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HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#1 Posted: 01:00:47 02/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Why? Because people keep asking "HOW DO I BEAT TEH [insert boss name here]?! I KEEP DYING, LOL!" Now, we can have strategies in one convenient topic as opposed to scattered around multiple topics!

Stage 1: Dragon Temple
# of Bosses: 1

Stage boss: The Assassin
Difficulty: Easy
Health meter(s): 1
Vulnerability point?: Yes

A very easy boss battle. You can only hit The Assassin when he's down below the platform. When he's up above, use Dragon Time and jump to the side to dodge the Survywing's energy balls. You'll need to jump up to use your fireballs, otherwise they'll just hit the tiny wall surrounding the platform.

Stage 2: Ancient Grove
# of Bosses: 2

Mini-boss: Scurvywings I
Difficulty: Easy
Health meter(s): 1
Vulnerability point: Yes

Use the exact same strategy as with The Assassin... seriously!

Stage boss: Arborick
Difficulty: Hard/easy
Health meter(s): 2
Vulnerability point?: Depends

Round one: Arborick has five different sections that you need to try and hit with your fireballs; the body, two arms, and two legs. The catch is, you have to hit them in a specific order, or the attack will do nothing. Additionally, the arm on the right side of the screen will be too far away to hit with fireballs unless Arborick is attacking. Arborick has two basic attacks; which are mere copies of attacks used by Stone Sentinel in ANB. He will launch the arm on the right side of the screen at you. To dodge, simply activate Dragon Time when his arm appears in front of him, and jump to the side. The most effective way to hit his right arm involves being on the left side of the platform when he's using this attack, then jumping to the right side and shooting a fireball at the arm. His second attack is where he tries to kick you with his foot. When you see him bringing his foot back, activate Dragon Time and jump to the side. Now for the annoying part; once you manage to hit Arborick, you have to hurry to hit his other sections. If you take too long, Arborick will literally spin the fire off of him. Use Dragon Time to dodge the giant fireballs as they rain down on the platform. The thing is, Arborick can only heal two of his sections; so if you already have hit three or four sections, some of him will still be on fire. When you successfully hit Arborick in all five sections in the correct order, he'll spin the flames off again. Dodge with Dragon Time and a short cutscene will ensue in which you're chased to the other side of the lake.
CAUTION: Jump to far to the left or right in this round and you will fall into the purple water, which will kill you instantly!

Round two (note: If you die during round two, you must start from round one): In the beginning of this round, you'll only be able to see Arborick's head. Pelt him with fireballs, while dodging the fireballs he spins at you with Dragon Time. Arborick will also use his punch attack. Be very careful, because it is very hard to tell when he's using his punch attack because his arms aren't visible. After Arborick uses his spinning flame attack twice, he'll disappear. He'll suddenly climb out of the water and stand on the same platform as you (your controller will start rumbling and Spyro will say "NOT GOOD!" when this is happening). Now your goal is to just spam Arborick with fireballs like a madman. You can hit him in either the legs or the body to inflict damage. Arborick has two attacks in this form; he will either try and squish you with one foot, or kick you with the other. If he's using his stomp attack, he'll lift his foot high in the air. Activate Dragon Time and move to the other side to dodge. If he's using his kick attack, he'll swing his leg back like before; so dodge with Dragon Time again. Once you drain Arborick of his health meter, a cutscene will ensue in which you go to the next world.

Stage three: Fellmuth Arena
# of Bosses: 4

Mini-boss: Blunder Tail twins
Difficulty: Medium
Health meter(s): 2 (one for each)
Vulnerability point?: Yes

CAUTION: You must finish off the Blunder Tails with a Tail Strike! Take to long, and they recover half of their health!
Alright, a few notes about the arena itself. If you get too close to the edge of the arena, cannon balls will fly out. The small craters in the ground along the outer edge mark where they land. The arena is also surrounded by swampy green water, which will kill you instantly. Alright, the Blunder Tails must be stunned with a Knock-Up Attack. Positioning is key in this battle. Notice that one Blunder Tail starts slightly in front of the other. Go into Dragon Time to do the Knock-Up, making sure that one of the Blunder Tails is standing in front of the other, then unfreeze time and ground-melee them. If you have a fury, try to knock up both Blunder Tails, then use it. You should be able to get in a good solid four hits on one before it rights itself. DO NOT MELEE IT IN THE AIR! Also, while many people suggest going onto one of the arena's ramps: DO NOT DO IT! If you're hit by one of the Blunder Tails on the ramp, you WILL fall into the water. The Blunder Tails have three main attacks. They will slash you with their claws, slam you with their tails, and if you're far away from them, shoot cannon balls at you. Try to focus on picking off one at a time. As stated above, you must use a Tail Strike once you've depleted their health meter or they'll recover half of it.

Standard Boss: Ravage Rider
Difficulty: Easy
Health meter(s): 2
Vulnerability point?: Yes

The Ravage Rider fights EXACTLY the same as Steam from ANB. When the fight starts, and the Ravage Rider is warming up, chase after it and melee it and use some of your breath on it. Once it's up to full speed, go to the center of the arena and wait. The Ravage Rider will then try to charge at you. It will also do one of two things; A: sprout a flamethrower on one side and try to flame you with it, or B: sprout a cannon and shoot cannon balls at you. Either way, activate Dragon Time and run to the side, preferably the side that the cannon/flamethrower isn't on and unfreeze. The Ravage Rider will start circling again and will charge your once or twice more. Then, it will collide with the wall. Start unloading GROUND melee hits on it like a crazy person. If you have a fury, by all means use it! For the second health bar, the Ravage Rider will move faster, and its cannon will fire shots at you while it's circling around the arena. Next boss, please!

Standard Boss: The Executioner
Difficulty: Easy
Health meter(s): 3
Vulnerability point: Yes (only during his first health meter)

Very easy boss, fights exactly like the Ice and Electric Kings from ANB. For its first health meter, simply stay on the left side of the Executioner. Wait for him to raise his sword, then activate Dragon Time and glide away from him. He'll slam his sword in the ground and it will get stuck, which is your cue to melee him. The Executioner also stomps the ground, and if you're too close, you'll go flying into the air! For the second health meter, his shield will break, allowing you to freely attack him. This time, he'll try and slash you or spear you with his sword. The best strategy for him is to air melee him. After the third hit, use your Comet Dash while in the air to inflict more damage and get away from his counter attack. In his third health bar, he will also try to punch you. If he succeeds, you'll be momentarily flattened, allowing him to use a second attack on you. Use the air melee/comet dash combo on him and you've got yourself an easy win. If you have a fury, use it on his first form, mainly because his shield counters your melee attacks.

I'll put the rest in a/some separate post(s)...
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Last edited at 13:18:34 12/11/2007 by HIR
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#2 Posted: 01:10:41 02/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Stage boss: Skabb, part one
Difficulty: Easy/medium
Health meter(s): 2
Vulnerability points?: Yes

CAUTION: The flaming gold surrounding the arena will damage you if you fall into it!
Round one: Fury attack are useless against Skabb this round, so don't bother with them. Additionally, there's ONE Red Health Gem in the arena, so use it wisely! In his first form, Skabb will have two weapons, his sword and hook. If you get too close to Skabb, he will try to slash you with his sword or spin his hook around. If you see him about to do this, activate Dragon Time and run! As you do manage to keep your distance from Skabb, he will launch his hook at you like a grappling hook. Sometimes, the hook will come back to him, but sometimes it will get stuck in the ground. That's your cue to melee him. You should be able to get four or five hits in; but be cautious. If Skabb pulls his hook in and you're still standing there, he'll counterattack with his sword slash or his hook slash. Try to avoid standing near the Red Health Gem, because if Skabb hits it, it will reveal gems as if you hit it.

