
Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage


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if there was a spyro 2 remake [CLOSED]
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#1 Posted: 00:58:18 09/07/2010 | Topic Creator
what new varying ideas would you add in(sub bosses, collectables new lvls. ,extra skill points ect.)
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#2 Posted: 01:53:02 09/07/2010
An alternate ending and a few more bosses. Maybe make Ripto stronger along with Crush and Gulp. Make more levels, and also make them longer. Pretty much make the whole game more challenging.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#3 Posted: 04:25:15 09/07/2010
I agree. Make levels harder, and longer, but don't change them. Its hard to explain, but if they were really different, it wouldn't really be a remake. It'd be a new game. But i wish they would remake the first trilogy, for graphics sake. smilie
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#4 Posted: 04:40:02 09/07/2010
Basically make it longer, more difficult and add an alternate ending.
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#5 Posted: 04:52:04 09/07/2010
I agree.
Would they keep the name? Riptos Rage // Gateway to Glimmer?
Like, maybe a better name? xD
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#6 Posted: 05:32:27 09/07/2010 | Topic Creator
i am actualy going to start a run through on youtube of spyro 2 where i list what i'd change
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#7 Posted: 05:45:26 09/07/2010
Oh okay! Well, i might follow that! You don't mind if i subscribe? heheh!
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#8 Posted: 06:17:29 09/07/2010 | Topic Creator
not at all but you might want to watch my most famous video(only 84 views)

Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#9 Posted: 06:18:04 09/07/2010
Spyro: Return to Avalar smilie
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#10 Posted: 07:52:50 09/07/2010 | Topic Creator
good name i might use that or maybe spyro 2 ripto's revenge

and i thought what if you could unlock costmes by doing skill points like a costume of ratchet from ratchet and clank
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#11 Posted: 11:09:02 09/07/2010
haha yeah, don't ask me. I got nothin'. xP but ill sub to you, spyro glitcher.
You'll know its me. I got the same youtube name as this. smilie
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13074
#12 Posted: 15:10:15 09/07/2010
They should make a new homeworld called Spring Valley. I had a dream about it once and it looked like Valley of Avalar in DotD.
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#13 Posted: 22:59:21 09/07/2010 | Topic Creator
maybe with a digital level or a bug level oh and like a huge future war level where you control hunter and there's ratchet and clanck posters
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#14 Posted: 02:46:45 10/07/2010
I spose... but you wouldn't wanna mix TLoS with the STD games. That would totally ruin them for me. :/

And that war thing should be optional. I don't mind the whole combat thing, but it gets boring. smilie
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#15 Posted: 02:53:18 11/07/2010 | Topic Creator
well the hunter fight is an orb i was thinking and this is my newest idea
an arena side boss for each level like glimer is a gem monster and sunny beach is a duck with a quack'o ray ect. and the doorsof each boss is gaurded by a red thief named steve who asks to see any erned coins(from beating the sub bosses)
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#16 Posted: 08:17:21 11/07/2010
isn't earning coins a little like mario?
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#17 Posted: 16:12:17 11/07/2010
you can't remake an awsome game!!!!!!!!!!!!
looks like ive got some things to do...
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#18 Posted: 04:33:57 12/07/2010 | Topic Creator
yeah as long as you only add things or remove bad things
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#19 Posted: 06:19:36 12/07/2010
i sorta think, they should keep it exactly the same. Maybe if they make it exaclty the same, but better graphics. That'd be so cool. The first trilogy should be remade. But not changed. smilie
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#20 Posted: 08:04:03 12/07/2010 | Topic Creator
now i say spyro 1-3 should be remade with optional side challenges
like side sub bosses for fun and if they are beat you get special dodads like costumes in ratchet 3 for skill points for obsesed spyro fans wanting more spyro
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
parisruelz12 Diamond Sparx Gems: 7577
#21 Posted: 17:35:59 13/07/2010
remakes suck
looks like ive got some things to do...
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#22 Posted: 00:23:36 14/07/2010 | Topic Creator
]=' well if not done properly
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
StupidPuffSheep Green Sparx Gems: 424
#23 Posted: 06:53:07 14/07/2010
yeah, i think you guys are thinking of making a new game, based on the old ones.
A remake is like, basically the same as the old one.
I don't know whats in my future, but I won't let it be a repeat of my past.
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#24 Posted: 10:11:32 14/07/2010 | Topic Creator
well with the same plot and levels
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#25 Posted: 15:17:42 14/07/2010
The original Spyro's don't need a remake.They're fine just the way they are.
Spyros Dagger Yellow Sparx Gems: 1495
#26 Posted: 19:53:45 14/07/2010
^ Thank you.
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#27 Posted: 23:46:18 14/07/2010 | Topic Creator
liar they are perfect
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
Feather Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 146
#28 Posted: 17:58:32 18/07/2010
I'd modify the
Superflame power-up at the end to also include flying. Seriously. Why didn't it include flying at the end of the freakin' game to begin with? Were they that worried about a broken game after you've already seen everything there was to offer?
Other than that, I'd update the graphics, add concept art gallery with possible unlockable content for achieving certain goals, refine control to suit a PS3 controller rather than a PS1 controller (there are differences, though subtle, such as the analog stick is easier to control which messes up perfect control on some games) and add more random cheats for colored Spyro. (orange, true white, rainbow (lol))

