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The 73rd hunger games. [CLOSED]
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#1 Posted: 16:29:52 24/01/2010 | Topic Creator
to all people who haven't read the hunger games it's a book about how kids from the 12 districts a boy and girl from each, are thrown in a arena and have to fight to the death and the last one remaining goes home and lives a life or fortune and fame. i am going to write a fanfic about the 73rd hunger games.
This old place has changed too much
cynder21 Gold Sparx Gems: 2214
#2 Posted: 14:36:34 27/01/2010 | Topic Creator
the Reaping:

Worst day of my life ever. my second reaping. I am only 14 years old, i shouldnt have to deal with this on top of what i already have to deal with, my younger siblings and my parents and also battling starvation, which is ironic since we live in district 11. All day we are out in the fields tending to the crops and then we go home and starve for the night. I huff and get out of my bed which i share with one of the two younger sisters i have. She is 11 and my other sister is 8, both dont have the reaping this year, somehow a sigh manages to escape me. I start the bath water so if i do have to go to the capitol soon my mother and father appear, their faces solemn, as their faces have been on this day for the past two years. we actually have an ok breakfast, my parents have a decent meal for later, we saved up for it, to celebrate if i don't have to go to the games to die. soon i have eaten the meal of bread and berries and fully dressed in reaping clothes, soon we are walking back into the run down square. People are all tense as usual, families holding each other's hands, hoping for the best. Soon a weird Capitol lady which i believed is named Be JU or something like that trills forward and says " ladies first!" and dunks her hand in the bowl and pulls one out, everyone holds their breath " Luna Delorme" I thought i was going to faint, that was my name.
This old place has changed too much
karen f Yellow Sparx Gems: 1578
#3 Posted: 18:41:20 07/07/2010
i've read the hunger games, and the seaquel catching fire.
~That akward moment when it seems like your post has made other people want to stop posting...~
Pinkdesi101 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1276
#4 Posted: 22:32:39 13/07/2010
i like it! smilie
@karen: and now you just have to wait for the mocking bird smilie and i have to get catching fire... >.>
--- this supposed to be my signature?
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