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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Lair [CLOSED]
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#1 Posted: 22:06:02 25/12/2007 | Topic Creator
Spyro's Lair has now finally fully opened; you can now create your own customised little dragon, chat with others in the Lair using a set of predefined sayings and complete activities for points.

To help show off your creations I've made a simple Dragon Generator that you can use to recreate your dragons from Spyro's Lair and share them with the world.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Last edited at 22:05:09 29/12/2007 by dark52
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#2 Posted: 23:23:43 25/12/2007
It's open only now? Well, they didn't even finish the site for ANB, so this is unsurprising.
EternalSpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#3 Posted: 06:31:14 26/12/2007
I hope they add in a feature where you can say whatever you want, like direct speech.
As the Night of Eternal Darkness apporaches, Spyro is haunted by .... Maps of the U.S. and Canada, and traffic capability for just $216.76 from
Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#4 Posted: 09:04:45 26/12/2007
I knew they would go for preset comments just like at Crash Village. >.> Oh well, at least it's functionable.
RenanSpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1619
#5 Posted: 14:23:51 26/12/2007
It's finally finished! And I think saying whatever you want would make it a very popular place for spam...
Classic Spyro rocks!
SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#6 Posted: 23:23:32 26/12/2007
but it disapears in like a min. so it's not like it would take up the whole page.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#7 Posted: 03:28:27 27/12/2007
Wow, I can't believe it's finished! I'm SmokeRings on there. I wish there was a way to edit your dragon... oh well... or is there?
robby Fodder
#8 Posted: 10:27:36 27/12/2007
my name on it is rob
emberelora Emerald Sparx Gems: 3059
#9 Posted: 10:27:45 27/12/2007
^ there is a way to edit your dragon. just click on the name of you dragon that's under your dragon and click edit.
"This is the most musically inclined situation I've ever found myself in and I've played guitar hero!"
zacoda1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1121
#10 Posted: 16:34:35 27/12/2007
The ones with the greatest courage...Tested by All might and will...Will traverse A Farly advanced Obstacle....The test of life...
robby Fodder
#11 Posted: 18:33:51 27/12/2007
its better than crash
Spyro_rules Emerald Sparx Gems: 3213
#12 Posted: 18:45:45 27/12/2007
I'm Dark Spyro on there.
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 12860
#13 Posted: 21:28:04 27/12/2007
I've got an account on it, my username is Alice Blaze.
Dragginwings Gold Sparx Gems: 2279
#14 Posted: 23:39:56 27/12/2007
Quote: emberelora
^ there is a way to edit your dragon. just click on the name of you dragon that's under your dragon and click edit.

Oh, ok, thanks. smilie There's a few accessories that I like and I can't seem to pick which looks better, so I'm constantly editing now!
Cynder28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2731
#15 Posted: 13:53:16 28/12/2007
i think this is awesome!can someone tell me were it is? smilie :lspyro:
A wise man once said, "That's a pretty dumb thing to ask a magical girl."
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#16 Posted: 13:57:56 28/12/2007 | Topic Creator
That's a point. I've added a link to the news post.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Cynder28 Gold Sparx Gems: 2731
#17 Posted: 14:58:11 28/12/2007
A wise man once said, "That's a pretty dumb thing to ask a magical girl."
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#18 Posted: 06:19:16 29/12/2007
Yay! I joined finally! My username is Dragon Goddess. I'll meet ya'll there for my friends on here!
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
Black Minx Yellow Sparx Gems: 1226
#19 Posted: 14:38:09 30/12/2007
My name is Lola on the sight, and i'm the blue female with the gold croun and pink cape.
You just gotta love the old and new games!
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#20 Posted: 03:05:01 31/12/2007
Well... I see they got it working. And right as I return from Colorado. >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#21 Posted: 16:33:17 01/01/2008
Hi again, HIR! It's working? Oh, good. I'll go on now.

EDIT: Not working. It has the log in screen then it fades out quickly and the page is blank.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Last edited at 16:38:05 01/01/2008 by Ross
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#22 Posted: 01:38:04 02/01/2008
Try refreshing... or re-starting your Internet. It happened to me too. <.<;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
sophia Fodder
#23 Posted: 16:15:17 03/01/2008
in the site i'm Aryadne ^-^

but anyone know how to change the background?
SequoiaDragon Fodder
#24 Posted: 18:12:11 03/01/2008
What happens if you use the dragon generator on this website?
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#25 Posted: 19:06:44 03/01/2008
The Dragon Generator of this site is sooo great!
SequoiaDragon Fodder
#26 Posted: 22:38:36 03/01/2008
What does it do, exactly?
BASALT Green Sparx Gems: 218
#27 Posted: 09:59:30 04/01/2008
im a little confused by this most recent convo, but id say dark52...........?
An apple a day=7 apples a week!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Throw your apples at your doctor! Please join the site!
Frisby Gold Sparx Gems: 2496
#28 Posted: 21:11:38 06/01/2008
Quote: Spyro_rules
I'm Dark Spyro on there.

