An egg sat in a nest.
3 other eggs sat around it.
Suddenly, the egg started shaking.
It fell out of the nest and rolled out the front entrance.
It rolled down the rocky slope and into a forest.
It fell into a river and went crackling as it was swept away.
A waterfall was down the path.
The egg fell off the waterfall and landed down at the bottem.
It drifted to shore.
A bird grabbed it and flew away.
Then the bird dropped it and it landed in a pile of leaves, without a scratch.
The egg sat there for a long time.
Suddenly, a splatter of barth shot across the area, splattering the trees, bushes, and other things surrounding it.
A baby dragon, barth green was laying on the ground.
It barthed.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer