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Dragon Challenges
Dragon challenge 1-
Stage: Temple
Average Difficulty: Easy to mild
Notes: You will not be able to switch elements during this battle- The game will randomly change your elements itself.
Enemies(in order): Ape solider, Leader Ape, Commander Ape, Death Hound
The first things you should do are either defeat the enemies as fast as possible or smash the fury gems. Either way, this shouldn't be too hard as long as you can quickly adapt to all elements. The thing I'd do is smash the fury gems, then defeat enemies, and when they come back, smash them so they come back as fast as possible, then repeat. Why so much fury? Because once the Commander Apes come, you might need it- even before then if you get low on health. As for the Death Hounds, jump over them once they attack, so they miss you, but make sure to time it right. Then you can pound away at them and repeat.
- My elements are randomly switching and I can't change them. Why?
This is just an extra part of the battle to make it more challenging.
Dragon challenge 2-
Stage: Fellmuth Arena
Average Difficulty: Easy to tricky
Notes: There is a time limit of 10 minutes in this battle. There are no gems.
Enemies(in order): Pirate Scavenger, Pirate Leader, Pirate Commander, Blunder Tail
You shouldn't need 10 minutes to complete this challenge. It might take a while if you keep falling off the edges. Unlike the previous rounds, you can swap elements. Just keep in mind the time limit and avoid falling off the edges. The enemies in this challenge are all Skabb's minions. Also, there are no gems, so try to save as much magic as possible for the stronger enemies.
- I keep falling off the edge and can't complete the challenge. Any advice?
Avoid being clustered and pushed off by enemies. If you can glide back, do that. If you still can't finish the challenge, you might want to practice by playing the actual game. - My time limit keeps running out, can you help?
Defeat enemies as fast as possible. You might need practice. Just make sure to keep the above answer ensured.