, the professor created a cure, a giant heart full of magic, which will heal the baby dragon instantly. Meanwhile, on a different planet, an evil dragoness wishes to rule the earth. However, she needs more magic in order to rule it, let alone leave her planet. She finds out about the professor’s experiment. Realizing that this giant heart has the right amount of magic she needs, she sends her millions (who medium sized dragons and dinosaurs) over to Earth to steal the heart. But the heart is too big, so they shatter it into pieces so they can carry it back. When Spyro and the gang (gang = Sparx, Hunter, Professor, Agent 9, Bentley, Sheila, Sgt.Byrd, Bianca and Elora) find out that it got stolen, Professor notices figure prints on the ground and realized that they’re the marks off evil, and they’re creatures from another planet. Spyro realizes that they don’t have much time, and that they need the heart now other whys the poor baby dragon will die, not knowing what a wonderful world he could have lived in. Professor gives Spyro a large UFO like spaceship so he could drive to the other planet. The gang comes with him, knowing that he would need help. The professor stays, along with Elora and Bianca. The rest go.

Rating: 7+ or E. Slightly more serious then the previous four, because Spyro has to save a baby dragon before it's death. Because he's under pressure, he always has an angry look on his face, like in GTG.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:26:01 21/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#6 Posted: 22:45:08 21/09/2010
Here's mine:

Spyro: Yin and Yang

A dark villain (who has no name yet smilie) threatens to take over the planet. Doing a special spell, he plans to smash the Legend world into oblivion. His spell backfires, and instead of destroying the planet he fuses it with another. Hoping that this destroys it enough, he leaves.

Orignal Spyro is sleeping in the Artisan world when he hears a loud thud. Waking up, he finds that his world is no longer the same, and has been combined with another demension. Exploring around a bit, he meets a strange, ulternate version of himself: Legend Spyro! (the type from ANsmilie

The two hate each other, both thinking they are better, stronger, cooler, etc. But then, when the dark villain realizes he did not succesfully destroy the planet after all, he comes back... And sets a timer, saying both worlds will be destroyed when the timer is done.

So both Spyros have to team up to save the planet. They can barely get along, but they manage. The goal is to get through each level of the new, combined world, until you make it to the timer and destroy it, saving both planets.

You get to play as both Spyro's, and each one has it's own qualities. For example, Legend Spyro has more powerful, wider ranges of breaths, but orignal Spyro has breath that can't run out of magic.

And the game would be for ps2, ps3, Wii, gameboy, and mobile (like lots are nowadays). It would be rated 7+ or E... I think it would be pretty friendly, not with much of a darker not because it's really just, you know, original-spyro-type silly smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#7 Posted: 01:02:42 22/09/2010
I'll update this idea maybe friday.

Spyro RPG.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#8 Posted: 07:26:18 22/09/2010 | Topic Creator
Sounds good Q_C. I wouldn't mind playing it. It would be fun to see both Spyros getting along in the end. :3

I haven't finished with my idea yet:

Spyro soon finds a small black dragon that stands on two legs (but runs on all fours) called Cynder. She's pissed because the evil millions interrupted her in her sleep and invaded her home. She now has to clear them all out (you play as her when she does this). Later on, she decides to help Spyro on his quest to gather the stolen Heart Pieces (the evil millions tried to hide them all, knowing that Spyro will be looking for them) and helps him fight the evil dragoness, but only for her own revenge.

Gameplay: Like YoTD. But much harder, sort of like Dino Mine's difficulty (in all levels, except for the first couple. Gets even harder later on) The enemies are smarter. If you're far away, then the dragons will spit fireballs at your. If you're up right close to them, then they will simply attack you physically. You need to attack enemies with armor twice. The first time, you have to charge into them, then you can attack them ether way. However, if they're large enemies with armor, then you have to charge into them, then use an elemental breath. To kill large enemies, you have use your breaths twice. Small enemies, you can just charge or flame them once.

There are times were you have to play as a different character. However, unlike YoTD and AHT, the characters aren't at random. Each character gets its turn to help you out in one home world and its set of levels, replacing the creatures that you help out in each level. Because you meet Cynder first, she helps you out in the first home World and level, telling you the controls (besides jumping and the camera mode. Hunter teaches you to jump once again, while Zoe talks to you about the two camera modes, Active and Passive). She also appears in every level (except for the speedways) and tells you about it, giving you a heart piece every time you reach the end. She also helps you out during a few of the levels, helping you get through obstacles (such as raising a bridge or letting you jump on her back to get to a very high ledge, always hesitating to help at first). Some levels she takes over, and Spyro simply waits. It's the same with all the other characters. Sheila taking on this role in the next world, Agent 9 taking over next, then Bentley, then finally Sgt. Byrd. While one character is helping out Spyro, the others help rebuild the space ship, which breaks down after Spyro lands on the planet, and can only fly long enough to get Spyro to each world. Hunter helps Spyro out in mini games, telling him what to do. Sometimes he challenges Spyro, such as trying to beat him at skateboarding or seeing how many enemies he can take down in a minuet.

Home Worlds: 5
Levels (not including the bosses) in each home world. Includes Speedways: Eight. The last level has nine because of the bonus level after you complete the game, which you can only access if you get 100%. There isn't any levels were you play as one character only, like in YOTD. However, Cynder gets her own level in the first Home World, because dragons invaded her home, and she has to clear them out. Because of this, the amount of times you play as her in levels are reduced. Yes, this game is certainly longer than the previous games.

Amount of bosses: 5

I will continue on later....

I don't know whether I should call the Heart Pieces, "Heart Crystals".... It sounds cooler, but it makes little sense. xD
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#9 Posted: 17:37:34 22/09/2010
OK, Read it again, I will use what I have seen in the dream for what the game should look like if I add my ideas to the ideas of my subconsiousness...

All levels from existing games should be there, but roughtly five times larger... Image Glimmer x5, or Autunumn plains five times larger, with five times of levels and stuff... Or 512 Orbs just for RR part! And don't let me started with talismans...
About Cynder and Shinshi, I have decided that DOTD design ¨could be Cynder, her personality being "Arogant Wise Girl" being pretty inteligent but her attacks are somewhat weak, tough still as cool as in TLOS. She is actually recently adult, and about four years older than Spyro, whe is still teenager, but she doesn't looking like she is in ANB, or like the elder.. Towards end of the game, she adopts lone dragon hatchling, and gets bit nicer to others...
Shinshi should be explained as little (Bit younger than spyro...) bit clumsy girl with dream of becoming Nanny's helper and having one big happy family...
Some of the minigames and levels could change genre dramatically, continuing the tradition of Agent Zero minigame And Yetti boxing, but much more and more dratical, and even does have it's own Gold Saucer...
With co-work from Square Enix, there should be good JRPGesque level(s), like that mentioned Morgue, with characters and their job being like Black the Turk, Light the Onin Knight or Heroi the Garlic Knight... And, of course, Spyro, or whatever player plays as at the moment, as core of party... And multiple parties with co-op option used!

The game would be for PS3, as the sheer amount of data wouldn't be reasonable for anything else but BDs, and even theese should not be necessarilly spacious enought!
Keep smile
Fasuhn Green Sparx Gems: 211
#10 Posted: 18:03:42 22/09/2010
My idea is very preliminary so far, so I haven't planned out most of the plot, and the title is still pending, but...

Mine would entail a re-imagining of LoS. I don't quite agree with how some things were handled in the series and I kind of just thought I might as well run with my own version of things.

What I know for sure so far is that the raid on the temple goes differently. The Guardians were more prepared for the attack, and had an emergency plan in place just in case. When the Dark Armies attacked, they set off this plan to rescue as many of the eggs as possible - namely, the eggs were carried away by dragonflies.

The result of the fight at the temple was the same. They took a loss, but many of the eggs managed to make it away safely because of their alliance with the dragonflies. The hatchlings from the eggs would be taken care of by those dragonflies. Some of them didn't survive over time, but more did than in the actual LoS plotline.

When Spyro enters his role as savior, he is slightly older than he is in ANB. If he's the equivalent of a 12-year-old in the LoS trilogy(and this is confirmed, thank you very much smilie), he's more... 15-ish in my version.

I haven't fully decided what happens from there on, but a lot of things will likely be the same. With rescuing the Guardians, however, it's more complicated. I think Cyril, Volteer, and Terrador (and any other Guardians I may create) are corrupted and you'll have to fight them to free them. Ignitus probably isn't, though. I imagine he's either like he is in ANB - in hiding - or Spyro rescues him before he's corrupted. Dunno, haven't decided yet.

The Chronicler will get more attention in this as well, and though he is neutral at first, his position in the story is clearly going to be one of an ally once it gets to the right point. He is a bystander who is meant to only watch until he is needed.

I also have more scattered ideas planned here and there, but no point in telling them when I haven't really set down the skeleton of the plot yet. smilie And before anyone says, no, I don't think Cynder will have a big(or any) role in this. The apes didn't get their hands on any egg in the raid, and the fandom doesn't encourage me to put her in the cast.

Cast planned so far is mainly Spyro (obviously), Ignitus, the other Guardians, The Chronicler, Sparx, Flash, Nina, LoS Hunter, Bianca(LoS version), perhaps some other old series characters re-made... and some fan characters here and there. I'm mostly focusing on the actual series' cast, though. Oh, and Malefor won't be a generic villain in this, I promise you that.

...if the fandom hasn't changed much since the last time I wandered around in it, I bet I'm just going to get a shower of tomatoes as soon as everyone gets to the part about Cynder. smilie
If you have a good dad, give him a hug for me, another for yourself, and a third one because he deserves it. Treasure him. You're lucky.
Malefor0001 Gold Sparx Gems: 2365
#11 Posted: 18:07:37 22/09/2010
Spyro: Dawn of the Gnorcs
Tagline: He can't win this One.
Universe: Original
Gnasty Gnorc returns commanding an army of new and imprved Gnorcs, alongside harnessing the Dragon's power to breathe Fire, making an army of Fire-breathing Gnorcs.
Upon returning to the Dragon Realms, Spyro finds Gnasty up to his old work, but is shocked when Ripto appears. Then Red, then the Sorcerer, then the Sorceress. It turns out Gnasty has forged an allience with all of Spyro's enemies to rid Spyro from the Universe.
And to do this, Gnasty has used a new magic to turn the Dragons into rabbid, agressive creatures.
“The innocent, the innocent, Mandus, trod and bled and gassed and starved and beaten and murdered and enslaved. This is your coming century!”
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#12 Posted: 20:21:52 22/09/2010
Spyro RPG: Night of the RIPTOCS.

