

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Suggestions for polls [STICKY]
S P Y R O Blue Sparx Gems: 953
#551 Posted: 17:08:47 09/03/2014
Who would make the best new villain?

A. Spyro.
B. Fire Kraken.
C. Whirlwind.
D. Trigger Happy.
E. Hex.
F. Cynder.
G. None of them!
Spyro is cool, Spyro is cool. Anyone doesn't think Spyro's cool, must be a banana. smilie smilie
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#552 Posted: 17:55:48 09/03/2014
@S P Y R O
I'd choose Whirlwind, even though I ain't a Skylanders fan (so, yeah, she'd be in a game that isn't Skylaners). Cynder already got her turn.
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#553 Posted: 17:57:44 09/03/2014
Quote: GhostRoaster24
Favorite Skylander game?
A. Spyro's Adventure
B. Giants
C. Swap Force.
D. Too hard to choose
E. All of them!

Or for some none of them.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#554 Posted: 23:40:33 09/03/2014
Quote: azz01
Quote: GhostRoaster24
Favorite Skylander game?
A. Spyro's Adventure
B. Giants
C. Swap Force.
D. Too hard to choose
E. All of them!

Or for some none of them.

I think that's the whole point of choice D.
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#555 Posted: 20:31:56 10/03/2014
Quote: LocoGuy107
Quote: azz01
Quote: GhostRoaster24
Favorite Skylander game?
A. Spyro's Adventure
B. Giants
C. Swap Force.
D. Too hard to choose
E. All of them!

Or for some none of them.

I think that's the whole point of choice D.

D means that they can't decide since they like them all,it doesn't really mean none of them.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
ThroneOfMalefor Platinum Sparx Gems: 5528
#556 Posted: 20:44:36 27/03/2014
cough not skylanders 10 months in a row
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#557 Posted: 21:10:34 27/03/2014
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
cough not skylanders 10 months in a row

You ain't the only one, man. I really don't prefer Skylanders, either. The concept's nice, but after what they did to Spyro, I didn't want to deal with Skylanders.
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#558 Posted: 13:18:43 29/03/2014

1. HYPE TRAIN!!!!!!1!1!11!1!!
2. Cool, I'll take it!
3. Eh, it's a so-so thing.
4. I wouldn't really care too much.
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#559 Posted: 14:55:49 29/03/2014
Quote: ThroneOfMalefor
cough not skylanders 10 months in a row

Well it is most recently released game.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:07:52 29/03/2014 by wreckingballbob
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#560 Posted: 15:02:04 29/03/2014
Quote: wreckingballbob
Well it is most resonantly released game.

Correction: RECENTLY!!!!!
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#561 Posted: 15:11:12 29/03/2014
^Dude, calm down.
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#562 Posted: 17:08:47 29/03/2014
Quote: LocoGuy107
Quote: wreckingballbob
Well it is most resonantly released game.

Correction: RECENTLY!!!!!

I know that just a spelling mistake and all.
LocoGuy107 Ripto Gems: 390
#563 Posted: 20:49:10 20/04/2014
If You Are to Become a Skylanders Character, Which One Would You Become?

I feel very weird just asking this question. I ain't even a fan of Skylanders.
SkylandersFan27 Blue Sparx Gems: 508
#564 Posted: 11:22:58 11/05/2014
Why not: What features would you like to see or have seen in trap team:
A ) Online Play smilie
B ) Skystones!!!!
C ) More Spyro-Oriented
D ) Different Villain
E ) Everything I saw I liked!
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#565 Posted: 11:35:16 11/05/2014
This has probably been asked before, but:
Favourite Skylanders element?
Qcumber Yellow Sparx Gems: 1054
#566 Posted: 07:15:55 14/07/2014
Favorite leaked Skylander:
1) Lob Star
2) Bushwack
3) Head Rush
4) Deja Vu
5) Blades
6) Fist Bump
7) Tread Head
8) None of them.
Or you could divide it into Cores/Trap Masters to make the list shorter.
You can't handle MEMES
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#567 Posted: 07:29:51 22/07/2014
Open up two polls. One for Spyro games and one for Skylanders game.
CraftyBoyzMania Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#568 Posted: 19:13:18 25/11/2014
I got an idea!

