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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Idle Chatter > Funko Figures, good idea, bad idea?
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Funko Figures, good idea, bad idea?
Greeble Emerald Sparx Gems: 4369
#1 Posted: 16:51:25 20/01/2025 | Topic Creator
I've got a few different characters from Spyro in the form of a Funko, but it feels like something is missing.

I was considering petitioning them to introduce some of the Skylander characters, because lets face it some of the other ideas they've come up with are not worth having.
^ You all know it's true
Akseyomiht Yellow Sparx Gems: 1518
#2 Posted: 13:43:11 27/01/2025
Not Funko but skylanders might get Youtooz so there you go, this is a official announced thing not just speculation.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4291
#3 Posted: 23:35:00 01/02/2025
Yeah I low key still want some of the youtooz. They’re pricey though for me and I don’t have the space for them rn
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Akseyomiht Yellow Sparx Gems: 1518
#4 Posted: 11:38:01 02/02/2025
How much are youtooz, any idea?
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