

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Wild Fodder
#1 Posted: 17:20:50 21/10/2007
Will I be banned because off my IP, if I log in?
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#2 Posted: 17:38:16 21/10/2007
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
RWD Red Sparx Gems: 63
#3 Posted: 20:51:24 21/10/2007
RedWelshDragon's the name, forgetting passwords is the game.

EternalSpyro Yellow Sparx Gems: 1907
#4 Posted: 19:33:43 22/10/2007
Quote: RWD

Internet Protocol address
As the Night of Eternal Darkness apporaches, Spyro is haunted by .... Maps of the U.S. and Canada, and traffic capability for just $216.76 from
RWD Red Sparx Gems: 63
#5 Posted: 20:21:44 22/10/2007
Ah... hehe.... which is?

Sorry, had a long day.
RedWelshDragon's the name, forgetting passwords is the game.

HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#6 Posted: 21:37:48 22/10/2007
A specific number sequence given to computers hooked to a certain modem. On most forums, administrators can view members' IP addresses. That way... they can tell if someone has alternate accounts or something like that. <.<
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Last edited at 19:37:56 23/10/2007 by HIR
RWD Red Sparx Gems: 63
#7 Posted: 15:56:08 23/10/2007
Oh, I understand! Thanks! smilie
RedWelshDragon's the name, forgetting passwords is the game.

Pyro girl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1752
#8 Posted: 16:31:20 23/10/2007
Can someone tell me if a different IP address is given to each individual computer or if it's really used for different servers? Coz use two different computers at school yet I end up with the same IP address
Kakarot, I think I'm going to puke ~Vegeta
Live Long and Prosper ~ Mr. Spock
I'm stupid, I'm Stupid ~ Starscream
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#9 Posted: 19:37:32 23/10/2007
I actually wouldn't be quite sure. Your computers might all be hooked up to one internet modem... where as say, where I am, there are many modems throughout the school. It probably varies by modem... *edits*
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
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