Round two (note: if you die, you'll start over at round one): One of Skabb's legs will have been destroyed (the wooden bucket one), so he's not going to walk around much. Skabb's only weapon is now his arm, which has somehow transformed into a barrel gun. Skabb has two forms of attack. He'll use a rapid fire, shooting out individual shots in rapid succession. Weave back and forth across the arena to dodge this, using Dragon Time and jumping and gliding when necessary. When he finished with this, Skabb will fire out a wave of about a dozen barrel shots. Use Dragon Time and either jump over them, or jump to the side. Skabb will fire out about four or five rounds of this, at which point, his gun will break, which is your cue to melee him. Again, fury attacks will do very little. Be careful, if you melee Skabb for too long, he'll counterattack by lashing out at you with his tongue (disgusting!). Just keep dodging his barrel shots and you'll do fine. Also, Skabb's rapid fire attack will last longer as you whittle away at his health.

Stage four: Pirate Fleet
# of Bosses: 2

Mini-boss: Scurvywings II
Difficulty: Easy
Health meter(s): 1
Vulnerability point?: Yes

Unlike the last Scurvywings, you have to hit this one while he's visible. Other than that, use the same strategy as before.

Stage boss: Skabb and Scratch/Sniff
Difficulty: Hard
Health meter(s): 1
Vulnerability point?: Yes

CAUTION: If you get knocked off the arena, you plummet to your death... that's all there is to it!
To start out, Scratch will yell "FIRE THE CANNONS!" The cannon inside the treasure chest on top of Skabb will shoot cannon balls at you. They're very easy to dodge, so just run around the arena using Dragon Time if necessary. Then, four Scavenger Soldiers will appear. Defeat them (they have no health meters, so just keep whacking them until they die, they also give you gems) while avoiding the cannon balls Scratch is firing at you. Don't get too close to Skabb, either, or he'll attack you with his sword. Once you defeat all four of them, Skabb will summon a bolt of purple lightning, that will strike his sword. At this point, Skabb will begin chasing you. When he gets close enough, he'll try to slash you with his sword. Simply start rapidly double jumping when he gets close. After three failed slashes, Skabb will slam his sword into the ground. Four waves of purple energy will ripple out, so use Dragon Time to dodge. More series of energy waves will follow, each one will add another energy wave to the bunch. You can do this two ways. Use Dragon Time, and jump over them, or you can use a rhythmic counting system composed of about a two-second count to know when to properly double-jump and glide over the energy waves. Simply use a pattern of gliding toward Skabb, then away, then towards again if you don't use Dragon Time. Skabb will send out about five or six rounds of energy waves, at which point, his sword will get stuck in the ground. If you have a fury, use it now to wipe out half of his health meter. If not, melee him (you should get in about three hits), then run away to dodge Skabb's counterattack. After this, Scurvywings will begin dropping bombs around the arena. Watch for their shadows, and use Dragon Time if necessary. Scratch will then shoot out cannon balls, and the process will repeat again; only this time, Skabb will summon Scavenger Leaders. Take out the leaders individually, using the air-melee combos as much as possible. Why? The Leaders that aren't begin attacked will throw bombs. Your air melee attack will 9 times out of 10, whack the bombs back. And the Leaders are usually standing near Skabb, so the bombs will explode and damage him. When you've finally got him, Skabb will walk the plank and a funny cutscene will ensue.

Stage five: Celestial Cave
# of Bosses: 5

Mini-bosses: The Elemental Spirits
Difficulty: Easy
Health meter(s): 4 (one for each spirit)
Vulnerability point?: Yes

The spirits are EXACTLY the same as The Executioner... except they'll use all of his attacks on you. Get them to slam their clubs in the ground, then whack them. This will destroy the club, and allow you to melee them. The other method (and this is most recommended for the Fire Spirit and Electricity Spirit), is to destroy their shields with your standard breath attack, then air melee them and use your magic elemental move before they can regenerate their shields. The arena has one Green Breath Gem that will reappear once used after about a minute or so... use it when you're low on breath!
CAUTION: The arena is surrounded by a bottomless pit. Try to coax the spirits to stay in the center of the arena.