Spyro is resting in dragon shores until he see's a bunch a bunch of riptocs going wild. He tries to stop them but there to strong. So spyro goes to the proffesers lab to tell him about the riptocs. He tells spyro ripto's not controlling them. All of a sudden spyro is pulled into a portal to a realm of of lava and the story begins.........
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:39:04 22/09/2010 by spyrocrash
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#13 Posted: 22:24:10 22/09/2010 | Topic Creator
These ideas are good! :D
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#14 Posted: 19:03:41 25/09/2010
Check my idea now.
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#15 Posted: 03:13:50 26/09/2010 | Topic Creator
It's a good storyline. I'm just not interested in the "long lost sister" idea. Still good though. :3
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#16 Posted: 03:36:06 26/09/2010
Well I wanted Spyro to have a sister. When I made her the only way she could fit was to be a long lost sister.
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#17 Posted: 07:15:13 26/09/2010
All your game ideas are cool! smilie
I was going to do it on my fanfic, Spyro Legacy: Shadows in the Dark, but I'll make up a new one because I'm feeling creative at the moment.

Spyro Prophecy: Night of the Dragons

[User Posted Image]
Produced by Sierra Entertainment, developed by Krome Studios.
Only available on PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3


The Celestial World was in its age of peace after Spyro, a rare Purple Dragon, saved it from destruction. Many years have passed and Spyro and Cynder are one hundred and forty seven years old (dragons live for many millions of years so they are still counted as kids/teenagers). But every night, something lurks in the shadows, something that has been last seen thirty million years ago. Spyro soon discovers that the world is in peril once more. He takes Sparx and Cynder along with him on his quest to defeat the darkness.

Level One: The Underground Tunnels


Spyro woke up one night and didn't see anyone around. That's odd, Cynder usually sleeps on that stone over there. And Sparx sleeps on that shelf. He gave up and went outside, the stars were out, only a few clouds in the sky. Spyro looked around, Cynder and Sparx should be here. They're okay, probably sleeping somewhere else because he was snoring too loud. Never mind. Spyro looked around some more. He could see two green eyes glowing, staring back at him. What is that? They eyes then disappeared. Probably one of the other dragons. Someone started screaming, it sounded familiar. Cynder!
Spyro ran to the source of the noise. He saw the same green eyes and its fangs were sinking into Cynder's flesh. Spyro zapped the creature with his electricity breath and then hit it with his tail. The creature then flew off, leaving Cynder behind on the ground. She got up and shook her head.
"What was that thing?" asked Spyro.
"It looked to me like a strange purple dragon..." Cynder replied, her eyes following it.
"We better go," Spyro looked at a tree. It was glowing, maybe it was Sparx!
Spyro and Cynder ran towards it and looked up in the branches. Sparx was watching the dragons from the tree.
"Sparx, get down here!" yelled Spyro, not too loudly, incase he woke up somebody.
Sparx flew down from his hide out to goin them.
"That thing was weird!" laughed Sparx.
"Sparx, it's not funny, Cynder got hurt!" Spyro barked. "We have to go back inside."
The three friends walked inside and got to the sleeping room. Spyro and Cynder settled down on their rocks and Sparx got on the shelf.
Suddenly the building shook and the exit to the room got blocked. The floor broke and everyone fell down into the pit.
"What just happened?!" Cynder asked in a shocked voice.
"I think that creature attacked the cave and tried to trap us," replied Spyro, looking up.
"We can just go ba--" Sparx was cut off.
"Through these tunnels," hissed Cynder.
The three started down the tunnel. Cynder came to a stop when a river of lava blocked their path. They flew over it and landed on the other side. A bunch of bulb spiders were waiting for food. They guessed that Spyro, Cynder and mainly Sparx were food.
"Let's get them!" yelled Spyro as they started to attack.
Cynder used her shadow to throw them up into the air. Spyro grabbed one from the air and smashed it on the ground. It exploded and goo spurted out everywhere. Cynder whacked one with her tail blade and Spyro bit one.
Shortly after the battle, They ran into a waterfall.
"We have to fall down it into that river," said Spyro as he jumped.
They all got pulled down by the waterfall's strength and plunged into the river. They started swimming towards a light in the aquatic tunnel. Their heads plunged up out of the water and their bodies quickly followed. They got on the ground and saw some apes staring at them. One of them yelled "ATTACK!!!"
The apes and dragons started attacking each other and Sparx just stayed up high, watching. Spyro grabbed one by the neck and scraped him on the wall. It fell to the ground and started throwing rocks at Spyro. He dodged the rocks and shot an ice shard at his head. Spyro couldn't see anything because of the icy mist. When the mist cleared off, the ape had vanished. Spyro turned to Cynder and he saw all the other apes lying on the ground, dead.
"Good job Cynder," he told her.
"You didn't do too bad your self," she giggled back at him.
Sparx flew back down to join them. They all saw a light up ahead.
"Lets get there," said Cynder as they hurried to the shaft.

