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Any of you a member of spyro forums [CLOSED]
DragonMissioner Green Sparx Gems: 301
#1 Posted: 16:42:13 21/05/2009 | Topic Creator
Besides Razz getting kicked off the island do you think the mods on there have gotten out of control. No privacy statement, a roomer of them breaking the law and must I mention they seam to harass the members from time to time.

What is your opinion is the forum overrated?

I am young at heart. A dragon with broken wings and a week flame but I have hope in my life to go far in this world as a missioner I am.
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5908
#2 Posted: 17:01:28 21/05/2009
I'm not a member there, might not ever be.
no i will not write a signature for you
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#3 Posted: 17:57:10 21/05/2009
Um, excuse me, but what in the world are you talking about?

Besides Razz getting kicked off the island

Razz wasn't "kicked off". She left. It was her decision. Want more information, I'll give you a link to a PM I sent to someone. But don't go making mindless accusations like this.

No privacy statement,

...It's right here. smilie

a roomer of them breaking the law

Lolwut? No one on SF "broke the law" that I know of....

and must I mention they seam to harass the members from time to time.

If you're talking about the incident with your MLP thread, OK, it wasn't very nice, but you're going a little overboard with the "harassment" accusations. I'd give you "bullying," which happens on all forums, but not "harassment."

On Spyroforum, we don't make threads bashing darkSpyro, and we'd appreciate it if people here would do the same. We've gotten enough negative publicity from all of Razz's journals and comments on deviantART, thank you very much.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 18:02:24 21/05/2009 by Stormy
DragonMissioner Green Sparx Gems: 301
#4 Posted: 18:06:47 21/05/2009 | Topic Creator
Sorry to anger you over this I was just wondering what these people would say. To tell you the truth I had no idea you were on here stormy.

Thanks for the worm welcome. I can tell we are going to have a lovely time here. Look if I could close this thread, I would but I don't have that power.

About the negative comments on deviant art...

get a grip

I am young at heart. A dragon with broken wings and a week flame but I have hope in my life to go far in this world as a missioner I am.
Stormy Gold Sparx Gems: 2624
#5 Posted: 18:10:35 21/05/2009
"Get a grip"? So I'm supposed to not be angry that Razz was giving everyone misinformation about our forum, causing threads like this one? Wow, thanks a lot.

We've worked this out with Razz, and all of us have moved on. I suggest you do the same. If you don't like Spyroforum, don't go there, but it makes me angry when people make threads like this.
TheFireInside Gold Sparx Gems: 2426
#6 Posted: 18:14:10 21/05/2009
Hahahaha I love how you continue to talk trash about SF yet you keep going there. We've tried dropping the Razz subject many times, but you continue to bring it up.

You're being oversensitive, and if you want to keep acting like a little baby, maybe I should just ban you from there so that you won't have to deal with what "meanies" we are. Sorry for enforcing the rules. It's our job.

Grow up, please.
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DragonMissioner Green Sparx Gems: 301
#7 Posted: 19:07:21 21/05/2009 | Topic Creator
Oversensitive is a little harsh. How was I being oversinsitive? How could I take the MLP thing? I get odd looks every time I draw My little pony because I am a guy.

Would it make you happy if I had a sex change

I am young at heart. A dragon with broken wings and a week flame but I have hope in my life to go far in this world as a missioner I am.
TheFireInside Gold Sparx Gems: 2426
#8 Posted: 19:10:10 21/05/2009
No one is stereotyping your gender. And what do you mean? SR asked a one worded question, "Why?". A one worded question is in no way offensive. I posted a parody to make people laugh. Wah wah wah.

Don't think you're the only one that doesn't "act" like their gender. I'm gay.
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DragonMissioner Green Sparx Gems: 301
#9 Posted: 19:24:53 21/05/2009 | Topic Creator
At least you can admit it. That is interesting...

Its good you can admit it a joke. I know that my heart makes me annoying but if you really got to know me I bet you would like me as a friend.

I have several friends who are gay online and off. I think they have a good perspective of the world. I just wish they weren’t so harsh against us Christians. As if you had something to gain by putting us down.

I am young at heart. A dragon with broken wings and a week flame but I have hope in my life to go far in this world as a missioner I am.
TheFireInside Gold Sparx Gems: 2426
#10 Posted: 19:31:02 21/05/2009
There are gay christians, I don't know if you knew.