Stage boss: Elemental Dragon
Difficulty: Medium
Health meter(s): 1
Vulnerability point?: No

CAUTION: The arena is surrounded by a bottomless pit. The is especially a problem when you're trying to get one of the gems. Try and keep her in the middle of the arena!
The Elemental Dragon fights exactly the same as Cynder in ANB. The catch is, the Elemental Dragon changes colors to represent the different elements in the game (red is fire, etc...). YOU CAN ONLY DAMAGING HER USING THAT EXACT SAME ELEMENT! So if she's red, use fire! Her attacks consist of swiping you with her paw, slashing you with her wing, slamming you with her head and wings, and the oh so annoying tail swipe attack. Use a combination of air melees and your Magical Elemental Move to hit her. The arena will have two Green Breath Gems that will reappear a little while after being destroyed. Take EXTREME caution when trying to get the gems, as the Elemental Dragon will give chase. It's best to use Dragon Time when approaching the gems. The arena also has ONE Red Health Gem that will appear when your health is running a little low. IT WILL NOT REAPPEAR... so use it wisely!

The next post will have the Malefor bosses...
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HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#3 Posted: 01:32:59 02/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Stage six: The Mountain of Malefor
# of Bosses: 2

Mini-boss: The Assassin
Difficulty: Easy
Health meter(s): 1
Vulnerability point?: Sort of...

This is the most difficulty Scurvywings battle yet! Why? Because this time, you have to hit The Assassin AS HE IS RISING INTO THE AIR. You can't hit him while he's below the platform, and you can hit him once he's up in the air. How do you do this? Quite simple! Rapidly shoot out fireballs in random directions. This will cause The Assassin to ascend into the air more slowly, allowing you to hit him. Once int he air, The Assassin will have his Scurvywings shoots out purple energy balls at you. Dodge them with Dragon Time. As you deplete The Assassins health, the energy balls will begin to fly at you faster. Occasionally, he'll try and trick you up by shooting FOUR energy balls instead of the usual three (he usually doesn't do this, and if he does, it's only once you're at the half way mark). When you defeat him, he'll plummet to his death... it's strange, but the way he falls down is very similar to how Scorch died in YotD.
CAUTION: There's a fence in front of you. In other words, you have to jump to shoot fireballs at him!

Stage boss: Gaul, part one
Difficulty: Hard
Health meter(s): 1
Vulnerability points?: Yes

CAUTION: The arena is once again surrounded by a bottomless pit!
WARNING: You have no breath or fury... you have to rely on melee attacks!
Gaul will start out similar to Skabb; he'll slowly walk after you, and slash you with one of his swords if he gets close enough. Eventually, he'll teleport to the outer ring of the arena and do one of two things; depending on how close you are. He'll either try to slash you with his sword, or he'll shoot a green fireball at you. To dodge the fireball, simply use Dragon Time and double-jump/glide to one side. After awhile, Gaul will arch himself backwards, and begin jumping around. IF HE HITS YOU, IT'S A ONE HIT KO, NO MATTER HOW MUCH HEALTH YOU HAVE! When he lands on the ground, a shockwave will ripple out. Simply double jump when Gaul is on his way down to dodge the shockwave without the use of Dragon Time. Gaul uses a patter of "long-jump"-"short jump", meaning he'll cover a lot of ground on the odd jumps, and go virtually nowhere on the even ones. He does this five or six times. On the last jump, double jump and glide TOWARD Gaul. His swords will get stuck in the ground, and you'll be able to hit him 3-6 times. Be careful, Gaul may counterattack by slashing you, so use Dragon Time after 4 or 5 hits to get out of there (or he may just teleport away). Simply continue to focus on dodging his jumps and you'll have him beat! A short cutscene will ensue in which the arena you're in is destroyed, and Spyro turns to Dark Spyro...

Final boss: Gaul, part two (note: You're health will be fully restored for this second battle, and if you die, it's back to the first part!)
Difficulty: Easy
Health meter(s): 2
Vulnerability points?: Yes

CAUTION: Another bottomless pit arena! Watch your back!
Round one: You now have Convexity Breath! Additionally, there are Infinite Green Health Gems scattered around the arena. Gaul will start the battle out by firing lasers from his glowing eyes. The lasers go out in a straight line, so use Dragon Time and jump to the side to dodge this. He'll do this three times, at which point, he'll need to recharge. Now is when you unload the Convexity Breath! You don't even have to button mash, just hold down on the standard breath button. Once recharged, Gaul will use his tornado move. You have to run in the opposite direction, but quickly change direction once Gaul gets near you. You do not take damage from the tornado attack directly, you're just sent flying in the air and miss your chance at attacking Gaul. If you fail to glide or tail strike to land safely, you'll take a heaping load of damage. If you do dodge it, Gaul will recharge for a REALLY LONG TIME. I found that you can take out a fifth of his health during this period. Once recharged, Gaul will teleport away from you. He'll suddenly drop a ton of bombs around him. Simply get as far away from him as possible, and the attack just doesn't hit you. Gaul will then start the attack process again, with the lasers and the tornado. Keep pelting him with Convexity Breath until his meter is gone. If you're a really courages (and stupid) person, you can try and attack Gaul close up with melees. But Gaul will use a heap of damage-dealing physical attacks if you do... so be smart and use those infinite breath gems. They're INFINITE!

Round two: All you have to do here is any attack! Convexity breath, fury... whatever! If you don't, Gaul will charge towards you and unload a flurry of physical attacks and you die. SO STOP SHAKING YOUR HANDS AND HIT HIM, FOR PETE'S SAKE! >.<!
Congratulations! Sit back and enjoy the ending! ^__^

Edit 1: Added some stuff... thanks Zerodius! ^__^
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Last edited at 02:16:53 02/11/2007 by HIR
Zerodius Yellow Sparx Gems: 1194
#4 Posted: 01:46:45 02/11/2007
I see... well, I think your guide is actually incomplete but as far as things go, it's very nice. I'll do a complete guide for the Wii/PS2 and GBA bosses soon, as well.

Oh and some notes...

Gaul 2 CAN be dangerous ; if you fight him from afar with the Convexity Breath, he's easy enough... but if you try to melee him, he'll use a different attack pattern and strikes you with physical attacks that do serious damage and come off pretty quickly. Also, note that his tornado actually does damage you and is the strongest of his long-range style attacks ; if he catches you, you'll be sent into the air and will then be dropped from there unless you start gliding. The fall will actually deal fair damage ; about double that of the lasers and bombs.

Gaul 3 is actually a duel ; if you do not attack, Gaul will dash toward you and then deliver the mother of all left body blows to you, insta-killing you. Not only is that humiliating but if you die during this final duel, you'll restart at round 1 (just as if you had died at round 2).
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#5 Posted: 02:10:25 02/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Hmm... I didn't die... that would explain it.

The infinite breath gems kind of let me keep my distance. ;>.>

And I learned from ANB that when knocked high in the air, tail strike avoids all damage... because gliding can still cause a tad bit of damage. <.<;

I'll edit that in... thanks! <.<;
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Last edited at 02:11:16 02/11/2007 by HIR
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#6 Posted: 14:28:56 02/11/2007
Nice boss guide!
And very useful, I think. I will get the game at monday!
Crush Gold Sparx Gems: 2812
#7 Posted: 18:31:48 02/11/2007
Didn't get the game today. Will get it tommorow or Monday. I hope tommorow.
You can lie... *Smirks* But your bladder can't. Ha ha ha!
Quote: dark52
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#8 Posted: 13:24:01 03/11/2007
I've already beat this game, but when I play it again, I'll try these strategies!
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#9 Posted: 15:40:25 03/11/2007
Quote: Crush
Didn't get the game today. Will get it tommorow or Monday. I hope tommorow.

