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Banners [CLOSED]
DDR_Maniac Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#1 Posted: 18:45:05 15/08/2007 | Topic Creator
Can we have banners here? ...would it help to say please? smilie
Last edited at 18:57:35 15/08/2007 by DDR_Maniac
RedWelshDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#2 Posted: 18:55:59 15/08/2007
Benners? Do you mean banners?
College is a refuge from hasty judgement.

Definition of a college lecturer: someone who talks in other peoples sleep.
DDR_Maniac Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#3 Posted: 18:58:00 15/08/2007 | Topic Creator
Yes, that is my most common typo...I edited it. -______________-
RedWelshDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1250
#4 Posted: 19:00:25 15/08/2007
Oh, okay then. Um, I'm not sure - nobody here has exactly put any on so I dunno if it's possible.
College is a refuge from hasty judgement.

Definition of a college lecturer: someone who talks in other peoples sleep.
DDR_Maniac Blue Sparx Gems: 561
#5 Posted: 19:03:54 15/08/2007 | Topic Creator
No, I mean, can Dark52 allow us to have banners. I already know we can't.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#6 Posted: 19:21:13 15/08/2007
It is on the cards but may take a while as it is tied into a lot more updates which aren't done yet.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#7 Posted: 10:11:57 02/09/2007
Is this banners as in big flashy things that attract people's attention or banners as in people that can ban other people?

Also, when will the Professor Rank become avaliable? And would you need a certain amount of gems and be picked as a good member to have the choice to become one?

Dark's gems are the same year England won the World Cup! Yay! smilie
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14016
#8 Posted: 17:23:16 02/09/2007
Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not 100% sure what DDR meant by banner...

Perhaps later in the year for Professors. It'll have to be at least after I finish the updates I mention in the post above though. No idea what requirments I might have though.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Last edited at 17:25:09 02/09/2007 by dark52
artiste_violet Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10814
#9 Posted: 17:30:21 02/09/2007
This is an example of a banner u put in ur signature.
Last edited at 17:32:40 02/09/2007 by artiste_violet
Magic One Red Sparx Gems: 34
#10 Posted: 12:32:22 06/11/2007
You can make banners at and you can make any banner there.
Spyro and related characters are ® and © of Universal Interactive, Inc. All rights reserved.
Last edited at 12:33:27 06/11/2007 by Magic One
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