Game Play

Cutscene= Spyro woke up one night and didn't see anyone around. A picture fades in that says this and then fades away long enough for you to read it. That's odd, Cynder usually sleeps on that stone over there. And Sparx sleeps on that shelf. He gave up and went outside, the stars were out, only a few clouds in the sky. Spyro looked around, Cynder and Sparx should be here. They're okay, probably sleeping somewhere else because he was snoring too loud. Never mind. Spyro looked around some more. He could see two green eyes glowing, staring back at him. What is that? They eyes then disappeared. Probably one of the other dragons. Someone started screaming, it sounded familiar. Cynder! End Cutscene.
Tutorial: Move using left analog stick.
Find Cynder on the ground with the purple dragon.
Tutorial: Fight using the square button. Use the triangle button for a stronger attack. Use elemental attacks with the L2 button. Use L1 for a stronger elemental attack. Use the directional buttons to change elements.
Fight the purple dragon to make him go away.
Cutscene= "What was that thing?" asked Spyro.
"It looked to me like a strange purple dragon..." Cynder replied, her eyes following it.
"We better go," Spyro looked at a tree. It was glowing, maybe it was Sparx!
Spyro and Cynder ran towards it and looked up in the branches. Sparx was watching the dragons from the tree.
"Sparx, get down here!" yelled Spyro, not too loudly, incase he woke up somebody.
Sparx flew down from his hide out to goin them.
"That thing was weird!" laughed Sparx.
"Sparx, it's not funny, Cynder got hurt!" Spyro barked. "We have to go back inside."
The three friends walked inside and got to the sleeping room. Spyro and Cynder settled down on their rocks and Sparx got on the shelf.
Suddenly the building shook and the exit to the room got blocked. The floor broke and everyone fell down into the pit.
"What just happened?!" Cynder asked in a shocked voice.
"I think that creature attacked the cave and tried to trap us," replied Spyro, looking up.
"We can just go ba--" Sparx was cut off.
"Through these tunnels," hissed Cynder.
End Cutscene.
Move through the tunnel until you get to the lava river.
Tutorial: Use the X button to fly. Keep pressing it to fly.
Fly over the lava river, if you fall in it, you loose some life. Fight the bulb spiders. There are some red health and green mana gems on the side of the tunnel.
Tutorial: Red gems replenish your health. Green gems replenish your energy.
Smash the gems is you need to. Move to the waterfall and jump down it. Fall into the water.
Tutorial: When you're on the water press the circle button to go under it. Use the X button to swim.
Swim to the hole in the top. When you jump out of the water fight the apes.
Tutorial: Use the circle button to grab an enemy. Press circle to let go, or use the X, square or triangle button to attack it while holding it. Where the walls have scratch marks on them, press the circle button to scrape the enemy on the wall.
Red and Green gems are on the side of the tunnel. Move to the shaft and fly up it.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#18 Posted: 07:17:36 26/09/2010
Sorry for the double post, my post was 229 characters over the limit.
Here's the rest:

Enemy Types in the Level

Bulb/Mushroom Spiders: Spit webs at you, hit you with their legs, bite you. Two red gems, two green gems.
Small Apes: Punch you. Three red gems, three green gems.
Small Throwing Apes: Throw rocks at you, punch you. Three red gems, three green gems.

I'll post level two soon.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
pokemonka Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#19 Posted: 07:35:56 26/09/2010
As for my idea That I to not have title to it, but here's the story:

Everything happens a half years after the events of the DOTD. Original movie:
From the darkness emerges a dragon who Appeared from the sky an dotd. Suddenly the raindrops blurred Because it is only his reflection in a puddle. Then the big paw on the run falls into a puddle. Spyro and Cynder is a Fleeing rain. They hide in a cave. They laugh and enjoy, with managed before the storm. Suddenly, the ball falls ajkaś shining on Them, shouting:
You live! You live!
It Sparx so happy that he found friends. Spyro asks him what exactly happened. Dragonfly tells him that evil came back. Raisha. The bad wolf, once was a shaman watychy wolves, but wrongly accused, was banished. Unfortunately was the dark crystal, which deprives it of free will. Raisha tower in the legend that Malefor before he died, he left at dawn, his successor. Succeeded by this since birth, he wore a dark power in himself, and Raisha believes that she is the daughter of darkness.'' Spyro and Cynder the dragon move and Raisha City where he has gone. Along the way, Cynder mitzvah visions, which speaks to the spirit of the recently murdered four years ago, Ember. (The one with the hero's tail). Ember warns her of the danger that Cynder, Spyro is for, but dragoness not understand what's going spirit. Along the way, are sunk Atlantis, and frescoes on its walls that is Cynder, when she was under the rule of Malefor, flooded the city. Together with Spyro and extract them to the surface. Throughout the game Spyro, Cynder clumsily tries to confess the love in the''help''to him Sparx. Ember falls in love with Spyro and suffering because he knows that he does not love her ... The city dragon dragons meet:
Volteer, Cyril Terrador and defending the main gate. But the mountain Raisha Mek. Want to get a crystal that sustains the city. It is believed the highest in the city. There are Spyro and Cynder it. And the final fight with Raisha. The final movie:
Cynder lying on the ground. Spyro throws a wolf and is struck by the dark crystal Raisha straight to the heart. Spyro falls in slow dumb, and before my eyes overflow Cynder images from their lives. When it was changed for the good, the pirate ship, at the top of souls ... Cynder rises. A panting heavily raisha says:
-Now you have nowhere to go ... I know it's you ... as soon as you saw ... you're the daughter of darkness ... princess of shadow ...
Cynder shouted:
-NO !!!!!!
Then her signs (the ones on the head and legs) begin to shine. Cynder is getting white. Floats like a fury to attack. Suddenly the light. Sparx hides behind the pillar of faith. Raishy crystal breaks into million pieces and she falls from the faith, a gust of strong wind hit. Cynder rises even higher and breaks out again, but yes, the picture goes white ... Spyro wakes up. Sparx flies to him saying;
"It was amazing! She bang! And the wolf aaaaa! And she, light, and bam!
Spyro looks around August. Says:
-Where's Cynder?
um ... I do not know?
Sparx spyro says that he believes fell from Raisha. Spyro looks down, but there is no body Raisha ... Spyro looks at Assumption. Spyro:
-No I could tell her how I feel ...
Then there's how he stands behind the town and Sparx to him:
-No one would be not so devoted to the girl ... even me!
-She is no ordinary girl! I love her! I find it ...
He then develops wings and flies away. A Sparx him. On the ground there is the spirit of Ember ... flies with her eyes tear and she disappears ...
Then there are the final subtitles. After them is a scene. Night. From the rear, I'm crawling out of the city raisha ... Puts tired on the ground and says:
-She must listen to me ... is Hazardous ... I find it ...
and then faints. AND END

and how do you like?
smilie ,,I would die for you, cross the sky for you...'' smilie
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#20 Posted: 07:45:42 26/09/2010 | Topic Creator
This is about game ideas, not stories..... I apologize. I should have posted this in the rules.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:47:17 26/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
pokemonka Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#21 Posted: 07:49:44 26/09/2010
It is an idea for a game just described it all from beginning to end ... I skipped no kraken boss at Atlantis ...
smilie ,,I would die for you, cross the sky for you...'' smilie
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#22 Posted: 07:50:03 26/09/2010
I think it's great! smilie

Maybe you should call it The Spirit of Spyro: Daughter of Darkness?
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
pokemonka Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#23 Posted: 08:50:47 26/09/2010
Thanks smilie Good idea for title ... I see you have a great graphics program, would you, as a friendly way for me to make a logo: The Spirit of Spyro: Daughter of Darkness?
smilie ,,I would die for you, cross the sky for you...'' smilie
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#24 Posted: 09:37:41 26/09/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: pokemonka
It is an idea for a game just described it all from beginning to end ... I skipped no kraken boss at Atlantis ...

But you still wrote a story, with detail.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#25 Posted: 10:42:58 26/09/2010
Alright here's my gameplay.

You can play as the three characters but you must use each one at a certain places.

Elements: Fire, Ice, Earth, Electricity.

Fire attacks: Flame breath and Flame Dash(from DOTD)
Ice attacks: Ice breath and Ice Tail (from TEN)
Earth attacks: Earth Crater (I think from DOTD) and Earthquake Smash(My own move)
Electricity attacks: Electric breath and Electric Orb(DOTD)

His elements come with fury attacks as well.

Oh and if you fight enough you can transform into Dark Spyro.

Elements: Same as Spyro's.

Fire attacks: Fire breath and Flaming Spin(My move)
Ice attacks: Ice breath and Crystal Prison(Mine)
Earth attacks: Earth soundwaves(ANsmilie and Earth Spears(Mine)
Electricity attacks: Electric breath and Shooting Star(Mine)

Just like Spyro, Star's elements have fury attacks.

Fight with her enough and using the powers inside the gem she can shoot a powerful ray of convexity.

Elements: Poison, Fear, Shadow, and Wind.

Poison attacks: Poison tail(Mine) and Poison claws(Mine)
Fear attacks: Fear shriek(DOTD) and Fear Aura(Mine)
Shadow attacks: Shadow breath and Shadow Heart(Mine)
Wind attacks: Wind breath and Cyclone Spin(DOTD)

Cynder also has fury attacks for her elements.

Fight as Cynder enough and she'll transform into her corrupted form(ANB not DOTD) but the effects are only temporary.

Melée attacks are the same as DOTD.

(I'll describe the elemental attacks later)

Some areas will have magic barriers where only a certain character can access the area.

Purple Barriers: Only the sacred purple dragon can enter this barrier. In the areas Spyro must defeat the enemies to unlock an alternate path for Star and Cynder.
Green Barriers: Only the one that wears the mysterious gem can enter this barrier. Here Star must use her elements based on what colored gems are before her to unlock an alternate path for Spyro and Cynder. But make a wrong move and 12 enemies will appear.
Black Barriers: Only one who's heart had served darkness can enter this barrier. Cynder is in a maze and you must find a key to unlock an alternate path for Spyro and Star. Run into a dead end and you'll be confronted by a powerful enemy.