I like to get it today, but this Saturday is special day in here. Today we go to graveyard and put candles to graves. That's because we remember our people who fell in war some 60 years ago. THAT's why all of the shops are closed today.
AangxOzai Fodder
#10 Posted: 03:08:19 04/11/2007
YAY! now I know how to kill Arborick! w00T!
redthedragon Blue Sparx Gems: 831
#11 Posted: 03:09:45 04/11/2007
Your Username scares me... Anyway, DITTO!
AangxOzai Fodder
#12 Posted: 03:12:10 04/11/2007
cinder came Ripto Gems: 429
#13 Posted: 10:28:34 04/11/2007
ok sooo thers LOADS more boss on ten than on anb
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#14 Posted: 18:15:24 04/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Okay... yes... this post contains the list of bosses than can be beat by just using Dark Spyro's Convexity Breath.

The Executioner
Skabb and Scratch/Sniff
Gaul, part 2
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Anonymous Fodder
#15 Posted: 20:59:57 05/11/2007
convexity breath i weren't it only 4 breaths???
kyle katarn Green Sparx Gems: 172
#16 Posted: 21:01:46 05/11/2007
convexity breath??? explain what kind of breath it is??
spyro the dragon 2 rocks
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#17 Posted: 22:23:02 05/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Upon completionism, you unlock the Dragon Challenges, which can be accessed from your completed file in the "Extras" section. They're five challenges pitting Spyro against hoards of enemies under certain conditions which are as followed:

1. The element you use is randomly changed
2. You have 5 minute time limit
3. No limit. Just defeat the enemies.
4. You cannot use Dragon Time
5. No limit.

Upon completing all five Dragon Challenges, you unlock Dark Spyro, whom you played as in the final fight against Gaul. Dark Spyro's weapon is a new version of Convexity Breath. You can use Dark Spyro be restarting the game using the same file you completed both the game and Dragon Challenges with. With the Wii, scrolling through the elements will get you to Dark Spyro (he's after the Earth element). With the PS2, I believe you have to hold down L2 while selecting the file to start playing.
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Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12499
#18 Posted: 11:06:57 06/11/2007
How do you unlock Dark Spyro?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#19 Posted: 12:53:48 06/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Did you not just read my spoiler post? >.<!
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kyle katarn Green Sparx Gems: 172
#20 Posted: 15:43:37 07/11/2007
WTF is Convexity Breath >.<
spyro the dragon 2 rocks
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#21 Posted: 21:17:19 07/11/2007 | Topic Creator
e_e e.e @_@

Convexity Breath is the name used to describe the weird breath that Spyro gets in the final battles against both Cynder and Gaul. With Cynder, it's this weird energy wave. With Gaul, it's this continuous energy stream.
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kyle katarn Green Sparx Gems: 172
#22 Posted: 16:17:28 08/11/2007
ok i am at Gaul now and i have a question can you uppgrade the breath???
spyro the dragon 2 rocks
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#23 Posted: 00:34:35 09/11/2007 | Topic Creator
No. But it's super-powerful anyway. Don't believe me... stay alive against Gaul's second form long enough to actually use the breath!
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Zerodius Yellow Sparx Gems: 1194
#24 Posted: 00:49:54 09/11/2007
Just a question for HIR... not really related to the topic but well, this board lack a PM feature so... well...

I added your MSN address and your last post seem recent... yet, you never seemed to connect. Why aren't you connected? Is there a problem?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#25 Posted: 00:51:30 09/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Quote: Zerodius
Just a question for HIR... not really related to the topic but well, this board lack a PM feature so... well...

I added your MSN address and your last post seem recent... yet, you never seemed to connect. Why aren't you connected? Is there a problem?