Then there's the horrible sound quality that needs fixing. The emphasized 'p' VA lines needs to go, the music needs to stop making my ears bleed (It's a kid's game so bad music MUST be mandatory, right? No.) and I would replace Gulp's music with something that isn't stock content. (I think Insomniac just downloaded a freeware MP3 and tossed it into the game because Gulp's boss music is a real song.)

Other than that, I would leave everything, including those glitches I love so much, perfectly in-tact. Because it just isn't Spyro 2 without the ability to break the game until the disc gives on you.
Aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes!
My tips for RP.
InsomDog Platinum Sparx Gems: 6974
#29 Posted: 19:00:20 18/07/2010
This is the perfect Spyro game, no need to remake it.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#30 Posted: 12:14:57 19/07/2010
Quote: Feather Dragon

Then there's the horrible sound quality that needs fixing. The emphasized 'p' VA lines needs to go, the music needs to stop making my ears bleed (It's a kid's game so bad music MUST be mandatory, right? No.) and I would replace Gulp's music with something that isn't stock content. (I think Insomniac just downloaded a freeware MP3 and tossed it into the game because Gulp's boss music is a real song.)

[User Posted Image]
[The pic is enought]
Keep smile
Feather Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 146
#31 Posted: 17:52:49 19/07/2010
It's called improving on remakes, genius.
Aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes!
My tips for RP.
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#32 Posted: 23:49:53 19/07/2010 | Topic Creator
]=| greatness can be improved and gulps music rules
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#33 Posted: 01:01:47 20/07/2010
Gulp's music? First of that music is not 'Gulp's' music. And second, it is a real song. It is very popular for dramatic things.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#34 Posted: 02:49:12 20/07/2010 | Topic Creator
whats the name?
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#35 Posted: 03:00:58 20/07/2010
*shrugs* I've just heard it before on several different things.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Feather Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 146
#36 Posted: 03:19:01 20/07/2010
Thank you. :l

Though that comment wasn't directed at you two, so no offense intended.

It's a good game but if there were a remake I'd fix all the problems with it. (Note I said remake, not port. A port is the exact same game on a different console. A remake is an edited or recreated game.)
Aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes!
My tips for RP.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#37 Posted: 09:31:55 20/07/2010
I am only trying to point out that Insomniac just didn't simply downloaded the game music...
Keep smile
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#38 Posted: 12:37:15 20/07/2010
Yeah,Stewart Copeland kicked a$$ and made the music.
Feather Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 146
#39 Posted: 16:06:47 20/07/2010
He probably did make music for the game.