Favorite element of villain so far?
Magic []
Windbringer Ripto Gems: 10
#569 Posted: 20:34:51 29/01/2015
Quote: wreckingballbob
Open up two polls. One for Spyro games and one for Skylanders game.

Yeah, speaking of which, make a Spyro one that says, "Would you take a new Spyro game if it came out?"
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#570 Posted: 20:38:01 29/01/2015
Favorite of the favorites.
Basically the top Skylanders and villains from each element against each other.
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out!
drobot007 Green Sparx Gems: 390
#571 Posted: 21:14:24 30/01/2015
Have a poll on favourite giants, favourite swappers and favourite trap masters.
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911
14056 Blue Sparx Gems: 585
#572 Posted: 18:26:50 29/03/2015
Favorite seasonal Skylander. (Love Potion Pop Fizz, Eggcelent Weeruptor etc.)
wavesorcerer14 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5218
#573 Posted: 04:20:53 14/04/2015
Quote: ninja9351
Favorite of the favorites.
Basically the top Skylanders and villains from each element against each other.

That would be really cool! But maybe the villains part would be a little too much. But still. Each week, 2 Skylanders face each other off until there is only one remaining! dark52 would also not have to think of new poll ideas for a while!
"altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi."
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#574 Posted: 19:05:02 22/11/2015
Probably someone suggested it already,but since the polls haven't changed in a while:

1 - Which game has your favorite soundtrack? (list just Skylanders,or even do a Spyro themed one for once)
2 - Which is your favorite element? (probably two blocks of five then a final one with three, like a smaller version of the villain polls)
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:20:42 22/11/2015 by Bifrost
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#575 Posted: 13:43:58 11/12/2015
Since it's been an entire month with no other ideas:

What is your favorite Skylanders lock puzzle?

-Lockmaster Imp(SSA and SG)
-Shock and Bolt(SF)
-Rocketmaster Imp(TT)
-Live Wire Lock(SG)

(there are probably real official names for those but I have no idea where to look)

And, since there are favorite path polls for Skylanders,how about favorite mod set polls for vehicles as well? Could fill in a whole 20 weeks of filler. The official names for full sets are in Racing, so it's not really fanmade.
(What I need is never what I want)
SkylandrPurists Emerald Sparx Gems: 3658
#576 Posted: 13:02:02 18/11/2016
Favorite Villain Sensei, perhaps
smilie Charmed and Ready! smilie
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503
#577 Posted: 14:07:17 18/11/2016
Favorite Variant this year

[] Mysticals
[] Legendaries
[] Easter (Egg Bomber and Hard Boiled)
[] HeartBreaker
[] Jingle Bell and Steel
[] Dark
[] Solar flare and CC
i dont know what else to say, xox
Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore
Wishblade Emerald Sparx Gems: 3262
#578 Posted: 03:09:46 21/11/2016
How about doing favorite of each element with four choices: the two senseis, villan, or imaginator?
Any last wishes?
Dark Lord Platinum Sparx Gems: 7372
#579 Posted: 08:35:49 31/05/2018
Though I hardly pay attention to polls, I wonder if there should be a poll of how excited people are for the reignited trilogy? Or asking if they're going to/how they're going to get reignited trilogy, such as if pre-ordering and such.

I think the question "How excited are you for Spyro Reignited Trilogy?" could hold some diverse answers to choose from for a poll.
Like fallen snow, I lay on the ground and wait for my turn to fade away, no matter how unique I seem. It's my gift to you... A true sacrifice...
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#580 Posted: 22:19:23 31/10/2021
favorite collectibles:

  • dragons
  • gems
  • eggs
  • orbs
  • physical merchandise
  • none
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#581 Posted: 01:58:59 26/12/2022
how years out do you think the next mainline spyro game will be:

  • 1 year
  • 2 years
  • 5 years
  • 10 years
  • none
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
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