I don't know... one second
*does something*
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SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#26 Posted: 23:31:11 09/11/2007
there is a glitch on the gaul battle

have him land RIGHT NEXT to the light, then hit him WITH THE LIGHT RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU!!! IT WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE!! then he gets 'permanently stuck so you can just keep hittin' him, BUT if you stop hittin' him, he gets unstuck.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#27 Posted: 17:33:34 16/11/2007
I just won Assassin in Mountain of Malefor smilie
And waht I have to do in Dragon Challenges?
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#28 Posted: 02:32:22 17/11/2007 | Topic Creator
The Dragon Challenges are 5 challenges that pit you against hoards of enemies under certain rules/conditions.

If you're good at crowd control, you should do fine. I was thinking of making a FAQ about them... but I'm still talking with someone about that. <.<
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Spyrofan12345 Blue Sparx Gems: 832
#29 Posted: 17:08:12 17/11/2007
Thanks for posting this! I just got the game yesterday and I beat the Assasin earlier before I saw this topic. I used Dragon time I think for a little while, but I'm not sure. lol I'll be sure to use this on the next boss, though!

~Grace~ smilie
Original trilogy obsessor~
Spyrofan12345 Blue Sparx Gems: 832
#30 Posted: 22:12:49 18/11/2007
Okay sorry for double posting but I'm fighting the Blunder Tail twins right now, well actually I just got there then I paused it and came here. The point is, what is a knock up attack and how do I do it? please reply ASAP! i'll try to figure it out while i'm waiting. thx. smilie

Edit: Actually I figured it out and I just beat them, after a gazillion tries. nevermind. hehe sorry smilie This guide is very useful tho.

Original trilogy obsessor~
Last edited at 22:46:45 18/11/2007 by Spyrofan12345
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#31 Posted: 02:47:55 19/11/2007 | Topic Creator
Yeah... I'm guessing you have the Wii Version if you're asking how to do a Knock-Up attack. <.<;
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SpyroRox Gold Sparx Gems: 2849
#32 Posted: 02:37:14 20/11/2007
True... Very true about the Wii version, and with Gaul on PS2... I'm not even up to him yet!! I'm up to the mountain of Malefor after climbing up the green lava wall...

*EDIT* I finished the game a day ago actually...
Holy heckballs it's been a while ww ///
Last edited at 02:29:38 22/11/2007 by SpyroRox
Lover of Spyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1831
#33 Posted: 20:17:15 24/11/2007
my lil bro is stuck on them lil spider things in Celestial Caves......check the topic called: HEEEELLLPPPP! am gunna die! plz! he needs help and i cant remeber how i did it!!!
i'm baaack!smiliesmilie
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#34 Posted: 16:40:28 25/11/2007
So, I beaten the game weeh ago.
I have still say that Ravage Rider was the hardest boss!
Spyrofan12345 Blue Sparx Gems: 832
#35 Posted: 03:09:13 30/11/2007
Actually, HIR I have the PS2 version lol.
Original trilogy obsessor~
Spyrodude25 Blue Sparx Gems: 929
#36 Posted: 16:41:30 01/12/2007
Quote: HIR
Upon completionism, you unlock the Dragon Challenges, which can be accessed from your completed file in the "Extras" section. They're five challenges pitting Spyro against hoards of enemies under certain conditions which are as followed:

1. The element you use is randomly changed
2. You have 5 minute time limit
3. No limit. Just defeat the enemies.
4. You cannot use Dragon Time
5. No limit.

Upon completing all five Dragon Challenges, you unlock Dark Spyro, whom you played as in the final fight against Gaul. Dark Spyro's weapon is a new version of Convexity Breath. You can use Dark Spyro be restarting the game using the same file you completed both the game and Dragon Challenges with. With the Wii, scrolling through the elements will get you to Dark Spyro (he's after the Earth element). With the PS2, I believe you have to hold down L2 while selecting the file to start playing.