But that song isn't his, so yeah he either downloaded it (because it would seem that, since everyone uses it, it's probably freeware) or licensed it, so it isn't original to the game.

Besides, Spyro 2's music isn't as good as Spyro 1's. It sounds to kiddiefied.
Aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes!
My tips for RP.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#40 Posted: 16:11:16 20/07/2010
I like Ripto's music though.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Spyroo Blue Sparx Gems: 867
#41 Posted: 17:01:13 20/07/2010
Quote: Feather Dragon

Besides, Spyro 2's music isn't as good as Spyro 1's. It sounds to kiddiefied.

Except the Homeworlds. They're beautiful, and so serene <3

I'm don't mind a remake - Look at New Super Mario Bros - Just amazing. If they can pull it off with the original trilogy, then words wouldn't describe how epic that would be.
--- - Because apparently the user 'Kaos' is a spammer. Sheesh, Kaos, srsly?
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#42 Posted: 18:20:18 20/07/2010
Quote: Feather Dragon
But that song isn't his

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image] <---gtfi+stfi
Keep smile
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#43 Posted: 19:08:43 20/07/2010 | Topic Creator
i have heard it on jak 2's comercial which insom. worked with naughty dog by then
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
Feather Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 146
#44 Posted: 12:30:09 22/07/2010
Quote: matesds
pointless post

Give me one good reason why I should take you seriously. Your posts are nonconstructive, pointless spam that offer no intelligent or logical counter to mine.
Aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes!
My tips for RP.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#45 Posted: 20:08:36 22/07/2010
Quote: Feather Dragon
Quote: matesds
pointless post

Give me one good reason why I should take you seriously. Your posts are nonconstructive, pointless spam that offer no intelligent or logical counter to mine.

Thou want to stand against power of interwebs? Pretty much equals pee against wind...

OK, back to srs bsns... From Wikipe-tan, reading Steward Copeland article:
"....After The Police stopped touring in 1984, Copeland established a career composing soundtracks for movies (Airborne (1993), Talk Radio, Wall Street, 'Riff Raff, 'Raining Stones, Surviving the Game, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Highlander II: The Quickening, The Leopard Son, She's Having a Baby, Taking Care of Business, West Beirut, I am David), television (The Equalizer, Dead Like Me, Star Wars: Droids, the original pilot for Babylon 5 (1993), Nickelodeon's The Amanda Show, The Life and Times of Juniper Lee), and video games (Spyro the Dragon and The Agents), along with operas (Holy Blood and Crescent Moon, commissioned by Cleveland Opera) and ballets.....
.... He was commissioned by Insomniac Games and Universal Interactive Studios (now Vivendi) in 1998 for making the music scores in the hit PlayStation game Spyro the Dragon. He was later recommissioned to make the music scores for the sequels Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, and Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly....."
Keep smile
Feather Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 146
#46 Posted: 20:37:08 22/07/2010
Quote: matesds
Quote: Feather Dragon
Quote: matesds
pointless post

Give me one good reason why I should take you seriously. Your posts are nonconstructive, pointless spam that offer no intelligent or logical counter to mine.

Thou want to stand against power of interwebs? Pretty much equals pee against wind...

OK, back to srs bsns... From Wikipe-tan, reading Steward Copeland article:
"....After The Police stopped touring in 1984, Copeland established a career composing soundtracks for movies (Airborne (1993), Talk Radio, Wall Street, 'Riff Raff, 'Raining Stones, Surviving the Game, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Highlander II: The Quickening, The Leopard Son, She's Having a Baby, Taking Care of Business, West Beirut, I am David), television (The Equalizer, Dead Like Me, Star Wars: Droids, the original pilot for Babylon 5 (1993), Nickelodeon's The Amanda Show, The Life and Times of Juniper Lee), and video games (Spyro the Dragon and The Agents), along with operas (Holy Blood and Crescent Moon, commissioned by Cleveland Opera) and ballets.....
.... He was commissioned by Insomniac Games and Universal Interactive Studios (now Vivendi) in 1998 for making the music scores in the hit PlayStation game Spyro the Dragon. He was later recommissioned to make the music scores for the sequels Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, and Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly....."

