maybe its a fraught topic but a pet peeve of mine is when people dont let you know in advance that its their birthday and then tell you the day of with the expectation that you can drop everything
noooo i wanted to get/make you a presentttttt. i cant suddenly make preparations the day of your birthday!
although i do completely understand if its because someone might not want to celebrate their birthday. ive definitely been too shy in the past to tell people ahead of time/not wanted a celebration. but it's ok to say in advance i promise! it's not annoying to me to be told in advance. i am very forgetful and will probably need the reminder even if its in my calendar
i am making this post because it's happened to me with irls twice this week. just a funky thing
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > birthdays
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