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nightpelt destined for atventure - warriors-(baced on lightning clan rp) [CLOSED]
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#1 Posted: 08:40:32 15/02/2010 | Topic Creator
ok this is baced on warriors series ( between book 3 in power of three and book 4 power of 3 for now cuz thats how far i am in the series) .. ANY WAY... this is a story about MY medicin cat nightpelt (baced on lightning clan rp but is a little different) and how her life is . she lives an odd life and many times but pulles through every challenge in the end. OH AND PEOPLE FROM THE LIGHTNING CLAN RP ur cats will be in this but PEOPLE FROM OTHER PLACES IF U WANT UR CAT IN THIS STORY PM ME THE FOLLOWING OR JUST POST IT: NAME-


PRODOLOG: "wait we will save u!" hollerd the orange tabby cat
" its to late the flood waters rising to fast u cant save us and the raft in time!"called a she cat stuck on the raft with sarrow

" but we must! u guys are part of our clan we must save you!" cried the blind medicin cat apprentice

" u must go on without us" cried snowpelt, the bravest one on the raft

"aquapelt u still have milk u must take care of my kits!" cried a gray pelted queen.
"i will millie" aquapelt called back

" oh my other kits will miss them" millie cried
"they propebly wont even remember them" called the orange tabby

"oh cant we go out there and save them firestar!?!" bellowed a dark ginger she cat who was preparing to jump into the dark water to save them.
" no, i am sorry squirrelflight but it is too deep and churching for even the strongest riverclan cat to go through" firestar replied with great sadness.

just then the two vines holding the abandond wooden twoleg raft in place snaped under the pressure of the rising water sending the cats away with the turing water...

CHAPTER 1 " ok every cat from kit to elder gather around" called snowstar " now it has been a moon since the insident and we have to accsept that thunderclan might never find us again, so we must join as one clan, a new clan, from this day forward we will be known as lightning clan in honor of not only the clan we lost but the clan we have renewed for a new land!"
the warriors all around cheered " lightningclan ,lightningclan lightningclan!"

nightkit turned to her friend starkit. "i still don't get it" nightkit said puzzed

" what?" said starkit dropping the vole that she had plucked from the fresh kill pile to give to the elders to they would tell her a story.
" aquapelt say she is sharkkit,happykit, and my mom but we look nothing like her!"nightkit said in deep frustration and thought.
"u should ask her who ur father is" starkit said between gulps of prey
"thatnks starkit i never thought of that!" nightkit replied to her as she ran to the nursery " mommy, who is my father?" she said with eagerness until she saw her mothers sad expression.
"sharkkit,happykit come over her! she called to her kits. when they arrived she continued, " i have something i need to tell you all." she took a deep breath then said " the truth is i am not ur real mother, ur mother is in thunderclan, and because we havn't found a way back nor have they found us, you might never truely meet her, im sorry."

the three shocked kits nuzzled up to her. "it's ok we understand" they repled.

"i am going to learn herbs with winterbite" nightkit called to her family as she bounded into the medicin den.

" hey there nightkit ready to learn some new herbs?" called winterbite.
"yep" replied nightkit with exitment

~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 08:45:08 15/02/2010 by karen f
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#2 Posted: 00:34:55 16/02/2010
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! STORY ABOUT THE RP!!!!!!! smilie
caps lock. smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#3 Posted: 00:45:32 16/02/2010 | Topic Creator
yay now if 1 more person other than u comments on this i will continue
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#4 Posted: 00:46:43 16/02/2010
*calls alondra* smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#5 Posted: 02:21:53 17/02/2010 | Topic Creator
ah neva mind i will continue anyway!


"ok nightkit," said winterbite pionting to a little fluffy plant. " can u tell me what this herb is?"

"it's yarrow, it makes you sick" nightkit mewed with pride

"and this one?" winterbite said pointing to dark red berries

"those are death-berries, the can kill any cat who eats them"nightkit replied.
"good," winterbite purred " you will make a great medicin cat apprentice"

"kits!" called aquapelt " time to sleep!"

"comming!" mewed nightkit " see you later winterbite" then see padded to her nest in the nursery and fell asleep. she found herself walking through a forest that smelled of prey. a cat padded up two her. " who are you?" asked nightkit confused.
"i am spottedleaf," purred the cat "i have come to give you a proficy for you to fullfil imediatly. only a star can reunight thunder and lightning, but only a powerfull night can help her."

and just like that spottedleaf dissapered into the mist and nightkit awoke, then she turned tward starkit, because she imediatly understood the prophicy
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#6 Posted: 03:59:38 17/02/2010
well, that was quick to figure it out smilie and you apparently added a new part to the prophacy. who cares, it isn't my story. smilie u do whatever u want.... just don't kill Starheart plz.
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#7 Posted: 04:02:33 17/02/2010 | Topic Creator
i wont! i just thought of adding a part for nightkit/pelt
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#8 Posted: 03:44:57 21/02/2010
ok, good. just checking.
oh, i forgot, I NEED TO CALL ALONDRA!!! (yea, i know, a little random there)
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#9 Posted: 03:48:43 21/02/2010 | Topic Creator
u said u would call alondra last time! LOL!
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#10 Posted: 03:50:15 21/02/2010
well guess what? i'm talkin to her right now! and she's getin online. smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#11 Posted: 04:11:48 21/02/2010
Plz continue! I luv this story!
smilie yes i do! yes i do!! smilie

