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Spyroxwhat? [CLOSED]
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#1 Posted: 21:05:50 12/05/2009 | Topic Creator
Which do you like? SpyroxCynder, SpyroxEmber, or SpyroxElora? I like SpyroxCynder.
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#2 Posted: 21:07:23 12/05/2009
SpyroxBree (Bree the Koopa that is) smilie
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Dark Gaia999 Ripto Gems: 199
#3 Posted: 21:33:00 12/05/2009
Elazar Blue Sparx Gems: 536
#4 Posted: 21:33:55 12/05/2009
SpyroxCynder Definately
Blackholes_Wolf Ripto Gems: 10760
#5 Posted: 22:13:37 12/05/2009
Dark_Spyro999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4713
#6 Posted: 22:18:27 12/05/2009
I is ded
crashpro Gold Sparx Gems: 2027
#7 Posted: 23:13:53 12/05/2009
Spyro X Sparx Tondemo Tours. Japanese FTW.
XenoSpyro Ripto Gems: 246
#8 Posted: 00:10:14 13/05/2009
Cynder or Ember. But Preferably Cynder cuz she suits him more. I said Ember just cuz she the only OTHER chick that is a dragon and [example] SpyroXElora is just plain freakystupid
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#9 Posted: 04:42:58 13/05/2009
Ahhh... the power of X...
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#10 Posted: 04:57:06 13/05/2009
SpyroxMalefor 8D Best couple ever!
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#11 Posted: 06:12:27 13/05/2009
Spyro X Cynder. But I do prefer Flame X Cynder.
The Doom Song
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Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#12 Posted: 08:51:57 13/05/2009

Anyway has anyone made the shippings offspring art yet.

I know razz was talking about emberXbandit
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#13 Posted: 15:18:42 13/05/2009
Melchia Green Sparx Gems: 233
#14 Posted: 00:18:05 14/05/2009
Spyrox2=Spyro2! 8D
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#15 Posted: 07:35:46 14/05/2009
Quote: Jackson117

I don't like Flame X Ember. And I don't care if I get shot by Flame X Ember fans...
The Doom Song
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matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#16 Posted: 11:19:11 14/05/2009
CynderXFlame is mighty...
Keep smile
Aqua-Dragoness Gold Sparx Gems: 2851
#17 Posted: 20:27:34 14/05/2009
I support Spyro/Cynder in the first two Legend games. And I support Spyro/Elora in RR and YotD.

But in my own AU, I support Spyro with an OC. :3
Cynder794 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1127
#18 Posted: 22:34:03 14/05/2009
Spyro X Hunter D8 *gag*

Love you <3
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#19 Posted: 02:24:43 15/05/2009
Panther X Katt
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#20 Posted: 03:11:21 15/05/2009
Spyro/Elora, duh. smilie And Ember/Cynder FTW. smilie

But, really, this is all a moot point. There are at least three different Spyros in this franchise, so whichever of the canon (or almost canon) pairings you like is valid and you can support more than one.
Skyqueen Emerald Sparx Gems: 3282
#21 Posted: 04:36:46 15/05/2009
SpyroxCynder dentfially.
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#22 Posted: 06:20:43 15/05/2009
I also like Spyro X Elora. Original Spyro that is....
The Doom Song
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BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#23 Posted: 06:28:55 15/05/2009
Pick the shipping you like best... XP
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#24 Posted: 07:15:20 15/05/2009
Quote: BlackDragonAJ89
Panther X Katt

That i have no problem with
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#25 Posted: 13:00:18 15/05/2009
Quote: Razz
And Ember/Cynder FTW. smilie

Yea smilie YURI FTW *nosebleed*
Keep smile
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#26 Posted: 15:08:32 15/05/2009
DRAGON yuri...
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#27 Posted: 04:49:16 16/05/2009
I like SpyroXElora mainly because every peice of Elora fanart or shipping is a middle finger to the asshole community of immature fantard SxC fanboys.

I'm a SpyroxCynder supporter though, mainly because it's cannon, and I'm a cannon-defending pysco. Because that leaves Elora alone, I decided to pair her with Flame because it's just akwardly cute to me and I enjoy hybrid offspring and the fun that comes with their fanart. blah.

Who does that leave Ember with? Ember was never in love with Flame or a cannon pairing with him. Ember and Flame go better as siblings or relatives. Besides, Ember's shipping could have just as well existed without Flame. Ember is paired with Bandit, and the developers left it that way for a reason. EmberxBandit is cannon, and it isn't causing world hunger. Theres nothing wrong with a cross-species relationship, you ******g animal-racist.

This has been another "you-are-all-morons" rant. The copyrighted name of this rant does not apply to all members of DarkSpyro, only the ones I feel like p***ing off.

