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Should Younger People's Political Beliefs Matter More?
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8623
#1 Posted: 00:16:05 07/02/2023 | Topic Creator
Honestly eh. It makes sense to think that someone with more experience would have a better understanding on politics. I'm not saying younger peoples opinions are invalid but I think experience matters more when it comes to understanding government and how it works. Like perspective is really important to informing proper opinions and a lot of teens probably only have experience with very few things that get affected by government. Like housing, tax brackets, tax rates, etc.
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2517
#2 Posted: 01:16:05 07/02/2023
Not entirely, (most) teenagers/early-mid 20 somethings don't have enough experience to have well rounded political views. Being old too can skew political views in a negative way, I wouldn't want a 70 year old prime minister due to cognitive decline. That said, I do think it is important to listen to young people, there's a lot of important issues that are glossed over by older generations that they may have issues with understanding. Think anything to do with the internet or AI for example. I think the sweet spot is 30s-40s imo, as you've got experience + are still aware on current social issues and whatnot.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8623
#3 Posted: 01:42:33 07/02/2023 | Topic Creator
Quote: skylandersfan60
Not entirely, (most) teenagers/early-mid 20 somethings don't have enough experience to have well rounded political views. Being old too can skew political views in a negative way, I wouldn't want a 70 year old prime minister due to cognitive decline. That said, I do think it is important to listen to young people, there's a lot of important issues that are glossed over by older generations that they may have issues with understanding. Think anything to do with the internet or AI for example. I think the sweet spot is 30s-40s imo, as you've got experience + are still aware on current social issues and whatnot.

honestly I think everyone has different views to offer that are just as important. its easy to see the povs of somebody your age but also not being able to relate to older people. i think rn a lot of younger people are up for the regulations or banning of deep fakes which most baby boomers arent gonna care for. but at the same time older folks can have strong opinions about social security that most zoomers don't really think about.
that being said I also think mid age of 30-50 is the perfect age to have enough experience with the world where your thoughts are properly formed. because what separates them from younger people is the experience and what separates them from the older generation is being able to see the world in a different light
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2445
#4 Posted: 03:44:38 07/02/2023
walks into topic of young people talking about if young peoples political opinions should matter much… answer leans to no…… OK
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
Immy Blue Sparx Gems: 963
#5 Posted: 03:58:59 07/02/2023
Quote: somePerson
Honestly eh. It makes sense to think that someone with more experience would have a better understanding on politics. I'm not saying younger peoples opinions are invalid but I think experience matters more when it comes to understanding government and how it works. Like perspective is really important to informing proper opinions and a lot of teens probably only have experience with very few things that get affected by government. Like housing, tax brackets, tax rates, etc.

Quote: skylandersfan60
Not entirely, (most) teenagers/early-mid 20 somethings don't have enough experience to have well rounded political views. Being old too can skew political views in a negative way, I wouldn't want a 70 year old prime minister due to cognitive decline. That said, I do think it is important to listen to young people, there's a lot of important issues that are glossed over by older generations that they may have issues with understanding. Think anything to do with the internet or AI for example. I think the sweet spot is 30s-40s imo, as you've got experience + are still aware on current social issues and whatnot.

pretty much same but id tack on my support for raising the voting age to 21
fk anyone under 21 for real
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:00:19 07/02/2023 by Immy
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