It's probably because there are many Catholics and Christians that put gay people down for something that they didn't choose to be. I used to be upset with the religion a bit myself, but then I saw a movie called Prayers for Bobby. I'm suprised that it isn't more well known...

And of course the video was a joke; do you actually think that I'd go out of my way just to piss one person off? No, I like to try to make people laugh.
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DragonMissioner Green Sparx Gems: 301
#11 Posted: 19:40:16 21/05/2009 | Topic Creator
Oh ok...

I know there are gay Christians but many say that you either believe in the whole bible or none of it. There is a scripture that says homosexuality is a sin however if some one is uncomfortable being with the opposite gender then it is better being with the same gender than alone.

God does not turn people away from heaven for what they think. As long as they believe Jesus is their lord and savior they are accepted into heaven. That is how I believe.

I am young at heart. A dragon with broken wings and a week flame but I have hope in my life to go far in this world as a missioner I am.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#12 Posted: 18:05:10 22/05/2009
I was on it like 3 years ago for a few days.
XenoSpyro Ripto Gems: 246
#13 Posted: 18:44:25 22/05/2009
I'm on it. I don't use it much though...
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#14 Posted: 04:38:06 26/05/2009
*siiiigh* DragonMissioner, please stop dragging me into this sort of thing. I left SF and I asked people to stop bringing that incident up. It causes trouble for all involved, makes people upset, and it makes you look bad. If you don't like SF, just leave and don't look back.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#15 Posted: 02:03:01 27/05/2009
Quote: DragonMissioner
Besides Razz getting kicked off the island do you think the mods on there have gotten out of control. No privacy statement, a roomer of them breaking the law and must I mention they seam to harass the members from time to time.

What is your opinion is the forum overrated?

Woah, not cool. Spyroforum members are very respectful about this site, especially considering this place is by no means "perfect" (though we try our hardest). We don't need to go talking about members behind their backs and stuff.

And I think the moderating team is doing a very good job. Yesterday one of them managed to stop a user from breaking a major music sharing rule (trying to post a .rar with ripped DotD music on the site). Spyrorocks is very thoughtful when choosing moderators; I respect his decisions. <.<;
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#16 Posted: 07:06:42 27/05/2009
I have no problem at SF.

But cyndersuckselorarules and Greievous are the most Spaz tasstic Fanboys/girls i have ever seen
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#17 Posted: 00:48:23 28/05/2009
Uh, dare I venture to say that might be a borderline hypocritical statement considering some of your posts I've seen there? <.< >.>
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
TheFireInside Gold Sparx Gems: 2426
#18 Posted: 04:25:56 28/05/2009
Quote: Jackson117
I have no problem at SF.

But cyndersuckselorarules and Greievous are the most Spaz tasstic Fanboys/girls i have ever seen

LMAO yes. That grevious guy is trying to make me fall in love with him or something, he keeps sending me little 'sappy' PMs. It's funny as hell.
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DragonMissioner Green Sparx Gems: 301
#19 Posted: 04:54:26 02/06/2009 | Topic Creator
OK to maje you guys happy I will stop bringing it up. No hard fealings right? To tell you the truth the one thing that I was agrivated about was that relgion was banned on that site.

Now that i found this one and a thread of religion I am good.

I am young at heart. A dragon with broken wings and a week flame but I have hope in my life to go far in this world as a missioner I am.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#20 Posted: 11:42:29 02/06/2009
I'm a member't know Razz wasn't a Mod. anym and yes, they are mean. Spyrorocks HATES me! I didn't no Razz wasn't a Mod. anymore.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#21 Posted: 22:07:39 03/06/2009
I was a mod before I left the place, yep. Obviously, there was no point in me still being a mod in a forum I was no longer a member of, though, so there you have it.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#22 Posted: 22:13:01 03/06/2009
That makes about as much sense as... something that makes sense! ^.^b
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
cornys Blue Sparx Gems: 665
#23 Posted: 14:50:01 17/06/2009
lol... I dissagree with their banning of the Rhetorical question more or less but what can you do?

From my briefe stent here I'd have to say that people are more honest here. If you do something stupid you'll know about it pretty good here. SF has more grow-up people (in general) but there are some that aren't.

And I see no problem with the mods.... that's a harder job than we may all know.... I'm glad I don't have to worry about it... Some times we have got to give them a break too guys.

I appologize for bumping this forward but I had to say what I did... Just calm down and everything will be ok smilie
The USS Tiger Tank
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