Thank you for your time.
XenoSpyro Ripto Gems: 246
#28 Posted: 05:11:18 16/05/2009
Well, in some cases, cross-specie relationships may be downright wrong and disturbing. Especially a dragon thats with something else.
I know there are people here with different possible combinations...let's try to keep the dragons out of it, okay?

© This statement is copyright to me, as I am not trying to piss anyone off, just making my argument.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#29 Posted: 05:50:30 16/05/2009
Dang, XenoSpyro, you're name gets truer with every post... */nerd semi-insult*

Elora was intended to be Spyro's love interest in the Insomniac titles but they decided not to make it too overt in RR. There's potential for it after YotD, though.

Spyro/Ember was never really canon. Ember/Bandit is actual canon (play Shadow Legacy).

Spyro/Cynder is predictable canon and accompanied by way too many over zealous fans.

It is worth noting that there are at least three canon Spyros in existence: Insomniac, AHT/SL, and LoS. AHT, though never stated as an alternate universe by the creators is very obviously one (seriously, it has nothing in common with the previous titles beyond having a purple dragon named Spyro in it). LoS has been stated (many times) by the developers and creators to be a total franchise reboot that has nothing to do with any of the games that came before it.

Ergo, of the big three canon ships, all can be supported with no fighting needed (unless the Ember/Spyro shippers want to take it up with the Ember/Bandit canon smilie).

Elora/Spyro owns all. smilie It's so cute, weird, and their personalities contrast and balance each other very well.

Flame/anyone always creeped me out a little, I won't lie. He seems far too young to be paired with anyone, at least to me. But to each his own. smilie
XenoSpyro Ripto Gems: 246
#30 Posted: 06:41:59 16/05/2009
Quote: Razz
Dang, XenoSpyro, you're name gets truer with every post... */nerd semi-insult*

Elora was intended to be Spyro's love interest in the Insomniac titles but they decided not to make it too overt in RR. There's potential for it after YotD, though.

So the whole "you're name gets truer with every post..." was a compliment or no?

Also I already know that TLoS was a fresh-restart. At first I just it sucked to be that way but then I got over it.
(Just like when I found out the LoS voice of Spyro was Frodo Baggins. smilie)

[I saw this on the Wikipedia but I have to ask...Is Elijah Wood in the movie Spy Kids 3 Game Over? That's what it said...]
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#31 Posted: 07:08:25 16/05/2009
Jim Walker should be the VA of Spyro, not Elijah Wood.
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#32 Posted: 08:11:28 16/05/2009
Elora: Through i don't support this pairing i still think elora is kick ass. In some cases i go ok with inter species like Hunter/Bicana and for starfox Falco/katt. But with other cases i just think it's down right Funny?. By the way The first meeting didn't go smoothly.

Im a faun you dork... (ouch smilie)

Ember: NON CANON...Really spyro showed no interest in her but to be friends. Now the bandit pairing just makes me want to jump out of my skin and go Nuts....

Flame: Ember is the only choice when it comes to Fanfics. but some cases he seems too young to be looking for girls. But that would only be since

1.Tara strong voiced him and sounds like a 8 year old
2.Everyone thinks he is a KID. unkown random dragon number 3.
4.Besides two dragons that are in game that are different sex and both look like clones and a AMY rose.

What else are you gonna do with FXE

Cynder: Honestly i don't know what to call it? I mean spyro never did saw I LOVE YOU TOO did he? (then again he says nothing)
The only thing that seems he might show have a love interest in her was in the Ten trailer when she was about to get sqaushed and after he lost hes powers he used a strange purple attack that wasn't Converity.Not to mention you gotta watch him carfully at the hermit scene.

By the Razz Zealous fans are known as Zealiot rank of the order of the fandom. They are 1 rank down from Darkspyro and Spyro of the two forums
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#33 Posted: 09:37:31 16/05/2009
Jackson117: Ah, now I see what Stormy meant about people bringing me up over here. I left the other forum. Please stop talking about it.

XenoSpyro: It was more a comment. "Xeno" is most commonly found in the word "xenophile", which means "fear of the alien". Your constant insistence that dragons should pair up with dragons and only dragons hints of a bit of fictional xenophobia on your part (a trait I see in a lot of LoS fans that bugs me, really; if you like Spyro/Cynder, fine, but it's not the end-all-be-all of Spyro ships and some of us prefer to be more open-minded).
matesds Emerald Sparx Gems: 3504
#34 Posted: 11:19:52 16/05/2009
Quote: Razz
Spyro/Ember was never really canon. Ember/Bandit is actual canon (play Shadow Legacy).

Eh, portable games were not canonical RLY... smilie
Keep smile
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#35 Posted: 11:49:07 16/05/2009
When it's a DS title that was intended to be a PS2 title and it's the only other game that takes place in that setting within the franchise and it maintains consistency of characters and setting... It's pretty canon.
BlinktheCookie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3556
#36 Posted: 13:47:46 16/05/2009
Quote: Razz
Dang, XenoSpyro, you're name gets truer with every post... */nerd semi-insult*

Elora was intended to be Spyro's love interest in the Insomniac titles but they decided not to make it too overt in RR. There's potential for it after YotD, though.

