

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Dark52, I have sumtin' 2 ask! [CLOSED]
White and Nerdy Green Sparx Gems: 150
#1 Posted: 13:33:16 17/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Can you add a link forum on this site to my Spyro site

I will add a link forum to DARKSPYRO, on my site in return!
Last edited at 13:33:42 17/11/2007 by White and Nerdy
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#2 Posted: 14:12:59 17/11/2007
You can put the link in your signature.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
White and Nerdy Green Sparx Gems: 150
#3 Posted: 11:45:32 18/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Okay. Thanks.
Magic One Red Sparx Gems: 34
#4 Posted: 14:04:35 18/11/2007
Why do u want a link?
Spyro and related characters are ® and © of Universal Interactive, Inc. All rights reserved.
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