Which just says that he wrote some of the music for the three games, it doesn't say anywhere that he wrote ALL of the music for the games, or which songs he wrote. Which means my point still stands: Gulp's music is not original to Spyro 2. It's a song that floats around everywhere that Insomniac probably found and either licensed or downloaded as freeware. And if there were ever a remake, someone should compose music for the boss fight original to the game.
Aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes!
My tips for RP.
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#47 Posted: 20:49:15 22/07/2010
Quote: Feather Dragon
Quote: matesds
Quote: Feather Dragon

Give me one good reason why I should take you seriously. Your posts are nonconstructive, pointless spam that offer no intelligent or logical counter to mine.

Thou want to stand against power of interwebs? Pretty much equals pee against wind...

OK, back to srs bsns... From Wikipe-tan, reading Steward Copeland article:
"....After The Police stopped touring in 1984, Copeland established a career composing soundtracks for movies (Airborne (1993), Talk Radio, Wall Street, 'Riff Raff, 'Raining Stones, Surviving the Game, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Highlander II: The Quickening, The Leopard Son, She's Having a Baby, Taking Care of Business, West Beirut, I am David), television (The Equalizer, Dead Like Me, Star Wars: Droids, the original pilot for Babylon 5 (1993), Nickelodeon's The Amanda Show, The Life and Times of Juniper Lee), and video games (Spyro the Dragon and The Agents), along with operas (Holy Blood and Crescent Moon, commissioned by Cleveland Opera) and ballets.....
.... He was commissioned by Insomniac Games and Universal Interactive Studios (now Vivendi) in 1998 for making the music scores in the hit PlayStation game Spyro the Dragon. He was later recommissioned to make the music scores for the sequels Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!, Spyro: Year of the Dragon, and Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly....."

Which just says that he wrote some of the music for the three games, it doesn't say anywhere that he wrote ALL of the music for the games, or which songs he wrote. Which means my point still stands: Gulp's music is not original to Spyro 2. It's a song that floats around everywhere that Insomniac probably found and either licensed or downloaded as freeware. And if there were ever a remake, someone should compose music for the boss fight original to the game.

Fetch me something with the music which is from BEFORE RR/G2G then, doggy...
Keep smile
spyro glitcher Gold Sparx Gems: 2401
#48 Posted: 23:23:43 22/07/2010 | Topic Creator
Toonami is comin' back! WOOP!
Feather Dragon Green Sparx Gems: 146
#49 Posted: 01:21:13 23/07/2010
From what I'm getting from some places I've looked for the name of the song on (I don't know the name, which makes googling it a little tricky (and no, googling 'Gulp's Overlook doesn't make it easier, I tried)), I gather the song is a remix of another song, though I can't find a definite answer on any bored or comment section where everyone thinks they've heard it, several people say they think they heard it in a Jackie Chan movie from '96. This [youtube=]YouTube link[/youtube] is an example of places people have said they've heard the song from. Most of these are later than 1999, but a few are older. I'm looking into the Jackie Chan movie right now.

By the way, you could have just posted that link before instead of taking up two whole forum pages making an *** of yourself by posting rude pictures and not even bothering to offer up anything productive. If you're going to copy me in satire, you could at least do it correctly.
Aim high in life but watch out for flying boxes!
My tips for RP.
Eragon25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2019
#50 Posted: 01:36:07 23/07/2010
Quote: Feather Dragon
He probably did make music for the game.

But that song isn't his, so yeah he either downloaded it (because it would seem that, since everyone uses it, it's probably freeware) or licensed it, so it isn't original to the game.

Besides, Spyro 2's music isn't as good as Spyro 1's. It sounds to kiddiefied.

How is it not his?
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