It'll take me some time but I'll put down the enemys first.
These little buggers are the first enemys you come across in the game. For their attacks they jump and with their axe thing they slice you. Before you get your elements use alot of heavy attacks when you get the chance before that light attack them then they will stun from your attacks for a few seconds so you'll have to be quick.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon > DotD Enemy & Elite Enemys FAQs
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Dark Cynder_27 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6041 |
#1 Posted: 07:07:58 25/03/2009 | Topic Creator
Cynder_543 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1277 |
#2 Posted: 08:55:02 25/03/2009
Sounds great. I have been wanting to know how to beat some off the elite enemys for a long time.....
Dark Cynder_27 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6041 |
#3 Posted: 09:10:57 25/03/2009 | Topic Creator
Ok. Your lucky I got 99% (glitched game ment 2 b 100%)
Elite Grublin: ah the first elite enemy first of all they are way tougher than the other ones. If you get hit well it might be the end and if you go too far away it'll use an attack that drags you closer to it than it attacks so be careful. Shadow for Cynder does not work that good fear ok that's what Cynder will use for parylization then Spyro Earth missle or electric sphere works best but I reccomend the sphere BTW if this does not get you to almost defeat it there is always the cheats. All codes are entered on the Pause Menu and use the Left Analog Stick for the directions. Unlock All Elemental Upgrades Hold L1 and push: Left, Up, Down, Up, Right Unlimited Life Hold L1 and push: Right, Right, Down, Down, Left Unlimited Mana Hold R1 and push: Up, Right, Up, Left, Down Maximum XP Hold R1 and push: Up, Left, Left, Down, Up |
Spyro-Fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5325 |
#4 Posted: 13:33:37 25/03/2009
Now I know for what is gold armor
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454 |
#5 Posted: 21:47:55 25/03/2009
Quote: Cynder_543
Use fury and they all die really quickly. |
dragonrule Green Sparx Gems: 344 |
#6 Posted: 21:19:43 31/03/2009
What are the mask colors for the Elite Enemies?
X-heketchis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5052 |
#7 Posted: 23:22:30 31/03/2009
Quote: dragonrule
Yellow Green Red Blue Blackish I think
Never Leaving, Always Watching. |
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560 |
#8 Posted: 19:15:51 01/04/2009
Quote: X-heketchis
These are the colours and the elements they represent... Orange: Fire Red: Fear Yellow: Electricity Light Green: Posion Dark Green: Earth Blue: Ice Black: Shadow White: Wind |
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454 |
#9 Posted: 21:19:57 01/04/2009
Quote: dragonrule
They are not always the same. |
dragonrule Green Sparx Gems: 344 |
#10 Posted: 03:25:28 05/04/2009
I meant what color was the elite grublin, elite winged grublin, elite ax orc, elite troll, elite crossbow orc, elite hero orc, elite wyvern, and elite hero grublins masks were? Which specific color were each of the elite enemies armor?
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560 |
#11 Posted: 07:51:37 05/04/2009
Quote: dragonrule
Ok... I'll do the level, what the enemies are and what colour they are... Catacombs = Grublin, Shadow Twilight Falls = Winged Grublin, Earth The Valley of Avalar = Orc, Electricity/Fear The Dragon City = NA Attack of the Golem = NA Underground City = Troll, Ice/Electricity/Fire/Posion Dam = Bowman Orc, Posion The Destroyer = NA The Burnt Lands = Hero Orc, Earth The Floating Islands = Wyvern, Ice + Hero Grublin, Fire |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:17:26 05/04/2009 by bionicle2809
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454 |
#12 Posted: 12:12:34 05/04/2009
The one in Avalar can also be fear.
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8560 |
#13 Posted: 16:17:08 05/04/2009
Quote: Gwenio
Oh yeah... I forgot about that Thanks |
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