Actualy on the ps2 version you press the L3 button at anytime in gameplay to use darkspyro.
smilie and smilie don't like each other!
okami12 Fodder
#37 Posted: 21:30:11 11/12/2007
i herd for a friend who got said that spyro goes evil
Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#38 Posted: 12:14:42 28/12/2007
Funny, dark52 found Skabb's first form to be harder than the second, while you guys thought the second form was harder. It took me half an hour to get past Skabb's first form before forming a more coherent strategy in my mind, getting him down and then moving onto the next save point (called it a morning as we got a huge house party kicking off this afternoon).

By that conclusion, goodness knows how I'm going to deal with his second form smilie
SilverDragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#39 Posted: 12:19:09 29/12/2007
Skabb's first battle was harder than the second one!
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#40 Posted: 03:09:51 31/12/2007 | Topic Creator
Quote: Rexy
Funny, dark52 found Skabb's first form to be harder than the second, while you guys thought the second form was harder. It took me half an hour to get past Skabb's first form before forming a more coherent strategy in my mind, getting him down and then moving onto the next save point (called it a morning as we got a huge house party kicking off this afternoon).

By that conclusion, goodness knows how I'm going to deal with his second form smilie

The only reason I hated the second form was the energy waves. Using Dragon Time was too difficult for the intervals of time in which the energy waves came out. I found it easier to just jump towards/away in a pattern.

What made Skabb's first form easy was keeping a safe distance. >.>
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Rexy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1313
#41 Posted: 11:01:56 31/12/2007
Good point with the waves, though I thought at least it was easy to get in a good enough position to get over those purple waves than it is to position Skabb as far away as possible when it comes to evading his cannons. smilie()
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#42 Posted: 20:48:30 31/12/2007 | Topic Creator
If you weave your way back and forth, using jumping, avoiding his rapid-fire is easy. Then it's a matter of use Dragon Time to dodge his Cannonball Wave.
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Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#43 Posted: 16:19:58 04/01/2008
Well I've tried all the tips but I'm still stuck on Ravage Rider.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#44 Posted: 17:10:34 04/01/2008
You have to get behind him quickly, and earth flail is very effective for me against him.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#45 Posted: 02:25:05 05/01/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Ross
Well I've tried all the tips but I'm still stuck on Ravage Rider.

It's all a matter of staying in the center of the arena. From the start of the fight, the Ravage Rider moves slowly enough to attack him and deplete a good half of one health meter. After that, it is constantly about running circles around the center of the arena.

Be sure to change the camera angle to keep a watchful eye on the Ravage Rider. And when you see him turning to charge, you Dragon Time and casually walk away, then let him charge. Often times, you'll have to dodge the charge more than once.
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Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#46 Posted: 16:01:48 05/01/2008
Ok. I tried just a bit earlier today and failed miserably, but I'll try your tips and all the others. Yeah, I really should use the Right Analog Stick more. Especially on the second health bar, which I always get pwnt on. So, middle of arena. Sounds a good idea. Oh, and, I use up my Dragon Time most of the time on the second stage when he crashes and pound him all I can. The one thing I need to know is how to easily direct him to crash, but very rarely on the second stage does he crash when he goes through the middle.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#47 Posted: 16:04:07 05/01/2008
Use dragon time to get behind him, if you only get out of the way by going to the side he does not crash.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#48 Posted: 16:07:35 05/01/2008
Just as I thought! Thanks a bunch!

EDIT: Wow! By combining these tips, I did it first try! Thankyou so much everyone!
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Last edited at 16:15:07 05/01/2008 by Ross
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9034
#49 Posted: 17:55:03 05/01/2008 | Topic Creator
No problem.

But Skabb will be terror for you if you had trouble with the Ravage Rider.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#50 Posted: 18:53:20 05/01/2008
Well at the mo I'm stuck on the Blunder Tail Twins on the pirate ship deck. I knopw you have to comet dash them, but when I do they still seem to live anyway.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
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