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volcano lamp
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#1 Posted: 19:35:05 07/02/2023 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

would you buy one of these?

i suddenly remembered they exist and now i need one
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#2 Posted: 02:36:39 08/02/2023
is this like a lava lamp
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#3 Posted: 23:44:50 08/02/2023 | Topic Creator
its like a lava lamp

I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#4 Posted: 03:04:35 09/02/2023
i had a lava lamp as a kid it bothered me for some reason but this….. hmmmmmm i need to give it a try then
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#5 Posted: 21:45:36 09/02/2023 | Topic Creator
i have a really old lava lamp in my room actually. just like a normal one, not like the one i started the thread with. it's special to me because it was a gift from one of my more decent family members
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#6 Posted: 00:39:29 10/02/2023
oh thats cool i wish i had more stuff from my childhood sort of i think my lava lamp had broken pretty quickly
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#7 Posted: 17:40:20 12/02/2023 | Topic Creator
oh no the floor is now lava
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#8 Posted: 20:03:44 12/02/2023
yeah it burned my feet!
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#9 Posted: 18:58:28 13/02/2023 | Topic Creator
ouch ouch
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#10 Posted: 00:08:39 14/02/2023
lava is dangerous and i have learned that lesson
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#11 Posted: 19:20:46 17/02/2023 | Topic Creator
if its dangrous why does it look so yummy
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#12 Posted: 22:37:49 17/02/2023
this is…. this is true i know burned me when it touched my feet before but maybe it… maybe it wouldnt burn the contents of my stomach surely no
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#13 Posted: 18:22:13 20/02/2023 | Topic Creator
stomach acid is pretty strong. im sure a little taste wouldnt be bad. im tempted
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#14 Posted: 12:15:07 27/02/2023
you know what lets give it a try
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 3970
#15 Posted: 17:44:18 27/02/2023 | Topic Creator
share plz
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
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