I saw u on there today! lol
we were talking for a little bit. smilie
☼Everyone chooses a hero... I'm happy I chose Spyro☼
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#29 Posted: 18:36:47 07/01/2008
My Computer won't let me go on the stupid website!!!!!!
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#30 Posted: 03:05:32 08/01/2008
I don't care much for the Spyro Lair thing.. but I love the template thing you've done dark52. ^.^ Now I can take the peices by using Prnt Scrn and edit them in MS Paint and my my own TRUELY custom dragon. ...Meh, it'll just be a bordom thing; it's too simple for my pickyness when it comes to my dragons. T_T

*EDIT* I didn't see the backround thing. ^.^ I can take those too and use 'em for my sprite comics! *shot*
Last edited at 03:08:25 08/01/2008 by Shrazer320
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#31 Posted: 20:50:05 10/01/2008
i love the website! i got a boy frend lolz....he keeps puttiin kissy faces lolz
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
zacoda1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1121
#32 Posted: 14:22:03 11/01/2008
Lol,Spyro rules i thought i saw you on there...
Also if you want a gf take em,they swarm around me,it looks like there trying to show off....
The ones with the greatest courage...Tested by All might and will...Will traverse A Farly advanced Obstacle....The test of life...
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#33 Posted: 19:14:44 11/01/2008
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
Brazilian Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3675
#34 Posted: 13:32:26 12/01/2008
i am the same name in theree if someone find me...plz tell, i know you

dark52 i dont know where to post it but anyway its a new

Activision Blizzard: the new softhouse for Sierra

Since November of 2007, the next Spyro games may be in hands of another producer (if it is the right word to use), the union will be with Activision, producer of the famous games including: Guitar Hero, and Tony Hawk, Vivendi Games: owner of some games like Spyro the Dragon and Crash Bandicoot and Blizzard Entertainment, owner of games such as: Starcraft, Diablo and World of Warcraft

With this union, we can hope Activision Blizzard to be the next owner of Spyro the Dragon and so., now we can hope that the next Spyro games should have better graphics and more fun

K-Tec, my blog about technology and Royal Bounty, my story about assassins.
zacoda1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1121
#35 Posted: 23:45:26 12/01/2008
So that means that vivendi games is gonna sell it after there through?
The ones with the greatest courage...Tested by All might and will...Will traverse A Farly advanced Obstacle....The test of life...
Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#36 Posted: 01:13:37 13/01/2008
They're not going to sell it, they're just doing a merger. And since Vivendi are going to have the maximum profits here, then we shouldn't see Spyro leave our gaming consoles any time soon.
Neal Yellow Sparx Gems: 1091
#37 Posted: 18:42:22 13/01/2008
Yeah, it's just a merger. That means they have more resources now...more pooled money and the like but that'll probably go to higher-up projects like World of Warcraft before it ever sees a trickling down to Spyro. All companies will retain their IPs and entities and their own names will appear on these products. All guitar hero games will still simply say "Activision", all World of Warcraft say "Blizzard", and all Spyro games will say "Sierra". The point of this is if they hadn't announced a merger you wouldn't even be able to tell or know. Now, this could affect Spyro in this way: after Krome finishes TLoS 3, and Sierra is scouting out a new developer for Spyro...they will now how an expanded developer roster as they can now tap into any of Activision's development houses as well. That's the only affect on Spyro...nothing to worry about.
Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#38 Posted: 22:32:46 13/01/2008
I think I can see where this is going. Who thinks Sierra might seek out Vicarious Visions to make another title for the series?

(Myself, I bloody well hope not >.> )
Last edited at 22:33:00 13/01/2008 by Rexy
raymoltres Red Sparx Gems: 13
#39 Posted: 21:17:33 15/01/2008
i have been on the site and it is awsome really
''unleash the true dragon within you''
TrueSpyroFAN Yellow Sparx Gems: 1285
#40 Posted: 18:26:29 16/01/2008
i'm called Midnight on that site.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#41 Posted: 21:17:10 16/01/2008
I'm called

Probably because it STILL won't work.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
TrueSpyroFAN Yellow Sparx Gems: 1285
#42 Posted: 17:02:34 17/01/2008
What are you called?
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#43 Posted: 05:42:02 18/01/2008
Okay, I don't go on this ite much. It's too confusing. I don't even know how to make friends on there! smilie
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
TrueSpyroFAN Yellow Sparx Gems: 1285
#44 Posted: 15:59:58 18/01/2008
I'd make friends with'ya!!!
I'm called Midnight.
louis harto0 Red Sparx Gems: 10
#45 Posted: 16:07:13 18/01/2008
hello ross prest
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#46 Posted: 20:13:13 18/01/2008
Quote: TrueSpyroFAN
I'd make friends with'ya!!!
I'm called Midnight.

I like that! I have my own made up character named Midnight! LOL Odd, huh?
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
TrueSpyroFAN Yellow Sparx Gems: 1285
#47 Posted: 18:04:17 19/01/2008
Yeah! it is!! I think I've seen you??!!!
TrueSpyroFAN Yellow Sparx Gems: 1285
#48 Posted: 18:06:34 19/01/2008
I'm purple with dark purple armour and blue coloured horns.
Plus sword, purple and bluey crest, diamond tail.
How about you?? smilie
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#49 Posted: 18:21:58 19/01/2008
How come whenever I say it's not working for me I'm ignored and noone helps me?
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
TrueSpyroFAN Yellow Sparx Gems: 1285
#50 Posted: 18:51:50 19/01/2008
What's not working for you???
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