He will show you the way if he gets lost. Also as a bonus feed Sparx 700 butterflies and you'll unlock a more advance difficulty of the game and a bonus level.
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
pokemonka Yellow Sparx Gems: 1181
#26 Posted: 11:14:58 26/09/2010
I like the detailssmilie
smilie ,,I would die for you, cross the sky for you...'' smilie
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#27 Posted: 11:22:53 26/09/2010
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
torok Platinum Sparx Gems: 6123
#28 Posted: 11:36:39 26/09/2010
i have an idea. but i have no title for the game, or really a good story. anyway here's my idea.

in the game you can create whatever dragon you want including a purple dragon. and you can have many different types of elements to choose from. your dragon can have up to 4 elements. you can choose gender. and you can make the dragon a teenager or an adult. and your dragon can fly, and i mean really fly not like what they did on DOTD. and the game is set in the TLOS universe.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#29 Posted: 18:12:30 26/09/2010
Hey, I've done a bit with my game, Spyro: Yin & Yang

[User Posted Image]

Orignal Spyro: Glide, charge, unlimited breath, Sparx is his life

TLoS Spyro: Glide, horn bash, stronger but limited breath, bar for health

Orignal Spyro has his attacks of StD, GtG, YotD, and EtD, plus double jump. He can't do melee attacks, but can jump up in the air and charge of flame. He can't breathe anything but flame. His horns are his stronger advantage to him than his breath. His body shape is like YotD. Sparx is with him.

TLoS has the attacks of ANB, TEN, and DotD, accept for flying. He can do melee attacks. (furies will be talked about later) He can breathe any element the same way he does in ANB, accept for earth, which is the same from TEN. His body shape is like TEN. Sparx isn't with him. His breath is a stronger advantage, his horns being weaker.

Furries can only be accessed when on 'holy or sacred' grounds. Because of the fused deminsions, different places, such as dojos or temples, have gotten altered and hiven a supernatural surrounding. When in these areas and at ful health and magic, TLoS and Original can both do furies. Furies look the same as they did in ANB.

Cynder will be mentioned. TEN Cynder can be unlocked as a playable character instead of LoS. Elora can be unlocked as a playable character instead of Original. Elora has the same attacks as Sheila the Kangaroo (from YotD), accept for jumping, which is the same as Spyro's. Instead of gliding she can jump farther lengths. Cynder has the same abilities LoS Does.

Sparx minigames will be throughout. He will have to be playable to get into areas the dragons can't access, such as holes or cracks. Sparx talks like he does in EtD.

Enemies will mainly be 'Demension Spirits'. These spirits have been awakened when the Deminsions were fused. The spirits are sometimes colorcoded for elements, shoot things, or fly. There will be other enemies throughout the game as well. The main villain is a large black dragon with red eyes, named Shade.

The game will be all the same consoles as ANB had.

Please tell me what you think of the game. And the plot is up a few posts, BTW.
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#30 Posted: 21:56:59 26/09/2010
The playable characters for my idea are


gameplay it will be a regular rpg. to fight an enemy you have to run into them. there will be tag-team moves like spyro flame+ bianca's magic = an epic attack.

Dragon Kingdom
fairy village
the forgotten realms
Dragon tempel
valley of avalar

I'll try to think of more.[User Posted Image]
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:10:34 26/09/2010 by spyrocrash
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#31 Posted: 22:12:51 26/09/2010
Quote: pokemonka
Thanks smilie Good idea for title ... I see you have a great graphics program, would you, as a friendly way for me to make a logo: The Spirit of Spyro: Daughter of Darkness?

[User Posted Image]

Here you go pokemonka!

I'll probably post level two this afternoon...
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#32 Posted: 23:01:43 26/09/2010
It begins with the ending of DotD, and after Spyro fixes the earth, we actually see him and Cynder meet up with the others, then the cutscenes goes to story book images like some of the clips in ANB and TEN. There is also and elderly sounding narrator telling about how the purple dragon of legend deafeated Malefor, sealing him away, of how the Fire Guradian of old came to be the mystical Chronicler, how the Earth was saved and also gives a little detail of how society changed and the world and it's people evolved, util it reaches the present, the future far from the time of LOS. At the end of this history of the Purple dragon and the dragon race, the camera pulls away from the storybook image and the narrator closes a book of the dragon's history.

The narrator/reader was Elder Thomas and he was of course speaking to Spyro, classic style. He then explains to Spyro, the latest of the purple dragons that that is where his name comes from and why so many expect great things from him. He also tells him that the Spyro from ten thousand years ago was the only dragon other than himself to be born on the same day as a dragonfly and to become like brothers with that dragonfly, and so they named Sparks after the Sparx who travelled with the ancient Spyro.

He also tells Spyro that this legend was considered pure fiction for centuries until the day of Spyro and Sparx's births. The birth of a purple dragon sparked curiosity in many, especially given that a dragonfly was born just minutes later, but it was not truely thought to be real until some bizzare magic bonded Spyro to Sparx, brought about by prolonged exposure to Spyro, causing a visual change to occur in Sparx whenever Spyro became injured. He then tells Spyro that he has not progressed past his flame breath because the magical bond with the elders has grown this over the many years.