i like this story smilie smilie smilie
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#12 Posted: 04:13:18 21/02/2010
smilie lol alondra
@Karen: IN UR FACE! (not really, just wanted to say that)
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#13 Posted: 04:13:18 21/02/2010 | Topic Creator
yay! ok ... I WILL ADD SOME..... very soon!!!! smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#14 Posted: 04:13:52 21/02/2010
it better be, or else i'll walk over to ur house and annoy you untill you add more. smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#15 Posted: 04:22:27 21/02/2010
hi ppl!
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#16 Posted: 04:26:21 21/02/2010
Random, but ok.... smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#17 Posted: 04:27:58 21/02/2010
random is ma middle name! well actually its NOT but..thats ok...
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#18 Posted: 04:30:01 21/02/2010
your middle name is.... wait, i don't know, you've never told me before. smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#19 Posted: 04:30:15 21/02/2010 | Topic Creator
Quote: alondra2264
random is ma middle name! well actually its NOT but..thats ok...

he he he...
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#20 Posted: 04:33:21 21/02/2010
Random is MY middle name. wait, how dare you claim to have the same middle name as me! *takles*
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#21 Posted: 04:39:52 21/02/2010
desi knows wat im talking about
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#22 Posted: 04:41:25 21/02/2010 | Topic Creator
i do too Quote: alondra2264
i eat watermelon whole!
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#23 Posted: 04:43:41 21/02/2010
oh so desi told u? haha
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#24 Posted: 04:45:47 21/02/2010
hey why is it bad to double post?
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#25 Posted: 04:49:07 21/02/2010
it just says to try not to.
Quote: Dark52
Use the edit button.
Posting several times in a row back to back is pointless, disruptive and a waste of space. Use the Edit button below your posts in order to ammend your previous post with what you would have posted, the topic is still marked as having new content.
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#26 Posted: 04:49:31 21/02/2010 | Topic Creator
oh cuz dark52 could suspend double posters from the site
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#27 Posted: 04:55:44 21/02/2010
OH smilie hey desi i can go to ur house 2morrow
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#28 Posted: 04:56:56 21/02/2010
*hand/face* i INVITED you! smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#29 Posted: 04:59:42 21/02/2010
yeah i forgot smilie kidding. so um ate any watermelons lately? smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:01:15 21/02/2010 by alondra2264
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#30 Posted: 05:02:03 21/02/2010
no, sadly. smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#31 Posted: 05:05:20 21/02/2010
aww! there there. *hands a huge watermelon to desi* ENJOY! <3
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#32 Posted: 05:05:56 21/02/2010 | Topic Creator
it tragic! i havn't eaten watermelons in months....
wait u guys are gettin' this story to off topic!
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#33 Posted: 05:07:16 21/02/2010
-.- oh srry
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#34 Posted: 05:09:51 21/02/2010 | Topic Creator
it ok smilie smilie smilie smilie yay randomness!
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#35 Posted: 05:09:58 21/02/2010
i was about to say that. smilie
so, when do you think you'll add on Karen?
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#36 Posted: 05:10:57 21/02/2010
i just did!!!! smilie OMG DOES ANYONE PAY ATTENTION TO ME!?? smilie
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#37 Posted: 05:11:28 21/02/2010 | Topic Creator
hmm ... in a little while... im thinking of what to add next!
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#38 Posted: 05:12:27 21/02/2010
apparently not, because i don't know what you just did. smilie srry. >.>
i feel like you two are at my house or we're all on the phone together....
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#39 Posted: 05:12:50 21/02/2010
smilie......*falls asleep on a strangers shoulder*
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#40 Posted: 05:13:32 21/02/2010
smilie lol.
hey, i know this is a little off topic, but let's triple call eachother!
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#41 Posted: 05:15:26 21/02/2010
wats that
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#42 Posted: 05:17:54 21/02/2010
when 3 ppl are talking on the phone at once. smilie
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#43 Posted: 05:19:23 21/02/2010
oh ok. ugh my stomach hurtssssssssss
that was really of topic
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:20:45 21/02/2010 by alondra2264
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#44 Posted: 05:24:01 21/02/2010
we need to stop being off-topic now. we can save the random things for pms.
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#45 Posted: 05:24:51 21/02/2010
ok lol.

ahh i almost got to get off
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 05:26:55 21/02/2010 by alondra2264
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#46 Posted: 05:26:25 21/02/2010
--- this supposed to be my signature?
alondra2264 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#47 Posted: 05:28:11 21/02/2010
:I .......
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#48 Posted: 05:51:14 21/02/2010
Nightkit tells Starkit?
--- this supposed to be my signature?
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#49 Posted: 04:09:09 27/02/2010 | Topic Creator
sorry for the delay readers, i have a huge wrighters bock. in the mean time please in joy this pic of a baby pokemon. truely sorry for the delay, im currently worrking on the block, should be cleared up soon. please injoy this pic as you wait: [User Posted Image]
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#50 Posted: 04:12:35 27/02/2010
UR OBSESSED WITH THAT PIC KK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--- this supposed to be my signature?
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