Spyro/Ember was never really canon. Ember/Bandit is actual canon (play Shadow Legacy).

Spyro/Cynder is predictable canon and accompanied by way too many over zealous fans.

It is worth noting that there are at least three canon Spyros in existence: Insomniac, AHT/SL, and LoS. AHT, though never stated as an alternate universe by the creators is very obviously one (seriously, it has nothing in common with the previous titles beyond having a purple dragon named Spyro in it). LoS has been stated (many times) by the developers and creators to be a total franchise reboot that has nothing to do with any of the games that came before it.

Ergo, of the big three canon ships, all can be supported with no fighting needed (unless the Ember/Spyro shippers want to take it up with the Ember/Bandit canon smilie).

Elora/Spyro owns all. smilie It's so cute, weird, and their personalities contrast and balance each other very well.

Flame/anyone always creeped me out a little, I won't lie. He seems far too young to be paired with anyone, at least to me. But to each his own. smilie

I've always saw Flame to be about Spyro's age with a voice that says "I haven't hit puberty yet."
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#37 Posted: 17:12:32 16/05/2009
It's all just a game people...
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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XenoSpyro Ripto Gems: 246
#38 Posted: 00:14:50 17/05/2009
Quote: Razz
XenoSpyro: It was more a comment. "Xeno" is most commonly found in the word "xenophile", which means "fear of the alien". Your constant insistence that dragons should pair up with dragons and only dragons hints of a bit of fictional xenophobia on your part (a trait I see in a lot of LoS fans that bugs me, really; if you like Spyro/Cynder, fine, but it's not the end-all-be-all of Spyro ships and some of us prefer to be more open-minded).

Well,sorry to burst your bubble, but I got the prefix "Xeno" as in the xenomorphs. It was something I came up with that for some reason lets me PWN in Halo 1 PC. And the whole word Xeno-"Spyro" can stand for...maybe my dragon is an alien of some kind? ("Spyro" is just part of the nickname for him.)

[Correction: Xeno"phobia" is fear of aliens. "phile" is the perverted-mindedness directed
to the named-other species/other = pedophile as in Michael Jackson.]
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#39 Posted: 01:56:01 17/05/2009
Quote: Razz
When it's a DS title that was intended to be a PS2 title and it's the only other game that takes place in that setting within the franchise and it maintains consistency of characters and setting... It's pretty canon.

SH don't say that... We must not mention the TEN incident.

or the fans will eat us like the COD5 zombies
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#40 Posted: 02:58:35 17/05/2009
Then in that case, SpyroxCynder is.... D:
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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ignitusforever Ripto Gems: 1788
#41 Posted: 07:04:50 17/05/2009
Iam so sick of these kind of topics! smilie
Rocky Yellow Sparx Gems: 1860
#42 Posted: 14:44:42 17/05/2009
My opinions on the Spyro-couples:

SpyroXElora: AWESOME!!!

SpyroXEmber: AWESOME!!!

SpyroXCynder: AWESOME!!!

I like all the couples, but I prefer Ember to be with Bandit(yay for canon-couples), so Insomniac-SpyroXElora and TLoS-SpyroXCynder.

^All my opinion.
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5908
#43 Posted: 18:06:48 17/05/2009
Quote: Blackholes_Wolf

Genius. Or better yet SpyroXHimself.
no i will not write a signature for you
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:07:36 17/05/2009 by Robo-Spyro
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#44 Posted: 14:20:07 18/05/2009
Rocky: I love you. smilie

Robo-Spyro: I've seen that drawn out at least twice. D: smilie
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#45 Posted: 08:49:03 19/05/2009
Hey Razz.

Out of question have done any of the Shippings offspring pictures yet?.
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277
#46 Posted: 10:53:21 19/05/2009
SpyroXVolteer smilie
The Doom Song
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Samius Hunter Gems: 9303
#47 Posted: 13:20:05 19/05/2009
I like all the couples, altought SpyroXElora seems rather.. ehm!.. Weird..
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#48 Posted: 05:38:32 20/05/2009
Jackson117: Nope. Fanart is now officially on the very bottom of my list. I've got more pressing things to do right now.
Cloudtail4ever Yellow Sparx Gems: 1818
#49 Posted: 05:40:44 20/05/2009
SpyroxThat Meatball sub I had earlier. Made me feel sick to my stomach.
"Man, if mom could see me now... We'd have zombies on top of everything else."
BlackDragonAJ89 Green Sparx Gems: 480
#50 Posted: 16:22:53 20/05/2009
Now that didn't sound quite right =X
"Never argue with a fool; some people can't tell the difference."smilie
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