This occured because when the dragons were banished from the forgotten worlds, the land of the Legendary Purple Dragon, by the Sorceress the mysical crystals were left behind. When they arrived in what is now dragon realms, they found gems, believing them to be these crystals but there was no magic to be found in them. So, without fuel for thier incredible powers, the dragons though still very powerful indeed, were forced to dominate the new world through the establishment of civilization, free trade using gems as currency and in time the development of high technology.

Amoung these technologies were portals, flying cities, tanks and other weapons, and other devices I'll name later.

So, with this new knowledge of dragon history brought about by Spyro's existence, scientist from all the races (lead by the professor) worked hard to locate the Forgotten Worlds which are somewhere far over the seas, unreachable by ship due to some magical barrier that only turns ships around when they reach it. They need to do this to A)learn more about the earth and thier history and smilietry to retrieve the crystals to regain thier magic. Once they find it they try to build a portal to reach it, but without the possibility of building a reciever at the desired location, this portal is far more difficult than any ever made before. That being the case, they must harness the power of the purple dragon's magic to sustain the vortex long enough for an *unfixed potral to open up on the other side. They manage this, but the portal in the Dragon Realms gives out after Spyro leaves. This causes much panic, as all they have to talk to Spyro with is a sort of communicator (similar in concept to an earpeice or video watch but not), and no one knows if it will even work from where Spyro is ,and the thing is broken anyway. They tried to plan for the worst by giving Spyro tools and parts with which to fix the device if broken, but the parts got scattered all over the place.

But the bond Sparx has with Spyro and the magic that rubbed off on the parts allows him to locate the parts. But of course, it's not going to be easy to retrieve them. He'll have to fight monsters and travel all over the land, meeting many people, including Hunter (classic Style), Bianca, Elora, Bently, Sheila, and of course the Sorceress. As Spyro tries to locate the parts, he will have to rely on the characters listed above to reach some of them. He must also have to locate the gems to generate enough power to open some barriers and regain elements necessary to overcome some enemies and other obstacles. He will also have to perform tasks for some of the Forgotten World residents to get them to help his cause, given that the Sorceresses tyranny has caused many to become selfish. And of course he has to fight the Sorceress, as she is not too happy about a dragon not only invading her realm, but consuming her magic crystals!

*an unfixed portal is a portal that can pop up almost anywhere given the lack of a reciever to provide a definite location. The reciever also provides a stabilizer which keeps the portal open and without it the portal cannot be sustined and will fail and close.

I'll post more info later; I have to go eat now.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#33 Posted: 23:28:38 26/09/2010
That's really cool SpyroLUVA! smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#34 Posted: 23:41:03 26/09/2010
Thank you.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#35 Posted: 23:43:42 26/09/2010
It's cool how you made Spyro and Sparx's name from the tLoS series, if you get what I mean. I reckon it's very original.
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#36 Posted: 23:48:41 26/09/2010
Actually, DarkCynder_543 came up with the idea of Spyro and Sparx being named after the guys from LOS, and of old Spyro's universe being a futuristic version of new Spyro's world, but I kinda changed that.
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#37 Posted: 00:46:08 27/09/2010 | Topic Creator
Sounds good. :3

In my game, Spyro learns a knew move, Poll Spin (from A Hero's Tail). Money Bags teaches Spyro the move for a "small" fee, of course.

These are the controls for my game:


◘ = Chage/charge underwater/dive
O = elements/spit out rocks
x = Jump/press twice to glide/jump near a poll and spyro grabs it/climb/paddle underwater
/\ = look around/hover after gliding/aim/head bash after jumping
Right analogue stick = Turn camera around
L1 + R1 = Bring camera behind Spyro
D- pad = Change elements (up = fire, down = wind, left = ice, right = electricity)
L2 + R2 = Wing shield
L2 + R2 + L1 + R1 = Sparx points to any left over gems (learned when you've earned it)
Start = Pause Menu
Select = Map

"Beat em up" mini games:

Same game-play as ANB. Spyro has to go through a melee power up to activate all knew abilities for these mini games only.

Bianca gives Spyro the wind element at the start of the game. Spyro learns ice in the second home world, and learns both, electricity and the Poll Spin ability in the third. Sparx gets an extra life in the fourth home world, learning Gold Sparx (Gold, then yellow, then blue, and green, then red, then Spyro is on his own. The reason why he has more lives is because you're bound to get hurt a lot more. The game is made for you to get hurt a lot more often, and Sparx changes colour twice if Spyro gets hit by something explosive, like a TNT). Sparx learns how to point to any remaining gems in the last level.

◘ = Dash
o = Shadowfire/hold to do a tail spin
L1 = Block
/\ = Look around/drop during glide/tail smash
x = Jump/double jump/glide
L2 + R2 + L1 + R1 = Sparx points to any left over gems (learned when you've earned it)
Right analogue stick = Turn camera around
L1 + R1 = Bring camera behind Cynder
Start = Pause Menu
Select = Map
Cynder can swim, but she can't dive underwater.

◘ = Kick. Press it moderately fast repetitively to make Sheila kick an enemy swiftly over ten times.
o = Send an enemy flying.
x = Jump/double jump (press x twice)/jump real high after just touching the ground
/\ = Look around/head bash
L2 + R2 + L1 + R1 = Sparx points to any leftover gems (learned when you've earned it)
Right analogue stick = Turn camera around
L1 + R1 = Bring camera behind Sheila
Start = Menu
Select = Map
Sheila can swim, but can't dive.

Sgt. Byrd:
◘ = Drop bombs/hold to fly faster (no need to hold the x button)
o = Fire missile/slap (when on land)
x = Fly/hold to fly higher
/\ = Aim/look around
R2 + L2 = Switch missile type (three different options. One can go a longer range, but is less powerful, while the other is more powerful, but shoots at a closer range. The third shoots bombs out of the missiles. Causes massive explosions and looks awesome. They take a while to explode, however, and they’re not as powerful as the bombs that you carry and drop. Not powerful enough to smash open those metal chests)
Right analogue stick = Turn camera around.
R1 + L1 = Bring camera behind Sgt. Byrd.
L2 + R2 + L1 + R1 = Sparx points to any leftover gems (learned when you've earned it)
Start = Pause menu
Select = Map
There is no water in Sgt. Byrd's levels.

◘ = Smash/hold to dash
O = Spin club/hold to attack with fist
x = Jump/pick up an object when standing in front of one
/\ = Aim/look around
R2 + L2 = Duck
Right analogue stick = Turn camera around.
R1 + L1 = Bring camera behind Bentley
L2 + L1 + R1 + R2 = Sparx points to any leftover gems (learned when you've earned it)
Start = Pause menu
Select = Map
Stay away from water, because Bentley can't swim.

Agent 9:
◘ = Smash with a baseball bat (rofl)/press three times to do a combo/press after x to head bash into an enemy (a very weak move).
o = Fire gun/hold to fire repeatedly
x = Jump/double jump/pull self up from ledge/jump from vine to vine
/\ = Aim (sniper mode)/look around/hold to change gun/press after jump to do a head bash.
Start = Pause menu
Select = map
L2 + R2 = Use gun to block
L1 or R1 = Move left or right
Right analogue stick = Turn camera around/zoom in or out when in sniper mode
R1 + L1 = Bring camera behind Agent 9
L2 + L1 + R1 + R2 = Sparx points to any leftover gems (learned when you've earned it)
Agent 9 can't swim, so stay out of water. His controls are more advance than the other characters, and you are made to use both, his baseball bat and his guns to defeat all the enemies.

Oh, and in my game, you still get to chase down thefts and get back dragon eggs. >:3

You like? :3
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#38 Posted: 02:58:29 27/09/2010
What does everyone think of mine?
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#39 Posted: 03:32:48 27/09/2010
Quote: Queen_Cynder
What does everyone think of mine?

Your idea is awesome.

So what did you think of mine?
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#40 Posted: 03:51:29 27/09/2010 | Topic Creator
^ It's good. :3

Everyone is ignoring my idea. What about mine? :<
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:51:56 27/09/2010 by DarkCynder_543
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#41 Posted: 04:09:47 27/09/2010
^Your idea is awesome too.
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#42 Posted: 04:24:49 27/09/2010
Everybody's idea's are great, yours too DarkCynder.

But I don't recall an opinion for my idea. smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#43 Posted: 04:30:04 27/09/2010
I love everyones. smilie Actually, I'm actually jelouse... You guys have better ideas than me... And better logos. smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#44 Posted: 04:36:52 27/09/2010
I can make you a logo if you want. I'll probably post it tomorrow though because my Photoshop isn't working with png's and gif's at the moment. smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#45 Posted: 04:45:24 27/09/2010
I have two fangames. You can find them here and here.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#46 Posted: 04:46:07 27/09/2010 | Topic Creator
Yours is good too, Bolt. ;3

I'm going to do the logo, but I don't know what to call my game. The Planet is going to be called, 'Nara' BTW.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
StartheDragon77 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#47 Posted: 04:46:37 27/09/2010
Quote: Bolt
I can make you a logo if you want. I'll probably post it tomorrow though because my Photoshop isn't working with png's and gif's at the moment. smilie

Hey you think you can make me one too?
From the day of my birth I was destinend to conquer darkness with a powerful gem. This is my destiny for I am Star the green dragoness.
Queen_Cynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1694
#48 Posted: 04:47:58 27/09/2010
I'd love it if you made me one... All I need is for it to say 'Spyro: Ying & Yang'... smilie
I know my username says Queen but I’m a guy I’m just gay : (
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5210
#49 Posted: 05:04:38 27/09/2010 | Topic Creator
QC, because you game is based on two Spyros, I find that the title is confusing. I mean, it says "Spyro", but there's too Spyros in your game. Which means that it must only refer to one Spyro...
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6147
#50 Posted: 05:09:57 27/09/2010
Quote: StartheDragon77
Quote: Bolt
I can make you a logo if you want. I'll probably post it tomorrow though because my Photoshop isn't working with png's and gif's at the moment. smilie

Hey you think you can make me one too?

Sure, as I said, when Photoshop works...
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
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